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PS. Fox Mask, Donnie J and Matt Sparrow are hugely overrated in my opinion. People view them as greats but they are nothing compared to Marc Speed, Remmy Skye, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon, Insane Machine and such. Especially Insane Machine and Dragon who reek of awesomeness and have always been my favourites. These guys are the ones that provide the actual ratings.


I'm in July 2016 with my CZCW game. Fox Mask is long gone and Matt Sparrow has sunk to the midcard as a low level title holder.


But Donnie J has been one of my most consistent main eventers and now that I've discovered he has great chemistry teaming with Steven Parker he's been tag champ for some time. And, since I've just reunited the Biggz Boys on my roster I set up a storyline (the second in the history of my game) between the two teams.


Marc Speed has never impressed me. Remmy Skye is a reliable upper midcarder for me. He might have been a star but he has the personal chemistry where he performs worse the higher his push.


Cougar, Dragon and Machine are also gone. I've become a lot more Brawler heavy since signing Danny Rushmore and Remo but they both seem to do just fine. Pity Rushmore has bad chemistry with my user character (The Masked Avatar).

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In SWF just got Rocky Golden to the point of "National Icon". His HOF status jumped from 9% to 34%.


Oh.. As I looked Jack Bruce's profile, I just saw that he is 74%.. So I go and check his pop from the editor, and it is currently 100% in all regions of the USA. Cool. This is, following the Supreme Challenge and after an epic match with Rich Money.

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What are Marat Khoklov and Bryan Holmes doing in development?


Marat was selling an injury given by Remo after interfering in a mtach between Khoklov and Rocky Golden (leading to the epic Golden vs Remo fued...) and I decided instead of time off he could go into development and work on his brawling (now B-).


Bryan Holmes I was originally going to keep on the roster. But it was bloated and his straight edge gimmick debuted at F- (forgot to change it) so he was sent down to train.

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currently in my WWE game I have attempting to restructure the roster back to a single brand.


Raw Titles-

Heavyweight - Kofi Kingston (feuding with Michaels) Kofi has proved to be a bad champion right now


United States - John Mercer (created wrestler) took it off Cody Rhodes


Tag Team Title - Jack Swagger and Cody Rhodes (basically I use this as a title to switch around a lot)


Womans Undisputed - Trish Stratus (had her come back and she unified all the titleS)




ECW World Title - John Morrison (beat christian)

World Heavyweight - Edge (beat CM PUnk at MANIA)

IC Title - William Regal (beat Davey Boy Smith who I brought back from the dead only for him to die again)


like I said, I plan on editing a lot of my workers contracts so they end July 11st because at WWE NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS I plan on having all the titles unified so I only have


WWE Heavyweight Championship

WWE IC Title

WWE Tag Team Titles

WWE Womans Championship

WWE Television Title


I also plan on making WWE a touring promotion, which is more of an experiment

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Just had the Ed Henson cup as NOTBPW. The Stone Siblings beat Johnny Bloodstone and Steve DeColt (still champ) for the cup in an "A" match, which, in turn, lead to the card being rated as an A.


Unfortunately, Sean McFly's contract has expired and I couldn't get his overness down fast enough. He's off to SWF :(


He pulled out two B+ jobbing performances against John Maverick on the way out, at least.

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I've just realised that I book like Russo.


Between the last 4 holders of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, there have only been six title defences.


Quite frankly, I think that is quite much. It's the World championship after all, and if those were 6 - 8 month reigns, I think 6 defences is good.

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Back with the good ol' EWA, just finished my first year...


With Bam Bam Johansson defeating Byron in the main event of The Great War in a ladder match for the EWA Universal title.


The 16 minute, slow built brawl was rated a C-, and is considered the second best match in EWA last year (only being beat by Byron defeating UK Dragon in that classic C match).


That's right, Bam Bam Johansson was half of a better match than the both talented and beautiful women who dominated most of the Top 10 matches.


Also, should be able to sort top 10 matches by year... sniff.


In other EWA news, we've got a HUGE signing in Crusher Von Steinberg (who will likely make a very immediate impact!), and I'm plotting to bring back the EWA European title... likely via tournament, since those are always fun.

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Managed to re-sign Dan Stone Jr 5 days before 2011's Ed Henson Cup - cue a 98 main event, and my first ever 100 rated show, as the Fighting Irish went over Steve Frehley and my user character, then Samoan Destruction Inc, then the Stone Siblings, to win the tournament. :)
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well i managed to Injure the person i was going to push to the tittle.

Happent Like this:


Eddie Kingston was going to be my golden home boy, the one to take the Tittle from Tyler, well then i put him in a long time fued with Chris Hero, i planned it out perfect, was going to have Eddie lose the first 3 encounters, one in a singles match, the other in a Tag match. Then he was going to challange Chris Hero in a anything goes match At supercard of Honor, Prince Nana Came into the mix, unleashing his new monster, AKA Abyss into the Match. The Match ended when Abyss would pin Hero, I put kingston to have a Sick Bump at the match(in my head, his way of being eliminated and not pinned) i though maybe he could be chockeslammed through 2 from like a walkway or something, like they did in OLD ecw in the ECW Arena. Well it dident go that well, kingston took the bump, and then Hero got pinned. It would set up kingston trip out of the company in 2 months untill the New york show where he would beat Hero.


Well with my luck, Kingston got injured with Multiple Concussion Syndrome, When i first saw it, i though it would fit perfect, but a Multiple Concussion Syndrome put him out for 13 MONTHS!!!!...


Damit, there goes my 3 pages of notes that i planned with events and all...




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Quite frankly, I think that is quite much. It's the World championship after all, and if those were 6 - 8 month reigns, I think 6 defences is good.


