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INSPIRE: A Real World "Fantasy" Diary.

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So you may have read about that young kid who formed Wrestlelicious, he won the lottery and formed a partnership with Jimmy Hart to start is own promotion. Well this is a similar story. About a down on his luck guy who wins the lottery and uses some of the money to form his own promotion. Relationships will be made, drama will likely ensue and fun is sure to had. This is the story of a 26 year old from New England who gets to live the dream, and deal with all the hassles that come with it. His name is Patrick Quinlan, and his Inspiration is pro wrestling, being head of a successful wrestling company is what he truly Inspires for, and with that....INSPIRE Pro Wrestling is born.


This diary will be told in the form of a diary, a literal diary or journal if you will (journal sounds a little more manly...so let's go with that :) ), The backstage happens, the build up, the signings and releases and even the shows themselves will be presented in journal form. You will go into the mind of the man who's vision you are reading about. You will get to the know the man, and the five other partial owners who he lured to his passion project with a bankbook he didn't earn...but is glad to use regardless. The first couple posts will be behind the scenes stuff, the process of bringing his dream to reality.


I hope you enjoy, and any feedback would be appreciated. I also made it a point to differ slightly from the usual "super Indy" talent that every independent company wants to employ. Some of Independent Wrestling's top stars will surely appear, but some guys who may not get play if every Independent Diary will also be appearing. I hope you enjoy my little project.


Up first is the first exert from Patrick Quinlan's Journal leading up to the debut show of INSPIRE.



January Week 4 Day 2


Alissa Flash asked for and was granted her release from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, I ofcourse jumped at the oppertunity and arranged for a sitdown interview with her. I explained my desires to her, my passion for pro wrestling and my rather deep pockets. After she made several jokes about me being a "lucky son of a bitch" (which happens when your a lottery winner) we got down to business. My pitch was spot on, and Miss Anderson was more than excited by the end of it. She would recieve a written, five year gauranted contract, along with partial ownership of the new company. She would be head of INSPIRE's Women's Division and use her contacts to help me put together a talented female roster. She also was able to use her long standing good relationship with Alison Danger and Dave Prazack to form a working relationship between INSPIRE and SHIMMER. Although her duties would require her to stop performing in SHIMMER on a regualar basis, it is in her contract that she will be able to appear for them several times a year. Which given thier scheduale means she will really only miss a couple tapings a year. I had my first partner, and what a partner at that. One of the top female wrestlers in North America was a partial owner of INSPIRE, the fact she is also very sexy means if any meetings happen to drag on or become tiresome, I'll atleast have someone pretty to look at...just don't tell her I said that :)



January Week 4 Day 5


Melissa is already proving to be a huge help, in just three days time she was able to use her relationship with Dave Prazak to arrange a meeting with Jim Cornette, Cary Silken, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. Strong and Aries are to the reason for this meeting. I offered both ownership stake and gauranteed contracts for thier services, both inring and the knowledge that they have of the business. The fact that both men have also developed alot of positive relationships throughout the years could only help the matter. Both men had the option of opting out of thier Ring Of Honor deals and joining me, however being the new guy on the block I wanted to build a reputation of someone who does business the right way. I was about to take two of ROH's top stars from them, the least I could do was offer a little financial assistance for thier troubles, and work out a fair deal that would benifit use both. A "donation" was made, by INSPIRE to ROH's production department, helping them with the tv costs. I also agreed, that for the first year of INSPIRE's existance, I would not hold a show within 40 miles of where ROH was holding a show on the same weekend. These terms were not required on my part, but more of a show of good faith, and a sign that I was not looking to go to "war" with ROH. When all was said and done, I had the two guys I was after, both under guarenteed contracts.



January Week 4 Day 7


INSPIREwrestling.com is officially online, and we have annoounced the first show will take place on Sunday, Week 4 of Febuary 2010. The event will be held in Rhode Island.



Febuary Week 1 Day 1


Strong and Aries are helping out already, as they have got one of the best tag teams in North America to commit to INSPIRE's first few months of shows. ROH Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe are the first Tag Team to join INSPIRE!



Febuary Week 1 Day 2


By far our "Biggest Name" has been develered to us today. I sat down with former ECW and WWE star Al Snow today, and man he is a likable guy. Snow's inring days are over, but the man's knowledge of the business and passion when it comes to working with the younger guys makes him an incredibly smart investment. He has agreed to be a personality and backstage agent. He signed an exclusive deal, meaning he will be working with me on INSPIRE even when we're not running a show, but the deal does have an opt-out clause. Should WWE of TNA come calling looking for backstage help is free to opt-out and work for them. Al is a great guy and we hit it off instantly, man is it going to be fun working with him.



That is part 1 of the process of leading up to INSPIREs debut. The Conclusion will be posted shortly, followed by a preshow entry and then the show itself, which will be followed by a post show entry. Thanks for reading. Part two will include the revel of the two other partners of Patrick Quinlan.

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The lead up to the big show journal entries conclude!



