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World Wrestling Entertainment: 2010!

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Who WWE Are...




World Wrestling Entertainment are an International-sized company who are based in the New England region of America. They have huge financial muscle-power at their disposal. They begin the game with 4 TV shows and with pay-per-views.


One of the most highly prestigious companies in the world, WWE are ranked #1 in the world in popularity and are the richest promotion overall.


Up Next: The Stars of WWE

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The Stars of WWE...


World Wrestling Entertainment currently have 76 active workers on their roster. Their most popular stars are...



The Charismatic John Cena...



The Reigning WWE World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker...



The Co-Holder Of The WWE Unified Tag Team titles Shawn Michaels...



and The Co-Holder Of The WWE Unified Tag Team titles Triple H.

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Just looked at your last show - whereas it's not as extreme as my example, the diva match opening the show at 17 minutes was the longest segment on the entire thing. I really can't work out why. Care to explain, or is this another random number generator match length experiment :p
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This isn't fair to Destiny that someone already gave the guy star ratings before he has even posted a show! I know there are a lot of people who are critical of his dynasties in the past but this has not even had a show posted in it yet. Give the guy a break! And yes I gave it a five start to counter act the three star rating.
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Monday, Week 1, January, 2010


The following match is confirmed to take place on tonight's edition of Monday Night RAW:



WWE Divas Championship: Katie Lea Burchill vs Eve

After suffering an injury, Melina has been forced to vacate the Divas title. Neither Katie Lea or Eve have ever held a Championship in the WWE before, but will both get their first chance on the first RAW of 2010.

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Monday, Week 1, January, 2010



WWE Monday Night RAW



Wisconsin Gardens (9,926 In Attendance)





WWE Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Big Show versus Chris Masters

This match has some good action but not much in the way of heat. This match is also a little too long given the two big men involved, but Big Show is able to eventually get the victory after using the ropes for leverage.

Big Show defeated Chris Masters in 7:38 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Match Rating: C-



WWE Divas Championship: Eve versus Katie Lea Burchill

Michael Cole notes that the winner of this match will go onto the Rumble to defend her newly won Championship. The ring action here is solid but the crowd heat is non-existent. Eve gets the victory here to win her first Championship in the WWE.

Eve defeated Katie Lea Burchill in 7:37 by pinfall with a Moonsault. Eve wins the WWE Diva's title.

Match Rating: D-



Following the conclusion of the match Maryse and Jillian come to the ring. Maryse looks extremely attractive as she takes a microphone and announces that Eve will defend her title at the Royal Rumble in a four-way match with Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian and Maryse.

Rating: D+



Nikki Bella versus Alicia Fox

Michael Cole notes that the winner of this match will receive a future Championship match against the winner of the Divas title bout at the Royal Rumble. The bout has solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Alicia gets the victory after using the ropes for leverage.

Alicia Fox defeated Nikki Bella in 6:42 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.

Match Rating: E+



Primo comes to the ring and announces that he will take part in this year’s Royal Rumble match. Chavo Guerrero then joins Primo in the ring and says that he will also take part in this year’s Rumble match. Chavo then tries to punch Primo but Primo ducks and leaves the ring, leaving Chavo looking extremely embarrassed.

Rating: C-



Gail Kim comes to the ring and says that she is both shocked and disappointed that not only was she not included in tonight’s Divas Championship match, but she was also not selected to receive a Championship opportunity at the Royal Rumble.

Rating: D



Kelly Kelly comes to the ring and says that she also feels she deserves a shot at the Divas title. Maryse then comes to the ring and says that the reason Kelly isn’t in the title match at the Royal Rumble is because she’s ugly. Maryse then hits Kelly Kelly with her French Kiss DDT.

Rating: C-



Chris Masters comes to the ring and says that he will challenge The Miz for the United States Championship at the Royal Rumble. The Miz then comes to the ring and says that he will retain his title at the Royal Rumble because he’s awesome. Chris Masters then makes his pectoral muscles dance, embarrassing The Miz.

