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Conservatives/Liberals in the C-Verse

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It's just a personality trait, as stated in the journal entry. It's got a lot to do with the promotions a worker will sign for, especially linked to the amount of Risque in the product. I think this thread is another misunderstanding/misreading of a feature. :p
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Well, I doubt that i has anything to do with politics but more how they handle things like working in a promotion with a loose/strict backstage area. Guys with an unrepentant history of drug/alcohol abuse will likely have a more liberal standpoint (cause baby wants his bottle), while professional businessmen like Eisen and highly religious workers would probably lean more conservative (unless they're Satanists!)


Edit: Erm, like Derek said. :p

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It's just a personality trait, as stated in the journal entry. It's got a lot to do with the promotions a worker will sign for, especially linked to the amount of Risque in the product. I think this thread is another misunderstanding/misreading of a feature. :p


That's what I figured, but I didn't want to make an assumption. Thanks Derek.

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Is it going to be political affiliation or personality trait? There is a difference between Conservative/Liberal or conservative/liberal.
That's an interesting question. I'd taken it to mean political worldview. For what it's worth, Adam has the trait listed with capital letters.
Eleventh Personality Trait: A new personality trait, Conservative-Liberal, is now in.
But it looks like I've misinterpreted it...
It's just a personality trait, as stated in the journal entry. It's got a lot to do with the promotions a worker will sign for, especially linked to the amount of Risque in the product. I think this thread is another misunderstanding/misreading of a feature. :p
Okay, sorry for the confusion.
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It's just a personality trait, as stated in the journal entry. It's got a lot to do with the promotions a worker will sign for, especially linked to the amount of Risque in the product. I think this thread is another misunderstanding/misreading of a feature. :p


Maybe so. But even in the proper context, isn't it going to be amusing if Liberty ends up being quite conservative or Squeaky McClean is more liberal? We could see some very interesting character conversions in diaries if certain guys have established personas that don't reflect this off-screen trait.

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Maybe so. But even in the proper context, isn't it going to be amusing if Liberty ends up being quite conservative or Squeaky McClean is more liberal? We could see some very interesting character conversions in diaries if certain guys have established personas that don't reflect this off-screen trait.


The Liberty being conservative one seems obviously ironic, but the ideal of liberty isn't really directly connected to liberalism. Think of a very patriotic and conservative American who believes strongly in liberty. I'm not sure there's a contradiction there at all.

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That's equally tantalizing.


Which C-Verse stars would happily perform in ridiculously risque angles if asked and which think USPW's product isn't family friendly enough?


For example, from what we know of these characters via their backgrounds: If Tommy Cornell were to decide it's time to run a product more outlaw and risque than DAVE, who on the TCW roster is cool with it and who isn't? Certainly, I'd expect most or all of the former DAVE workers to be liberal enough to take part while the more traditionalist workers may well have objections, but where do you see Wolf Hawkins, Rick Law, RDJ, etc. on the spectrum?


Thanks to Moral Objections, who will now never sign for Richard Eisen so long as he's booking as risque a product as the SWF?


Which Stone or DeColt might someday open the Canadian answer to BSC?

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The Liberty being conservative one seems obviously ironic, but the ideal of liberty isn't really directly connected to liberalism. Think of a very patriotic and conservative American who believes strongly in liberty. I'm not sure there's a contradiction there at all.


Dude, you sound like you're thinking politics again. And it's be stated and restated that this refers more to one's temperment than one politics. Liberty's a surfer dude and as such would probably be very laid back and liberal. That's why being strait-laced and conservative outside the ring would be ironic. I think Adam may have had a good idea here but blown it with the phrasing.

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Dude, you sound like you're thinking politics again. And it's be stated and restated that this refers more to one's temperment than one politics. Liberty's a surfer dude and as such would probably be very laid back and liberal. That's why being strait-laced and conservative outside the ring would be ironic. I think Adam may have had a good idea here but blown it with the phrasing.


Hardly. What else would you call it? Right and Left wing? Straight-laced and Wild child?


Con/Lib are clear, and if they have a political connotation, it would be hard to find a way of expressing the concept that's clear without having the same connotations.

