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Welcome. You Know The Drill.

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It had been a bad two years, from a certain point of view. Granted, nothing really bad happened... but nothing really good managed to happen, either. I was in a bit of a funk... was even thinking of going on anti-depressants. But the doctor convinced me to see a shrink first, and after several months of sessions, I came to a conclusion. I was never going to realize my life's dream, not while I was still young enough to take advantage of it. So... I went and talked to the boss. And together, we made a deal.


He put his faith in me... his faith in my unproven abilities, and his hope in my ability to learn. I gave him my promise; I would no longer consider looking overseas. I would accept my destiny, not to be a star in Japan... but to help create new stars here, in my home.


My name is Mark Murdoch.


I am Fox Mask.


And I am the new booker for Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling.


May God have mercy on us all.

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Glad to get in on the ground floor and be able to follow from the start. Looking forward to this one.


This. You've always seemed to accelerate to around page 20 before.


How will Fox Mask cope without Flying Jimmy Foxx? They formed a fantastic tema in my 08 game, and CZCW seems kinda empty without him.

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(Game stuff: Without much experience on the business side of things, Fox Mask has lower Negotiation and somewhat-low Creativity. However, his reputation as King Of The Zone, and as someone who lives and breathes the company, gives him higher-than-normal Leadership and Motivation talents.)


I'm not sure what the general reaction was... because, being the fool I was and jumping into this thing without really thinking it through, I told them the one big change I was going to make. To make money, to grow, we had to give it our best, and then some. We had to push hard. We had to start running weekly shows. Most of the reaction was good – after all, it meant more pay, less chance of going a month without a check. Some of the older guys... okay, Snap Dragon... was worried about how we'd burn through money. I told him not to worry... the fanbase we'd grown in the last fifteen years would grow even more, and by the end of the year we'd be making a big profit and growing faster than anytime in recent memory. And we'd be running Tuesdays... so we'd be able to get some use out of Insane Machine, who had managed to get himself booked in Japan every time we ran a Monday show.


… no, I'm not being vindictive, am I? I hope not. I'd hate to seem biased this early. I'm trying not to be biased.


I wonder how long it'll be before someone accuses me of holding onto the title for too long...


(Game Stuff: The monthly events are all suspended; CZCW Onslaught takes place weekly on Tuesdays and is a Medium event. Let's see how long the new game lets us do this before we burn through the crowd...)

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January 2010, week 1.


CZCW Onslaught #1

The Snake Pit, Unofficial Home of CZCW


I feel strange not spending so much time in the locker room. After getting the card together, I head in... and hear the sounds of laughter. It seems The American Flash, in addition to being a bright up-and-coming wrestler, is also a decent artist; he's done cartoon caricatures of several of the workers. I make a note to ask Cliff about buying the rights to them for the website.


We open with a little match between Jeremiah Moose and Air Attack Weasel; it wasn't their best effort, but for an opening match with a cold crowd, it served it's purpose and got Weasel the win.. We move into what should be a good match, Insane Machine vs Frankie Perez... and seven minutes in, Mikey James runs in, The American Flash runs in, and the match gets thrown out and made into a tag... the audience doesn't like that, but they enjoy the tag match fine enough as Machine and Flash win. I make a note not to do that sort of thing again. We then get a cool-down match that... cools the fans down more than I expected. Jackpot Jordan defeated Jonnie Perez in what was, frankly, a horrible match.


Well, that could have gone better, but now we move into the sub-main and main... the sub-main is an Xtreme Ladder match, with Masked Cougar defending against, and defeating, California Love Machine. I asked them to go a bit longer than they were ready for, but still managed to turn out a decent match. We did a quick video telling the crowd what the main event was... also didn't go over well, remind me not to do that... and so I stepped out for the main event of the night, defending my title against Snap Dragon. We went at it tooth and claw, and I felt we were doing well as I retained my title in a long match... you know, feel the burn... but on the way out, the fans were talking about Cougar and CLM having the match of the night... but that wasn't saying much.


And so, my first show of my career as a booker was a small, but not total, disaster. I had to show Cliff his faith in me was well-placed... I had to learn, and learn fast. After all... we had another show next week.


(Show rating: E+, 1000 people. Match of the night: Masked Cougar def. California Love Machine. Trash of the night: Jackpot Jordan vs Jonnie Perez.)


On the next Welcome... we need a new enhancement talent. Who do we bring in? And can we book better than a E+ this time?

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