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An American Pastime - Midwest Championship Wrestling

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It’s been almost three years since I disappeared from the wrestling business. My career had gone from top of the world to the dumps in a matter of months. I went from being booked to win a major title on a company’s biggest show of the year to jobber. I was told by management that I was the future of the company. I was told by them that I was set to stay on top for a long time. But all that ended two weeks later when the next, next big thing showed up. I held the title for a month and was then asked to drop it. I obliged with their promise that I was sure to stay a top player. Three more weak pay per view losses later and I was fed up. I left. I stared at the ceiling as the referee counted three. As my opponent celebrated, I got out of the ring and walked to the back. I barely took the time to pack my things. I didn’t even change. I walked out the back door and wasn’t heard from for three years.


Things weren’t bad only in wrestling. My father had been brutally murdered, my girlfriend out of my life and my first love, baseball, pushed to the side by my new love of wrestling. The painkiller addiction I had developed prior to walking out got worse. I began leading the pitiful life of pills and syringes; A lifestyle that my friends and remaining family never would have imagined. After a year of a constant cycle of uppers in the morning and downers at night, I broke down. I hated myself and knew things needed to change. So I checked myself into rehab. That’s where I spent the next year. Today is a special day. One year sober. January 21, 2010.


I had even re-joined my local volunteer fire department. They were happy to have me back as I hadn’t been involved with drugs while on the department. I left shortly after the murder of my father as th fire station became too painful to be at.


To celebrate my anniversary, my dear friend Bryce Billings gave me a call and asked me to meet him for lunch. I obliged and headed out the door.




We had finished eating as I took the final swig of my Samuel Adams. Bryce had questioned if I should really have a beer considering my past. I had to remind him that I was never addicted to alcohol. We sat in silence as the check was set at our side. I peered across the table at him with a suggestive glare.


“Come on Bryce. A multi-million dollar lawsuit that you haven’t spent means you can buy lunch.”


He chuckled at my statement and slowly pulled out his wallet.

“Yeah yeah.”


I knew by how fidgety he was throughout the meal that he had other intentions during this meeting. Nothing had come up yet, but I intended to find out.


“So what was the real reason you bought me lunch?” I asked.


Bryce smiled and looked up.

“I knew you’d want to know.” He replied.


Bryce was always one that had wacky ideas, so I wasn’t quite sure what he had in mind.


“John, I’m going to open up a promotion.” He said.


I immediately sighed and went on the defensive.

“Bryce, I’ve been gone for so long. Nobody cares about me anymore.” I said.


Bryce scoffed and leaned back in his seat.


“I disagree. John you were the who’s who of wrestling. By far the best independent wrestler not signed by a major company. You disappeared off the face of the earth and you don’t think people will care when you show back up?”


I took it in. It was true. I couldn’t say I hadn’t wanted to return, but it all seemed like a distant memory.


“I don’t even know if I can still go like I used to. I haven’t been inside a wrestling ring since October of 2007.”


Bryce smiled widely.


“John, you think too small. I want you to run it for me. I want you to be in charge.”


I was taken back. It was going to take some time….

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I took a few days and thought about everything. It was a very nice opportunity to get back into something I loved. I called Bryce up and told him I’d do it. He was happy to hear it and called me into a new building he had built for a formal meeting and contract signing. I laughed as I spoke to him about all of the amenities he had purchased for the company.


“You know John I do need to leave myself something to retire on just in case this promotion doesn’t become profitable.” He said.


I nodded. It was understandable. The man had won a lawsuit worth over five million dollars, but that kind of money didn’t go that far anymore these days.


“I’ve set up an account with your name on it. Its initial balance is $500,000. Now because this account is for the promotion, some expenses have already been taken out. Most notably the cost of this building.”


He looked toward me with a look that expected an objection. I knew it would be rude to do so considering my best friend was sending so much money my way. I said nothing and he continued.


“Now I will add cash to that account as I feel necessary, but it is vital that you become self sufficient. Making money is a priority. Second only to putting on a good show. “


I smiled. I liked that putting on good shows was his number one priority.

“Now, as much as I’d like to just allow you to run wild on my dime, I feel as though we really should set some performance guidelines.”


He paused again waiting for an objection. I could tell he was testing my character.


“I agree. I feel as though this should be kept as professional as possible.” I said.


He seemed happy I had broken my silence.


“So here’s what I’ve come up with. First off, profit is essential. I’d like to see you get our bank balance up to $750,000.”


That wasn’t unreasonable in my eyes considering he was giving me two years.


“Of course, it would be nice if we could get more popular, but I’ll be happy if you can keep us as popular as we are now. We’re being classified as a Small promotion.”


Again, this didn’t seem hard to me.


“And finally, I’d like you to stray away from workers who have lower than average natural charisma and toughness. Other than that I trust you to use your better judgment.”


That was it. He dismissed me from his office and showed me to my own. The building would serve not only as the MCW Arena, but also as the MCW Headquarters. I settled into my chair and immediately started calling people. I had a debut show to book.

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After two weeks of negotiations, I felt as though I had finally filled my roster. I sent the following list over to Bryce and he was quick to approve. Some of my negotiations were strange. Nobody demanded a ridiculous amount of money, but there were a lot of requests for title run promises. It worried me at first, but I came up with a great solution that will not only take care of them swiftly, but will also end up making one worker in particular look strong. So here is the MCW roster as of January 14th, 2010.

Main Eventers

Frankie Perez

Fumihiro Ota

Jack Griffith

John Covel


Upper Midcarders

JD Morgan

Mikey James

Sam Pratt

Steven Parker



Antonio Del Veccio

Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Kashmir Singh

Matthew Keith

Mean Jean Cattley

Lower Midcarders

Greg Gauge

Hugh de Aske

Kirk Jameson

Mainstream Hernandez



Davis Wayne Newton


MCW Announce Team

Bryce Billings & Duke Hazzard


MCW Head Official

Dewey Libertine


MCW Road Agent

Fabulous Frank


Now that our roster had been made public, it was time to start putting together the card for our first ever show; Dawnings. It was scheduled to take place in just two weeks. Bryce and I met for hours after the roster was finalized and began discussing things. We had created two titles for the time being. The MCW Heavyweight Title; obviously our main belt. And secondly the MCW Alternative Title that would serve as a floating championship for our other workers. After many hours of deliberation, this is what we decided to publish onto our event fliers.

MCW presents Dawnings

Live from the MCW Arena


Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA


Predictions are welcomed

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Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

No idea who John Covel is.


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith

P-Dawg = stiff kicks!!


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan

The British legend can take Pratt.


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker

Parker is always a good shot in any promotion.


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio

I like going with the more experienced grapplers.


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

Jameson's one of my favs.

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MCW presents Dawnings

Live from the MCW Arena


Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

I'm a huge Ota fan. He'd make a great Champ.


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith

I think Griffith is the better choice here.


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan

Morgan is too much for Pratt


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker

The Future is here and now.


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio

I am a huge mark for Cattley. He has the skills and look to be a huge star/


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

I think it'll be some TBA guy that wins, but DWN is well worth pushing, he's got the skills and talent to break ahead of the rest bar Mainstream. Toss him and parker into a tag team Future Shock, indeed.

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Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

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Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

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Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA

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MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota - I take it you're Covel? Not cool to put yourself over...


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Frankie Perez vs. Jack Griffith - Griffith rocks! :)


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Sam Pratt vs. JD Morgan - Morgan's awesome.


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Mikey James vs. Steven Parker - Both fairly blah, will go Mikey.


