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Is there such a thing? If there isn't there should be. Just something that will show you all the smokers, drinkers, and drug users on your roster. Drug users would only appear on the list after a failed wellness test of course, but it would be helpful to know who these people are without having to go into the editor.
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Sounds like a solid idea. It could balance out the Medical screen, giving it a sixth box. It would definitely be a handy reference, and aid in deciding on backstage rules - if you have a long list of drinkers, maybe not ban drinking (or maybe really get vindictive)
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Bad idea.


If you look in a worker's profile in the editor, to the right of 'Reformed' is another box. That box should explain why a habits screen doesn't exist. If that box is checked, the habit shows up in a worker's profile ingame (right alongside their personality). Until such time as that box gets checked, you know nothing about that worker's habits.

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Bad idea.


If you look in a worker's profile in the editor, to the right of 'Reformed' is another box. That box should explain why a habits screen doesn't exist. If that box is checked, the habit shows up in a worker's profile ingame (right alongside their personality). Until such time as that box gets checked, you know nothing about that worker's habits.


I don't think anyone wanted the unknown habits shown. The line "Drug users would only appear on the list after a failed wellness test of course" suggests to me that SolidDavidGold understands the concept.

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Doesn't it already appear in the "Personal" section? I know in 08 it would say "known to have had trouble with the law in the past" or whatever under the personal section.


I think what they want is a screen that shows ALL known habits in the entire promotion at once.


Instead of going to each and every worker's personal section.

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Having a guy be known to be in trouble with the law does not tell me if he likes Marlboro's or Wild Turkey though. It just says that he's known to be stupid on occasion.

That's because Law Problems is a separate trait to Drinking or Smoking.


There is a reference to the known habits in the workers profile.

There's also an individual Chemistry file in the worker's profile. Doesn't make having the screen showing all the Chemistry in your promotion a bad idea. In fact it's one of the better/bigger features in TEW2010 IMO.

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That's because Law Problems is a separate trait to Drinking or Smoking.



There's also an individual Chemistry file in the worker's profile. Doesn't make having the screen showing all the Chemistry in your promotion a bad idea. In fact it's one of the better/bigger features in TEW2010 IMO.


Yup, so I can look at that ONE chemistry note I've discovered after a month.


Well, at least it was a positive one...

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Regarding habits, is there any way to add a "Set all habits to KNOWN" in the mass edit options? Or to make it the default setting in the data converter? It would be extremely convenient for real life mods.

If you set all habits to known, then that worker will be known for all habits even if he has 0% for some of them. (don't know if this is a bug though)

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D'oh! I hadn't really thought of that.

Maybe separate options for mass edits then, like "set drug habit to Known", "set alcohol habit to Known"...

Then again, it might just be technically impossible anyway. But doing all the settings manually is going to be very long and tedious.

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