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The Death of Wrestling (takes place FEB 2010)

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(A little project I was working on.)


The wrestling world had changed forever. In the space of a week in november five of the biggest names in wrestling had died.

Hulk Hogan suffered a heart attack.

Bret Hart was in a fatal car accident

Ric Flair was found with bullets in him, apparently sleeping with a married women and getting caught.

John Cena was stabbed to death by a fan. The fan claimed that pure wrestling was dead because of John Cena.

The Big Show also suffered a huge heart attack.


Within a couple months, wrestling was dead. People were dropping out of companies.


TNA lost its tv deal.

WWE ended its brand split and dropped smackdown, and dropped RAW to a 1 hour show

ROH, was near death but got bought out by Gregory Helms, looking to control the company.

Chris Jericho didnt want to see the business died so in an attempt to revive the business he left WWE and began his own wrestling company based in Canada. Lionheart Championship Wrestling. Little is known about it except for a handful of talent that was posted on Chris Jerichos Twitter Page


Chris Jericho's Twitter

INB4 Wrestling is dead. I got Nemmeth and Burchill. Also got Wright, Hennigan and Ted Hart. First Show will be in 3 days.
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Heres the "not-so-big 2" Rosters


WWE Roster

Main Eventers

Randy Orton (H)

Triple H (F)

Sheamus (H)

CM Punk (H)

Christian (F)


Upper Midcarders:

Rey Mysterio (F)

Kofi Kingston (F)

Ted DiBiase (F)

Cody Rhodes (H)

Joe Hennig (H)

Shawn Michaels (H)



Lance Cade (H)

Brian Danielson (H)

Brian Kendrik (H)

Tyson Kid (F)

Harry Smith (F)

Evan Bourne (F)


Lower Midcarders:

Santino Marella (F)

Chavo Guerrero (H)


Notes: Taker retired and became a road agent



TNA Roster

Main Eventers

Kurt Angle (H)

AJ Styles (F)

Samoa Joe (H)

Tomko (H)




Matt Morgan (H)

Scott Steiner (F)

Mr. Anderson (F)



Jeff Jarrett

Shawn Daivari

Nick Dinsmore


Brimstone (Kane)

Notes: Jeff Jarret is disliked by Bischoff, TNA's NEW OWNER.

Nash, Sting among others fired to save TNA what little money it had left. Stevie Richards is a road agent now.

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