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SWF - Staying On Top!

Guest KingOfKings

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Guest KingOfKings



“You’re firing me!!!!. Do you not know who I am?!?!”

“I’m well aware of who you are Scott, but you know damn well that when I became in control of this roster, I put in a simple list of rules that I expect everyone to follow. Why were YOU the only one who couldn’t pass the drug test?”


Knowing he wouldn’t come up with any logical explanation, I cut him off before he could even begin…


“You’re fired Scott, affective immediately, I expect you to be out by the time the show starts tonight.”


“**** YOU MAN, you’re gonna hear from Eisen about this!”


I smirked to myself as he walked out of my office. Maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself though, let’s go back to the beginning and see where this all began….




SWF - Staying On Top!

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Guest KingOfKings



The Beginning of 2010

The year was 2009, SWF was in a bit of a funk, they needed something to save them before it got out of control. Just then, it happened. The hottest storyline to hit North America in years. Featuring Rich Eisens own son, Eric, Jack Bruce and Rich Money. The idea actually happened by accident.


Everyone thought little Eric’s career was over, thought he blew his knee out and that would keep him off the scene for good.


But, he came back, and the only person to know was his father Richard. He began to plot the infamous storyline. Over the upcoming weeks champion Jack Bruce was getting attacked left and right, bounties being placed on his head for ridiculous amounts of money, all to take the champion out of commision for an absolute amount of time. Bruce thought what everyone else in the world thought, Rich Money. Bruce confronted Money about the entire situation, and although Money denied it he agreed to meet Jack Bruce for the World Title at Christmas Clash in December in a Last Man Standing match.


The match was a brutal and bloody contest, both men giving it there all. Jack Bruce more for revenge, Rich Money to capture the Heavyweight Championship. Eventually Bruce downed the challenger with multiple chair shots that would no doubt injure anyone on the receiving end. After the match, Jack Bruce thinking he had defeated his greatest nemesis and still retaining his World Title began to celebrate, until a familiar foe showed there face on the big screen. The man who had blurred his face, and altered his voice had appeared much to the shock of everyone in attendance. He stated that not only did Bruce have the wrong man, but that his match wouldn’t be his only defense of the evening. The man said he would be face him right now in a match for that World Heavyweight Championship. The man to come out was none other than Eric Eisen. No one in attendance could believe what they were seeing. Everyone thought he was done, never coming back and here he stood before them, a chance to become Heavyweight Champ. Bruce fought valiantly but in the end a healthy and rested Eisen was too much for Bruce, eventually succumbing to his foe and losing the Heavyweight championship…


So here we are, a new year, and a new beginning. But I know you’re asking, how does Independent wrestler Jack Avatar become the head booker of the greatest wrestling promotion in the world. Simple, Peter Michaels simply could not commit to Richard Eisen that he would keep his son on top. Much to the shugrin of Richard, Peter eventually walked out on the company, leaving them in dire need of a head booker. And that’s exactly where I came in.




“Mr. Avatar!, Richard Eisen here….”


To me, this was the most important call of my life, I think after I heard what name was on the other end of the line I completely ignored everything else that he said.


“Mr. Avatar?”


“Yes sir, uh, yeah, you want ME to try out for SWF?. I’m very flattered at the proposition, but I must ask, why?”


“Look kid, let’s both be honest here. Our roster isn’t getting any younger, our main even stars are a bit past there prime and it’s only a matter of time before I lose my guys to retirement, we need some fresh meat!


Looked like the beginning of another SWF talent raid now that they were on top again. I of course, believed in morals and dignity. I wasn’t one to swipe a promotions best wrestler right from under there nose just for the sake of doing it, never to use said wrestler again.


“With all due respect sir, Jack Bruce is the most popular wrestler in all of North America, and he won’t be going anywhere soon..


“We have money, kid, I wanna spend it. I like ratings, I like huge fan attendance numbers, and the only way to do that is to deliver the best, and you my boy, are one of the best”


Many have regarded me as one of the best independent prospects in recent time, saying I had all the skills to make it big, but of course, I was raised on good southern morals and took it all with a grain of salt.


“I’d be honered sir, when should I head up north for my tryout?”


“Good answer son!. Now, have you ever been to Rhode Island??”


Up Next : RIPW and Professor Nero

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Guest KingOfKings
Great so far i found a typo though.




If I were hit by a chair I wouldn't be in the receiving in I'd be on the receiving end.


Ah, thanks for that. Typing fast sometimes these things happen:p

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Guest KingOfKings



Chapter 3 - Rhode Island Pro Wrestling


It’s true what they say about Rhode Island, you could walk it in a day. I arrived in Rhode Island from Georgia after hours on that flight. I was cranky, sore and tired. How in the hell was I going to perform well in my SWF tryout match?