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Dude, you sound like you're thinking politics again. And it's be stated and restated that this refers more to one's temperment than one politics. Liberty's a surfer dude and as such would probably be very laid back and liberal. That's why being strait-laced and conservative outside the ring would be ironic. I think Adam may have had a good idea here but blown it with the phrasing.


How did he blow it? The trait is in reference to morality. A worker's personal beliefs and how they reflect on what they are willing to do or accept with regard to wrestling. What words would you use instead? 'Prude' and 'wh... 'loose'? If your boss told you to run through the parking lot naked for a few cheap laughs, your personal morality is going to determine whether you agree or not. If you know a company is notorious for certain things and you're not 'with that' at all, you're probably not going to accept a job offer from them, are you? There are some women who would not sign to work for a BSC type promotion, in the C-Verse and in real life. I don't expect people to know her but Jacqui Jones is a real life example. How do you portray that in TEW without liberal/conservative?

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I'm gonna say it now:


The Idaho Punisher will most certainly be a far right wing nutjob. An awesome far right wing nutjob, though.


Also, MrTJobsToMe, if you're reading this:


Commandant Markus Maier should be, ironically, a very liberal guy.


I think he'll have to be even discounting the irony, his gimmick is on the risque side... And that's probably an understatement. :D


I think Sabra Man should be working in Mexico full-time by now but I'm having trouble thinking of a blowoff angle that would have him leave WLW forever... Ok we're not doing that!

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How did he blow it? The trait is in reference to morality. A worker's personal beliefs and how they reflect on what they are willing to do or accept with regard to wrestling. What words would you use instead? 'Prude' and 'wh... 'loose'?


Exactly why the phrasing is off, Remi. It is in reference to morality but not being taken that way. Your suggestion of Prude v Loose seems much more fitting as they don't have the multiple meanings to create conceptual confusion. Conservative and liberal are politically loaded terms that open themselves up to this confusion. Had I been in on brainstorming this addition, I'd have mentioned that at the time. Since this is my first window of opportunity, I mention it now.


Now hopefully, this is just an issue because we're at the beginning of the feature's life cycle and things will translate better with time. But I can see this being another "catalyst" type situation where folks are never fully able to relate no matter how many times it gets explained.

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I agree, the first thing that came to mind was political leanings (even if it's not a personality trait).


Still, I really need to know more about this trait before setting it.. as in exactly what kind of knock-on effects it'll have in game. (forgive me they've been explained in detail in this thread, beyond risque products,.. my laptop battery is dying and i haven't time to check before posting :p)

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Exactly why the phrasing is off, Remi. It is in reference to morality but not being taken that way. Your suggestion of Prude v Loose seems much more fitting as they don't have the multiple meanings to create conceptual confusion. Conservative and liberal are politically loaded terms that open themselves up to this confusion. Had I been in on brainstorming this addition, I'd have mentioned that at the time. Since this is my first window of opportunity, I mention it now.


Now hopefully, this is just an issue because we're at the beginning of the feature's life cycle and things will translate better with time. But I can see this being another "catalyst" type situation where folks are never fully able to relate no matter how many times it gets explained.


I think terms like "prude" and "loose" (or whatever) could generate just as much confusion. That could be minconstrued as the morality preferences relating just to sexual-related issues. Someone who is fundamentally conservative may have had a major issue with the Attitude era of the WWE beyond the use of TnA on TV...

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I think he'll have to be even discounting the irony, his gimmick is on the risque side... And that's probably an understatement. :D


I think Sabra Man should be working in Mexico full-time by now but I'm having trouble thinking of a blowoff angle that would have him leave WLW forever... Ok we're not doing that!


Nah, he needs to be in WBW... so I can finally get to that storyline I've always wanted.


Always got distracted and couldn't get my time with WBW that I wanted. Stupid QUEST and APWF...


Who says the next 1975 mod NEEDS to be too far down the road from the last one?


Then again, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to put workers where they belong to simulate being "a few months back". I wouldn't mind telling the full WBW story, after all.


Then again, I kinda want to do a "last days of UCR" thing with the 2005 mod I'm working on. Would be neat to have a diary that just ENDS come mid-2007.


Really, it comes down to this: Comic Book Supervillians vs. ****s, which do I want more? Never in my life have I experienced such a difficult choice.

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