Rating: D-



Nikki Bella returns to the ring, accompanied by her Sister Brie Bella. Brie takes a microphone and tells Nikki that she should have done better earlier tonight in her match with Alicia Fox. Brie tells Nikki that they’re never going to be taken seriously until they start winning their matches.

Rating: D



Melina limps to the ring. She says that she’s going to work through the pain. Surgery will only halt her in her quest to regain the Divas Championship that she never lost. Melina says she will be watching the Championship match at the Royal Rumble very closely indeed.

Rating: C



Mark Henry, Montel Vontavious Porter and Santino Marella all come to the ring. MVP announces that all three men will challenge Sheamus for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. Sheamus then comes to the ring and is quick to boot Santino in the skull, followed by doing the same to MVP. Sheamus then deals Henry with the same fate. Sheamus takes a microphone and says that he will beat Mark Henry in tonight’s main event and beat all three at the Royal Rumble on the way to retaining his WWE Championship.

Rating: C+



Evan Bourne comes to the ring and announces that he will take part in the Royal Rumble match in a few weeks. Bourne is soon interrupted by Jack Swagger. Swagger says that he will also be in the Rumble match. He then proceeds to pick Bourne up above his head and throw him out of the ring.

Rating: C+



Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Kofi Kingston versus Ted DiBiase

In a bout that features great action and a good crowd, these two men meet to determine another entry into the Royal Rumble match. It is announced during the match that Randy Orton has been suspended for a month due to disciplinary actions and Orton will not be competing in the Royal Rumble. It turns out that DiBiase won’t be either as Kingston gets the hard-fought victory here.

Kofi Kingston defeated Ted DiBiase in 12:29 by pinfall with a Trouble In Paradise.

Match Rating: C+



Following the conclusion of the match, DiBiase’s tag team partner Cody Rhodes joins him in the ring. Cody takes a microphone and says that it doesn’t matter that they won’t be competing in the Royal Rumble, as he has just had word that they will receive a Unified Tag Team Championship match against Degeneration X at the Royal Rumble.

Rating: B



John Cena comes to the ring and says that he will be taking part in the Royal Rumble match in a few weeks time. Carlito then comes to the ring and says that he will also be taking part in the Rumble match. Suddenly, Carlito then spits apple into the face of John Cena, before hitting a Backstabber whilst Cena is blinded. Carlito stands over Cena and once again spits apple in his face.

Rating: A






Montel Vontavious Porter comes to ringside ready to watch his partner Mark Henry’s back in the main event against the WWE Champion Sheamus. Sheamus then comes to the ring and kicks MVP in the skull. Sheamus stands over MVP holding the WWE Championship above him. The Big Show then comes to the ring and stares down Sheamus, before instead turning to MVP, picking him up and hitting him with a Devastating Chokeslam. Then, just as it looks as though things can’t get any worse for MVP, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase rush to the ring. Legacy, along with Sheamus and Big Show, all begin to stomp MVP before Degeneration X rush to the ring. Triple H and Shawn Michaels deal with Legacy, with Triple H hitting a huge Pedigree to Cody Rhodes. Legacy are then dragged to the back by the Unified Tag Team Champions, whilst Sheamus and Big Show continue to stomp on a prone MVP. Mark Henry then makes his way to the ring and the Big Show flees, leaving only Sheamus and Henry standing, facing each other and ready for the main event of the evening.

Rating: C+



Non-Title: Sheamus versus Mark Henry

These two individuals put on a fairly entertaining main event that sees Mark Henry dominate for the majority of the match before Sheamus moves out of the way when Henry charges at the turnbuckles. Sheamus then hits a big boot to get the victory.

Sheamus defeated Mark Henry in 12:29 by pinfall with a Big Boot.