Four Corner Survival

Jean Cattley vs. Matthew Keith vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio - BBS is one of my favourites.


Battle Royal for the vacant MCW Alternative Title

Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Gauge vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA - I like all those 4 equally, so can't choose!

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So remember how I recalled my meeting with Bryce about the limitations of my control? I had said I had no problem what so ever about the poor charisma block; I had forgotten about one of my major targets. Steve Flash would have been a fantastic veteran to add to our roster to help improve our youngsters, but his lack of entertainment/charisma made it against Bryce’s policy to hire him. I knew we’d make do without him, but I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed.


On a related note, Bryce called me up and set forth one more restriction. Mind you this came four days after I had already requested negotiations with ten to fifteen workers. Luckily it didn’t affect anything. Bryce felt that workers who had a tendency to get hurt often shouldn’t have a place on our roster. I agreed as though it would make it very hard for us to get behind them with any kind of push.




I sat across my desk from one of the kids I felt would be the future of the business. I looked at him and saw a little of myself, just seven years later. Jacob Jett had stopped in for negotiations with me in person considering he was passing through the area. I always felt more comfortable and powerful negotiating in person. I have always felt that facial expressions are the true tell of character; maybe that’s why nobody ever wants to play poker with me. However this time was different. Jacob sat across from me with his cell phone in his lap on speaker phone.


“I can give you $800 per appearance Jacob. And I guess I’ll throw in travel expenses too.” I said.


Jacob sighed momentarily and paused. It wasn’t his voice that filled the air next. It was Phil Vilbert’s making a counter offer.


“Jacob, son. We can give you $900, plus a cut of merchandise and travel expenses if you came to work for CGC.” He said.


Jacob sighed again and looked at me. I could see it in his face.

“I’m sorry, John. I have no objection to your offer, but he is offering me more.” Jacob stated.


I nodded and leafed through some papers swiftly. I wanted Jacob on my roster and knew now that if it was going to happen, I was going to be paying quite a bit more than I had thought originally.


“Well, I can go to $1500, 18 months, travel and a low level title run.” I blurted out reluctantly.


I knew $1500 per appearance was ridiculously over priced for a company my size to offer a worker the popularity of Jett. But I had faith in him. Faith and some good ideas for where to take him. Jett’s eyes lit up with that offer as he looked to his phone waiting for Phil to counter offer. A minute or two went by with silence and I began to relax, knowing I had beaten one of the big guys to the north.


“$2000, merchandise, travel and PPV bonuses.” Phil said.


Jacob looked back up to me as my heart sank. I threw my hands into the air and shrugged my shoulders.


‘I can’t compete with that Jacob, I apologize. Thanks for stopping in today and good luck with CGC.”


Up next: Dawnings

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Pre-Show Notes

Jack Griffith and Davis Wayne Newton bonded backstage over their shared interest in botany. I never would have guessed that either liked studying plants. Also Antonio must think he’s ten years the veteran of the locker room, telling stories about his time on the road. In reality, he must have some of the most interesting traveling partners ever because his stories are very entertaining and it helped keep the boys in a good mood in the back.


Live from the MCW Arena

Attendance: 676




Mikey James vs. Steven Parker

The crowd was nice and loud right out of the gate. James strung together a nice bit of offense at the opening bell, bringing a good reaction from the crowd. He held the advantage for a while, but Parker turned the tides about six minutes in. The two men traded offense, neither gaining a solid advantage until Steven Parker was able to hit the Future Shock and advance in the MCW Heavyweight Title tournament.

Winner: Steven Parker

Rating: C





MCW Alternative Title Battle Royal

The crowd was down a notch for this match of our lower level workers, but that didn’t really stop them from putting on a show. The first four men in the ring were Hugh de Aske, Kashmir Singh, Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge. They opened the match with some very nice spots, each taking a turn against all three of their opponents. At the two minute mark, mystery man number one came out, revealed as Mr. Lucha III. He came in a house of fire and eliminated Kashmir Singh just as the next participant entered the ring. Davis Wayne Newton came out an immediately went to work on Mr. Lucha III. The five men in the ring all went at it until time was up and the next participant was introduced. Mystery man number two comes out and it’s K-Squared. He rushes into the ring and goes after Mainstream Hernandez. Though he came out of the back raring to go, K-Squared missed a clothesline and was eliminated by Greg Gauge. Kirk Jameson came to the ring, rushing into the ring. Out next was mystery man number 3; Casey Valentine. Instead of rushing into the ring, Valentine slowly made his way towards the action and taunted the other participants. Davis Wayne Newton was able to send Mr. Lucha III over the top rope and to the outside, just as the final participant emerged from the back. Mystery man number 4 is none other than Jay Chord. Jay comes to ringside and meets up with his MAW partner Casey Valentine. The two of them enter the ring and begin double teaming everyone in sight. Together they eliminate Greg Gauge, Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson. Just as Casey Valentine dumped Jameson over the top rope, his partner snuck up behind him and eliminated him as well. Down to the final two men, Jay Chord and Hugh de Aske fought for another three minutes before Chord attempted to set Hugh up for the Cradle Piledriver. The pirate was able to get free and hit the Cut-Throat Driver and send Chord over the top rope to become the first ever Alternative Champion.

Winner: Hugh de Aske

Rating: D




As the match concluded, MCW Owner and Announcer Bryce Billings entered the ring and presented the belt to the new champion. Aske celebrates with the belt until Billings gets a microphone and speaks.


“Congratulations on your title victory son. As the Alternative Champion you will be expected to defend that belt often. So next month, because of his performance in that match you will be defending the title against Mainstream Hernandez.”


Hugh de Aske shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t mind and left the ring while Bryce rejoined Duke Hazzard at the announce table.

Rating: E





Jean Cattley vs. Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Matthew Keith

The crowd was into the match a bit despite decent in-ring action. Jean Cattley and Matthew Keith began the match with some solid technical wrestling for the opening few minutes. They each tagged out and Brandon Smith went head to head with Antonio. They showed solid chain wrestling skills before all hell broke loose and the match became chaotic. Antonio was the first elimination when Brandon Smith landed the Backdrop Driver. Matthew Keith was right there as Smith got up to lock on a submission hold. Smith held on and got to the ropes. As Keith broke the hold Cattley planted him with a Brainbuster to eliminate him from the match. Brandon Smith put up a valiant effort, but eventually he fell into the grasps of Cattley’s Brainbuster and that spelled the end for the former football stand out.

Winner: Jean Cattley

Rating: D+




Jean Cattley was quick to leave the ring, but as Brandon Smith got to his feet to a nice ovation from the crowd, the lights went out. After a few moments and a distinct thud coming from the dark ring, the lights were back on. Smith was revealed to be laid out in the middle of the ring with his attacker nowhere to be found.

Rating: E-






Backstage in front of the MCW logo backdrop John Covel cut a promo.

“It has been nearly three years since I set foot inside a wrestling ring. I’m probably going to be a little rusty but it’s got to be just like riding a bike. Tonight I step into the ring with a former TCW star in Fumihiro Ota for the first step in our individual quests to become the first ever MCW Heavyweight Champion. Don’t take me lightly because I haven’t been around, Ota. No matter what, tonight will be a battle for you and I alike. So put your boots on and come ready. Because all you can do is be ready.”

