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04/01/10: The Biggest Night in Professional Wrestling History

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January 4th 2010: Behind the scenes on WWE Raw!

“Where the hell is Bret?! We’ve been on air for half an hour now, we can’t push his segment back any further!”


Vince McMahon continued to storm around the backstage area in search of Bret Hart, seemingly enraged over the fact that the “Hitman” had still yet to turn up for tonight’s show. Bret had been scheduled to open the show, cutting a promo “12 years in the making” with the man who screwed him Survivor Series ‘97 - Shawn Michaels. However, half an hour into the show and Bret still hadn’t reached the arena for tonight’s show.


As Vince continues to storm around the backstage area, seemingly getting angrier and angrier, a member of the production team ran up to him to inform him that he had received a call from Bret Hart, telling him that he had got caught up in traffic and wont get to the arena for another half an hour to an hour. Vince immediately gathered together production team members and writers to re-write and re-schedule Bret’s promo to close of Raw.


As the night continued to progress, an anxious Vince was sitting in the back with numerous different thoughts crossing his mind as he awaited the arrival of Bret Hart. He began to wonder whether Bret was even stuck in traffic and whether he had just decided to repay Vince for Montreal by just not turning up at all. Vince’s mind was at rest when a production team member came running towards him,.


“Mr. McMahon, you might want to see this.”


“Bret’s here? Finally, I was beginning to think he wasn’t going to show…”


“Umm, not quite. Just follow me please, sir.”


Vince looked puzzled as the man led him to a room full of WWE workers, all gathered around a television monitor. Vince takes a quick glance at the television monitor and notices the TNA logo, instantly causing him to roar out in anger.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You should be preparing for the arrival of Bret, not sitting around a television monitor watching…”


Vince is suddenly silenced by an all to familiar piercing sound. It soon becomes clear to him that the sound was from the beginning of Bret Hart’s theme music, of course it wasn’t the same but it was very similar. As Vince looks back towards the television monitor he notices Bret Hart strolling down the ramp towards the ring…the six sided ring! Vince’s mouth drops as it becomes all to clear to him that Bret isn’t stuck in traffic, hell he isn’t even in Dayton, Ohio - he’s in Orlando, Florida!


The Screwjob has been repaid!




AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Alissa Flash

Angelina Love

Awesome Kong

Bobby Lashley

Bret Hart

Brian Knobbs

Brother Devon

Brother Ray

Brutus Magnus

Chris Sabin

Christy Hemme

Consequences Creed


D’Angelo Dinero


Desmond Wolfe

Dixie Carter

D’Lo Brown

Don West

Doug Williams

Dr. Stevie

Earl Hebner

Ed Ferrara

Eric Bischoff

Eric Young


Hector Guerrero



Hulk Hogan

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jeremy Borash

Jerry Saggs

Jesse Neal

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Kristal Lashley

Kurt Angle

Lacey Von Erich

Madison Rayne

Mark Johnson

Matt Jackson

Matt Morgan

Mick Foley

Mike Tenay

Nick Jackson


Orlando Jordan



Ric Flair

Rob Terry

Robert Roode


Samoa Joe


Scott D’Amore

Scott Hall

Scott Steiner

Sean Morley

Sean Waltman

Shannon Moore

Shark Boy

Simon Diamond

So Cal Val




The Amazing Red


Traci Brooks

Velvet Sky

Vince Russo


Tag Teams

Beer Money Inc

Generation Me

Hamada & Awesome Kong

Hernandez & Matt Morgan

Lethal Consequences

Motor City Machineguns

Raven and Dr. Stevie

Taylor Wilde & Sarita

Team 3D

The British Invasion

The Nasty Boys



British Invasion

The Beautiful People

World Elite

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/29frwy1.jpg" border="0" alt="BCW Sign Development Deal With TNA Wrestling!"></a>

BCW Sign Development Deal With TNA Wrestling!


Earlier today we reported that Scott D'Amore was flew to Dixie Carters home earlier on this week to discuss the possibly off Border City Wrestling becoming the Development Territory for TNA Wrestling, it is believed that Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff were also in attendance.


We can now confirm that the deal has been signed and Border City Wrestling is now the official Development Territory for up & coming TNA stars.