After arrive in Rhode Island it took me no longer than 20 minutes to arrive at RIPW Headquarters, which coincidentally was the arena where they held all there shows. There were other guys there, none recognizeable to me. That mattered to me none anyway, I was here to get hired by the biggest wrestling company in the world, which has been a dream of mine since childhood. I finally got to the secretaries desk, gave my name and she pointed me in the right direction. I stepped into the tiny arena area, set up with a ring, seats and makeshift announcers table. I caught out of the corner of my eye, Professor Nero with many other wrestlers gathered around him. I could see a list n his hand as he was calling out wrestlers.














“Here sir!”


“Ah, how nice of you to finally join us. Would you like to wrestle today or stand over there with your roots in the ground?”


I walked over to join the group, considerably embarassed but I took it all in stride. After Nero finished with rollcall he announced the first match. Atlas Vs. Avatar, how coincidental…


Some 15 minutes later the match was over, this guy worked like iv’e never been worked before. Move after move, but I kept up just fine and I was convinced that we just put on a great match. After we both left the ring I was approached personally Nero.


“Young man, do you know that you just went toe to toe with a former RIPW Champion?”


I won’t lie, I was shocked. He set me up against a former champion of a company, someone who the SWF had signed to developmental deal a while back. Was more honered to be given that chance.


“I just went in there and did my best sir”, I replied, wiping the sweat filled hair out of my face.


“Well I can say that was more than best, I want you to give this to my secretary, she’ll give you further instructions.”


He scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I walked away from the ring and went back to where I came in. I handed the note to the woman at the front desk. She simply smirked and told me to go into a door just to the right of her desk.


I stepped into the room and realized it was Nero’s office. His accomplishments hanging around the office, various title belts, pictures with famous wrestlers from the 70’s and 80’s, even a recent one with Richard Eisen himself. After a while, Nero stepped into the room.




“Admiring the past works of this old man I see? Haha”


“Very impressive, you seemed to be quite the southern legend before my time”


“Heh, don’t make me feel any older than I already am my boy”


“Now, what I wanted to talk to you about was your performace. You were great out there, much better than everyone else who tried out. You took one of my own boys to the limit and came out looking better!. I’m prepared to give Eisen a full recommendation to sign you to a development contract. How does that sound to you?”


My eyes lit up with excitement, I tried my hardest to hide my emotions.


“That would be excellent, thank you for the opportunity sir”


“Glad to hear it my boy!. I’ll give ol’ Rich a call now and see what he has to say..”


With that he left the room , and I let out one big valiant



But just then, something caught my eye. Something that would change my life, something that would spin together a motion of events that would change everything...


RIPW Booking Schedule, Current Feuds and Storylines




Up Next : Chapter 4 - We've got other plans for you

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Chapter 4 - We've Got Different Plans For You


Lassana Makutski


Cheetah Boy


Kentucky Bill




Not a bad roster for a development territory. SWF had obviously done there homework when it came to scouting talent and snatching them up very quickly. It looked as if Lassana Makutsi was the current Heavyweight Champion feuding with Cheetah Boy in some type of African Hunter going after the Cheetah in the wilderness storyline. Which to me, didn’t quite make sense, seeing as how Makutsi was the champion, it would have made much more sense if Cheetah Boy was champion.


Without even knowing, I began to scribble notes in the book, changing winners of matches, who should have what title, what feuds should go down etc. Just then, I felt someone breathing down my neck. I turned around shocked to see none other than Professor Nero. He stared a strait hole through me for what seemed like an eternity until finally saying something.




“Son, what the hell are you doing?”


“Uh, I uh, i…”


I struggled to get my words out until finally he took the book from me.


“Cheetah Boy heel turn/renamed to just Cheetah…. Lassana face turn after losing the title to Cheetah in a match which takes place after a vicious backstage sneak attack…. “

As he continued to read those ideas plus many others that I had mistakenly laid out in HIS promotions booking tablet, I started to feel the sweat drip from my brow, ever so nervous that I wouldn’t get the shot that was just offered to me. That I would be sent back down south to compete in the Georgia independents, that my entire dream had just been flashed away right before my eyes. Suddenly, without warning, Nero left the room, taking the book with him. He seemed to be in quite a rush. I sat in the chair not knowing what I should do. Should I leave?, should I wait for him?.


After a while Professor Nero finally came back , I hadn’t moved from my position, too nervous to do anything. I was almost sure he would be telling me my chance was done. To my surprise, he sat down on the chair opposite mine, laid the book down, and calmly folded his hands.


“How do you feel about booking the #1 Promotion in the world?”….





Up next: Chapter 5 - Giving Up A Dream

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Guest KingOfKings



Chapter 5 - Giving Up A Dream


“Excuse me?”


Those were the only two words I could muster at that time. I had never in my life thought about being a head booker, I was a wrestler and had always been. What was this old man trying to sell me?