Match Rating: C+



Final Rating: D+


Chris Masters impressed in his promo with The Miz. Hopefully both men can put on a good Championship match at the Royal Rumble.











Current WWE Royal Rumble Card:


WWE 30-Man Royal Rumble match with Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Primo, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, John Cena, Carlito and More!


WWE Championship: Sheamus © vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs Mark Henry vs Santino Marella


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships: Degeneration X © vs Legacy


WWE Divas Championship: Eve © versus Katie Lea Burchill versus Jillian versus Maryse


WWE United States Championship: The Miz © versus Chris Masters

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Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2010


Last night's Monday Night RAW drew the following outstanding ratings, the best in several months:


6.60 on USA Network

0.31 on The Score

0.02 on FOX8

0.02 on Premiere

0.00 on Canal 52


Last night also saw the repeat of last week's ECW on SyFy on in the United Kingdom, which drew the following rating:


0.08 on Sky Sports 3


The following match is confirmed to take place on tonight's edition of ECW on SyFy:



ECW Championship: Christian © versus William Regal

Christian has had a very successful 2009, and will look to continue his success in 2010 as he defends his Championship against the ruthless veteran, William Regal.

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I'm sorry, dude, but this is awful.


Thats his style if you dont like it dont read it a statment like that cant help him or anything so if your going to be rude to him dont read or read and dont post.


Good show just try and mix the match angle's you know like instead of having match angle angle angle angle mix it up and cut down on the angles a little bit

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Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2010



ECW on SyFy



Virginia Park Fields (9,077 In Attendance)





Caylen Croft versus God

The mysterious masked character named God makes ECW debut in a match that is too long given who’s involved. However, the match has some good action and average heat. Croft gets the victory after using underhanded tactics.

Caylen Croft defeated God in 8:17 by pinfall after using underhanded tactics.

Match Rating: C+



Following the conclusion of the match the masked God takes a microphone and says that despite losing in his debut match, he will go on to win the Royal Rumble later this month, and go on to Wrestlemania and become the ECW Champion.

Rating: B+



Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Tyler Reks versus Paul Burchill

The crowd are totally turned off by the match between these individuals as they are both relatively unknown, and the crowd wouldn’t like to see either man in the prestigious Royal Rumble match. Reks soon gets the victory here in an extremely short match.

Tyler Reks defeated Paul Burchill in 2:43 by pinfall with a Springboard Dropkick.

Match Rating: F+



Zack Ryder comes to the ring with his Girlfriend Rosa Mendes. Ryder takes a microphone and says that he is the heart and soul of ECW, and will represent ECW in the Royal Rumble match later this month. He then kisses Rosa Mendes before saying “Woo Woo Woo”.

Rating: C



Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Ezekiel Jackson versus Goldust

Matt Striker notes on commentary that Goldust has competed in Royal Rumble matches before, whereas Ezekiel Jackson has not. Jackson gets the victory here in an extremely short match after using William Regal’s brass knuckles behind the referee’s back.

Ezekiel Jackson defeated Goldust in 3:14 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Match Rating: D+



Vance Archer comes to the ring and says that as he and The Hurricane are both scheduled to compete in the Royal Rumble match, he will make it his duty to eliminate The Hurricane. The Hurricane then comes to the ring and says that he will eliminate all that is evil about ECW, and that includes throwing Archer over the top rope at the Royal Rumble.

Rating: E



Shelton Benjamin comes to the ring and says that he will be competing in the Royal Rumble match later this month. He is soon interrupted by William Regal. Regal offers Benjamin a spot in the Ruthless Roundtable, so long as he helps him win the ECW Championship against Christian later. Benjamin agrees and the pair shake hands.

Rating: B-



Yoshi Tatsu comes to the ring and simply says that he will win the Royal Rumble match. Soon, Vladimir Kozlov comes to the entrance-way. He says that he and the Ruthless Roundtable will dominate ECW, with Regal winning the title tonight, and Kozlov himself winning the Royal Rumble match later this month.