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="

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Orlando, Florida


iMPACT kicks off with a huge pyro, The camera showing different shots of the audience every couple of seconds after. The camera finally hits the ring, where we see “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan standing in TNA’s new, more tradition four sided ring which had a black mat with a TNA logo in the middle of it, which also had red ropes. Hogan begins taunting as the crowd start to chant TNA continuously. Hogan begins to talk about Bret Hart screwing the WWE last week by showing up on iMPACT instead of Monday Night Raw, and how the WWE can do nothing about it because there was only a verbal agreement in place between both sides. Hogan states that while Hart last week only spoke about the past, about him being screwed over by Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels, he was out here to discuss the future for Bret Hart, because although they never really got along, Hogan has always respected Bret Hart and for that reason he is naming him the new TNA Directory of Authority, forget Foley or Jarrett because Bret Hart will have the real power within the company, Hogan continues to talk about how he thinks Hart can change the company for the better and he will help take down the WWE, he ends his promo with his classic “Oh its on brother! Because what you gonna do what Hulkamania comes...” but Hogan is interrupted, by a new but familiar sound




Bret Hart walks onto the stage wearing his signature purple glasses, to an even bigger pop from the crowd than Hogan! Hart puts the microphone to his mouth and firstly thanks the fans for there support. Bret goes onto say that while he can and will change TNA, Hogan needs to stop hogging the spotlight, that this is his second week in TNA and already he has had more air time than the World Champion AJ Styles, Hogan’s tries to interrupt but Hart doesn’t let him as he has more to say “As my first action as the TNA Director of Authority, I am putting you on the announce table along with Mike Tenay and Taz!”. Hogan goes onto say that he respects Harts decision and he will go along with it because it’ll give him more time to analyse and get rid of the dead weight within TNA, Hart smirks and goes to say something when he is interrupted by a familiar voice “Hold on a minute!”, Eric Bischoff walks onto the stage. Eric asks Hogan why he is letting Hart boss him around, he also asks Hogan is he is forgetting who is now in full charge of TNA? Bischoff kindly reminds him that its himself, Dixie Carter & Hulk Hogan, Not Bret Hart, Bischoff states that Hogan is too BIG of a star to be sitting at the announce table but Hogan soon tells Bischoff that he doesn’t want all that power, he doesn’t need the stress of it and that he is here to help TNA, as is Bret but Bret is also here to help out Hulk Hogan to help TNA and for that reason he is willing to do whatever it takes to make this company succeed, even if it means him sitting at the announce table!


Hart smirks at Bischoff, Bischoff tells Hogan that’s fine but Hart will have to discuss all decisions with him in future because he isn’t being bossed around by a no good has been. Hart doesn’t react; he simply says “That’s fine by me”. Bischoff looks pissed; he slams the microphone down and storms off the stage. Bret smirks once again, and then informs the crowd that tonight not only we will see some new blood, but there will be a 15 man battle royal to determine the Number One Contender for the World Championship match at Genesis! Hart smirks and tells the fans he must have forgot to inform Mr. Bischoff!


[Commercial Break]


As we come back from a commercial break, the camera shoots towards the announce table where we see Mike Tenay, Taz and the newest edition to the table, Hulk Hogan! Hogan informs the fans that next we will see the debut of Generation Me squaring off against the Machineguns!


Tag Team Match

Generation Me vs. Motor City Machineguns

The match started off with Matt Jackson & Chris Sabin squaring off, both men providing highflying action, but the match wasn’t only about the flashiness because we also had the technical side of rings between both teams which seemed to surprise many fans. The crowd were very into the match, and they loved it when Shelley scored a near fall after hitting a huge Backpack Stunner on Nick Jackson who somehow managed to kick out. The outcome of the match came when Generation Me impressed the crowd even more, Nick knocked Sabin off the ropes, climbed up onto the turnbuckle and hit the 450° splash! But the crowd was even more impressed when seconds after Matt jumped onto the top round and hit a spinning moonsault! Shelley couldn’t kick out of the three count after that!

