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I want to hold a tournament show... can the fighters fight more than once during the show?


Yes, just set up the tournament via the tournament option in the match making section and the whole thing will run in the one night. Make sure your fighters have enough fights on their contracts though, or they could leave straight after the show having used up all their fights. :)

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I mean i had 2 fight left, so enough to make the tournament. but after this after the show, I can renegociate with them to resign them


Most likely they will say they dont want to join your promotion at the minute, so you might have to wait 6 months or more before resigning them.

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when a contract expire they NEVER want to resign with your promotion?


Yes, so keep checking your emails to see when a contract needs renegotiating (either 1 fight left on the contract or 28 days left on contract. They only walk if all their remaining fights are used up in a tournament. Don't panic. They may join your promotion again in the future, but at least 6 months will have elapsed since they initially lapsed.

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