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What's going on in your game?

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After 18 months of my Cult CGC getting trounced in a war with National NOTBPW, wherein they poached everyone I pushed (Trent Shaffer, Thrillseeker, Bryan Holmes, Nate Johnson, Ryan Powell, Shooter Sean to name a few) I finally managed to get to National, so I can lock guys down to Written Contracts. With the exception of Skull DeBones, they're a sorry looking bunch (Robbie Retro, Ford Gumble, a bunch of DeColt Power House graduates) but pushed correctly, it should keep CGC running strong for another year or two.


Fun times.

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Started a really.. How would you say, expert game with GCG. I'm going to pay attention to every single detail and so on, trying to book to perfection and create my own stars in the making. But that's not the thing I was about to tell, this concerns tag team chemistry. 80% of my shows are just tag matches, trying to find the correct partners and chemistry. Here's my list of positive chemistry tag teams:


Masked Cougar + JOJI. Great thing for JOJI who will learn a lot from Cougar. Like it.


Namboku Makuda + Junnosuke Fukazawa = Just like with the ^, this is great training for Makuda. Unfortunately Fukazawa just announced his retirement.


Greg Gauge + Eguichi The Amazing = Greguchi! Eguichi isn't that bad even in a performace biased promotion.


Mabuchi Furusawa + Ryunosuki Matsuki (SUKI). Think about that for a second or two. Two young superstars who are loyal.. They are perhaps the two most talented 'under 25' guys in Japan, atleast for GCG standards. I can't wait till they get A* experience, they will be the highlight of every show.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi + Shingen Miyazaki. Hell yeah. I just hope that Miyazaki won't leave me rightaway, usually happened in TEW08 sooner or later.


This is going to be an awesome game.

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Changed QPW into FLI, made it active, and imported 6-8 workers from FLI lore into the C-Verse.


Giving myself the following roster...


- C-Verse Wrestlers -

Biff The Bruiser

Davis Wayne Newton

Jacob Jett

Larry Wood (Owner)

Nomy Guerrero (TAFKA Nomad)



- FLI-Verse Wrestlers -


Chris Copeland

Eric DiStasio

Eric Silva

Fred Williams

George Gadaski Jr.

Marc Bourque (Referee)

Phil Raven


Basically, I'm planning on establishing DiStasio as the babyface ace of the promotion by feeding him a healthy dose of SSD (Raven, Williams & Gadaski) and making him allied with Guerrero & Silva as some sort of hot-tempered latino alliance.


Eventually, the main rivalry will be DiStasio VS DWN. I hope!


My first show did horrible, I drew 81 people and got a D+.

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My ROH 2002 game is begining to be very fun.


I started out with the basic guts:

Low Ki, American Dragon, Christipher Daniels, Xavier, Tony Mamluke, Spanky, London, Little guido, Aj and so fourth.


I myself addad a cupple of guys to the mix with:

Cm Punk, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, Ken Anderson, Brent Albright, Austin Aries, Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, Matt Sydal, Rickiy Reyes, Rocky Romeo, Roderick Strong, Reckles Youth, Mike Quackenbush, Paul Burchill, Antino banks, Chris Hero and a cupple of others.


I Boolstered the roaster even more throughout the first 4 months, i ran first one show a month. One show resulted in profitt at every show or going under with maybe 150 bucks, so i began to run 2 shows a month a little while.

But in the middle of month 5, i chose to have a show a week to bolster my tri-state popularity even more. We have managed to go from 30 to 34 in 5 and a half month.


My championships have been a problem, i have a tag and a world tittle.

Cm punk won the world tittle at the first event, Tittled: "The Era of Honor Begins". He deffended the belt 8 times, with a reign of 5 month before being defeated by Low ki in a cage match.

Punk deffended the belt with matches rated from 48-64, he dident raise the prestege of the tittle by a single point. Low ki have defeanded the belt twice.


The Tag Tittles where won by the Brisco's, they defeated Spanky and London to win the belts at The Era of Honor Begins. They raised the tittle to 56 in prestege(began at 55) only to drop to 54 througout their 7 deffence reign.

The team of CW anderson and Steve Corino won the belts from the Brisco's.


I am earning money every show, and i get alot of money at region at the end of the month so i can afford to lose money, and run shows other than Tri-state.

Right now we are looking at places we can exspand our show's and popularity, we might do Great Lakes, New England or Mid Atlantic.