Rating: C-





JD Morgan vs. Sam Pratt

The crowd remained average for this bout as JD Morgan immediately went to work on Pratt’s arm. The former SWF star used his quickness to get around the beast of a man they call JD Morgan and land some offense. Pratt was able to net a few two counts with some moves from the top rope, but Morgan was reluctant to give up. Pratt had Morgan dazed in the corner and charged for a shoulder to the mid-section, but the ring veteran side stepped. Pratt crashed shoulder and elbow first into the ring post, allowing Morgan to lock on the Cross Atlantic Stretch and cause Pratt to tap out.

Winner: JD Morgan

Rating: D+




After the bell, Morgan didn’t release the submission move as he tore away at Pratt’s shoulder and arm. After another minute he was finally released as Morgan played to the crowd. Morgan turned his attention back to his fallen opponent, lifting him up and viciously powerbombing him into the corner before exiting the ring with the damage having been done.

Rating: E





Jack Griffith vs. Frankie Perez

The young up and comer came out of the gates hot, throwing lightning quick offense at Jack Griffith. Perez threw numerous stiff kicks and forearms in the opening minutes that seemed to catch Griffith off guard. As the match progressed Griffith was finally able to take the advantage with a thumb to the eye. Perez was dominated in the closing minutes of the match, even hitting a spectacular Piledriver variation that resulted in a believable near fall. However Griffith recovered and landed the Jack in the Box to advance to the second round of the MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament.

Winner: Jack Griffith

Rating: C






John Covel vs. Fumihiro Ota

Covel came out of the gate looking a bit rusty. This allowed Ota to gain a quick advantage with his quick ninja-like strikes. As the match moved forward, Covel began to regain his ring sense and began to string together some offense. He was even able to land one of his trademark moves, the Packaged Piledriver for a believable near fall. But in the end, Ota wound up and delivered a devastating Ninja Strike to advance to the second round.

Winner: Fumihiro Ota

Rating: B-


Overall Rating: C


Up next: The monthly round-up

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After what I would consider a successful first showing at Dawnings we had been set back a little. Our total losses for the month were right around $75,000 but that also included the cost of the building. So really we only lost ten thousand for our first month. I wasn’t worried about the loss because it would take a while before we built up a loyal fan base that we could expand and make money from. I stayed late after the show to organize my plans for the first six months of storylines and was happy with the outcome I had come up with. I sat down the next day and began to look over my notes from around the industry for the month.



- 5SSW and GCG rose to Regional and Cult sized respectively. Good for them; I wish them the best.

- Seiji Jimbo made waves in Japan when he inherited PGHW and promised to mold it into something that everyone could enjoy. His first act of business was hiring Larry Wood as the new head booker.

- USPW and SWF both signed new Pay Per View deals with USA Free Choice and PPV Japan respectively.



- I’m not sure why but Roger Dodger was signed up by SWF to fill a gap. He will be going under the name of Roger Cage. I can’t wait to see what happens.

- SWF also called up Primus Allen from RIPW to the main roster. I can see him being VERY successful there. In addition to him, Kristen Pearce was also brought up.

- To replace Primus Allen, SWF signed Ernie Turner to a developmental deal.

- CZCW bolstered their roster by signing Acid.

- NYCW signed up James Prudence.

Title Changes

- Joe Gilbert defeated Antonio Del Veccio for the 4C Hardcore Title ending his four month reign.

- Masked Cougar’s four month reign as CZCW Xtreme Champion was ended when he was defeated by Insane Machine.

- Chance Fortune began his fourth reign as TCW All Action Champion by defeating Edd Stone.

- Rick Law beat Joshua Taylor to stop his seven month reign as TCW International Champion.




Casey Valentine and Jay Chord were brought in on an agreement with MAW for just the one show. I enjoyed having them here and would love to have them both as full time members of the MCW roster. Both men, however, expressed their interest in concentrating on their MAW careers. I’m going to keep in touch with them as time goes by and possibly bring them in on trades more in the future.


Up next: February’s card and something from the past…

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“All right, guys! Top of the ninth. Get your butts out there!” A middle aged man yells. He reaches up and pushes the glasses back up his nose. He is dressed in a simple black running suit, green stripes running down either side. On the right pocket portion of the jacket, ‘Seneca Irish’ is printed in gold lettering. His statement has brought all his players off the bench and in a scurry. The catcher hurries to get his gear strapped on, some boys are trying to locate their gloves. One by one, they each file out of the dug out and jog out onto the diamond, set underneath a perfectly blue and cloudless sky. All but one boy that is. This one boy waits for all the commotion to end before he stands. After the catcher walks by, he pushes himself to his feet and takes a deep breathe. He adjusts his cap and begins to make his way towards the dugout exit. Before he can reach it, the middle aged man’s hand rests on his shoulder, bringing him to a halt.

“What’s up, coach?” The young man asks. The coach turns the boy to face him. The coach is of average height, seeing almost eye to eye with the boy. The boy slides his glove onto his left hand and punches it a few times as he looks up to his coach.


“You’ve got the ERA record. You’ve got the wins record. No pressure out there right now. Got it? Breaking two state records is a hell of an achievement. There’s nobody around that could call you a failure, even if you don’t get the strikeout record.”


The boy nods and turns to walk away, but he gets stopped by the coach again. Almost sensing what his coach is going to say, he looks up and smiles. His coach smiles back. “But you sure would love to get it wouldn’t you?”


“Hell yeah.” The boy replies with a nod. “Strikeout the side and I’ve got that record to myself. Two I tie it. I can do this. I know I can.”

The boy then rushes out onto the diamond and approaches the mound. His catcher tosses him the game ball and his warm-up pitches begin. He sets himself and tosses a typical warm-up pitch; soft and not aimed very well. He receives the ball back from the catcher. As he gets ready to throw another, a ball comes flying in from his right. It whizzes by his head, causing him to jolt backwards. The ball continues and lands in the first baseman’s glove. John Covel, our pitcher, looks to the man on first and sees the grin on his face and lets out a laugh himself before turning to look at the third baseman. He shrugs at John, apologizing. John nods and looks back towards the plate. His catcher shakes his head and lifts his glove up to receive another toss. John obliges and lets another go, this time a little harder. He steps off the mound and waits for the ball to come back as another ball comes by on the ground, almost bouncing up and hitting him in the side. He doesn’t even look, but shakes his head, knowing the ball came from first base. He steps back on the mound and puts his glove up, getting the ball back. As he sets for his next warm-up pitch, the home plate umpire walks up from his position at the back stop and signals for the start of the inning. John kicks and delivers a full-on fast ball. His catcher catches the ball and quickly throws to second, simulating a steal. The short stop runs over and catches the ball, swinging it down for the “tag.” The boy takes the ball from his glove and walks up to the mound and sets it into John’s glove as the rest of the players toss their practice balls in towards their dugout. After a few seconds of conversing, the short stop reaches back and slaps the pitcher’s rear and jogs back over to his position between second and third.


“One two three, John! One two three!” The first basemen yells. John takes a deep breathe and nods as the inning’s leadoff hitter steps into the batter’s box on the left side of the plate. He digs in and takes a few practice swings as John bends over and looks to his catcher for the sign. He throws down his pinkie and index fingers, but John shakes it off. The three outside finger’s come down and John nods. He stands and sets himself. He kicks and delivers. The ball approaches the plate about six inches outside and letter-level. The batter relaxes, seeing the impending call of a ball. But at the last second, it drops about six inches and moves another seven. “STRIKE ONE!”


John casually steps back onto the mound as the catcher nods and sends the ball back to him. He drops four fingers down as John looks in and shakes the call off. Three fingers follow, but John shakes that off too. The catcher sighs and drops down his middle finger, bringing a smile from John, who nods. John sets himself and winds. The ball leaves his hand at a tremendous velocity and streaks through the air and into the waiting catcher’s mitt fifty-four feet away. The batter tries to make contact, but flails the bat off his shoulder late. A loud THWAP is heard as the ball reaches the glove located dead center of the strike zone. “STRIKE TWO!”