“At first I was a bit taken back by what you were doing here in my office with our schedule book, I was going to send you home on your butt until I actually looked at what you were doing. Some of these ideas are fantastic, and I will be incorparating them into our show. I don’t know if you’re aware of SWFs current situation or not, but they are currently in need of a head booker. Rich has had so many apply to that job that come up with the worst ideas that iv’e ever seen. But you sir, in such a short period of time have just written me an entire month or two worth of storylines. I went and called Rich, pitched him your ideas, and surprisingly even HE liked them. Trust me, Rich never likes anything.”


“Well thank you sir, but, iv’ve been a wrestler my whole life, it’s all I do. If I took this job opportunity I would be giving up my dream to become a heavyweight champion one day.


“But that’s the beauty of it my boy!!!. While Rich is giving you complete control over his shows, you forget the reason he wanted you here in the first place, your wrestling skills. You would still be able to compete in the occasional match!. While he dosen’t expect you to give yourself an automatic World Title run, he’s giving you some leway with booking yourself in matches.”


I thought about it even more, and how could I turn this offer down. I would have a guaranteed contract with the number 1 promotion, I could run it how I thought it should be ran, and still wrestle at the same time. How could I say no?


“Sir, your offer is graciously accepted.”


He picked up the phone and started to dial a number and as soon as the other person picked up I could tell who’s voice that was on the other line, Richard Eisen.


“Rich, he accepts your offer”


“Great, tell him to get his ass down here ASAP, we’ve got lots to discuss”… *CLICK*


And that was it, without saying another word. If I had to deal with that on a regular basis, I don’t know how long I would be able to last in his company.


“Well my boy, Rich has arranged for you a flight to Connecticut to meet with him at SWF headquarters. Word of advice before you leave. Never back talk that man, never disagree with him, even if you do. And to keep him happy, just keep bringing in the money and ratings!”


“Thank you sir, I won’t disappoint either of you”


And with that, I stood up, shook his hand, grabbed my bags and made my way back to the airport. Hell, it was such a nice day out, I should have walked….




Up next: Chapter 6 - Iv'e Hit The Big Leagues

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Guest KingOfKings



Chapter 6 - Iv'e Hit The Big Leagues




Connecticut. What a beautiful state. Couple with a light snow on the ground, covering the trees, and you’ve got a sight to write home about. Down in Georgia we get no snow so this is no doubt a quite exciting moment for me. I wasn’t here to sight see though, I was here for business, and business I shall handle. Bridgeport is where I was headed, a gorgeous building awaited me that seemed to be made entirely of glass. This was definitely the big time and as I slowly approached the front door I wasn’t sure if I was ready.


I walked in and there were people EVERYWHERE. Men in business suits, women in business suits. It seemed like a walking talking store of suits. I appraoched the front desk where a sweet looking blonde hair girl was sitting on the phone, obviously with someone important. When she was done I told her why I was here, and she pointed me to the 22nd floor. 22nd!!!!!?!?!. I made my way to the elavator for the longest ride of my entire life.


“Excuse me, my name is Jack Avatar, I’m here to see Mr. Eisen”


“Ahhh Mr. Avatar” Said another sweet blonde girl behind a desk. Looks like Eisen has a thing for young blondes. “Mr. Eisen is waiting for you in his office just behind us."


I walked into the office, suitcase rolling along behind me. The noise obviously startled Richard as he looked up from his desk with a quick alerted jerk of his neck. He looked at me and instantly recognized who I was.




“Jack!, about time you got here, I told Sandy to paige me once you arrived, of course she’s so forgetful of those things”


I wonder why….


“Come, sit, we have lots to discuss”


And there we sat, for 3 full hours. 3 hours discussing my role here in the company. What I had planned for storylines, characters I wanted to develop, characters I wanted to cut lose and most importantly, plans I had for his son. That seemed like a very sensitive topic for Rich.


“Interesting plans you have, especially for my son. I cannot wait to see how they implement into our show.”


“Well sir iv’e watched the SWF for years, and in those years we’ve always had the same champions, the same rivalries, the same everything. I was actually very impressed when you put the belt on your son, although many internet smarks saw it as favoritism”


I could tell he was taken back by this statement but he continued to listen.


“I think we can introduce some new stars, some new main event players. The seeds have already been planted for guys like Rich Money and your son, but I feel there is so much more potential to be tapped in this company”


“I like your style kid. Here’s a list of our current roster, champions and on going storylines that I fully expect you to follow, for at least the first couple of months”


He seemed very serious about me continuing the on going storylines put in place by the last booker. I would do my best, but couldn’t be blamed if I strayed a bit from the story. I thanked him but as I got up to leave his office he had one more thing to say.


“Hey kid, dinner tonight. Me, Faith, Bruce, My son and Rich Money. Would you like to join us?


Dinner with the main players of my new promotion?. How could I reject.


“You got it, I’ll be there, boss.”