Rating: C+



The ECW Champion Christian comes to the ring to a tremendous response from the live crowd in attendance. Christian says that he will defeat a veteran tonight in William Regal to retain his title, and then wants a young Superstar to step up and challenge him to an ECW Championship match at the Royal Rumble.

Rating: B-



Trent Baretta comes to the ring and announces he will be taking part in the Royal Rumble match in just a few weeks time. He then says that he and his partner were only allowed one spot in the Rumble, so Croft will be challenging Christian for the ECW Championship at the Royal Rumble.

Rating: E



We cut backstage where Christian bumps into his challenger at the Royal Rumble, Caylen Croft. Croft says that he will beat Christian and his best friend Trent Baretta will win the Royal Rumble, leading to the pair of them main eventing Wrestlemania together. Christian tells Croft to watch the next match closely, as that’s the sort of competitive atmosphere Croft will be dealing with at the Royal Rumble. Christian tells Croft he isn’t fit to tie his boots up, and heads to the ring for the Championship match. Christian smiles as he heads to the ring. He seems confident, and retaining his title tonight will mean that he’ll go into the Royal Rumble to meet Caylen Croft.

Rating: C-



ECW Championship: Christian © versus William Regal

William Regal is visibly tiring towards the end of this match that features great action and a good crowd. Christian gets the victory here in a very hard-fought match to head into the Royal Rumble and a Championship defence against the young and hungry Caylen Croft.

Christian beat William Regal in 17:58 by pinfall with a Killswitch.

Match Rating: C+


Final Rating: D


Caylen Croft did well in his match with the newcomer God and better than expected in his promo with Christian. Hopefully he can be built up enough to be considered a real threat to Christian’s title at the Royal Rumble.














Current WWE Royal Rumble Card:


WWE 30-Man Royal Rumble match with Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Primo, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, John Cena, Carlito, God, Tyler Reks, Zack Ryder, Ezekiel Jackson, Vance Archer, The Hurricane, Shelton Benjamin, Yoshi Tatsu, Vladimir Kozlov, Trent Baretta and More!


WWE Championship: Sheamus © vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs Mark Henry vs Santino Marella


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships: Degeneration X © vs Legacy


ECW Championship: Christian © versus Caylen Croft


WWE Divas Championship: Eve © versus Katie Lea Burchill versus Jillian versus Maryse


WWE United States Championship: The Miz © versus Chris Masters

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Wednesday, Week 1, January, 2010


Last night's live edition of ECW on SyFy managed to draw the following impressive ratings:


4.33 on SyFy

0.04 on FOX8

0.03 on Premiere


Meanwhile, last night also saw a repeat of Monday's RAW in the United Kingdom, which drew the following rating:


0.05 on Sky Sports 3


The war between WWE and TNA continues, and TNA seem to be looking towards taking great strides following the release of Vince Russo yesterday.


The following matches are confirmed to take place on tomorrow night's edition of WWE Superstars:



Non-Title: Sheamus versus Chris Masters

The main event of the show will come from the RAW brand and sees the WWE Champion take on the Number One Contender to the US Championship, Chris Masters.



Caylen Croft versus Tyler Reks

Caylen Croft will challenge Christian for the ECW title at the Royal Rumble, but first he will take on the surfer, Tyler Reks, on Superstars.

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Thats his style if you dont like it dont read it a statment like that cant help him or anything so if your going to be rude to him dont read or read and dont post.


1. Don't read or read?

2. In order to know if you'll like something or not you'd have to read it

3. His style is putting 9000 angles back to back with about 30 minutes of wrestling on a 2 hour show and 20 minute diva matches. Think about that.

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Thursday, Week 1, January, 2010



WWE Superstars!



West Texas Coliseum (1,727 In Attendance)





Alicia Fox versus Brie Bella

Alicia Fox is really off her game tonight, but still manages to perform well in a bout that has solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Alicia Fox is somehow able to get the victory here after using the ropes for leverage.