Winners: Generation Me


Generation Me celebrate their win as the announce team hype tonight’s Battle Royal. the camera cuts backstage where we see Bubba “The Love” Sponge standing by Jeff Hardy & Shannon Moore! Bubba questions Hardy as to why he thinks Homicide attacked him last week, Hardy states that he doesn’t care why he did it, but he sure as hell won’t be doing it again after the beating he received. Moore interrupts and says that if Homicide comes near “his boy” again, he’ll have him to take on too! Bubba then asks Hardy & Moore why they decided to join TNA, Hardy simply says “ive always liked the underdog and that’s what TNA is”. Moore begins to talk again, he tells the fans that he and Jeff Hardy are here to bring some excitement to TNA and that they are issuing an open challenge to any tag team in TNA tonight, because sooner or later they’ll be the number one tag team in TNA Wrestling and with that only comes Tag Team Gold! Hardy smiles as they both walk off the set.



[Commercial Break]


As we come back from the commercial break, we see JB outside the locker room of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. JB is seen knocking on the door continuously until we see AJ Styles leaving his locker room. JB questions Styles as to why he was in Ric Flairs locker room but Styles just walks away when finally Ric Flair walks out, JB asks Flair what the deal is between him and Styles but Flair just replies “Woooo!” and head back into his office.


The camera heads back to the announce table, Tenay tells the fans that he has a huge announcement for us; Rob Terry has challenged The Amazing Red next for the TNA X-Division! Hogan hypes up and even says he reminds him a lot of himself at that age which seems to make Taz laugh hysterically.


Singles Match

Rob Terry vs. The Amazing Red

This match was pretty dull to watch, Red provided the only excitement in the match but Terry defiantly showed his strength by lifting Red above his head and throwing him outside the ring. The crowd were dead throughout the match until Red hit the 718 on Terry to finish the match! Red pinned Terry 1..2..3!

Winner: The Amazing Red

Red leaves the ring as we see Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus walking down the aisle both holding steel chairs, they slide into the ring, and Magnus smashes Terry over the head with a steel chair! Williams continues the assault, Doug places the chair under Terry’s head, swing off the rope and hits a huge leg drop! The camera zooms in on Terry’s face, he is bleeding from the mouth!


[Commercial Break]


A replay of The British Invasion turning on Rob Terry is played as we come back from the commercial break. The camera cuts backstage where we see “The Hitman” sitting behind his desk, as the camera moves along the room we see Bischoff sitting opposite Hart at his own desk “I cant believe we have to share an office, ill be speaking to Dixie about this” Eric shouted, Hart smirked once again, which he seemed to be doing a lot of tonight. Bobby & Kristal Lashley storm into the office, Kristal says that Bobby wants his release now but Bischoff kindly reminds both of them that Bobby signed a three year deal with TNA and it would cost him more money than he has to get out of it, Lashley starts throwing the pictures from the wall around the room and generally going crazy which is when Hart shouted he’ll give him a chance to be released from his contract because he knows someone that wants a match with him, so if Lashley can defeat this opponent at Genesis he’ll be released, but if he doesn’t then Lashley must sign an exclusive contract with TNA, meaning no MMA. Kristal agrees on behalf of Bobby and asks who he will be facing, Hart once again smirks, “Kurt Angle, but not in no ordinary wrestling match, it’ll be in the four sides of steel!” Hart said, Lashley looks pissed but Kristal says that not only will they lose there biggest star at Genesis but Angle will never be able to wrestle again after Bobby has finished with him, they both storm out as the camera looks back at Bischoff, who for the first time tonight seems to be smiling as if he was impressed with Hart.


Tag Team Match

The Nasty Boys vs. Beer Money

Just as The Nasty Boys were making there way down to the ring, they were brutally attacked by Team 3D as Beer Money watched on. Team 3D dragged The Nasty Boys to the back as Robert Roode begins to talk on the microphone; he calls out The Band for attacking them last week. Hall, Nash & Waltman all walk onto the stage, Waltman has a microphone in his hand, Waltman tells Beer Money that they accept their challenge but this match will take place at Genesis in a handicap match! Roode quickly accepts and makes a slide comment on whether Hall will actually turn up!