“Good, I’ll have Sandy give you address and reservation time on the way out. O and by the way, try to study that booklet I just gave you, has tons of useful information for you on there.”


I gave him a nod, walked out of the office and got the dinner information from Sandy. It was about that time to go home and see the guys who’s wrestling lives I would be controlling from now on.



Up next: Roster, Company Info, ETC.

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Guest KingOfKings



My Roster

“……Boy, Eisen does not dissapoint.”


That’s all I could say when I walked into the newly rented condo Eisen had purchased for me as a new place to live. Everything was set up, furniture, bed room, televesion, everything. I was quite takin back by the whole setup. I had never lived in such luxury as this my entire life. After touring my new place for a bit, I decided to sit down and get some major studying in. I opened the thick book Eisen gave me and the first page was of course, the main roster. It was listed from Main Eventer all the way down to Enhancement Talent, or in smark terms, jobber….

Main Eventers

Christian Faith

Eric Eisen

Jack Bruce

Mahrat Khoklov


Rich Money

Steve Frehley



Wow, talked about stacked. This is without a doubt the most star studded main even scene in all of North America. All these guys are involved in a storyline for the moment except Remo. This guy has exceptional talent that I would hate to see go to waste. But at the moment im not sure what I can actually do with him. Only time will tell..


Upper Midcarders

Angry Gilmore

Brandon James

Gregory Black

Jack Giedroyc

Joe Sexy

Lobster Warrior

Runaway Train

Squeaky McClean


Most would argue that in a lesser promotion, that’s a main event scene waiting to happen. Gregory Black is poised to be a main player, along with Chris Morisette. As soon as he drops that awful Lobster Warrior gimmick, and I do mean awful. Big plans for all these guys.



Enforcer Roberts

Fredrique Antonio Garcia

Jungle Lord

Kurt Laramee

Marc Dubois

Paul Huntington

Randy Bumfhole

Robbie Retro


Zimmy Bumfhole


Very intersting and exciting midcard division. Expect big things out of the Bumfholes and guys like Marc Dubois and Valiant

Lower Midcarders

American Machine

Bart Biggz

Bret Biggz

Captain Atomic


Jack Avatar


Seemed as if Eisen was serious about me not pushing myself high up the card. He’s got me as a lower midcarder. Biggz brothers and Captain Atomic shine here



Akima Brave

Kid Toma


Shady K


I won’t lie. I have a bit of a man crush on Akima Brave. I’m not too sold on Kid Toma yet so we’ll see how long that tag team lasts. Knuckles and Shady K, I’ll try to make them serious threats.

Enhancement Talent

John Greed


The fans won’t buy this guy on the main show. I’ll have to sneak him in a few pre-show matches to see if they get behind him or not.



BJ O’Neil

Dawn The Cheerleader




Ladies!, I’ll have to match them up with the fellas soon enough.



Duane Fry

Ana Garcia

Emma Chase


Tag Teams

Death Row: Shady K/Knuckles

The Amazing Bumfholes: Randy And Zimmy Bumfhole

The Biggz Boyz: Brett And Bart Biggz

The Samoan Wildboyz: Kid Toma And Akima Brave


After reviewing the roster, reading some bios and figuring out what to do with these guys, I realized it was already 7 PM and my phone was ringing. It was Eisen making sure I was still coming for dinner, reservation was for 8. I closed the book, jumped up and went to shower!. Champions, storylines, TV shows and other things would have to wait until after dinner tonight!!

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Guest KingOfKings
If the first post of a diary is Big Smack Scott being fired, I auto-rate 1 star to get one back for the Scottster. Sweet Revenge!


Hahahaha I never knew BSS had such a cult following. There was no way i was risking him getting caught in the media with those steriods. SWF just got back on top!, i'm not letting them go back down thanks to him!.


Thanks for reading though!:)

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Guest KingOfKings
Also, I would like this diary to be as interactive as possible with the fans. So if there is a favorite of you guys out there (Except Big Smack Scott of course :) ) Don't be afraid to speak up and pitch some ideas my way!
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Guest KingOfKings



A Dinner I'll Never Forget


I made it out the door at 7:45, that left me 15 minutes to make my reservation at the restaurant for my dinner tonight with the boss and the 4 major players in the entire SWF. I hopped in the company car and raced down side streets, I made it outside the restaurant at 7:58, jumped out the car, tossed my keys to the valet and ran inside. When I stepped inside I was so taken back by the beauty of the place, I almost didn’t hear the server ask for my name.

“Avatar, party for Eisen”


“Ah, yes, your party is waiting for you”


Great, they had all got here before me. No biggie though, at least I made it on time. The server brought me to my table and there they were. Richard Eisen, Eric Eisen, Rich Money Jack Bruce and Christian Faith. The owner, and the four major players in the entire SWF. Three of which are currently involved in the hottest storyline in recent memory. I somehow knew they would want to talk about it tonight. Much to my surprise that’s not where the concersation went at all…




Eisen: “Ahh great, Jack’s finally here, we’re all starving kid where ya been?”


