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Favorite New Characters?

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I had to make a topic to describe this epic company.


Anywho, FROM that company... I'm in love with a pair of tag teams:


The RAW Giants, Manhunter and Skyscraper

The Master Minds, Quizzical Mark Question and Quiz Master. I've always wanted to see how The Riddler would work as a tag team...

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I am partial to Jebediah and Ant-Man just because I can see them being the base of the 0/0/0 game I will be starting after the full version comes out. Actually it seems like you can get some really interesting and diverse rosters going for little money this time around, even in Australia, which I love.


I also like Moonsault Master because... His name is Moonsault Master. :p


I also really love Sinner's render. Generally, all of the GDS-Verse renders that have been used for pretty much all of the new characters look as awesome on that classic blue background as they did on the grey one.

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There are way too many awesome characters to choose from. Pretty much all the new Aussie guys (ZEN!) are amazing and Mexico has seen quite a few new luchadores too. Alas, basically no change in Puerto Rico!!


Anyway, the coolest (on name alone) has to be Mirror Universe John Gordon. The possibility for such a gimmick is too awesome!

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The company I'm really looking forward to diving into is VWA. They are set up almost like one of my training fed games except with more personality skills on the default roster. And based on first impressions, I'm hoping there are no nasty personality issues that keep me from making Jasper January my pet project.


Oh and Comradebot, I'm surprised you haven't commented yet on the Alpha Norwegian having a kid brother. I thought EWA was your playground, Brudda.

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The company I'm really looking forward to diving into is VWA. They are set up almost like one of my training fed games except with more personality skills on the default roster. And based on first impressions, I'm hoping there are no nasty personality issues that keep me from making Jasper January my pet project.


Oh and Comradebot, I'm surprised you haven't commented yet on the Alpha Norwegian having a kid brother. I thought EWA was your playground, Brudda.


Well, it's not like its a big surprise. I mean, we knew Hercules is a future worker already... made sense that come time to debut he'd want to work with his brother.


On the down side...


No Official Alpha Norwegian alter ego... :(

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