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SAW Presents: Wrestling?

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I am Jack Avatar and this is my story. It all started one cold day in January. I was stumbling around in the snow, with frostbite on my toes and hands. The poor economy had made it impossible to find a job, and thus, they foreclosed my house. I still have flashbacks to the cat fryer incident from one of my many failed jobs. They all said I was too crazy, that they, the job employers, were afraid of me.


Anyways, I stumbled into a cafe called "The Crooked Cafe" to get away from the cold. Once inside, I noticed a posted stapled on the wall saying, "The Crooked Cafe's pro wrestling training lessons are now accessable to even poor hobos!" I didn't quite understand why it said that, but I was indeed a poor hobo. So I walked up to the man at the cafe counter.


To Be Continued.....


(OOC: Feel free to post comments!)

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The man at the cafe's counter was a greasy, fat man. When I asked about the pro wrestling lessons, he told me to talk to the owner in the back about them. He lead me to what looked like a banged up office door with the glass window on it shattered. It was dark inside.


Fat Man: "He's in there."


I told him thanks and he scuttled off in a hurry. I wondered what that was about. I would soon find out.


To Be Continued....

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I slowly crept in the through the banged up office door. Well, I sort of did. When I tried to open the door, it just fell off its hinges! The door was then laying on the floor. It looked to be in worse shape than the fryer after the cat fryer incident (although the cat was probably in the worse shape of all three of them). What I saw when I walked in was disturbing. It was a huge chubby (and that's putting it lightly) man who smelled like rotten bacon. Wait! I remembered him! He was Mammoth, a horrible worker who used to work for NOTBPW (I watched my fair share of wrestling videos, being a wrestling fan after all)!


To Be Continued.....

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Mammoth: "Are you just going to stare with your mouth open or are you here for the wrestling lessons?"

(Me) Jack Avatar: "I'm here for the wrestling lessons. Why are you training hobos?"

Mammoth: "Because I believe everybody, no matter if your are poor or not, has potential to become a wrestling icon."

I stood there in shock as he shoved a whole cheeseburger into his mouth. Judging from all the wrappers on the ground, I'd say that Mammoth probably would only live another month or so.


(Me) Jack Avatar: "But why would you give away training for free? I mean, what's the purpose of that?"

Mammoth: "I feel that I should give back to the wrestling industry after taking away from it. What I mean by that is, I feel like I wasted everybody's time with my awful matches, so this is my way of making it up."


I stood there dumbstruck.


Mammoth: "Well, here's the contract for the training. You can sign it if you want." As I signed it Mammoth drank a liter of cream soda with one gulp.


To Be Continued....

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Cat fryer incident? Ill keep an eye on this...

Yep. This is going to be one crazy dynasty!


Quick tip - you might want to try doing longer posts, but less frequent ones. Rapid short posts tend to make people think you're just spamming to keep your diary at/close to the top.


That said, interesting start. :)


Thanks for the tip. I'm not trying to spam, I just type up my backstory in parts. Anyways, thanks for reading!


Everybody, buckle yourselves in for one crazy roller coaster of a dynasty! :D

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So I trained for seven months. It was now December 2009, and the new year was coming up. Mammoth was amazed by how I became what he called "world champion material" so quickly. Especially more amazing considering my wrestling trainer was a overweight blob with no real talent of his own.


I then tried to get a promotion to hire me, but nobody was hiring. As a matter of fact, most promotions were firing people to cut back on expenses due to the bad economy. So after about two weeks of living in crappy motels, I came back to "The Crooked Cafe" to talk to Mammoth.


After I explained my situation to him this is what happened....


Mammoth: "Hmm, this must be rough time for wrestlers and the fans. Wait! I know what to do! I will start a promotion and you can be the head booker!"


I then asked him if he had enough money, but he said he had plenty after running the cafe for a while. Also, for those who didn't know, running the cafe has been what Mammoth has been doing ever since he got fired from NOTBPW.


Jack Avatar: "But why me? Why am I the booker?"

Mammoth: "Because I'm pretty sure that my booking would be worse than my wrestling!"

Jack Avatar: "How much money do you have for the promotion?"

Mammoth: "$250,000."

Jack Avatar: "Wow! You must be rich if you are going to put that much in the promotion!"

Mammoth: "Not really. That's all the money I have in the bank. That's why I'm the owner, so I can make a profit. I know that it is an all or nothing deal, but I really want to get back into the business, just not as a wrestler. Also, this way I can give back alot to the industry!


And so, that is how it all began.


To Be Continued.....

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We finally opened it up. Mammoth decided to call it "Simply Awesome Wrestling, or SAW for short, because that will catch on with the youngsters!" He wanted it to be like a comedy sketch show mixed with wrestling, which he said will make it very unique. Now, all we need to do is to hire some workers...


To Be Continued.....

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Thanks for the tip. I'm not trying to spam, I just type up my backstory in parts. Anyways, thanks for reading!



As Rathen mentions above, it's coming across as spam, whether that's intended or not. What might help is if you typed it up in Word or something, where you could write a bit at a time and save it, then posted a decent amount at a time.

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Main Eventers

Brendon Idol

DJ Avatar (aka Jack Avatar)

Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man

Regular Joe

Upper Midcarders




Xavier Reckless

Zachary Inc.


Alan Parent


Cal Sanders

Lower Midcarders



No Enhancement Talent or Openers


Other Talent:

Davis Ditterich (Announcer)

Roger Rogers (Colour Commentator)

Coach Norman (Referee)

The Boston Bomber (Road Agent)



Traditional: None

Mainstream: Key Feature

Comedy: Key Feature

Cult: None

Risque: None

Modern: None

Realism: None

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: None

Lucha Libre: None

Pure: None

Daredevil: None


Match Ratio (Event) : 70%

Match Ratio (TV) : 70%

No Face/Heel Divide


Popularity: 0's across the board.



Will post show lineup in a little bit so everyone can predict.

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