Alicia Fox defeated Brie Bella in 8:21 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.

Match Rating: D-



Layla versus Maria

Layla and Maria have pretty good chemistry, and it lifts this match. The match is extremely short but sees both Women get in a decent amount of offense, before Layla grabs the ropes for leverage to get a cheap victory.

Layla defeated Maria in 3:24 by pinfall after a DDT while using the ropes for leverage.

Match Rating: D



Kung Fu Naki comes to the ring and announces that he will take part in this year’s Royal Rumble match. Charlie Hass then walks to the ring with a microphone and says that he will also be in the Royal Rumble match, and will also be facing Kung Fu Naki tomorrow night on SmackDown! Hass then strikes Fu Naki with the microphone, leaving him down and out in the centre of the ring.

Rating: D



Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J come to the ring and announce that they will be in this year’s Royal Rumble match in a few weeks. Mike Knox and Matt Hardy then come to the entrance-way and say that they will also be in the Rumble match, and are far more important than Wang Yang and J will ever be. Jimmy Wang Yang then challenges Knox and Hardy to a tag team match on SmackDown! Matt Hardy accepts the challenge and the two teams stare each other down.

Rating: C-



JTG and Shad Gaspard, collectively known as Cryme Tyme, come to the ring. JTG takes a microphone and announces that both he and Shad will be in this year’s Royal Rumble match. The Straight Edge Society of CM Punk and Luke Gallows then come to the entrance-way and Punk says that they will also both be in the Royal Rumble match. JTG challenges the Straight Edge Society to a tag team match against Cryme Tyme tomorrow night on SmackDown! Punk accepts on behalf of his team and he and Gallows leave and head to the back.

Rating: C+



Newcomer Mia Mancini comes to the entrance-way, holding a microphone. She says that she will be the most dominant Woman that this company has ever seen, and that we’ll see her again tomorrow night on SmackDown!

Rating: F-





The Great Khali comes to the ring with his manager Ranjin Singh. Ranjin Singh translates for the audience as Khali announces that he will challenge Drew McIntyre for the Intercontinental Championship at the Royal Rumble. McIntyre then comes to the ring and kicks Singh in the gut, before fleeing the ring with his Championship belt, leaving Khali furious at what McIntyre has done to his smaller Brother. Khali then shows great compassion in helping Singh to his feet and carrying him to the back.

Rating: C-



Caylen Croft versus Tyler Reks

Tyler Reks is really off his game tonight, and can’t seem to mount any offense in against Caylen Croft. The match is extremely short, and soon ends after Croft hits Reks with his boot that he took off and used behind the referee’s back.

Caylen Croft defeated Tyler Reks in 3:45 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Match Rating: F+



The Hurricane comes to the ring and says that he will win the Royal Rumble match for all that is good about humanity. Paul Burchill then comes to the entrance-way and laughs at Hurricane. Burchill says that even though he lost his qualifying match to Tyler Reks, Tiffany has granted him a spot in the Royal Rumble match. Burchill says that Hurricane is a joke, and has no chance of winning the Royal Rumble match.

Rating: E+




Rey Mysterio comes to the ring and announces that he has the final spot in this year’s Royal Rumble match. Before long, the Hart Dynasty of Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith come to the ring and hit a Hart Attack on Rey Mysterio. David Hart Smith says they deserve a shot in the Rumble match more. Dolph Ziggler then comes to the ring and says he deserves the spot in the Rumble more, and hits the Zig-Zag on Mysterio. Batista then comes to the ring looking furious, grabs the microphone from Ziggler and says he deserves the title shot more than all of them put together. Batista lifts up Rey for a Batista Bomb, before Kane, Finlay and R-Truth all rush to the ring. Batista, the Hart Dynasty and Dolph Ziggler all flee from the ring and head up the ramp. Kane and Finlay help Mysterio to his feet as R-Truth picks up the microphone and challengers the attackers on the ramp to an eight-man tag team match tomorrow night on SmackDown! Batista accepts the challenge and the two teams stare each other down before those on the ramp finally retreat to the back. Mysterio thanks the three men that helped him and claims that he will win the Rumble and go on to win the World Heavyweight Championship for a second time at Wrestlemania.