The batter steps out of the box and takes a deep breathe as the catcher returns the ball to the pitcher’s mound. John waits for the batter to step back in and removes his cap to scratch the tip of his hairline with his free hand. After a few moments the batter steps back in and the umpire signals for play to resume. John looks in again and sees the four fingers of his catcher extended. This brings a smile to his face as he agrees to the pitch. He sets and kicks. The ball leaves John’s hand at letter level and comes towards home plate at an average speed. The batter sets his back foot and loads up for his swing, beginning to bring his bat around. As the ball and bat come closer to each other, the bottom begins to fall out. The ball takes a dive, causing the batter to try to check his swing. Too late. His bat passes across the plane at the front of the plate as the ball drops into the catcher’s mitt resting on the ground. The catcher stands and tags the batter for good measure as he turns to walk back to the dugout, bat in hand. The umpire officially “rings him up” as the ball is returned to the pitcher.


To be Continued...




MCW presents Night of Champions

Live from the MCW Arena


Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Parker/Ota vs. Morgan/Griffith


Semi-Final #1: MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

JD Morgan vs. Jack Griffith


Semi-Final #2: MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Steven Parker vs. Fumihiro Ota


John Covel vs. Frankie Perez


Sam Pratt and Mikey James vs. Jean Cattley and Kashmir Singh


Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio

MCW Alternative Title

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Hugh de Aske ( c )


Matthew Keith vs. Kirk Jameson


Davis Wayne Newton vs. K-Squared

Predictions are welcome

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Main Event: MCW Heavyweight Title

Parker vs. Morgan


Semi-Final #1: MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

JD Morgan vs. Jack Griffith


Semi-Final #2: MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament

Steven Parker vs. Fumihiro Ota


John Covel vs. Frankie Perez


Sam Pratt and Mikey James vs. Jean Cattley and Kashmir Singh


Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio

MCW Alternative Title

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Hugh de Aske ( c )


Matthew Keith vs. Kirk Jameson


Davis Wayne Newton vs. K-Squared

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Live from the MCW Arena

Attendance: 674


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament: Semi-Final #1


Steven Parker vs. Fumihiro Ota

The crowd was hot as these two really brought it in our opening contest. Ota, even being much the elder to Parker, used both his experience and speed to take the advantage early on. A lot of strikes began to wear Parker down, but he was able to recover by dodging a clothesline attempt. He followed it up with a superkick for a two count as the crowd really started to get into the match. As the match neared the ten minute mark, Ota went for the Ninja Strike and hit it, but Parker was able to kick out in a very believable near fall. Parker fought back and was able to hit the Future Shock to pick up the victory and advance to the finals of the MCW Heavyweight Title tournament.

Winner: Steven Parker

Rating: C-





Davis Wayne Newton vs. K-Squared

These two youngsters came out looking to show the crowd what they could do. Unfortunately our crowd was not happy seeing two lesser known guys given the stage to themselves and that really hurt them. The in-ring action was solid with each man getting a bit of offense in. At around the four minute mark Newton hit the Fisherman’s Suplex and got the three count.

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton

Rating: F+






Mainstream Hernandez vs. Hugh de Aske ( c )

Both men came out raring to go as the action picked up right away. The champion gained the quick advantage with a flurry of hip tosses and arm drags. The advantage was short lived though as the challenger was able to mount a comeback and get a few near falls. The champion fought of the onslaught of offense and looked to hit the Cut-Throat Driver, but Mainstream Hernandez slipped free from his grasps. A few seconds later the champion was planted by the Apparition #14 and Mainstream Hernandez was able to get the three count and become the new Alternative Champion

Winner: Mainstream Hernandez

Rating: D+


Duke Hazzard: You have got to be kidding me.


Bryce Billings: I know what you mean Duke. Hugh de Aske doesn’t manage one successful title defense before losing the Alternative Title. Maybe this is just a preview of how competitive the MCW roster is.


Duke Hazzard: I just think the pirate sucks.




MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament: Semi-Final #2


JD Morgan vs. Jack Griffith

The crowd was back into it here as these two veterans went at it. Each man took a separate approach that had its own level of effectiveness. When it all boiled down, it came to both men slugging it out. Morgan’s past in DaVE allowed him to take a lot of punishment as Griffith dished it out. The match progressed and Morgan began to dismantle Griffith’s arm and shoulder. Finally Morgan was able to lock on the Cross Atlantic Stretch and look for the submission. Griffith held on though and fought his way to the ropes to break the hold. Morgan held the hold until Dewey Libertine’s count of five. Griffith was able to block the continued assault from his opponent, ducking a clothesline attempt. Griffith hooked Morgan and hit the Jack in the Box and picked up the victory to advance to the title match.

Winner: Jack Griffith

Rating: D+





Matthew Keith vs. Kirk Jameson

The crowd was noticeably entertained by this match, but never really got vocal as these two young stars-in-the-making went at it. Matthew Keith took the early advantage as the two began a technical contest. The two traded holds for the opening minutes of the contest, but the action picked up soon enough. Jameson played the dirty tricks in his attempt to gain the advantage. It worked twice, but he got caught the third time and was warned. As Jameson argued with the official, Keith measured him up and dumped him over with a Saito Suplex before locking on the Proton Lock and gaining the submission victory.

Winner: Matthew Keith

Rating: C-





Bryce Billings stands from his position at the announce table as the next two wrestlers make their entrances. Brandon Smith and Antonio Del Veccio were in the ring when Bryce interjected.


Bryce: I’d like to make this match just a little bit more interesting. So the winner will face Mainstream Hernandez for the Alternative Title next month!


Antonio and Brandon smirked at one another as Dewey Libertine called for the bell.

Rating: D



Brandon Smith vs. Antonio Del Veccio

The crowd was kind of in a lull for this match, but these two still brought it. Antonio took the early advantage with some underhanded tactics and got several near falls as he rolled Smith up with a handful of tights. Smith was finally able to use his bone-crushing suplexes and strikes to send a message. Smith took full control from there and planted Antonio with a Backdrop Driver for a believable near fall. Antonio kicked out of that, but Smith swiftly planted him with an inverted Piledriver to pick up the win.

Winner: Brandon Smith

Rating: D-





Sam Pratt and Mikey James vs. Jean Cattley and Kashmir Singh

This was a solid tag team match that played out a standard tag formula to a t. Pratt and Cattley started the match off with some solid back and forth offense. Pratt eventually took control with a string of “flippy” moves before Cattley tagged out. Singh asked for Mikey James and his wish was granted as Pratt tagged out. James wasn’t as successful as Pratt was however as Singh took control. Singh and Cattley isolated James from his corner and that’s the way things stayed for quite some time. Near the ten minute mark James was finally able to make the “hot tag” to Sam Pratt. Pratt came in a house of fire and got numerous near falls in quick succession. Singh and Cattley took James out of the ring and then focused in on Pratt with a spectacular double team maneuver that got a believable near fall. James recovered and took Cattley out of the ring, allowing Pratt to hit The Cannonball Drop on Singh and pick up the three count.

Winners: Sam Pratt and Mikey James

Rating: C-





We head backstage where Fabulous Frank and other workers are seen next to a downed Brandon Smith.


Frank: Stay down Brandon.


Brandon: I’m fine.


