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what this game needs more than anything

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is a darker text colour on a lighter background or the text to be more smooth and not so damn.. well you no what word im looking for


I played the demo lastnight and had to turn it off after about an hour my eyes were killing me


This doesnt happen on any other games i play but also happened on TEW 08 last year which limited my play and eventualy stopeed me from playing all together


This is just an example but having a darker text on a lighter background is far more easy on the eyes


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Actually i disagree completely. Test it out, turn off all the lights and put up TEW, then pull up a "light background" like a blank word document. The difference is unbelieveable.


It does take a little more work eye wise because the eye is naturally attracted to dark areas over light, but in terms of overall playability, it's nice not starting into a 60W bulb for hours on end :D

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