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Keeping the Fire Alive

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An Open Letter to My Fans


Times are tough right now, there is no getting around that. The economy is destroyed, so we truly appreciate those who come to our shows. However, to be blunt, it's not enough. 21st Century is dominating London, dominating the entire UK. Jeff Nova's supercompany has truely gone from strength to strength.


We, however, will not quit. We'll be releasing some people, cutting costs. We'll be bringing in a new creative mind to work with myself, Merle and Walter. We will bring you the absolute best wrestling in Britain, possibly the world.


We are Ring of Fire. We will survive.


Robert Brown

a.k.a. British Samurai

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Look, the RoF Graphics budget is pretty poor.


ROF One Ring

Sunday, Week 2, January 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson


We have replaced the #1 Contender Midcard Title with the Velocity midcard title, and awarded it to Billy Robinson. We also retired the tag titles and gave the Martins the next two chances at the Velocity title.

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ROF One Ring

Sunday, Week 2, January 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson


Looking forward to this as I have plans of my own and if you don't mind. Can I take some notes for my upcoming failure?

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ROF One Ring

Sunday, Week 2, January 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson


Looking forward to this as I have plans of my own and if you don't mind. Can I take some notes for my upcoming failure?


Yeah, man of course. Always push Walter Morgan. Always.

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ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin (can make a new star right here)


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson (Can't give one Martin a title without the other one having a title as well......or can you!?)


Best of luck with this sir. Look forward to reading

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ROF One Ring

Sunday, Week 2, January 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center – 24 in attendance

Nigel Svensson vs. Rhys Vali


Nobody cared about this match, which is probably why I stuck it in the pre show. Nigel was able to take Vali off his quick strike game plan and focus and delivering shots to the right arm. Eventually Nigel backed off his strategy to see what route Rhys would take. Rhys shot in, but Nigel quickly leveled the savage fighter with a right hook. Seizing the opportunity Nigel locked in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock and Rhys quickly tapped.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Rhys Vali in 8:11 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock


The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Rhys Vali is improving in Performance skills.





Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson

Ring of Fire Velocity


Well the crowd seemed into the match at least, even if it wasn’t the greatest display of RoF technical excellence. Lance seemed a little off not having his tag partner to back him up. Billy Robinson controlled the match early, taking advantage of Lance’s seeming loss of focus. After a bit of Robinson offense Lance started taking over. This, in my opinion, is where the bout dragged. Lance tried getting onto the back of the downed Robinson, seemingly to set up a new submission hold (well new for him), but Robinson kept blocking it. After a swift counter, Robinson took over control and set up the Capitol City Crucifix. Martin had no choice but to tap his opportunity at gold away.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Billy Robinson defeated Lance Martin in 12:37 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix. Billy Robinson makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Velocity title.


Lance Martin was visibly tiring toward the end. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. Justin Blackham and Peaches McCream have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Lance Martin is improving in Rumble skills. Lance Martin is improving in Technical skills. Lance Martin is improving in Performance skills. Billy Robinson is improving in Rumble skills.





Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


The new Ring of Fire wrestler Charles Avatar was pretty impressive here. Despite being completely unknown (he hails from Chicago) he put forward a good effort with Kelly Martin. Avatar used his natural speed and agility to use take downs to halt Kelly’s ability to attack. A quick sharp elbow by Kelly sent a German suplex attempt by Avatar into devastation. Kelly shot in quickly and rocked Avatar with some knees. Martin hoisted Avatar up and hit a picturesque Perfect Driver.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Kelly Martin defeated Charles Avatar in 7:53 by pinfall with a Perfect Driver.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Kelly Martin is improving in Rumble skills. Kelly Martin is improving in Technical skills. Kelly Martin is improving in Performance skills. Charles Avatar is improving in Technical skills.




Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan


The saddest thing about this is only about forty or so people saw this live. Henderson and Morgan pulled out a fantastic match, and you wonder how O’Curle and Brit Sam would top it. Henderson started the match strong with some striking that Morgan couldn’t keep up with. He consistently kicked Morgan in the gut and beat down Morgan about the back. Henderson’s high powered offense stunts any spurts that Morgan manages to get.