Brandon pushes himself up to his feet, holding his head where a small trickle of blood rolls from his temple. Nearby a folding chair lies on the ground with the imprint of Brandon’s skull. Medics come around the corner to tend to the new number one contender to the Alternative Title.


Frank: Did you see who attacked you?


Brandon: Never saw it coming. I walked around the corner and BAM.


The medics look at the cut, which is bleeding heavily now. They apply pressure with gauze and help him away to get stitched up as Frank stands there shaking his head.

Rating: E





We head to the announce table where Bryce Billings and Duke Hazzard sit.


Bryce Billings: Well folks our main event for the evening is set. Steven Parker and Jack Griffith will step into the squared circle and vie for the right to call themselves the first MCW Heavyweight Champion.


Duke Hazzard: That’s right and each man has a long line of accomplishments and history.


Bryce: Dating back to SCCW in 2002, Jack Griffith was a two time holder of their Heavyweight Title. Steven Parker trained under the famous Stone family and has won titles in MAW and PSW.


Duke: Both men are well rounded an our main event should be nothing short of good.

Rating: D+






John Covel vs. Frankie Perez

The crowd was really into this match as two very stiff workers met in the ring. Covel gained the early advantage with some solid holds. Not to be outdone, Perez showed his technical prowess by reversing them and going hold for hold with Covel. Five minutes into the match the feeling out process ran its course and the pace started to quicken. Both men traded hip tosses and arm drags for nearly two minutes straight until Covel shakes things up by snapping Perez over with a hurrincanrana. Perez slides to the outside, but Covel is all over him, leaping over the top rope with a tope. The crowd applauds both men. The back and forth action continued throughout the match until Covel began landing devastating piledrivers on his opponent. Highlights included a belly to back Piledriver for a believable near fall followed by a packaged Piledriver for another. Covel smelled victory as he set Perez up on the top rope looking for his turnbuckle brainbuster finish, but Perez fought out of it and was able to land the Perfect Parity for the victory.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: C-





MCW Heavyweight Championship



Steven Parker vs. Jack Griffith

The crowd was on the edge of their seats for this one as well these two men went at it for the Heavyweight Title. Griffith's experience allowed him to sense nearly every move Parker attempted in the opening minutes. Griffith dominated the first ten or so minutes, wearing Parker down with a variety of basic suplexes and holds. Parker made a comeback after nearly being put out by a sleeper hold. The youngster was able to string together some solid offense, resulting in a few high impact moves and a few near falls. Griffith began to get frustrated and resorted to a thumb to the eye to regain the advantage. Parker fought valiantly, but Griffith was able to land a Jack in the Box. The veteran covered the youngster for what he thought was the elemental three count, but Parker got his shoulder up just in time. Griffith got to his feet and began badgering referee Dewey Libertine about the count. This argument allowed Parker enough time to regain his senses and stand. When Jack Griffith turned back around, he walked right into the clutches of a waiting Steven Parker. Parker planted Griffith with the Future Shock and got the three count to become the new MCW Heavyweight Champion

Winner: Steven Parker

Rating: C-


Bryce: What a match folks! Steven Parker comes out your winner and the new MCW Heavyweight Champion.


Duke: Indeed it was a good match. I’m just glad that these two fine athletes were the ones that fought for the title.


Bryce: I may not agree with their tactics, but I cannot deny their abilities in the ring. However we are out of time ladies and gentlemen! Join us next month, right here in the MCW Arena! For Duke Hazzard, I am Bryce Billings wishing all you fans a good night!


Overall Rating: D+

Up next: The end of the month round-up and another blast from the past

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The biggest news from our camp this month is that after a lot of pre-debut hype by Bryce and two successful shows MCW is now classified as a Regional sized promotion. The growth should bring in more people for our shows and eventually allow us to start running shows in other areas. In the month of March we actually turned a profit of just over ten thousand dollars. I was pleased with that result and began looking to the future.


I had approached a few people about bringing them in. The first was Jesse Christian, who made his return to the business after a seven year hiatus. His brawling skills are still solid, but we don’t have very many workers that would match up with him. His price wasn’t bad, but I just made the decision to pass on him. I also got in contact with Acid for a possible run with the company. We spoke for a minutes, but he made the call that we weren’t big enough for him yet. The third man I spoke with was more productive. We did reach an agreement and he will be making his debut very soon.



- SWF rose to Global size. It’ll be interesting to see how the Eisens handle this rise.

- Donte Dunn has recently graduated from the DeColt Power House and looks to have all the makings of a big star once he gains some experience.

- Preston Holt, best known for his time operating California Pro Wrestling retired this month. To his credit are four runs with the CPW Heavyweight Title between 1975 and 1981.

- SWF signed yet another PPV deal to expand their coverage. This time a deal with United Kingdom Choice sends their broadcasts over the pond to England and the likes.

- TCW signed a deal with America Sports 1 to revive Saturday Night Showcase. Nice to see TCW getting more air time.


Contract Issues

- Along with their growth, SWF signed a slew of new workers. Those making the move are Wilson Carlisle, The Stomper, Puerto Rican Power, Grandmaster Phunk and Remmy Skye. The Stomper only signed on with a Pay Per Appearance deal so as not to lose control of NYCW.

- Emmy was recalled from RIPW and to fill her spot SWF signed Herb Stately and Brains McGhee.


Title Changes

- Sayeed Ali defeated Frankie Dee to capture the 4C World Championship

- Gargantuan beat Joey Poison for the CGC Canadian Title

- Fate and Density captured the CGC Tag Team Titles by defeating Zeus Maxmillion and Stevie Grayson.



“One down, John. One down.” John’s second baseman yells. John takes a few steps at the back of the mound before stepping back up as the next batter digs in. The umpire gives the “play ball” signal as the right handed hitter sets himself in the batter’s box. John leans over and twirls the ball in his right hand as he looks for the sign. His catcher tosses down two fingers and John obliges, straightening his posture. He sets the ball in his glove and takes the proper grip on it. He sighs and focuses before kicking his leg and delivering. The ball flies towards the plate as the batter unloads his swing. The ball barely gets caught, getting sent up and back over the fence behind home plate; Foul ball. The umpire tosses John another ball as the batter steps out and looks down to the third base coach. The coach goes through a bunch of signs, bringing the batter to a nod before stepping back in. John settles into his stance and looks to the catcher. He suggests they try the slider again, but John shakes it off. The three outside finger’s come out again, but John says no to that as well. The catcher drops his index finger down and John smiles with a nod. He looks towards his third baseman, setting himself before launching a rocket at the catcher’s mitt. The batter, either not wanting to or not having time to, does not move the bat off his shoulder and simply watches the ball fly by and slap into the waiting glove located at the center of the plate. “STRIKE TWO!”


John tries to hide his emotion, but it shows through a little with a little hand pump as he returns to the mound and receives the ball back. John calms himself before stepping back to the rubber and looking in for his pitch. He has one thing on his mind. He wants a “K”; and he knows how to get it. His catcher senses what John is hoping for and drops his index finger down and then points up with his thumb bringing a lightning fast nod from Covel. The catcher sets up, changing from his squat to a more bent-over stance. John takes a deep breathe and grips the ball, hoping to get everything he can on this one. He winds up and hurls the ball to the plate. It sails right down the center of the plate but gets higher and higher with each inch. The batter takes the two or three seconds he has left and makes his judgment. The ball whizzes by at about shoulder level; no swing. “BALL ONE!”


