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So I'm playing XCC, and I got it up to International, and have a huge roster.


Greg Chiang, normally a can, suddenly goes on a tear. He KOes Shenkman and Machido, then beats Ziskie by decision. So I put him against Ho for the title.


Chiang then dominates the first four and a half rounds, and is set to beat Ho 50-45 and take the title, but Ho finally gets his first takedown of the fight with 30 second left and gets an armbar, causing Chiang to tap with 2 seconds left in the fight.


Almost the Cinderella run of the century, stopped dead because Chiang couldn't hold out for another 2 seconds...

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Aww man that sucks lol i always wonder about those matches that have like 3 seconds left in the round and the person taps.. I mean I know that it hurts, but three seconds and you're good lol


Try telling that to GSP after he lost to Matt hughes

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Aww man that sucks lol i always wonder about those matches that have like 3 seconds left in the round and the person taps.. I mean I know that it hurts, but three seconds and you're good lol


Or try telling that when you have a broken arm because you adopted that in practise. :p


A submission is something technical. If the limb is overextended, the ref should stop it if the fighter himself doesn't.

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