With the full support of our front row (nicknamed the Fire Squad) Morgan starts regaining a little bit of control. Of course someone with Morgan’s ability does not need that much room. He counters a Henderson gut kick into an ankle lock. He counters a clothesline with an armdrag. He counters a desperation tackle with a fluid DDT. From there it all seems to be moving towards the wrench. Out of instinct almost, Henderson grabs the ropes just as the moves being applied.


Both men stand and move towards the center. Referee Woolsey restarts the bout and Henderson hits a devastating cutter that leaves Morgan out in the middle of the ring. Quickly, opportunistically, Henderson applies the Scottish Deathlock and struggle as he may, 95 seconds later Morgan taps.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Don Henderson defeated Walter Morgan in 13:05 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Justin Blackham and Peaches McCream have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Don Henderson is improving in Rumble skills. Don Henderson is improving in Technical skills.




British Samurai vs. Merle O’Curle

Ring of Fire Championship


The two stars circled each other to start, hesitant to be the one to make the first mistake. They both know each other well. Samurai slips close and hits a crisp looking German suplex, but Merle is up much quicker than Samurai expected and Merle begins striking at Samurai. The Celtic Submission Machine begins lining up Samurai for a quick and early Wreath, but Samurai gets away.


Merle is able to use a leg drag to get Samurai to the ground. The crowd starts chanting for the owner to get up, but he is being stifled by Merle. A few ground punches land from Samurai, and Merle’s hold weakens for a second … but Merle segways into a makeshift armbar. Samurai is able to not only get free, but get to his feet before O’Curle.


That’s when it starts. The Fire Squad begins yelling “Bu! Shi! Do!” and the British Samurai begins getting pumped. Katana chop! (Knife Edge Chop) “Bu!” Katana chop! “Shi!” Katana … chop! “DOOO!” O’Curle is down and British Samurai takes a second to look at the Championship belt before going back on the …


Small package! O’Curle has the cover!












Samurai kicks out. O’Curle is quick up and able to snap off a quick belly-to-belly suplex on Samurai that leaves both men down and winded. Referee Woolsey’s count reachs 6 aas both men stand, and the crowd gives them a loud ovation.


Samurai offers a ‘test of strength’ and O’Curle denies by way of kicking Samurai in the gut. DDT … no! Samurai throws O’Curle into the ropes! OH! Vicious looking Katana Chop off the ropes.










NO! O’Curle kicks out.


British Samurai waits for O’Curle to get up before going to strike … and having it reversed into a torture rack. British Samurai is in a world of hurt while Merle O’Curle is showing a strength not many thought he had. Merle seems to have it in tight, but Samurai almost seems to wiggle free a few times. After a moment or two Merle tosses Samurai up and he comes crashing down hard.








3-NO! British Samurai got a foot on the ropes!


O’Curle and Samurai are separated and brought to center ring. O’Curle wastes no time and rushes in. Belly-to-Belly! Samurai gets up groggily… Belly-to-belly! Merle stalks over… Celtic Wreath! British Samurai taps!



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Merle O'Curle defeated British Samurai in 18:22 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Justin Blackham and Peaches McCream have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match.





This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity

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ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson


Hey FIN! Glad to see you predicting. Also glad to see my first show wasn't completely predictable.


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle


Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin (can make a new star right here)


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson (Can't give one Martin a title without the other one having a title as well......or can you!?)


Best of luck with this sir. Look forward to reading


Thanks for the luck sir. I guess a lot of people expected Morgan and Avatar to win.


ROF Championship

British Samurai vs. ©Merle O'Curle

Walter Morgan vs. Don Henderson


Charles Avatar vs. Kelly Martin


ROF Velocity Championship

Lance Martin vs. Billy Robinson


Lots of Morgan love going around. Good. Means the story going forward should be well recieved.


Ah.. Going for a british fed.. Will keep an eye and see how you do


Yeah, I had a RoF game in 2008 that went to 2013, so I'm a big RoF fan. Unfortunately one of my main fall backs is gone.