“Shake it off, John.” The tall first baseman says in support. John nods as he steps back on the mound and catches the ball that is coming towards him. The catcher drops back down to his squat as John positions himself into the familiar stance. The catcher drops four extended fingers for his pitcher to gander at. John waits for a second and then nods in agreement as he stands. He kicks his leg and sends the ball towards home plate. It starts at letter-level, but as it reaches the plate it takes a nose dive. The batter doesn’t move an inch though. The ball crosses the plate just below the knees and the catcher frames the pitch ever-so-slightly upwards. “STRIKE THREE!”


The batter looks back to the umpire as he walks across the plate and back to the dug out. The catcher fires the ball down to third base and begins the toss around. The ball goes to second and then to first before the first baseman tosses it back to John on the mound. He scrapes some of the dirt around with his right foot as the next batter steps into the batter’s box. The right handed hitter is good sized and looks to have some power. John takes a deep breathe as the umpire signals for play to resume and leans over, looking for his pitch. The catcher drops his index finger down and John nods. He sets and fires. The ball blazes through the air and cross the plate right down the middle. The batter just watches it go right by, trying to get a feel for the situation. “STRIKE ONE!”


John doesn’t waste much time in stepping back to the rubber and looking for the sign again. The catcher drops his three outside fingers in suggestion and John agrees. Covel sighs and sets. He kicks his leg high into the air and delivers. The ball leaves his hand in a line that is even with the batter. It reaches the airspace just in front of the plate and breaks dramatically, bringing an ugly swing and miss from the batter. The crowd lets out an “Oh,” in unison as the batter resets himself in the batter’s box. John is really in a groove now. He leans over and twirls the ball, knowing what he wants to see. His catcher loved the hilarious swing caused by the previous pitch and drops his three fingers down again hoping for a duplicate result. John smiles and nods, straightening up. He grips the ball, winds and delivers. The ball takes a much different trajectory as it comes in; hanging out over the center part of the plate, belt high. John cringes as he watches the batter unload on the pitch.


To be continued....

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The bat makes almost perfect contact with the ball, sending it flying out towards left field. Though the timing was good, it was a little early, causing the ball to hug the line. The batter begins to trot away from home plate as John watches the ball sail over his head. The left fielder gives chase, running back and to his left, fast approaching the fence. The ball continues to hook towards the left field corner as John kicks some dirt with his foot. His perfect inning was gone. At least he thought it was. The left fielder reaches the fence and leaps up it; extending his glove in an attempt to get to the ball. It passes just a few feet over the fielder’s head, passing in front of the foul pole as it leaves the ball park. “FOUL BALL!”


John’s eyes light up with relief and hope as the umpire tosses a new ball towards the mound. The batter retreats from first and picks up his bat that is lying along the first baseline. He steps back into the batter’s box as John sets his foot on the rubber and looks to his catcher. Three fingers come down and John shakes it off knowing he got lucky with that pitch last time. The catcher instead drops down his two outside fingers and John nods. He takes his biggest breathe of the inning and looks into his glove making sure he has a good grip on the ball. He pushes off and delivers the pitch, locating it the tiniest bit high and inside. The ball breaks suddenly down and left, running towards the outside corner. The batter starts to swing at the ball, but holds up as the catcher receives the ball into his glove an inch or so from the outside corner, just below the knees. He slyly frames the pitch, bringing it onto the outside corner. The umpire forcefully throws his hand into the air as John leaps off the mound, finally showing his emotion. “STRIKE THREE; YOU'RE OUT!”


The entire teams rushes inward to meet John at the front of the pitcher’s mound. The first to get there is the first baseman who grabs him and lifts him up into a big hug. Each of the players takes their turn slapping John on the back or giving him a hug. He now owns his third piece of state history. The crowd cheers John on as he and his teammates begin towards the dugout. They meet their opponents there and take turns giving them high fives. After they have all done this, the team makes their way into the dugout and out the other side with all their gear. John is the last one to make it in, having been delayed by a handshake and personal congratulations from the other coach. His own coach slaps him on the back as he steps inside and makes his way to the exit of the mesh dugout. As he takes his first step out, he is immediately met with local media.


“John, what are your plans now? Major Leagues or College?” One reporter asks. John smiles and walks closer, ready to answer their questions.

“Well, I haven’t quite made that decision…..” is heard as John’s voice trails off….




MCW presents Something To Prove

Live from the MCW Arena


Main Event - MCW Heavyweight Title

Frankie Perez vs. Steven Parker ( c )


Sam Pratt vs. Fumihiro Ota


John Covel vs. Jack Griffith

MCW Alternative Title

Brandon Smith vs. Mainstream Hernandez ( c )


Greg Gauge vs. Antonio Del Veccio

Up next: Something a little more modern

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MCW presents Something To Prove

Live from the MCW Arena


Main Event - MCW Heavyweight Title

Frankie Perez vs. Steven Parker ( c )


Sam Pratt vs. Fumihiro Ota


John Covel vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Alternative Title

Brandon Smith vs. Mainstream Hernandez ( c )


Greg Gauge vs. Antonio Del Veccio

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Main Event - MCW Heavyweight Title

Frankie Perez vs. Steven Parker ( c )


Sam Pratt vs. Fumihiro Ota


John Covel vs. Jack Griffith

MCW Alternative Title

Brandon Smith vs. Mainstream Hernandez ( c )


Greg Gauge vs. Antonio Del Veccio

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When I got into the office on Monday morning I logged onto my computer and went for my morning coffee. When I got back to my computer and opened up the Total Extreme Wrestling Website I saw that TCW had risen to International sized. My initial reaction was glee as I was happy to see someone inching closer to being a real challenger to SWF. As the minutes went by other things started to sink in. It was then that the first knock came at my door.

“It’s open.”


I watched as the door pushed open to allow Matthew Keith walk in. I stood to greet him but was taken back as I saw Frankie Perez, Mikey James and Fabulous Frank come through the door too. All four men took a seat in front of my desk with looks of shame on their faces.

“What’s up guys?”


They all exchanged looks amongst each other for a minute almost waiting for someone else to start. Finally Matthew Keith opened his mouth.

“John, my dad called.” He started


My stomach fell. I knew what was coming and it sickened me.

“They offered all of us deals and we took them.”


“So all four of you guys planned on telling me as a group?”


They all shook their heads and Matthew spoke again.


“Actually I was the only one who knew about everyone. It just so happened that we all came here as individuals at the same time.”


I sighed and looked down to the notebook on my desk. It contained the next six month’s storylines in it. Of which both Matthew and Frankie were major players in. I knew things were going to have to be re-worked and I had to deal with it.


“Well guys I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I had good ideas for you guys, but with the economy these days you have to take the guaranteed money. Good luck to all of you and know that the door is open if you guys want to come back.”


And that was it. We ended the impromptu meeting and they went their separate ways. Frankie agreed to work one final show for me before he left.

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Pre-show notes

JD Morgan started spreading rumors about Dewey Libertine before the show. I took him aside and scolded him, but was relatively easy on him for a first offense.


Perez’s replacement in the storylines arrived on time tonight. After the four guys from our roster came in and told me of their intentions to leave for TCW I had to scramble to change things around. I think this guy will do nicely, I just wish I could get him permanently rather than just on a talent trade.




Live from the MCW Arena

Attendance: 1388



John Covel vs. Jack Griffith

The crowd was loud out of the gate for the night as these two workers locked up in our opening contest. Griffith took the early advantage and used some holds and underhanded tactics to hold it. In one particular sequence, Griffith had Covel in a headlock and kept turning away from the referee and using a closed fist. Covel fought back and strung together some nice offense that got him back into the thick of things. Covel had believable nearfalls after two of his signature moves; the packaged piledriver and the electric chair piledriver. But in the end as Covel was attempting to set Griffith up for his Intellectual Impact turnbuckle brainbuster, Griffith wiggled free. Seconds later he landed the Jack in the Box and picked up the victory.

