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Total Nonstop Action: Time For Change

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Out of Character: This is my first diary, just decided to start it cause I thought it'd be fun and take up some of my spare time. Instead of what really happened I am changing history a bit to have TNA go permanently to Mondays on Jan 4th. Hope you all enjoy.





When Hulk Hogan announced that him and Dixie Carter were teaming up to make TNA the number one wrestling company in the world, wrestling fans worldwide were stunned. On December 5, 2009, Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter announced that on January 4, 2010, TNA will go head to head live with the WWE's Monday Night RAW on a permanent basis!


Several questions will be answered on January 4th, will TNA be able to continue getting solid ratings on Impact? Who are these new mystery acquisitions? What else does Hogan have in store!?

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TNA Superstar Roster


(Heels highlighted in red, faces in blue)


Main Event

AJ Styles - TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Bobby Lashley

Kevin Nash

Kurt Angle

Mick Foley

Samoa Joe


Upper Midcard

Brother Devon

Brother Ray

D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe


Matt Morgan

Scott Steiner




Alex Shelley

Brutus Magnus - TNA World Tag Team

Chris Sabin

Doug Williams - TNA World Tag Team

Eric Young - TNA Global Champion

James Storm



Robert Roode


The Amazing Red - TNA X-Division


Lower Midcard

Dr. Stevie


Jay Lethal

Kip James


Rob Terry



Consequences Creed

Shark Boy


Enhancement Talent

Jesse Neal



Alissa Flash

Awesome Kong



Lacey Von Erich

Madison Rayne


Sarita - TNA Knockouts Tag Team

Tara - TNA Knockouts

Taylor Wilde - TNA Knockouts Tag Team

Traci Brooks

Velvet Sky

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TNA iMPACT! Jan 4th Preview


TNA Wrestling returns to Spike TV with an all new time slot going head to head with RAW!


Matches announced for the event:


Desmond Wolfe vs. Alex Shelley

Desmond Wolfe, who made one of the biggest debuts in TNA history last year is hoping to start 2010 off just as good. Alex Shelley, is one half of the Motor City Machineguns who are in line for a tag team title shot at the Pay Per View but he has to go through Desmond Wolfe first!


Team 3D vs. Hernandez and Matt Morgan

Hernandez and Matt Morgan are arguably the most powerful tag team to ever step foot inside a TNA ring, now they face arguably the most legendary tag team ever in professional wrestling history. What team will be left standing?


Abyss vs. Daniels

Two long time TNA wrestlers will go head to head on iMPACT! Possibly a chance to prove Hulk Hogan that they both deserve to stick around.


Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley

"The Boss" Bobby Lashley will be facing off with Kurt Angle for the first time ever. In the past few weeks Lashley has been taunting Hulk Hogan, will Bobby Lashley call out Hogan on iMPACT!?


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles vs. ???

To headline the show we will see AJ Styles defending his TNA World Heavyweight Championship against a mystery opponent! AJ is already set to face Kurt Angle at Genesis, will the Champ walk away with his belt at the end of the end?



Plus We will hear from "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero and Hulk Hogan will make his debut in the Impact Zone! Hulk says that he won't be alone!


I'd be thankful if you would give some predictions on the matches and who you think the mystery opponent is:


Wolfe vs. Shelley

Hernandez & Morgan vs. 3D

Abyss vs. Daniels

Angle vs. Lashley

AJ Styles vs. ???

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Wolfe vs. Shelley


Should be a tremendous little match and a great way to kick off your era of TNA


Hernandez & Morgan vs. 3D


Hernandez and Morgan have been billed as the future of the company for some time now, and it's about time they starting becoming the present. Team 3D can still pull out a great match when needed, and putting over Hernandez and Morgan will do them the world of good


Abyss vs. Daniels


Not sure which way to go. I like both guys, but Daniels should be regarded as a main event talent in my book.


Angle vs. Lashley


Another great match! Depends what you want to do here really. I can see some kind of interference happening, setting up a feud between Angle and somebody else.



AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton


OK, total longshot, but I think you might edit the data to bring Orton into TNA and give them a real shot in the arm! Russo is on record that he would love to bring Orton in...plus, theres a hell of a lot of legends in TNA that Orton hasn't killed yet...


Looking forward to the first show matey!

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Pre-Show Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Sarita3.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/TaylorWilde6.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/TaraKO.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/VelvetSky09.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/laceyvonerich.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/TEW/MadisonRayne3.jpg

In a match that had alot more action than it did heat, Tara picked up the victory by hitting the Widow's Peak on Lacey at 8:09.

(8 Minutes, C)






Mike Tenay: Welcome to the January 4th edition of TNA Impact! I'm Mike Tenay here with my colleague Taz


Taz: Man we have a great show tonight Mike, Hulk Hogan will make his first ever appearance inside a TNA ring!