“Sorry, boss, I got a little caught up in some company work”


Eisen: “That’s what I like to see, a company man. Let me introduce you to the guys. This is my son, Eric Eisen. To his left are Rich Money, Jack Bruce and Christian Faith”


I shake all of there hands and sit back down. None of them say a word to me and things start to get a bit uncomfortable.


Eisen: “So Jack, why don’t you tell the boys a little bit about yourself, you are there new boss after all”


“Well, I was born and raised in Georgia, grew up a wrestling fan all my life, watching the SWF specifically, so of course I’m a huge fan of you guys. I began training for wrestling a the age of 15 and haven’t stopped since. And now, I’m here with you guys booking for the greatest promotion in the world.”


Rich Money: “So wait, you’re an actual wrestler, but Eisen here let you have the book?”


I could tell Money was less than impressed with me, luckily Faith had my back.


Faith: “Give the kid a break, I heard he has an excellent mind for the business, I’m willing to get it a shot and see where it goes”


Rich: “Yeah, as long as he dosen’t ruin the hot angle I’m in right now”


Faith: “The only people that could ruin our angle is us Rich, I got “FAITH” in the kid”


He threw me a smile and Rich Money just sat there lookinig annoyed. Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen were silent for the entire conversation.


Once we were all settled, Jack Bruce finally broke his silence.


Bruce: “So Jack, what are your plans for this company?”


“Well Jack, I’m a realist, I know you 3 guys are the bread and butter of this company so it’s obvious most main event storylines will be focused on you guys”


I can’t believe I just fed them that B.S. O well, anything to make them happy.


“Also, we have a great undercard, I would like to utilize them in a way that has never been done before, to reach out to a wider audience of SWF fans who might like to see high flying action, along with some brawling and technical masterpieces. “

Eisen: “Exactly what I like to hear!, more fans, more money!”


It continued like this for about another hour until we were all finished. I was too stuffed for desert, and I wanted to get back home and look more at that booklet Eisen had given me earlier. I stood up to pay my half and Eisen told me to put my money away and that he had it. I thanked him, shook everyones had and made my way for the exit. I could feel them all staring an uncomfortable hold in my back as I walked out.


I got him, took my clothes off and passed out on the king sized bed, ah well. Looks like the booklet would have to wait until tommorow…..

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Guest KingOfKings



...And The Rest


Morning time. After that huge dinner with the guys last night, I slept more than well. The light shone through the curtains and gave a very beautiful view of my entire condo. I looked over at the clock it read 10:12. I was kind of hoping to wake up a bit earlier than that but oh well. After a shower and a hearty breakfast I flopped on the couch and opened up the SWF handbook. This time I would be looking at champions and everything else about this company I would be taking over.


SWF World Heavyweight Champion




SWF North American Champion




SWF World Tag Team Champions




I was surprisingly happy with all of our champions. Our World Champion could be 1 out of 3 ways right now between Eisen, Rich Money and Jack Bruce. With as much momentum Eisen has right now I don’t think he’ll be dropping that belt any time soon. Brandon James is a solid NA Champion but he needs more of a character to him. He seems a bit boring to book right now. I’ll have to spicen him up! The Tag Champs are solid, a thrown together tag that will have to proove themselves to me and the fans if they wanna stay on top of that division.


Our schedule is absolutely hectic. We have one tv show, SWF Supreme, but, much to my surprise we have two off air shows just waiting to be picked up by companies. God forbid Eisen decides he wants even more ratings and gives me even more booking responsibilities. I looked below that and saw all of our PPV shows. It seems they’re all on the second week of each month on a Thursday…

SWF When Hell Freezes Over (January)

SWF Nothing To Lose (February)

SWF Awesome Impact (March)

SWF The World Is Watching (April)

SWF Master Of Puppets (May)

SWF The Times Of Trouble (June)

SWF The Supreme Challenge (July) (Our Legendary Show)

SWF Welcome To The Jungle (August)

SWF Under Control (September)

SWF Let The Games Begin (October)

SWF Break Like The Wind (November)

SWF Christmas Clash (December)


The Supreme Challenge is our biggest show of the year. The grandest stage of the them all. I plan on going all out this year. Hopefully my main event plan stays in place. It could possibly be the biggest main event in the history of wrestling if all goes according to plan.


On the next page Mr. Eisen has a list of promotion pacts with other companies. There are only three and two of them are neccasarily in the “nice” category. It seems we’re at war with two other promotions, TCW and USPW, while as you all know, RIPW is our child company.