Winner: Jack Griffith

Rating: C




Hugh de Aske vs. Kirk Jameson

These two youngsters went right at it. Jameson used his technical abilities to begin placing the pirate in numerous holds, but Hugh showed impressive technical skills of his own as he was able to reverse them. This hold for hold wrestling went on for a few minutes until the pace quickened. Neither man was able to gain a clear edge over the other from that point forward and eventually, Jameson had Hugh backed into the corner. Kirk tried to send the pirate across the ring with an Irish whip, but Hugh reversed it. As he reached the corner Kirk pushed himself up and into the air as the pirate came charging in. Jameson landed on Hugh’s shoulders and the pirate planted him with the Cut-Throat Driver to pick up another win.

Winner: Hugh de Aske

Rating: D



Greg Gauge vs. Antonio Del Veccio

The crowd was still into the show as these two guys went at it. Antonio used his experience advantage to take control in the opening minutes. The two of them began to trade hip tosses and arm drags. After about thirty seconds of back and forth offense, each man began to look towards underhanded tactics. Antonio extended his hand for a handshake. Greg slowly accepted it, but both men fired boots to the stomach of their opponents. Next they each pointed in the distance to distract their opponent and followed it up with a thumb to the eye. The tomfoolery went on for another minute or so before the two finally got down to business. Eventually it was an Italian DDT by Antonio that netted him the victory.

Winner: Antonio Del Veccio

Rating: D+



JD Morgan vs. Kashmir Singh

In what can only be described as a squash that didn’t go as well as it should have, JD Morgan dominated Kashmir. Move after move he kept dishing out the punishment. Finally JD locked him into the Cross Atlantic Stretch and got the submission victory.

Winner: JD Morgan

Rating: E+


Jean Cattley vs. Mr. Lucha III

Another squash match here as Jean Cattley came roaring out of the gate and just dominated Lucha. The match was over before it got started as Cattley hit the Mood Swing and got the three count.

Winner: Jean Cattley

Rating: D+




MCW Alternative Title

Brandon Smith vs. Mainstream Hernandez ( c )

Mainstream’s quickness matched up with the brawling of Brandon ended up producing an entertaining match here. Brandon simply tried to overpower the champion, but Hernandez was always able to remain just a step or two out of reach. The champion strung together a lot of offense, landing missile dropkicks and hurrincanranas on the former football standout. As the match got near the 5 minute mark, Hernandez went up top and hit a Shooting Star Press for a believable nearfall. Smith got the shoulder up and began to fight back. Hernandez came off the ropes and fired a clothesline that Brandon ducked. The champion ended up in the challenger’s clutches. Smith lifted the champ up and over an dumped him on his head with a Backdrop Driver to pick up the win and become the new MCW Alternative Champion.

Winner: Brandon Smith

Rating: D+


Bryce Billings: How about that Duke? That’s twice now that the Alternative Champion has lost the title on their first defense.


Duke Hazzard: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if Brandon Smith can change things next month.

Bryce: Look at the kid; celebrating in the ring with the belt. WAIT! WHO IS THIS?!




Back in the ring, a masked man rushes in from the crowd and attacks the new champion from behind. This masked man lifts Smith back to his feet and plants him with a flurry of offenses, ended by a reverse hurrincanrana that dumps Brandon on his head. The masked man snatches the title belt from the canvas and drapes in over the fallen champion as the crowd boos him.


Bryce: That masked man has just laid out our new Alternative Champion! What will this mean for next month?

Rating: E


Bryce Billings enters the ring with a microphone as Brandon Smith is helped to the back. He waits for the crowd to quiet down and then begins speaking.


Bryce: When I decided to start this promotion late last year I knew I needed to plan something that would set us apart from everyone else. After a few months of brainstorming and planning I think myself and the other staff here at MCW has come up with an idea. In July MCW will present the Road to Glory tournament.

The crowd lets out a nice round of applause.


Bryce: It will be a 16 man two-night tournament that will feature the talent from right here in MCW as well as talent from outside. Night one will feature eight first round matches and night two will feature the quarter, semi and final rounds of the tournament. The talent for the tournament will be announced in the coming weeks and months, but I would like to offer the first spot to the MCW Heavyweight Champion, Steven Parker. So Steven you’ll have until the end of the night to let me know of your decision.


The crowd cheers and applauds as Bryce steps from the ring and re-assumes his position at the announce table.

Rating: D



Sam Pratt vs. Fumihiro Ota

Both of these ring veterans came out of the gate and began the feeling out process. Ota took the early advantage with a side headlock out of the collar and elbow tie up. Pratt fought back and the two began to trade offense. The former SWF star and the former TCW Cruiserweight division stand out traded quick arm drags and hip tosses. In the end it was Pratt avoiding the Ninja Strike and landing a Cannonball Drop to pick up the victory.

Winner: Sam Pratt

Rating: C-




MCW Heavyweight Title

Frankie Perez vs. Steven Parker ( c )

This match had the crowd hot. Frankie came out of the gate and got the crowd going with a lot of offense right off the bat. He was able to string together numerous strikes and impact moves that began to wear down the champion. Midway through the match the champion took control of the match after a few missed strikes. Parker controlled the contest as it neared its end, but Frankie made a comeback. The crowd thought it was over as Frankie locked in the P-Clutch but the champion fought it off and got to the ropes. Perez went right on the attack, attempting the Perfect Parity but Parker countered and hit Perez with the Future Shock to pick up the victory and successfully defend the Heavyweight Title.

Winner: Steven Parker

Rating: B-


After the match, Parker grabs a microphone from ringside and looks towards Bryce Billings at the announce table.


Steven: This is just disgusting. Frankie Perez sold out and turned his back on every one of you fans by signing with TCW and you are actually cheering him? You people have got to be the stupidest, inbred idiots I have ever seen!


The crowd lets out a large chorus of boos as Parker smirks and takes it all in.

Steven: Go ahead and boo me! I don’t give a crap what you people have to say! I do what is right by me. I live for myself and nobody else. I am the best thing this company has going for it and everybody here knows it. They just aren’t willing to admit it.


The crowd boos again as Bryce Billings stands up from the announce table and slowly makes his way into the ring. The crowd cheers as he does so, bringing them hope for a good ending to the night. Bryce brings his microphone up to speak, but stops to allow the crowd to quiet down.


Bryce: Steven, you have to remember who signs your checks around here. I do. Now I can’t force you to like the MCW fans, but just remember that I get the money to pay your salary from these fans buying tickets.


The crowd cheers at Bryce’s indirect shout out to them.


Steven: You think I actually have to come here? I could leave this company and go on to bigger and better things in nothing flat. I come here to remind myself what a ridiculous cesspool the independent scene really is.

Bryce: Unfortunately I can’t tell you what to say either. But do you remember earlier tonight when I invited you into the first annual Road to Glory tournament? I said you had until the end of the night to make your decision. So what will it be? Wouldn’t it be nice to be the first man to win that tournament? To prove you are as good as you say you are by defending the Heavyweight Title all the way through the tournament?


Steven’s eyes widen at this comment.

Steven: Wait. Let me get this straight. If I agree to enter this tournament I would have to defend my title in every match I had?

Bryce nods.