Febuary Week 1 Day 3


A few more Talent acquasitions have been made today. Current NWA World Tag Team Champions Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, collectively known as The Naturals have signed on. They can be the chief foes of The Briscoes in INSPIRE's Tag Division. Former Combat Zone Wrestling Talent Cory Kastle has also signed on, he's a decent young talent who can work fast pace matches well. Although he would fall into the "spot monkey" category, he's not a bad talent at all. I also reached an agreement with Dave Meltzer, to do announcing work for us. We are in the process of working on a deal with a DVD distributor, and having someone to actually call the matches would help.



February Week 1 Day 4


God do I love Melissa! Not only did she add a few talented females to the roster today, but she got me in touch with the women who will become the fifth partner of mine, and the fourth with ownership stake. Melissa worked a Real Quality Wrestling Event over the weekend, she defeated Sweet Saraya in a great match, and brought Saraya and several other talents over for a meet and greet and party (I had to spend some dough on the girls, but it was worth it). We had and good time and talked some business, Saraya has agreed in principal to a deal with TNA, but hasn't heard much since. She's looking to get more familiar with the States and American fans, and agreed to come work with us until her TNA deal comes through. She'll wrestle occasionally and work as an agent aswell. I also got to know, and more importantly sign, The lovely and talented Jersey, The equally lovely and talented Sarah "Minx" Jones and the Gothy Lacrissa Christy. All four women are a welcome addition to INSPIRE. Melissa also put me in touch with The incredibly beautiful and talented Lacy. Lacy will be meeting with me in a few days to discuss coming on as a partner.



February Week 1 Day 5


Aries and Strong helped me add a few more Ring Of Honor guys to the roster. I meet with and signed Jimmy Rave, Jerry Lynn and Rocky Romero. Lynn is currently injured, but should be back to good in no time, and can work backstage aswell. He enjoys wrestling and being an agent, so let the guy do both, right? Jimmy Rave is just a great talent in my eyes. Exciting and sound aswell, he's a great addition to the roster. I am a huge fan of Rocky Romero's technical abilty and his knowledge of how to properly construct a match. He's a good addition. I also agreed to terms with former ICWA talent Roxi. She is a talented young English wrestler.



Febuary Week 1 Day 6



A pretty slow day for the most part, phone calls were made but no signings or meetings taking place. Melissa, Roderick, Austin and myself went out for diner and talked shop. I talked to Lacy and her meeting was confirmed for tommorrow. Al Snow also set up a meeting with someone, but won't tell me who...that's Al for ya.




Febuary Week 1 Day 7



I met with Lacy today...major success doesn't even do this meeting justice. She's on, her money was decided apon and she will work as a character/manager and Agent for us. So I now have Melissa Anderson, Sweet Saraya and Lacy running my women's division. Epicly Awesome! Lacy was quick at work too, she already got Nicole Mathews to agree, we tried to get Portia Perez but it didn't work out...she stretched too thin right now, maybe in the future.





Febuary Week 2 Day 1.



WHAT A DAY! I'm BEAT! But too excited to sleep! Signings, meetings and we reached a deal with a DVD Distributor! TNA Knockout Sarita AKA Sarah Stock has signed on to work for INSPIRE. I also had an over the phone meeting with Jim Fannin who will be doing Color for us on our DVD releases. Lacy talked to Jetta, who is interested in working some dates for us, which is great! We signed up a very sexy and talented manager by the name of Liz Vicious to a deal. WWE Parted ways with Charlie Haas, and since we are a regional company with no tv deal his 90 day no compete clause doesn't apply to us, so he's agreed to appear for us. Al Snow signed gifted Technician Chad Collyer to appear for us aswell. Those are even the big news of the day! Al Snows meeting, the one he set up as a surprise. is set for Thursday. I'm so excited I don't want to even write who is in fear of jinxing it! But I'm heading to Canada!



Febuary Week 2 Day 3


About to get onto a plane to Canada, but three new singings today. Finally got us a couple of refs, cause you need those to have a match. Mike Posey and John Cone have agreed to work our events. Also signed former WWE Talent Johnny Jeter to appear on some shows. Well, off to the Great White North.



February Week 2 Day 4


I can't beleive it...it's almost like something I imagined! But I have a new partner, who has ownership claims aswell. And INSPIRE signed on to a 5 year contract with a wrestling academy. Storm Wrestling Academy that is! Lance Storm is the newest partner of INSPIRE, he got is deal, only has to give up 3-4 days a month and INSPIRE will be the official partner promotion of Storm Wrestling Academy, giving Storm's students a place to work and gain some exposure in the States. Lance has agreed to wrestle from time to time, but will mainly be doing backstage stuff and training his students, who will then be given a shot to work for INSPIRE. Two of his Alumni, Tenille Tayla and Bombshell Bo, will be appearing for INSPIRE in a few months time.



Febuary Week 2 Day 5


Still excited about yesterday, but also still in Canada. Al and myself made a visit to Scott D'Amore who will be working some INSPIRE shows in the future.



Febuary Week 3 Day 1


Back in the States, and I took Sunday off for a little R & R. Melissa, Lacy and Myself signed up a couple of SHIMMER ladies today. Adding Jessie Mackay and Madison Eagles to the roster. Both are talented young athletes, and they have experience working together as a tag team under the name The Pink Ladies. I also added Roni Johna to the roster.