[Commercial Break]


The camera heads back into the iMPACT Zone where the fans can be seen going crazy chanting “TNA! TNA! TNA!”. The lights in the iMPACT Zone, the audience are drawn towards the titantron because they see flashing red lights coming from it. The flashing soon stops and the audience see blood dripping down the screen. Footsteps can also be heard by the audience who are waiting in anticipation to see what going on, suddenly the footsteps stop and a loud sigh of relief can be heard, “So this in TNA? Interesting. Here seems to be a good enough place to satisfy our needs because there is defiantly enough scumbags in this place, do people actually think they can attack people from behind and get away with, do people actually think they can trash other peoples locker room and get away with it? Well, no more of that”


As the lights in the Impact Zone come back on, the announcing begin to speak about what we just heard, Hogan questions who the hell it is and what it meant by saying there were enough scumbags in TNA? Taz asks Hogan if he really needs to ask what he meant by scumbags, because he knows of just a few. The camera cuts to the back where JB is standing by The British Invasion, JB asks Williams & Magnus why they attacked Terry earlier, Williams tells JB that while he looks the big, strong members of the group, he wasn’t & that they simply removed the weak link in order for the British Invasion to gain more respect around here. Brutus Magnus tells JB that The British Invasion is issuing an open challenge to any tag team in the wrestling industry who thinks there up to the British Invasions standards!


Singles Match

ODB vs. Tara

This was your pretty average Knockouts match, but it turned out to be a really good one just because off the crowd reaction that did seem really into this match all the way through, even when ODB held Tara in a bear hug for five minutes! Twelve minutes into the match ODB was on the outside off of the ropes and Tara hit the spear! ODB went flying into the outside rail. The finish off the match came when Tara managed to connect with the Windows Peak and pin ODB 1..2..3!

Winner: Tara

Tara stands over ODB with the referee holding her hand high, the announcers inform us that no tag team has accepted Hardy & Moores challenge but Hardy has been added to tonight’s Battle Royal!


[Commercial Break]


As we get back from another commercial break, Hogan tells the audience at home that Bret Hart will be on the titantron as he has a huge announcement! Hart appears on screen and announces that he has officially signed a huge star just moments ago, that it will shock the wrestling world! Hart tells the fans that this star will debut at Genesis!


15 Man Battle Royal

Number One Contender for TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Desmond Wolfe vs. Eric Young vs. Hernandez vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kevin Nash vs. Matt Morgan vs. Rhino vs. Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner vs. Sean Morley vs. Suicide


Styles joined the announce table before the match started, when the match did start it went pretty well considering there were fifteen men in the ring; Morley is eliminated first by Samoa Joe, soon after Hernandez is shockingly eliminated by Jeff Hardy with a dropkick! Suddenly Homicide jumps out of the crowd with a steel chair, slides into the ring and whacks Hardy over the head, sending him flying over the top rope! Hardy is out! Homicide quickly climbs out of the ring and runs up the ramp, back in the ring Nash & Eric Young are teaming together, trying to push Morgan over the top rope but the big man is holding on tight! Abyss runs up and pushes them all out, but Nash holds onto Abyss and drags him out with him! Four more wrestlers are out!


About fifteen minutes into the match the Taz tells the audience at home that Bret Hart has officially booked Jeff Hardy vs. Homicide at Genesis!


Steiner then managed to get Suicide out, by suplexing him outside the ring! Rhino goes to Gores Steiner, it hits but he also falls out of the ring too! Rhino is pissed; he climbs back into the ring and throws Storm out, he goes for Dinero but Dinero holds on! Rhino is led out of the ring by the referee,


Daniels and Wolfe exchange punches but Joe managed to get both of them out with a clothesline! Dinero runs up and pushes Joe over the top! Dinero is the new number one contender!


Winner: D’Angelo Dinero

AJ Styles walks into the ring and shakes the hand off Dinero as Impact comes to a close!


I haven’t written a show in over a show, so any constructive criticism is appreciated.

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/29frwy1.jpg" border="0" alt=" iMPACT Rating Sets Record!"></a>

iMPACT Rating Sets Record!



We can now confirm that TNA iMPACT scored a huge 1.7 rating on its return to Thursday night this week, this is two points higher than the January 4th live show.

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