Founded: July 2001

Size: Cult

Prestige: C

Momentum: B

Main Players: Bruce The Giant, James Justice, Tyson Baine, The Force, Alicia Strong





Founded: December 1996

Size: National

Prestige: B-

Momentum: C+

Main Players: Tommy Cornell, RDJ, Wolf Hawkins


Obviously TCW is our main worry. They had almost beat us in the early part of 2009 to overtake the top spot in the world, but a few injuries and a hot storyline from SWF they had slowly fallen back down to number 2. Now the only problem is keeping them there.


The very last page was actually a list of rules from the boss himself. I knew this guy was bossy but geez, he’s got me on a tight leash. I quickly reviewed the rules and dismissed most of them as “easy enough”


1. Financial balance most not fall below 8 Million

2. Christian Faith must always be above B- Popularity in America

3. Can not hire any worker who works for A cult size promotion or above

4. Can not hire anyone over the age of 42

5. Can not hire any worker classified as an MMA crossover

6. Can not hire or extend contract of any worker with less than C- Stamina


Boy this guy is really picky on who he wants me to hire. Since he likes to be involved in the show so much, iv’e got big plans for the boss. Speaking of rules, I think the boys in the back need a few of there own…..

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Guest KingOfKings




I looked at the clock, it said 3 AM. I couldn’t believe someone was calling me at this hour of the morning.


“Jack!, Rich here, just wanted to call and see if you were ready for the show tommorow night?”


“Of course boss, but can I ask, why are you calling me at 3 am?


“What do you expect Jack, new head booker, hot new storylines, I’m nervous as all hell about tommorow night. I’m entrusting you with my company and if you fail, it looks bad on me.”


“Don’t worry sir, I won’t fail this company. I assume that you’ve read the plan for tommorow night?”


“Yes, but the one thing that bothers me is the absence of Vengeance and Steve Frehley. Care to explain that?”


“Of course, I felt with a PPV in just under two weeks we had to give our hottest storylines the most time. The World Title picture, NA Title scene and the Christian Faith program with this huge newcomer we have was top prioriety for me, and I felt for the fans. Not to worry though, we’ll have a short program for them on next weeks show leading to the PPV.”

“Good call, like I always say, more ratings equals more money.”


And with that he simply hung up the phone, leaving me staring at the clock that now said 3:15, I tried to go back to sleep, but thanks to the boss that was more than impossible now. So I ran down the card again and the website preview for this weeks Supreme TV.

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Guest KingOfKings



It’s the first Supreme TV since our last PPV, Christmas Clash and boy do we have a good episode in store for you! We have word that Rich Money WILL in fact be in the building tonight to address new World Champion Eric Eisen. This will no doubt be an explosive confrontation as Money is looking for an exteme measure of revenege against Eisen!.


We’ve also got word that former World Champ. Jack Bruce will not be in the building. We’ve heard around the backstage area that Eric Eisen is bragging about retiring Jack Bruce, and since he’s not showing tonight, that statement could in fact be true!.


We’ve also got exciting SWF action for you tonight as F.A.G Fredrique Antonio Garcia will be taking on Captain Atomic, Gregory Black against Kurt Laramee, Brandon James makes an open challenege to anyone in the locker room , the Bumfholes face the Wildboyz and Christian Faith will also be in action!.


Don’t miss this week of Supreme TV, it’s sure to be a burnburner coming off SWF’s hottest PPV in some recent time!



Quick Picks


F.A.G Vs. Captain Atomic


Gregory Black Vs. Kurt Laramee


Brandon James Vs. ???


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


There are two more matches on the show that I would rather not give away in the preview. You guys are welcomed to guess on what those matches might be. If not, vote on the rest of the card! :)

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F.A.G Vs. Captain Atomic He is hot and fresh.


Gregory Black Vs. Kurt Laramee Why not?


Brandon James Vs. ??? Keep him strong, or at the least have it a draw to give him a storyline.

The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. The Samoan Wildboyz I think they are higher on the card? Maybe? I have never played SWF so I don't know.

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Guest KingOfKings


Located: Plum Park Arena, Pittsburgh PA

Attendance: 13,000

Final Show Rating: B+



After the opening video for SWF Supreme TV, the camera pans the arena and pyrotechnics go off on the stage welcoming us to Plum Park arena in Pittsburgh, PA! We are soon joined by announcers Duane Fry and Ana Garcia!


Duane: “Welcome to first episode of Supreme TV in the year 2010! We have an excellent show lined up for you tonight. I’m joined by the lovely Ana Garcia and I can promise you people, tonight will be a barn stormer”.


Ana: “That’s right Duane it’s going to be an interesting night, Rich Money will be in the house to confront our World Champion Eric Eisen. Speak of the devil!....


The familiar music of Rich Money blares over the arena speakers and the fans aren’t sure on how to react. Some boo , others cheer but as Rich Money makes his way down to the ring it’s clear he’s very focused on why he came here tonight. He steps in the ring, takes off his 150 dollar sunglasses, loosens his tie, and addresses the audience.