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My game right now is a self created Japanese Indy Sleeze promotion called Speed/MAX. Current champion is Unstoppable Tai, who is also my only wrestler who is not 'virtually unknown'. Former champion H (Yuki Horiguchi in a degenerate gimmick) is my only other real name (WLW signed him to ppa after a few months and now Hinote is checking on him as well), and found he really holds a grudge. It took him 10 months to go from angry to annoyed after a loss. Currently building up Bio Mummy Zero for a title chalenge.
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I'm about a week away from Wrestlemania 26:


WWE Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. The Undertaker

WH Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

Unified Tag Championship

Carlito and Primo Colon © vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Women's Championship

Mickie James vs. Alyssa Flash

Present vs. Future

Triple H and Cena vs. Sheamus O'Shaunessey and Ezekial Jackson

Last Man Standing

CM Punk vs. John Morrison


Christian vs. Ted Dibiase (US champion) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Bryan Danielson (IC champion) vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Homicide


Not very locked on what's going to happen post-Mania. Thoughts on winners, you guys?


I also just had to fire Orton and Rey for their third strike wellness violations. Batista is out too, for constantly fighting with Melina. I just played it as an assault thing and fired him. TNA immediately hired Randy and Batista, Dragon Gate picked up Rey.

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WWE Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. The Undertaker

WH Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

Unified Tag Championship

Carlito and Primo Colon © vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Women's Championship

Mickie James vs. Alyssa Flash

Present vs. Future

Triple H and Cena vs. Sheamus O'Shaunessey and Ezekial Jackson

Last Man Standing

CM Punk vs. John Morrison


Christian vs. Ted Dibiase (US champion) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Bryan Danielson (IC champion) vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Homicide


I bolded my predictions for you. I played a real world mod for about an hour one day (C-Verse, FTW) and had to fire Orton due to his attitude as well. I think mods should consider Orton in a new light, since he got married he hasn't really been known for being such a prick anymore. I'd almost consider him on the verge of a locker room leader (in real life). :p

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I'm playing as SWF having started in December 2009. I kept all the stating storylines and have just had Rich Money defeat Eric Eisen at Awesome Impact for the Heavyweight Championship in a last man standing match. He's due to face Jack Bruce at The World Is Watching after having Money turn on Bruce in a tag match the week after Awesome Imapact.


I've had Marat Khoklov join up with Brandon James and Emma Chase in the stable I'm calling Chase Incorporated. At Awesome Impact Khoklov interrupted the match between James and Joe Sexy to give James the win and keep hold of the North American Championship. On the following Supreme TV I had James and Khoklov challange and beat Jack Giedroyc and Valient for the Tag Team Championship. I'm thinking about having Khoklov win the Heavyweight Championship at either Master of Puppets or Times of Trouble if the stable gets over with the fans.


With the tag division itself I've invested in a couple of tag teams because I'm a fan of tag wrestling. In the past couple of months I've signed D.C Rayne and Eddie Howard (Natural Storm) Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol (Rich and Famous) Hector Gallindo and Rudy Velasquez (The Latino Kings) and Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball (The Awesomeness) who I've sent to development. I'm hoping that having the titles on Khoklov and James will help raise the prestige from D+ to hopefully a C-/C

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Playing the '97 C-Verse mod, currently booking DAVE. I have been completely and utterly raped and pillaged in all ways possible by not only HGC and SWF, but also XFW.


I'm only just into February now and currently the following have left me after signing with someone else; Skull DeBones, Freddie Datsun, Jay Darkness, Raul Darkness, Henry Lee, Vin Tanner, and manager Miss Bliss. HGC offered a contract to Tyler too but he seems to have rejected it for some reason.


Still, it's a different kind of challenge constantly trying to replace the roster and pushing new people!

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Now, I totally get how ECW must have felt.


I'm about 10 months into my game and since starting I've had 3 of my biggest stars or hopefuls sign for bigger promotions...


It all started with DWN going to CGC, then Jacob Jett followed him. And now, NOTBPW has just signed my TOP WRESTLER, FLI-verse importee Eric DiStasio, to a written deal and he's leaving in a week!


God damn being Small sucks. I can't even take it out on smaller promotions than me, ACPW sucks SO hard they have nothing I want!


EDIT: I love my fans. First show without DiStasio, my attendance DOUBLED.


Up to 126.