Rating: B-



Yoshi Tatsu comes to the ring and says he hopes to win his very first Royal Rumble. Before he can say anything else Vance Archer comes to the entrance-way. Archer says that he will be the one to win the Royal Rumble. He challenges Yoshi to a match on next week’s ECW on SyFy, and Yoshi accepts the challenge.

Rating: D-



Non-Title: Sheamus versus Chris Masters

The WWE Champion Sheamus is visibly tiring towards the end of this bout that features solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat. Sheamus is eventually able to get the cheap victory after using the ropes for leverage.

Sheamus defeated Chris Masters in 18:18 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Match Rating: E



Non-Title: Christian versus Ezekiel Jackson

Todd Grisham notes during this contest that Christian will defend his ECW Championship against Caylen Croft at the Royal Rumble. This match has some good action and average heat from the crowd, and sees Christian get a hard-fought victory.

Christian defeated Ezekiel Jackson in 7:51 by pinfall with a Killswitch.

Match Rating: D


Final Rating: E-


Chris Masters didn’t do too well in his match with Sheamus, and hopefully he can do better in his US title bout with The Miz at the Royal Rumble.



















Current WWE Royal Rumble Card:


WWE 30-Man Royal Rumble match with Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Primo, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, John Cena, Carlito, God, Tyler Reks, Zack Ryder, Ezekiel Jackson, Vance Archer, The Hurricane, Shelton Benjamin, Yoshi Tatsu, Vladimir Kozlov, Trent Baretta, Kung Fu Naki, Charlie Hass, Jimmy Wang Yang, Slam Master J, Mike Knox, Matt Hardy, JTG, Shad Gaspard, CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Paul Burchill and Rey Mysterio


WWE Championship: Sheamus © vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs Mark Henry vs Santino Marella


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships: Degeneration X © vs Legacy


ECW Championship: Christian © versus Caylen Croft


WWE Divas Championship: Eve © versus Katie Lea Burchill versus Jillian versus Maryse


WWE United States Championship: The Miz © versus Chris Masters


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Drew McIntyre © versus The Great Khali

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Friday, Week 1, January, 2010


The following matches are confirmed to take place on tonight's Friday Night SmackDown!:



Chris Jericho versus John Morrison

Both of these Superstars missed out on a chance to be in the Royal Rumble match, so will both want to prove themselves on SmackDown!



Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J versus Mike Knox and Matt Hardy

All four of these men will be taking part in the Royal Rumble match, and will be looking to build momentum heading into the Pay-Per-View.



Cryme Tyme versus The Straight Edge Society

All four of these men will also be taking place in the Royal Rumble match, and are both established teams facing eachother for the first time ever.



Beth Phoenix versus Layla

Beth Phoenix has had problems with Layla and the Womens Champion Michelle McCool as of late, and will be looking to dominate her foe on SmackDown!



Kung Fu Naki versus Charlie Hass

Both Hass and Kung Fu Naki will take part in the Royal Rumble match, and will want to be getting a victory tonight to build momentum.





Rey Mysterio, Kane, Finlay & R-Truth vs Hart Dynasty, Batista & Ziggler

Rey Mysterio will be in the Royal Rumble match, and was attacked out of jealousy on Superstars by the Hart Dynasty, Batista and Dolph Ziggler. Rey isn't outnumbered tonight, and the match should be far more even.



Champion versus Champion: The Undertaker versus Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre will be defending his Intercontinental title against The Great Khali at the Royal Rumble but will first have to wrestle the biggest match of his career to date as he takes on the World Heavyweight Champion.

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