Money: “We all know what happened at Christmas Clash. We all know why I even had a match against Jack Bruce for the World Title. And it’s because I have money.” He pulls out a wad of cash, admires it in his hand for a bit then drops it to the canvas, his look becoming more serious by the minute. “But that’s not why I’m here! I’m here for one simple reason, and that’s to confront our so called “Champion” , Eric Eisen. Eisen, you let me take the fall for you, you unleashed something in Jack Bruce that the world has never seen before, and you let him believe it was me trying to end his career, so in turn, he tried to end mine.” He turns and faces the camera. “And Jack, I know you’re not here tonight, but make no mistake about it, I haven’t forgot that you tried to end my career, I will never forget. And as soon as I’m done with Eisen here, I’m coming for you.”


“Eisen, I know you’re back there. I know you’re sitting there watching what I’m saying about you, and I suggest if you don’t want me to come back there and find you, you come out here right now and face me.”


Rich waits a while longer, and when it dosen’t look like Eisen is coming, Rich goes to make his way out of the ring, but all of a sudden Eric Eisens music hits and out comes the World Champion. He stands at the top of the ramp, microphone in his hand, ready to address Rich Money.


Eisen: “Bravo Rich Money. You’ve made yourself look like more of a jackass than I thought was already possible. Do you not understand that you’re a joke? You walk around here bragging about your wealth, saying you’re the richest man in Sports Entertainment, that you have women, cars, clothes, everything. But Rich, let’s face it, you have thousands, I have MILLIONS! My wealth exceeds yours by a considerable amount and everyone has seen that in the past few months. I bought my way to the top, and when the time is right, my skills allowed me to capture this baby right here that I have over my shoulder, something that you will NEVER take away from me. I’m talking about you, Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Vengeance and any other man in the back who thinks they can hang with me.”


He starts to walk closer to the ring and Rich Money starts to take his jacket off, ready for a fight. This causes Eisen to stop right in his tracks.


Eisen: “Hahaha do you really think I’m stupid enough to fight you right now? I have the night off, I’m the champion, I can do whatever I want. “


Just then, the camera cuts to the big screen which shows a car arriving at the arena. Out steps former champion, Jack Bruce and the crowd goes absolutely insane! Eric Eisens face is in complete and utter shock as it was confirmed earlier that Bruce would not be at the show, but here he is!


Eisen: “You did this didn’t you!? You two are working against me! I don’t care what either of you do nothing will take this belt away from me!”


Rich: “Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I don’t give a damn about a World Championship. I want you and you only. The way I see it you have two different options. Either you face me tonight in a non-title match, or you allow Jack Bruce to exercise his rematch clause. So which is it, you gonna put your MONEY where your mouth is?”


Eisen:”World title not on the line?..... and after this you’re done with me?...... you’re on! But after I finish the job Jack Bruce started at Christmas Clash, I don’t ever want to see you in my business again!”


The show goes to commercial with Rich Money smiling in the ring. Obviously happy with what just went down.


We return from commercial joined by Duane Fry and Ana Garcia…


Duane: “Wow, tonight is already shaping up to be a historic one. Non-title main even match between Eric Eisen and Rich Money, Jack Bruce showed up when no one thought he would, how could this night get any better Ana!?!


Ana: I’ll tell ya how Duane, we’re going backstage for an interview with former champ Jack Bruce”


BJ O’Neil: “I’m standing here with former SWF World Champion, Jack Bruce. Jack, no one expected you to return to SWF TV so soon, can you explain your motive here tonight?”


Jack: “Well look here little lady, Jack Bruce is the peoples star, Jack Bruce never disappoints his fans, He always finishes the show, he never lets the crowd go home on a sour note. So my motive here is simple, it’s to please my audience. And plus, I don’t think Mr. Eisen has an opponent for When Hell Freezes Over now does he?”


He gives her a wink and a smile and walks away...


Fredrique Antonio Garcia Vs. Captain Atomic


Up next we have the simply flamboyant Fredrique Antonio Garcia Vs. New comer Captain Atomic. The match was pretty back and forth for the most part with the fans getting behind the young Captain Atomic. Eventually experience caught up with him and F.A.G put him away with the, Romeo Is Bleeding.


Duane: “The experience of F.A.G was just too much for the rookie to overcome there Ana”


Ana: “Like I always say, experience is everything. But this young Captain Atomic sure impressed me here tonight, he has a bright future in this company”


Gregory Black Vs. Kurt Laramee


Gregory Black Vs. Kurt Laramee is the next match on our card. Gregory Black has redefined his character after so many years of tag team competition. In the end, Black was too much for the King Of The Streets and he put him down with the fade to black at around the 9 minute mark.


Duane: “I love Blacks new and serious attitude, he finally realized being a jokester dosen’t get you far in this business”


Before Ana can get a word in, the music of the North American Champion Brandon James hits the speakers and he and Emma Chase make their way to the ring accompanied by a chorus of boos..