Here's my record:



Eric Eisen - 0 defences, 6 week reign

Christian Faith - 0 defences, 4 week reign

Marat Khoklov - 2 defences, 12 week reign

Christian Faith - 4 defences, 18 week reign (current holder)



I also have two other Main Event titles running, so don't think I just jobbed out Eric, he won the CWF National Championship shortly after.

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I'm in September 2011 and just became a "small" promotion with my 0/0/0/0 Japanese puro touring fed. I've only used unemployed bums to get there. Larry Wood became my owner though, so that was quite a good advantage. No need for a road agent or color commentator anymore. He's was my first title holder, but lost it to Kimitada Yanagita (another older guy with great performance stats) after a year long reign with 2 defenses. Yanagita is still my champion now and has defended his title 4 times already (against Wood, Yusuke Takahama, Lion Genji and those 2 in a thriple threat match).


I am based in Kinki, so I have regional battles against Hinote Dojo and WEXXV, which I'm obviously losing at this point. Not much of a problem though as my popularity keeps increasing thanks to a few new formerly unemployed workers which I've signed: Bulldozer Brandon Smith (had a short stint with SWF), Donte Dunn (who hasn't wrestled over a year and is cheap), Giant Brody (ex-SWF), Ninja Shunji (ex-BHOTWG), Sterling Whitlock (new worker) and Taheji Konoe (ex-WEXXV). Once Smith gets over enough by losing to more popular workers he'll probably win the title as he's by far my best wrestler at the moment.

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ACPW. I've gotten to Small at this point and run two shows a month - my main two hour show High and Live and a smaller one hour show that's focused on title defenses and gimmick matches called Kapow that I'm running in a second region I'm trying to improve my popularity in.


Charles Avatar is my Junior Heavyweight title holder. Topher Smith is my regional. Sky King and Kamikaze are my tag champs. I also just created a new floating title called Turnbuckle Devil for a yearly event I'm doing called the Devil's Leap. Basically it's a Battle Royal but elimination is by pinfall and the pinfall must come from a flying move off the turnbuckle, as determined by the judges. Going to hold the first one soon. Hopefully I got the match set up right. I basically just made a Battle Royal, made it a little more prestigious and dangerous, changed the elimination to pinfall, and changed the style to High Spot.


Gonna have the first tourney soon.

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Just managed to get a 5.55 rating for one of my TV shows, blowing my previous record of 4.12 out of the water... wasn't even anything special, headlined by Frehley vs Champagne Lover and McFly vs Force. (Who had great chemistry together and pulled out an 88 rating - not bad for JF in a fed heavily biased towards performance!)


Currently got 10 guys on 90+ pop in Canada.


Champagne Lover

Jason O'Conner

Jeremy Stone

Jim Force

Johnny Bloodstone

My user character

Robbie McNamara

Samoan Machine

Sayeed Ali

Sean McFly


Then 5 with between 80 and 89


Dan Stone Jr

Owen Love

Rhino Umaga

Steve DeColt

Steve Frehley


Pretty pleased with the way this game's going. :)

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I just had my Night of Champions card, which basically was the end of the brand split, and at SummerSlam I plan on unifing the World titles


Night of Champions Results


Shawn Michaels won the belt by beating Big Show, Sheamus and Kofi who was the former champion


Tommy Cornell won the belt by beating CM PUNK, John Morrison, and Edge who was the former champion


Triple and Cena beat GOldberg and Batista (I was going to fire Goldberg and Batista but decided they could be a good tag team)


Christian retained the ECW title against RVD and SID


Chris Jericho defeated Undertaker


Evan Borne beat Jason Fierce for the US TITLE


Dolph Ziggler beat Regal for IC


Sean McFly defeated Randy Orton


Miz and Dibiase beat Rhodes and Swagger to retain tag title


I released twenty-five guys, with big ones like Orton and Mysterio leaving.

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Playing as PGHW. Up to November 2010 and this is my favorite game to date.


I have a burgeoning tag team division which is about to explode. Kitoguchi are putting on great matches, but I'm not going to elevate them to champs probably for another half a year,


Bryan Holmes is my Historical Japan champ but I fear that he might have reached his pop cap at C+, which sucks because he's putting on B- matches with anyone!


I'm still at Cult, but I finally figured out how to get A ranked matches (apparently, the third to last match is VERY important) and with Eisaku Kunomasu as my champ, I'll be overtaking BHOTWG in no time.

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My real world OLLIE game is starting to get frustrating. I have C+ importance in one region of Mexico and C in the others, I am so close to national but I just can't seem to get that extra little bit.


Low Ki has decided to leave because he is now too popular for me (yeah, and where did that overness come from you little punk?) I have put the belt on L.A. Park again and I'm hoping that his big heel turn and alliance with Kane storyline will tip me over the edge.

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In my WWE game Drew McIntyre (drafted to raw) is the nº1 contender for the WWE title (Triple H) and Jack Swagger (drafted to smackdown) is the nº1 contender for the WH title (Edge). Punk just beat Matt Hardy for the IC champion, Ted Dibiase is feuding with The Miz for the USA title and MVP & Mark Henry are the tag champs


I use NXT as a third brand with the Cruiserweigh title (the champion is kaval and he is feuding with Bryan Danielson managed by Donald Trump)


I just hired some TNA wrestlers like Jarret, MCMG and Homicide, and I sent some veteran and unused wrestlers to FCW to train people (Finlay, Charlie Haas, Knox, Burchill, Goldust...)


TNA is doing bad in my game... almost every main event is Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore against X-Pac and Scott Hall

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Certainly didn't want to start a new thread for this and wasn't sure where to throw it, but I recently started a new MAW game with Variance turned on and I must say that this is one of those "sleeper features". I hadn't used it in any games prior, but it certainly does add some unique changes to workers that adds something fresh to each game. Really love it. :D
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