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Total Nonstop Action '02

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Slingshottin' With Easy E

By Enkay



- So like, I'm using the 2002 mod, set in May. I'm undertaking the role of Eric Bischoff. I'm going to take over TNA in free style mode, totally stealing it out from under Jarrett, who I have under a written deal anyway. Anyway, I just thought it'd be fun to try a real diary this time. But a manly diary. It'll have chest hair, trust me.


It could also possibly have Scott Hall versus James Storm in a drinking then peeing off a roof contest. You'll have to read to find out though. -






Today, is a grand day, especially for all the citizens of the professional wrestling community. Since April of 2001, who are we kidding...Since January of 2000, competition between the WWF and any other company has ceased to exist.It has been the sports entertainment kingpin for far too long, in my opinion. So, I ask thee to rally together to bring down the corporate monster!


Together we shall burn down the tradition of the the World Wrestling Federation. It will burn to the ground, then, in its place, a new promotion will rise. Like a phoenix from the ashes, Total Nonstop Action will rise from the depths of hell, vanquishing the WWF forevermore.


No longer will Vince McMahon have free reign over our sport.


No longer will "sports entertainment" replace what people used to refer to, affectionately I might add, as Professional Wrestling.


Down with the corporation!


Down with McMahon!


Down with the WWF!


- Easy E







A camera powers to life. Its blurry at first, but after a second, a man is visible. Clad in a leather jacket, cowboy boots and faded blue jeans, this man looked prepared as ever to book some wrestling matches.


The man looks familiar, but, not as familiar as when we've last seen him. Because when Eric Bischoff was last seen, his hair had been a tidy looking black. But now, it was shaved gray, and he had more than a hint of a five o'clock shadow.


Nonetheless, Bischoff still had that ****-eating grin plastered across his face, and looked happier than ever.


"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Eric Bischoff, former VP of WCW, and former David, who I'm sure you'll remember from his epic battle with Goliath. But now, I'm grabbing my slingshot again, and I'm ready to fire another shot at that damned Goliath. Oh and if you're wondering about the new look, I just thought I should be real with you people. Real with myself. Because thats what I want my new product to be. REAL Professional Wrestling. No more bull****. What I am suggesting to bring to you, is an alternative. I know you're all looking for an alternative. There's a whole 6.0 of you halfwits sitting at home, waiting to watch my television show. So prepare yourself, because Eric Bischoff is not finished with professional wrestling. Not for a long shot. But, I feel I'm coming into this as a whole new person. I've learned from my mistakes. Trial and error, as they say. But if I've learned anything, its that controversy...Creates cash. Actions create controversies. So, Total.. Nonstop.. Action...Is that what you people want? Well, Total Nonstop Action is what you're going to get,"


The camera fades to black, zooming in on Bischoffs pearly whites, before the video message comes to an end.






This TNA thing could be huge. Luckily I've found a few major investors, some smart enough to invest a lot of money into my vision. I've also got a worldwide PPV deal secured with Cablevision...Also, I've managed to pull quite a few strings, and sign some lucrative talent to some...Heh, lucrative deals.


Expect big stars on the first TNA show, it wont disappoint.


- Easy E




TNA Starting Roster







Randy Savage

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Scott Steiner

Scott Hall

Jeff Jarrett

Ken Shamrock

James Storm

Chris Harris

AJ Styles


















Lucha Libre




Hyper Realism

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May 10th, 2002

Almost everything has gone according to plan. The Payperview deal is solid. We've been doing promotional tours for the past week, to much success. Having Sting and Randy Savage under contract never hurts ones popularity. But, to completely contrast the old-school relics we've got set for our Heavyweight division, its time to take the cruiserweights to a whole new level. The thing with cruiserweights is they've always been missing something. That X factor that makes them who they are as professional wrestlers. Which is why I've taken it upon myself to create the all-out, no-limits, X-Division. This will focus on fast-paced, hard-hitting ring action. But, theres a catch, there are to be no weight limits for this division. So any worker who thinks they can handle the intensity of the X Division is free to compete for the Championship. So long as they earn it, like everybody else.


We've also received many emails regarding a drinking and peeing contest between Scott Hall and James Storm. The first round has been confirmed for the debut TNA PPV on Saturday May 13th.


Matches for the event will be announced shortly.



Also in breaking news, TNA has confirmed the signings of 30 active wrestlers over the past week.

Abyss - Recently working for NWA

AJ Styles - An indy standout who formerly worked for WCW

Austin Aries - Another indy standout who has a bright future

BG James - The former Road Dogg of New Age Outlaw infamy

Bryan Danielson - One of the finest young technical workers on the planet

Buff Bagwell - Was one of the hottest prospects in WCW of the late 90s

Carly Colon - The son of the legendary Carlos Colon

Chris Harris - Talented young brawler from the Mid-South region

CM Punk - No drinking, no drugs, no limits.

Colt Cabana - A fun, natural babyface from Chicago who works an old-school style.

James Storm - Another talented young brawler from the South.

Jay Lethal - A 17 year old kid with a lot of potential

Jerry Lynn - An experienced worker who can still keep up with young talent

Juventud Guerrera - Of WCW fame, The Juice is a good, if arrogant, cruiserweight

Konnan - A charismatic luchadore of WCW fame

Lex Luger - Was massively popular in the eighties and nineties

Little Guido - Became famous as part of ECWs Full Blooded Italians

Low-Ki - A stiff worker who is a great talent

Marty Jannetty - The bottom half of The Rockers, is still a dependable worker

Nigel McGuinness - A young British worker with buttloads of talent


Road Warrior Hawk - *Doomsday Device*

Ron Killings - Formerly K-Kwik in the WWF, thats Whats Up

Sabu - Became famous for his hardcore battles in ECW and FMW, is battlescarred and has a great look, but lacks psychology

Samoa Joe - He will kill you. He'll kill you all.

Shane Douglas - The first ever ECW Champion, never got the big break many thought he deserved

Spanky - A talented cruiserweight with natural charisma

Steve Corino - A good worker who also hasn't gotten his "big break" yet either

Super Crazy - He's Super, he's Crazy, he's a good high-flier too

Sylvester Terkay - A talented amateur wrestler, competed against Kurt Angle in an NCAA tournament in the 90s

Teddy Hart - A fine cruiserweight from the legendary Hart family, rumored to have attitude problems

Vader - It's time, it's time, it's Vader time!



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