Mike Tenay: Not the six sided ring Taz, we have an all new Impact Zone here tonight for the biggest episode of Impact ever!




Bobby Lashley's music hits in the arena and accompanied by his wife he walks down to the ring.


Kristal Lashley: Cut the music. Just in case you stupid people forgot I'm going to tell you why we are here. We are here because Hulk Hogan-


Crowd erupts in cheers


Kristal Lashley: Shut up!


Crowd boos Kristal


Kristal Lashley: We are here because Hulk Hogan is on his way to the arena. Probably the most popular professional wrestler ever.


Crowd cheers


Kristal Lashley: We thought that if TNA management wasn't going to give us our releases than we'd beat it out of them! So Hulk, if you are man enough I dare you to face my man one on one at Genesis or else we will track you down and make us give you a match.


Bobby Lashley's music plays as Kristal and Bobby leave the ring and go to the back

(6 Minutes, B)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Abyss26.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Daniels5.jpg

Daniels starts off the match taking to his speed advantage and running across the ropes attempting to clothesline Abyss off his feet, Abyss doesn't budge a bit and grabs Daniels with both hands by the neck and throws him across the ring. Daniels turns the table and starts to dominate most of the match. 10 minutes into the match, Abyss reverses an attempted clothesline from the ropes and then when Daniels comes back again he hits him with the Black Home Slam! Abyss goes for the cover, 1, 2, 3!

(11 Minutes, C+)



Ric Flair is seen sitting in the crowd and watching the action.

(1 Minute, B+)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/AmazingRed09.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/JayLethal092.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Homicide09.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Suicide3.jpg

The match is all over the place in the opening minutes but clears up a bit midway through. The match finishes after 5 and a half minutes when The Amazing Red hits Homicide with a Red Eye and goes for a cover for the win.

(6 Minutes, C+)



The Amazing Red goes up on the turnbuckle to celebrate with his X-Division Championship when all of a sudden Brian Kendrick comes out of nowhere and attacks him from behind! Kendrick hits an enzuiguri kick and waits for Amazing Red to get up. Kendrick hits Red with a Sliced Bread #2 and then poses with Red's X-Division Title before dumping it on his body and leaving the Impact Zone.

(3 Minutes, C)



Mike Tenay: You know Taz we are only moments away from seeing the exciting debut of Hulk Hogan in TNA! Are you ready Taz!?


Taz: Oh boy I'm ready, I mean just thinking about what Hulk Hogan has already done for TNA is mindblowing and you know with Hogan making his debut tonight it is going to be even more mindblowing


Mike Tenay: That's right Taz. Don't go anywhere, after the commercial break we will see Desmond Wolfe take on Alex Shelley!

(3 Minutes, B-)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/AlexShelley093.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/DesmondWolfe.jpg

In a match that featured some of the best action of the night, the crowd seemed to be dead throughout most of it. After 7 minutes, Shelley was lining up Desmond Wolfe for a move when Wolfe got up and instead pushed the referee in front of him. The referee is down on the mat and then out comes Brutus Magnus, one of Alex Shelley's opponents at the Pay Per View and hits Shelley with a low blow from the ring apron! Shelley didn't see it coming and then Wolfe hits Shelley with a Jawbreaker Lariat! Wolfe goes for the cover and the referee crawls to make the pin, 1, 2, 3! Wolfe wins and the crowd erupts in boos.

(9 Minutes, C)



Backstage in the parking lot we see a limo pull up and Hulk Hogan step out.

(1 Minute, B+)



Unknown music hits in the arena and then Ken Anderson steps out from the entrance tunnel! The crowd goes wild with excitement! Anderson takes the mic in the ring


Ken Anderson: Hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 242 pounds miiiissssterrrrrrrrrrr Ke-... Anderson... Anderson


The crowd cheers


Ken Anderson: Now that I am here in TNA


The crowd cheers again


Ken Anderson: I am going to tell you a bit about myself. I am the greatest single professional wrestler to ever step inside your pathetic arena.


The crowd's cheers turn to boos


Ken Anderson: I am the first real talent you have ever seen and in the next coming weeks I will shock you with what I have planned


Ken Anderson leaves the ring and starts heading down the ramp to the back with his music playing and the crowd booing

(6 Minutes, C+)



Backstage in the parking lot we see a car pull up and then a door open and out comes D'Angelo Dinero. We were going to hear from The Pope tonight but then from out of nowhere someone starts attacking him! It's Sean Waltman, D'Angelo Dinero hardly got 5 feet away from his car and Sean Waltman is beating the hell out of The Pope! Sean Waltman grabs Dinero's face and smashes it through one of the glass windows on the car! Now Dinero is left bleeding all over the place in the parking lot as medical staff quickly run to his safety and Waltman walks away.