Emma: "You can all boo all you want, but the fact of the matter is Brandon James is this companies future, he is everything you all wish you could be. He in a sense, is the SWF and he will prove that tonight by facing the next un-lucky man to walk out to that stage."


Brandon James hands Emma the NA Title and warms up in the ring waiting for his challenger when the music of Lobster Warrior hits and the former leader of the Underwater Union sprints to the ring, ready to accept the challenge!


Brandon James Vs. Lobster Warrior - Non title match

James and Lobster Warrior have a great back and forth match, neither man getting the upperhand with Emma Chase trying to interfere time and time again. It looked as if her interference had finally worked as he was about to set up Warrior for the Big Brandon Drop. That is until fan favorite Joe Sexy ran down to the ring and started to climb onto the apron, distracting the referee. This distracted Brandon James himself and Lobster Warrior took advantage and rolled him up for the shock victory.


After the match Lobster Warrior and Joey Sexy stood at the ramp taunting the highly upset Brandon James. Sexy motioned that he wanted the SWF North American Championship.


Duane: “Brandon James can not be happy with the turn of events that we just witnessed here”


Ana: “This sure should get interesting in the upcoming weeks. The North American championship is coveted prize”


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Two young teams went at it next as the Bumfholes took on the Samoan Wildboyz. The Wildboyz tried to use there strength to overpower there opponents but the Bumfholes quickness and experience allowed them to pick up the victory here in this match.



Once again we go backstage for an in depth interview with SWF Superstar Christian Faith, conducted by Ana Garcia.


Ana:”I’m joined here by former SWF World Champion Christian Faith. Christian, everyone in the world wants to know, what are your plans for 2010?”


Faith: “To be honest with you Ana, the only plans I have is to win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship one more time. Shouldn’t that be the goal of every man on this roster? If you’re not going for the top prize then you should out of this business.


Ana:”Strong words. What are the rumors about your retirement? We’ve all been hearing rumblings that you will be hanging up your boots in the very near future, any of this true?”


Faith:”Hahaha I was supposed to retire every year starting 5 years ago….


Then out of nowhere a huge massive man comes out of nowhere and destroys Christian Faith. Big booting him right in the face knocking him right out of the chair, Ana Garcia goes running and the huge man goes back to work on Faith. After laying the boots in to him for a few more minutes he finally picks him up and delivers a massive powerbomb right through a catering table placed in the backstage area. He gets on his knees and gets directly in Christian Faiths face.


Marat: “My name is Marat Kholov, I crush you like puny bug!”


Duane: “I’m simply lost for words Ana. No one has ever man handled Christian Faith the way he was just handled there”


Ana: “How do you think I felt delivering that interview Duane, I was scared for my life. But, Christian Faith has promised me he would be back next week to confront this giant man.”


Marat Kholov Vs. Jungle Lord


The music of Jungle Lord comes on next and he makes his way down to the ring along with a decent pop. He stands in the ring apparently not knowing who his opponent is. Just then, the Russian National anthem plays over the arena and out comes the man who we just saw destroy Christian Faith earlier in the day, Marat Kholov. The contest wasn’t even close as Kholov simply dominated Jungle Lord from left to right until eventually putting him down with a devastating power bomb.


Duane:”O my God Ana. What does Christian Faith expect to accomplish against this man?”


Ana: “Faith is a fighter Duane, I think we should cut him some slack. He’s a former World Champion and he has more heart than anyone in this company.”


Rich Money Vs. Eric Eisen - Non Title Match


Up next is the much anticipated main event between Rich Money and Eric Eisen. Rich Money came into this match with fire in his eyes, looking to get revenge on Eric Eisen for his part in him taking the vicious beating he did at the hands of Jack Bruce at last months PPV.


Both men took it to each other like no other could in this main event. Eisen to prove he’s the rightful world champion, Money to prove he is the better man. Midway during the match Jack Bruce came out to the ringside area to observe the action much to the surprise of both men. As the match continued they both kept there eyes on Bruce, wondering what his move would be.


Just as it seemed Rich Money had gotten the best of Eisen, out of no where Eric hit the supremacy and downed Rich Money. He went for the cover but only got a two count. He got up visibly frustrated and made his way to the outside of the ring. Passing by Jack Bruce, he simply smirked and grabbed a chair from ringside. But as he tried to go back into the ring with Jack Bruce grabbed it from behind and took it right out of his hands. Eisen got in Bruce’s face and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. Bruce simply swung the chair and connected right with Eric Eisens head. The ref had no choice but to call the match a no contest.


After the match Jack Bruce got into the ring and came face to face with Rich Money. He offered his hand to Rich Money. Everyone in the arena wanted it, but Money simply turned his back on Bruce and started to walk up the ramp. This weeks addition of Supreme TV ended with Rich Money and Jack Bruce staring eachother down, with World Champion Eric Eisen laid out at ringside..

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