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Kobeverse Picture Pack Thread

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Continuing this over from 08'. Hopefully the added traffic from 10' should allow some other users to download this and pick some others out. :)


If you just want to get to the point of the topic ignore my ranting part in gray/italics and move to the bolded dark blue.


Due to request I received when I released the Kobeverse for TEW 2008, I'm removing all of the disguising filters that I had on the Kobeverse worker pics on previous iterations of the data. I'd previously put filters on the worker pictures because my picture pack (1500+ cuts I've done over the past 2 years) is made up of people on facebook, the prison system, porn stars, random people on google image search, and every single place on the internet you can think of that you would go looking for random worker pictures. :) It just seemed to me that in an effort to avoid pissing anyone off who might not want to be in the picture pack I should just disguise all of the images. However, enough people have pointed out that all those are public forums so it isn't really an invasion of privacy. Besides, if you see yourself in the pack and don't want to be, just ask and I'll remove you. ^_^


So now I have all these pictures of workers and they are as they are etc... BUT I don't want anyone famous in the data because I think it breaks immersion if you're supposed to be some jobber from California etc. only he looks like Tom Cruise. :o


Okay, so that said the purpose of this thread in a nutshell is to point out any famous/recognizable faces in the Kobeverse worker picture pack. For anyone willing/interested in making the mod better, just download the picture pack (link at bottom of the post) and go through the picture pack looking for people you recognize. If you see a famous face then either send me a PM or post in this topic with the corresponding picture name, and who it is in real life. I will then remove that picture from the pack and replace it with someone generic/less famous. :) The reason I'm doing this is because I think it's easier to get immersed in a mod when you're playing with fictional characters and you aren't associating them with some celebrity etc.


Side Note:


Some of the pictures are of pornstars/convicts/insert social undesirable here. I'd have stayed away from adding them, but they have some of the largest picture repositories. :o I tried not to use anyone that to my knowledge is "famous", but I only know of Jenna Jameson, Tera Patrick and like 5 other adult film stars by name. And I wouldn't know a famous criminal if he/she was about to rob/murder me. -_-


So... if I did use someone most people would know then just point it out to me. If you don't want the forum to know that you recognize "insert whoever here" then just send me a PM instead of posting in the topic. I won't say anything. :D


But yeah, it's really important to me that I get any potentially famous faces out of the pack before I release the data. So the more people that could look through it the better. I tried to get rid of everyone famous I knew of, but I'm sure there are exceptions. The more people that look at the pack the more eyes I can get on it and the faster I can replace the worker picture with one of my 500 or so facebook cuts (will be released with final data) that I know for a fact are the antithesis to celebritydom. :)




Kobeverse has no nudity in it (kids use this forum. :p) but there are some pictures with mosaics in them like so:





which are for some promotions that are the Kobeverse equivalent of the Naked Women's Wrestling League (NWWL). If that bothers you don't download the pack. :o


Picture pack (Big file, 50+ MB):




























There are probably around 90 pictures out of the 1600 or so pictures in the pack that I didn't cut. I grabbed them back in 2007 during the early stages of my mod from some real world data that had future worker pictures in it back before I ever knew Kobeverse would get this big. I'd go through and pull them out now since I have more than enough pictures to replace them, but I don't know which ones they are. :o


If you happen to be the cutter of those pics and recognize them + want me to remove them then let me know what they are and I'll get rid of them. ^_^




I know that Summer Valentine/Selphie Lockheart=Melissa Therieau. She is the one famous face I purposefully left in the data. She just fit my image of the character I made up during childhood so well that I couldn't help it. ^_^


When I say "famous" I mean at least 5-10% of people who play the data would know who they are. I know a few people sent me PM's saying that they didn't know if I thought such and such a person counted as famous and I decided in most cases yes. So in general if you know their name let me know please. ^_^


Also, a user said Rampage Jackson is in the pack but for the life of me I can't find him. If anyone can please let me know what name he's under I'd appreciate it. :)

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Workers found so far:


Daniel Hudson - Topher Grace

Selphie Lockheart/Summer Valentine - Melissa Therieau

Ken Union - Tom Cruise

Dina Walker - Squeak from Suicide Girls

Ainse Trembley - the guy from Prison Break

Candy Walker - Penny Flame

Dena Hall - Raven Riley

Kayami Hamano - Brenda Song from The Suite Life Of Zach & Cody

Loren Posey - Liz Vicious

Sandy Rawlings - Avril Lavinge

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm glad I asked for feedback from you guys. As I'm tightening up the picture pack I think it's a lot more high quality now (much better cuts, much more wrestler fitting cuts, just more solid overall. I'm really excited to release, hopefully by early April. ^_^)
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