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Silly unreal kids mod

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I've been messing with a little mod based on a parody of comics, cartoons, old movie shorts featuring kids gangs etc... to mess with the new feature that lets youngsters wrestle. Its a silly, fun mod that allows you to have the worst matches ever! I've had a match rated 1.

So far I've only managed one tiny fed based on a parody of a rounded headed kid, his slightly odd dog and their friends, with a wild haired kid and his stuffed puma / imaginary friend rounding out the roster.

It makes me grateful for those of you who make the mods, this is tough! Anyway any suggestions for sources to parody, silly names for anything from venues to moves and any story line ideas would be appreciated.

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Joss Whedon's works are a good source of plagarism... I mean parody.


Buffy, Firefly, Angel, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along-blog, Dollhouse



You definitely need some Gangs of New York and/or Lord of the Flies references.


Popculture is always fun, prehaps have a "Neverland" gang of kids and their leader be a 40 year old man wearing only one white glove ;)

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Joss Whedon's works are a good source of plagarism... I mean parody.


Buffy, Firefly, Angel, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along-blog, Dollhouse



You definitely need some Gangs of New York and/or Lord of the Flies references.


Popculture is always fun, prehaps have a "Neverland" gang of kids and their leader be a 40 year old man wearing only one white glove ;)



OH, that last part could go horribly wrong for a heel turn

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