I guess they didn't like him, damn!

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I bolded my predictions for you. I played a real world mod for about an hour one day (C-Verse, FTW) and had to fire Orton due to his attitude as well. I think mods should consider Orton in a new light, since he got married he hasn't really been known for being such a prick anymore. I'd almost consider him on the verge of a locker room leader (in real life). :p


You nailed most of them! Edge was going to win, and then he hit a roids violation the night before Mania. Sigh.


WWE Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. The Undertaker

WH Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

Unified Tag Championship

Carlito and Primo Colon © vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Women's Championship

Mickie James vs. Alyssa Flash

Present vs. Future

Triple H and Cena vs. Sheamus O'Shaunessey and Ezekial Jackson

Last Man Standing

CM Punk vs. John Morrison


Christian vs. Ted Dibiase (US champion) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Bryan Danielson (IC champion) vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Homicide


I agree with you on Orton, he's not quite as crazy as he used to be.

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I'm about to cry. My GCG game has turned better than ever, I've never seen this kind of tag team division in any save or diary nor have I booked GCG to this kind of perfection. I actually had to make two tag titles, one Main (the original World tag titles that I upped to Main Event status when Takayuki & Cox started to hold them) and Mid called Openweight Tag (Champions Ikina & Tayama but even they have risen to Main event/upper status). Take a look at this tag roster:



Regular teams with experience, no chemistry:

Name, Experience, Push status and Average & Best match rating:


Gakusha & Kuroki, A*, Main Eventers. B- / B

Ikina & Tayama, A*, Main eventer / Upper Midcard. C+ / B

Naga-Mori, A*, Midcarders. C / B

Samoan Destruction, A*, Midcarders. B- / B



Team with chemistry (Take a look at the bolded teams):

Name, Experience, Push status andAverage & Best match rating:


Takayuki 2000 & Jimmy Cox, E-, Main Eventers. B / B+

Toshiharu Hyobanshi & Shingen Miyazaki, E, Main Eventers. B / B+

Mabuchi Furusawa & Ryonosuke Matsuki, E, Upper Midcarders (They've gained huge popularity via jobbing, I've just recently gave them few victories. They are both at C pop, amazing). B- / B+

Art Reed & Stuart Ferdinand, F, Upper Mid/Low mid. C+ / B-

Barry Kingman & Omezo Shikitei, F, Low. Midcard. C / B

Greg Gauge & Eguichi The Amazing, D-, Midcard/Low Midcard. C / B-

Eagle Kawasawa & Masked Cougar, E, Midcard/Low Midcard. C+ / B

Merle O'Curle & Nigel Svensson, F-, Enh. Talent / Opener. C / C (Just formed)


Gakusha & Kuroki are the World Tag champs while Ikina & Tayama are Openweight Tag champs. My cards are filled with B- to B+ matches and the overall ratings have been B-B+ for half a year now. I'm at August 2010 and C/C- pop all over Japan. Imagine what will happen when those teams with chemistry will start gaining the experience bonus aswell? :eek::cool:


E: Wow.. Add Namboku Makuda + Musashi into the list of amazing tag chemistry. This is so beautiful.

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SWF just booked Welcome to the Jungle..


The event was headlined by a fourway elimination match between Jack Bruce - Rich Money - Eric Eisen - Vengeance, for the World Heavyweight -title. Before the event, Money (heel) had saved Bruce from Eisen's and Vengeance's attacks (they are "pal's"), because he wants to get the title to himself. He had also saved anyone he was going to have a match against, and was attacked. Vengeance was eliminated first, when Bruce & Money tag teamed him. Eric Eisen quickly got his ass kicked by Money, and got eliminated. Bruce & Money battled for the title all the remaining time, seeing many nearfalls and finishers, but eventually Jack Bruce stood tall and retained his title.


In the semi-main event, the ****y, arrogant prick Robbie Retro faced off with Christian Faith, with Steve Frehley as the special referee. Retro has feuded with Frehley, but decided that he wanted to make a bigger impact, being sure that he can beat Faith sometime (after losing in tag matches etc.) so he challenged him, cut promos on him, taunted etc. until Faith accepted. Frehley became the special referee because he had feuded with Retro, and is a "good friend" of Faith. Well Faith won cleanly, but Retro demands a rematch after the bout, and says that Frehley shall be the referee again, as he wants the same set-up as last time. Frehley then screws Faith, allowing Retro to take the victory. After the match, Frehley & Retro shall beat Faith to a bloody pulp, and Frehley turns heel then. Then Faith and Frehley are going to face in Christmas Clash, where Frehley picks up the win, and later too, so that Faith can get atleast one victory.