(5 Minutes, C+)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Hernandez14.jpg?t=1264111225phttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/MattMorgan13.jpg?t=1264111231 VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/BrotherRay10.jpg?t=1264111224http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/BrotherDevon093.jpg?t=1264111226


The match kicks off with Brother Devon and Matt Morgan in the ring, Morgan just keeps hitting power move after move, dominating Brother Devon in the early minutes of the match. Team 3D takes the advantage midway through the match. In the 9th minute, Matt Morgan finally makes the tag and Hernandez runs into the ring with a burst of energy! He hits Devon with a clothesline throwing him out of the ring and then lines up Ray and hits the Border Toss! The crowd goes wild as Hernandez pins him for the victory. Hernandez and Morgan celebrate on the top turnbuckles.

(12 Minutes, B-)



Hulk Hogan's music hits and the crowd gives the biggest pop of the night to Hogan! But Hogan was right, he is not alone, Hogan is walking to the ring with Bischoff and Bischoff looks all business.


Hulk Hogan: What is happening, TNA Hulkamaniacs!?


Crowd goes wild


Hulk Hogan: I am finally here in a TNA ring, here with my old pal Bischoff


Crowd boos at the sound of Bischoff's name


Hulk Hogan: Both of us here are going to bring changes in TNA, that's right brother we are going to change everything from the ring, to the wrestlers, to the staff and we aren't gunna stop there brother.


Eric Bischoff: That's right Hulk, I have been talking to Dixie for the last few weeks


Camera goes to Dixie sitting in the front row[/i}


Eric Bischoff: And Dixie has given me full control of the company, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, none of these people's agreements mean anything anymore!


Eric Bischoff: The first change we made was putting TNA live on Mondays head to head with RAW


The crowd boos


Hulk Hogan: So whatchu gunna do Vince McMahon when the Hulkster and TNA runs wild on Monday nights!?


Hulk and Bischoff leave the ring and go to the back

(7 Minutes, A)




Jeremy Borash: I'm here with the number one contender for the World Title at Genesis, Kurt Angle. Kurt do you have any words for your opponent here tonight Lashley?


Kurt Angle: JB, Lashley has shown an incredible lack of respect for Hulk Hogan even before he came to TNA so I am going to make it my duty tonight to beat some sense into Bobby the old fashioned way.


Jeremy Borash: What about AJ Styles, your opponent at Genesis?


Kurt Angle: I have nothing but respect for AJ but when I get in that ring at Genesis it's going to be all business and will walk out the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

(4 Minutes, B+)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/KurtAngle45.jpg?t=1264112180 VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/BobbyLashley17.jpg


Both men go at it with right hands after right hands in the centre of the ring to start off the match before Angle ends with a big belly to belly suplex to Lashley sending almost out of the ring. 13 minutes through Lashley is signaling that he is going for his finishing move to the crowd when all of a sudden Hulk Hogan's music hits! The Hulkster walks out onto the ramp! The crowd goes wild and Lashley walks towards the ropes, looking to go after Hogan but then Angle gets up and hits Lashley with an Angle Slam out of nowhere! Angle pins Lashley, 1, 2, 3! Kurt doesn't seem too pleased that he got helped winning the match but he celebrates none the less.

(15 Minutes, B+)


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/AJStylesTNAT.jpg?t=1264112759 VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/PhotoHammockBucket/Sting4.jpg?t=1264112761


AJ Styles is standing in the ring waiting to see who his opponent is tonight and then Sting's music hits! The crowd goes wild as Sting walks down to the ring. AJ and Sting shake hands before the match but then get right into it. AJ throws Sting against the ropes and hits him with a big clothesline and then follows it with a pele! 15 minutes into the match, AJ has tried everything to pin Sting and then hits one last Styles Clash, covers him for the 1, 2! Sting kicks out of the cover and AJ looks really frustrated, he starts to undo the top padding of the turnbuckle. Referee Earl Hebner tends to the turnbuckle tieing it back up as AJ goes to the outside of the ring and picks up his World Title, he waits for Sting to get up and then nails him with it right on the face! The referee turns around and makes the pin, 1, 2, 3. AJ Styles won tonight by cheating and the crowd doesn't like it one bit.

(18 Minutes, B-)


Overall: B- This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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TNA News and Notes


- TNA has come to terms on the releasing of the following talent: Willie Urbina, Shark Boy, Scott Steiner, Rob Terry, Consequences Creed, Dr. Stevie, and Kiyoshi.


- Our sources tell us that Lacey Von Erich has been getting a lot of heat in the locker room for her recent bad behaviour and TNA are reportedly close to suspending her.


- TNA is apparently trying to contact Eddie Colon or Primo from the WWE. Eddie Colon is only on a pay per appearance contract and there for could make the jump to TNA.


- TNA has just opened up their new development territory called Real Nonstop Wrestling. Expect to see lots of new signings soon.

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