Nice start, I'll be reading! One of these days we should pool resources and do a proper tag team league diary. :)


Lol. Just go ahead and use my lame-o TTL logo.


Good start, particularly the main event, which I really enjoyed reading. :)


Thanks! I hope I can maintain the quality. :D


Good start, always nice to see a Uk diary I will be reading this for sure.


Thanks! Awesome that I'm being well received!


Alright all, definetly going to work on the End of the Month Newsletter and already have the second show Entombed We Collide all planned. Onward!

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ROF Newsletter

January 2010


Special thanks to Marcel Fromage for the ROF Newsletter idea.

The BritSam Blog


Konnichiwa everybody, this is everyone’s favorite Bushido Warrior, British Samurai. I think Ted and the DiBiases said it best “Money, Money, Money, Money, Money!” A lot of fans came up to me after One Ring asking why there were only five matches, and the show had been reduced to an hour long. They weren’t complaining per se, but there was a definite air of confusion.


Back in 2008 we got almost the same if not more fans coming to see us wrestle. Nova personally took a big chunk of out viewers away, that much is true, and he even took some employees. Seeing that a change needed to be made we gave the book to Merle, which was a mistake. Merle is a great guy and a fantastic storyteller in the ring and in the pub. That does not translate to a great booker. So we went overseas, brought an American in.


Charles Avatar.


He was on one of DaVE’s final booking teams, MAW, 4C up in Canada and most recently was credited with convincing Steven Parker to stay in PSW. If there’s something we need more of in Ring of Fire it’s leadership. Yes, I lead, and so does Walter and Merle. Don and Donny too, to a certain extent. However we have a ton of kids, and us older folks just don’t relate with them sometimes. I’m told this e-mail Newsletter is ever outdated, and that RoF needs something called a Twitter.


I think I had a c0ckatiel named that as a child.


Anyway Avatar’s young, only 21. The kids are always asking him about Phil V or Nemesis or Rip Chord. They look up to him.


I’m okay with him for one main reason: we made a profit of 3,263 while holding a show that’s up to my standards. Ring of Fire is doing a hell of a job surviving under this kid.


World Wide Wrestling News

via TotalExtremeWrestling.com


  • Bryan Vessey defeating Tommy Cornell stole the show at Malice in Wonderland, the TEW Board gave the match an A.
  • Christian Faith defeating Vengeance did the same at When Hell Freezes Over. This match also received an A. The world can only dream of a Faith v. Cornell match.
  • GCG was recognized as rising back to Cult. 5SSW also was on the rise, getting back to regional.
  • SWF signed Roger Cage and James Prudence to shore up the undercard.
  • Bart Biggz injured his elbow and will be out 12 months and 2 weeks.
  • USPW got a PPV deal, and SWF reached into the UK to get a PPV deal.

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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle

Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan

ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle

Even if I love Don's alt. If Merle can beat Samurai. He'll have a easy time with Don.


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle Keep him strong until he has a reason to drop the belt.


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan Build some momentum.


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes I never liked user characters getting an active push in diaries


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin You got to be kidding me, Kelly does not stand a chance.

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ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Glad to see the Velocity championship in use, Reaper did that one for me for my ROF game on 08 :)

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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin


Think Champs will retain as their is no reason to drop the belts. Doubt you would push the boss or your avatar

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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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ROF Entombed We Collide

Sunday, Week 2, February 2010

Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands, UK


ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

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Look, the RoF Graphics budget is pretty poor.


lol! you almost got me with that. I was about to post how your graphics looked faded :p



ROF Championship

Don Henderson vs. © Merle O'Curle

as much as I like henderson, O'Curle is the champ!


Winner is in the ROF Triple Threat Main Event

British Samurai vs. Walter Morgan

it's hard to bet against the boss


ROF Velocity Championship #1 Contendership

Charles Avatar vs. Petey Barnes

you don't seem the type to star-push yourself


ROF Velocity Championship

© Billy Robinson vs. Kelly Martin

he just got the belt!

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