Bryce: I said I wanted something to set us apart and I thought having a champion that could represent his title from beginning to end of the tournament would be a fine way to do it.


The crowd applauds the idea.


Steven: Well you can take your offer and shove it, Billings. I will NOT defend my title in any of your tournament matches.


Parker turns to leave but Bryce grabs him by the shoulder and stops him.


Bryce: Well I can’t make you do that either. But what I can do is make you defend that belt on both nights of the tournament. And offer a title shot to whoever wins the Road to Glory.


The crowd explodes at Bryce’s announcement as Parker starts to lose it in the ring.


Parker: Oh yeah? Who do you have for me to defend this belt against? God knows there is nobody worthy on the MCW roster.


Bryce smirks as some unfamiliar music plays. It continues for a few moments to build the tension but finally a familiar face from the independent scene walks from behind the curtain.



Devine: What about the USPW roster? I hope you’re ready for me Parker. Next month I’m coming for that belt and there is nothing you can do to stop me. No pun intended, but I think the MCW Heavyweight Title would look mighty fine around the waist of Darryl Devine.


Parker is livid in the ring, shouting back and forth between Devine and Billings. Bryce stands in the corner smirking as Parker goes nuts.


Bryce: And he’s just your opponent for next month. As for your opponents in July, you’ll find out soon enough.


With that, Devine’s music plays again and parker continues his temper tantrum as the MCW logo appears at the bottom of the screen and the scene fades away.

Parker Promo: C

Darryl Devine Debut: D+


Overall Rating: C


Up next: End of the month round-up

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It turns out that promoting a bigger show helped us out quite a bit. We boosted our attendance by over a thousand and that translated into a $17,000 profit for the month. The show was very successful in my eyes and came out great considering all the last minute scrambling I had to do. I still had some work to do before all the gaps would be filled, but we were well on our way. Speaking of TCW’s signing spree, I thought we had gotten hit hard. CZCW lost Mikey James, James Prudence, Fox Mask, Frankie Perez and Acid all within five days. I’d hate to be around Cliff Anderson right now. Here are my notes from around the industry for March of 2010.


Also something I happened to miss in my notes from January was that Casey Valentine was crowned the 2010 Rip Chord Invitational winner. While I don’t feel that fact is anything to write home about, the neat thing was that he defeated the Mid Atlantic Champion, American Patriot aka Brandon Smith, in the finals.



- As noted previously TCW rose to International Status while DIW rose to Small sized.

- Mighty Mo graduated from the TCW School of Wrestling and was immediately signed by TCW.

- SWF signed yet another Pay Per View deal that expands their programming onto Seleccion Mexico.

Contract Issues

- In their growth TCW signed the following workers: Mighty Mo, Matthew Keith, Frankie Perez, Mikey James, Carl Batch, Acid and Jez McArthuer.

- To fill their gaps, CZCW signed Sam Pratt, using his Cannonball Kid moniker.

- SWF recalled Cheetah Boy and Bear Bekowski from RIPW. To fill the holes, Fox Mask and James Prudence were signed to developmental deals.


Title Changes

- The Atlantic Connection of Riley McManus and Curtis Jenkins defeated The Awesomeness of Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball to become the new MAW Tag Team Champions.

- Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr. won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup for the third time, defeating Mighty Cavanagh and John Maverick in the finals.

- Freddie Datsun and Des Davids defeated Team Symphony of Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine for the USPW Tag Titles.


MCW presents Center Stage

Live from the MCW Arena

Main Event – MCW Heavyweight Title

Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker ©


Sam Pratt vs. Mean Jean Cattley


Fumihiro Ota vs. Jack Griffith


MCW Alternative Title

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Brandon Smith ©

Plus more!

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John sat at home, staring at the television. He had been fading in and out of sleep on this lazy Saturday. Just as he faded out once more the little black box on his belt began to go off. It was a cry for help.




“Mazon Fire Department and MVK Ambulance please respond to a roll-over accident, one injury and extrication will be needed. Scene is one mile north of town on Route 47. Once again Mazon Fire Department you are needed for a one vehicle roll-over accident on Route 47 a mile north of town. One injury with extrication needed. Time out thirteen oh seven.”


By the time the page was completed John was opening the front door of his apartment and running to his car. He jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car, flipping the switch for his blue light in the process. The car backed from its parking space and began forward progress. John increased his speed swiftly but safely as he listened to the whistle going off as well. In one short minute his was pulling up in front of the station where there were already two cars parked. As John turned his off and hopped out, a few more pulled up.

“Time to roll fellas!” John yelled as he entered the bay.


He rushed to his locker and kicked off his shoes as the Chief and another firefighter were doing the same. John stepped into his bunker pants as the Chief snatched his helmet and jogged towards his squad car. John threw his straps over his shoulders and snatched his coat and helmet from the hangers before heading towards the engine.


“Anyone else coming?” The man in the driver seat asked.


John nodded as he opened the door to the rear cab and climbed in. He left the door open and stood up, putting his coat on. It was the middle of July and very warm outside, but with extrication needed, so was his coat.


“We’re full. Hit it Scotty.” Came the voice of John’s brother-in-law and Assistant Chief.


Harold and three more people climbed aboard the engine and slammed the doors. The driver grabbed the wire to blow the air horn as he slowly exited the station and entered the street. Harold, sitting in the officer’s seat up front turned the knob to start the siren and grabbed the radio.


“South dispatch from thirty-four-twelve. We are en route with six.” He said.


The dispatcher called back on the radio to confirm she got his message and the six men were on their way to save a life. The two minute drive took what seemed like seconds to John. When he stepped out of the engine and placed his helmet atop his head he looked fifty feet away and saw a mangled Camry sitting right side up. The car was about fifty yards from the roadway in a field. John rushed to the back of the engine and rolled up a compartment door, snatching the Jaws of Life and hydraulic hoses from their holsters.

“Kyle, grab the power supply and bring it over.” John instructed.


The new member of the department did as he was asked and met John by the car a few seconds later. John had the extrication tool hooked to its hoses when Kyle reached him and attached the hoses to the supply. Kyle flipped a couple of knobs and yanked the pull cord. John waved it off and looked to him.

“We don’t know where we need to cut yet. Leave it off while we talk to the guy and figure out where he’s pinned.” John told the newbie.


John stood up and put his extrication gloves on as he approached the car. He took a quick walk around the car from back to front and then reached in through the missing grill to release the hood latch. Once he found it he picked the cover up and snatched the side cutters from his coat pocket. In two quick snips he cut the battery cables, ceasing the threat to get shocked in their work. He let the hood close and then walked to the driver’s door. The driver was alert and surprisingly calm.


“Hey man. I’m John what’s your name?” John asked the occupant.


“Larry. You guys going to get me out of here?” Larry asked.


“We’re going to do our best. You just stay awake for us and we’ll have you out in no time. Where are you stuck?” John asked.


“My legs.” Larry answered.


John nodded and turned to the other firefighters.


“Okay, let’s get the roof off and then we can pry the dash up to get him free.” John stated.


The men and women scattered and John motioned for Kyle to start the power supply. John snatched the tool up and went to work making his first cut.




“You were great Larry. You’re on your way to Morris Hospital. You stay safe now man.” John said as he left the back of the ambulance.


It had taken only twenty minutes to extricate the driver from his car and get him into an ambulance. Once they got him free they looked him over and did not see any real injuries from the accident. Larry was a lucky man.


It was routine accidents like this that kept John on his toes for the extraordinary and life threatening situations he would someday encounter. That day was drawing near. And that person was someone he knew very well.

Up next: Center Stage

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