I just created a new pair of tag titles, and the first champions were Koshiro Ino & Valiant, as the Star Power. In the World Tag Team -title department, Bach is "injured" and was replaced by Zimmy's brother, Randy. Both titles were defended in some quality bouts (Bumfhole's match against Guide & Taylor scored a B). Plus, in the opener, Lobby & Black faced off with Keith and Lobby's long time rival, Remo. Lobby & Black took the victory.


I really like me some tag team wrasslin and Robbie Retro!

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Ring of Honor, and i finished 2002, as we see into 2003, its really not looking that good :(


We primarily run shows in the Tri-state Area, since i dident run shows elsewhere from the start it's preatty hard to regain overness there unless i get some spillover. Here is our main Popularity gain/loss:



From 30-38, I'm happy to gain that much in 9 months.


Great Lakes:

From 8-9, We first went down to 5, and upp to 9 again through Weekly Chicago Tour, we lost alot of Money so the Chicago tour is off.


New England:

From 12-8, Havent been here..i might do it once a month or something, but i lose alot of money.


Our tittles have lost prestege, lot of it...

Punk held the tittle for 6 months, lost from 74-73 in prestege.

I then chose to put the belt on my NR.1 guy...Low Ki


Well Low Ki have held the tittle from September to January, he's at 71





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Just coming off of WTTJ myself, it consisted of a tag team match between Furious Fusion (Atomic and Lord) vs. The Deadly Sins, a match between American Machine and BSS's new associate, Akima Malilu Umaga (Toma's gone, now Akima's getting pushed), an SC30 rematch between Money and Eisen and the Rumble in the Jungle, opted for a MITB like stip where the winner gets a shot whenever they want it up to the next supreme challenge, and the winner was one Marat Khoklov, eliminating his old enemy Faith in the final two. So now Money's got the giant looming over him for the duration of his reign :D
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Revolutionary War last night! Our fed's big event of the year!


Lesnar retained the universe championship in a great bout against Samoa Joe.

AJ Styles was the hero of the night though, getting the world title from created wrestler heel Joshua Caleb.

Shelton Benjamin earned his chance to face either of the champs whenever he wants. It was in a newer type of match that was like a battle royale but done inside a steel cage.

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Signs Of The Times.


While I spent the early parts of the games getting raped of my talent by the bigger feds, I am now one worker away from having recovered almost ALL of those that were stolen then.


Sign on the doted line, Akima Brave.


My roster as of today...


Anthony Del Veccio

Barry Kingman

Buldozer Smith

British Dragon (UK Dragon)

Burning Taka****a (Burning EXILE)

Cougar Mask (Masked Cougar)

Darryl Devine

Eddie Cornell

Eric DiStasio (FLIVerse Importee)

Eric Silva (See Above)

Ernest Youngman

Jacob Jett

Jared Johnson

Jimmy Cox

Joey Beauchamp

Johnny Heizenger (Ant-Man)

Kirk Jameson

Koshiro Ino

Larry Wood

Lenny Brown

Mexican Dragon (Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.)

Nomy Guerrero (Nomad)


Roger Cage

Sterling Witt (Sterling Whitlock)

Zeus Maxmillion


The C-Verse is great. This is the first year I really give it a long spin.

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I'm doing pretty good using NYCW except for one odd thing ...


I've seen other wrestlers in other promotions all flocking to become Japanese Juniors ... and now it's started for me too. J-Ro is now a Japanese Junior?! What!




There's been around four of them that I've seen. It's so wierd!

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I'm just starting out April 2012 in my game. I started out as a regional fed in Ontario, made Cult fairly quickly and through strategic working relationships I've been able to keep most of my headliners. At the start of 2012 I surpassed CGC as #2 in Canada and declared war. I'm quickly picking off their best workers (mostly just by resigning my guys who also worked there, and they then leave).


I run a performance based thread with a weekly TV show on POP! to help break into the US market, two monthly "big" shows and an end of the month PPV (Canadian and US coverage). This month, I'm bringing in Johnny Bloodstone and Sean McFly for the PPV (and hopefully job to my avatar and my champ, but we'll see).

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