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TEW08 mods compatible with TEW2010?

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Hey guys,


I was just wondering, are the current TEW08 mods compatible with TEW2010? I read somwhere that you can convert your games from TEW08 to TEW2010 files, so does that mean you can just download an 08 mod, save it on 2010's folder and just convert it using the editor?


Let me know if this is true, so when the demo comes out tomorrow, I can test the game using a real world mod available in this forum. Thanks for your help!

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Q: Will TEW08 databases be compatible?

A: Not directly, but TEW2010 comes with a converter that will update a TEW08 database to make it compatible. The converted databases will be instantly playable, although they may need some minor work to incorporate some of the new features.


From the first post in the Developer's Journal.

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