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A New Power is Rising (Current Day Real Life Data) TEW 2010 Beta

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I've converted the data and set hair/masks for most major workers, added some chemistry notes and a few other misc things. Keep in mind this is just a beta so i'm sure thats alot more that needs done :). This includes changes from the latest TNA and WWE spoilers so beware . Enjoy and feel free too leave feedback.


I'd like to announce that i will no longer be doing this data and i'll be taking a break from modding and then focusing on other projects. As I just don't have the desire and time to do the data anymore. But this is not the death of this mod rather a new beginning as StealthGD will be taking over the data. So forward any questions and suggestions to him. He has already made quite a few adjustments and changes that everyone should like. Anyway thanks to everyone that played the data and enjoyed it. Also good luck too StealthGD and thanks for keeping the mod alive dude. peace.


A New Power is Rising TEW 2010 Final Beta Data



Full Picture File (Worker, Logo's, Everything)



1.3 Pic Update


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Are Hogan and Bischoff really on PPA? I'd have assumed they were written long term deals.


Also I think Anderson (Kennedy) is PPA and not written. I saw that one some report recently.


I'm pretty sure almost everybody in TNA is on PPA deals.. Even AJ Styles & Kurt Angle are on non-exclusive contracts.. although TNA have first choice on dates they work before they can work anywhere else so for the mod i think exclusive PPA contracts or just written contracts are better to replicate that

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My only gripe is how you set up the matches by listing the stip instead of just leaving it like it normally is. Makes finding what match you want to do much, much more difficult and frustrating.


I haven't put this mod in yet, but, can't you just filter by type? 12v1, 2v2 etc? I did that 75% of the time anyway.

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I haven't put this mod in yet, but, can't you just filter by type? 12v1, 2v2 etc? I did that 75% of the time anyway.


You can, but it still just lists the stips instead of just '1 vs. 1', '1 vs. 1 insert stip here', and so on, which makes finding a regular match a really big pain in the arse.

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I can understand that (now with having seen them)


But, I think a "great pain" is a bit of a stretch. My complanit would be that some matches, the name doesn't really hint to singles, tag, etc. Like, if the match says "Elimination Chamber" well, it should be a 6-way singles. But, if it just says 10,000 tacks, it's probably 1 v 1, but, couldn't it also be any number of others?


Just sayin, It doesn't really bother me, as I use the same matches from a million games ago anyway.

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I can understand that (now with having seen them)


But, I think a "great pain" is a bit of a stretch. My complanit would be that some matches, the name doesn't really hint to singles, tag, etc. Like, if the match says "Elimination Chamber" well, it should be a 6-way singles. But, if it just says 10,000 tacks, it's probably 1 v 1, but, couldn't it also be any number of others?


Just sayin, It doesn't really bother me, as I use the same matches from a million games ago anyway.


lol I know what you mean, but I don't mind it...

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My only gripe is how you set up the matches by listing the stip instead of just leaving it like it normally is. Makes finding what match you want to do much, much more difficult and frustrating.


The main reason i did this is because in the match results the stips display the way i want them. For instances in other match files a Hell in The Cell Match would display something like Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels in a 1v1 Hell in The Cell Match in the match results. In mine it would just look like Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels in a Hell in The Cell Match. The 1v1, 2v2 etc being there really bugged me, hence why i redid the matches the way they are to make the results a bit more realistic looking. Its just really a personal preference and i figure if it really bothers people they can just swap out my match file with what ever one they prefer.


Are Hogan and Bischoff really on PPA? I'd have assumed they were written long term deals.


Also I think Anderson (Kennedy) is PPA and not written. I saw that one some report recently.


Fixed, Hogan and Eric are now on written deals and also i change Ric Flair from written to exclusive PPA as i think it better represents his deal. Also Anderson was already on a written deal.


I'm pretty sure almost everybody in TNA is on PPA deals.. Even AJ Styles & Kurt Angle are on non-exclusive contracts.. although TNA have first choice on dates they work before they can work anywhere else so for the mod i think exclusive PPA contracts or just written contracts are better to replicate that


For the longest time i had everyone in TNA on ppa, but ever since TNA started not allowing ROH to use their talent i switched the contracts to Written for most workers with the exception of talent that still appears on the indys somewhat regularly like Homicide and The Guns.

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I love the way you set up matches personally, because for the ones "with name recognition" I hate having that 1v1 stuff.


Normally though what I do is just go ahead and create generic 1v1, 2v2, etc. so that if I just want a standard match with nothing to it I can find it easily.

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Been trying this out and it seems pretty good so far. and there I was thinking I would be waiting weeks to play this game (Can't get into the cverse).


My only question is will you be adding starting storylines? I hope you do because this is the one feature I have always missed from TEW and I think will really help with the realism of a new game, as opposed to starting with a completely blank slate.


Again, cheers!

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Awesome Kong has reportedly quit TNA.

Im going to wait and see what happens as far as this goes.


ODB is set as a face, she is heel. That's all I can find.



Also, if ya all think any chemistry needs added or removed in your opinions let me know :). That and keep letting me know anything that needs fixed, I haven't played the data much today to check as i've been busy playing The Eastern Front Mod for COH that just got released today.

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I haven't played the game for more than five minutes yet, so I only noticed one thing that I was confused about. I started as EVOLVE and saw that Chuck Taylor was a negative influence backstage. I could be wrong, but I've never heard anything about Chuck Taylor having any backstage issues in the past.
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