Febuary Week 3 Day 2


The day is growing near and the roster is coming together. Yoshihiro Tajiri has signed on to appear for INSPIRE, he was interested in working some shows in the States and I was quick to snatch him up. I also added former WWE Tag Team Champion Paul London to the roster. Brian Kendrik turned us down, as did Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Oh well, London is a tremendous talent.



Febuary Week 3 Day 4


Big day for INSPIRE as we were able to scoop up a couple of higher profile guys. Keeping with the unintentional theme of former ECW Guys agreeing to appear for us, former ECW legend and Multitime ECW World Champion "The Franchise" Shane Douglas joined up. Being on the east coast was really the only reason I was able to talk him into appearing, doesn't seem interested in much traveling at this stage of his life. Also heard from former TNA and WWE talent Chris Harris. Harris will be working for INSPIRE and appears to be in better shape.



February Week 3 Day 5


Signed up a couple of UK Talents today, both had been in the states before and didn't mind the travel. Jayson Reign and Jonny Storm are both welcome additions to the roster. The two will be working together infact, as a tag team under the monicker Reign Storm! I know it's cheesey, but it works.



Febuary Week 3 Day 7


One week to go and ANOTHER BIG signing for INSPIRE! KENTA will be appearing for us, he's been working ROH so us being in the same region of the country helped alot. KENTA is currently injured, and wont be able to work a match for 2-3 months, but he'll be appearing anyway.



Febuary Week 4 Day 1


Had a meeting with Aries and Strong today, will be meeting with Melissa and Lacy tommorrow. Nice and easy meeting, going over the final preperations and details of the event. Lance Storm will be arriving Saturday, the day before the event. Also added two more roster additions. Former WCW and TNA Star Elix Skipper and former NWATNA and NWA talent Jason Cross. Cross is a good high flyer with a great finishing move and Skipper is a very solid talent.



Febuary Week 4 Day 2


Got Former WCW wrestler Glen Gilbertti onboard. Glen will help with backstage matters and making sure the show runs smoothly. He's a pretty good guy, and he knows what he's supposed to do. The meeting with the ladies was pushed back to tomorrow. Also signed up former WWE Star Ken Doane to the roster. Doane is a talented guy who has some face value aswell.



Febuary Week 4 Day 3


Meet with Melissa and Lacy, it went well and we all seem to be on the same page about what exactly we each want to see out of the Women's Division. Also talked to Lacy about returning to the ring, she wasn't having any of that. Can't blame a guy for trying, I let her know if she decides to lace up em again to just say so. Also had a phone conversation with a guy I've always thought highly of, Michael Modest. Modest has a full schedule this weekend, but will be appearing for us starting next month.


February Week 4 Day 4


Just business stuff today, meet with the DVD Distributer to iron out the details, everything went according to how you would expect. It was dull, drawn out and in the end it all worked out. Strong put me in touch with ROH star Jack Evans and I'll be meeting with him next week about appearing on future cards.



Febuary Week 4 Day 5


My effort to boost the roster abit more at the last minute failed, as both Raven and Homicide declined meetings. Raven I wanted to help boost the crowd and sign some autographs, but I was looking to add Cide to the main event picture. Maybe in the future...



Febuary Week 4 Day 6


Ironed out some last minute details on the eve of our big debut, also had a diner with Lance Storm. Wasn't a business meeting, just a huge fan taking the oppertunity to sit down with one of his favorite wrestlers of all time. He's a good guy, very sincere and not afraid to speak his mind, but he never comes across as rude. He did agree to work a match tommorrow night though, which is awesome. He will be portraying an owner during the show too.


Also announced a couple of matches for the show on the website. The announced matches are:


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title Rights Match

Rocky Romero -vs- Paul London -vs- Austin Aries


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title Rights Match

Ken Doane -vs- Michael Shane -vs- Roderick Strong


INSPIRE World Tag Team Titles Match

Reign Storm -vs- The Briscoes -vs- The Naturals


INSPIRE World Women's Title Battle Royal Mayhem Match


Alexa Thatcher


Jessie Mackay


Madison Eagles

Melissa Anderson

Nicole Mathews

Roni Jonah

Sarah Jones

Sarah Stock


Standard 20 Minute Time Limit Singles Match

Charlie Haas -vs- Rob Conway



That's all the lead in. Later will be the pre show entry followed by the debut show itself.

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Here is the First show's Journal Entries and the event itself. I hope you enjoy.



February Week 4 Day 7


9:00 AM: Well I'm and about and ready for whatever happends tonight. I'll be meeting Lance, Austin, Roderick, Lacy & Melissa at the arena in a few hours, and talent is set to report by 2:00 PM for our 6:00 PM Start Time. Normally the talent won't have to be there that early, but with it being the first show I wanted to address everyone and make sure we all had enough time to get everything set up and everyone on the same page. It's time for a quick workout though.


10:10 AM: Workout complete and I just finished showering and changing. Got a missed call from Melissa, who was informing me that she was bringing a friend.


10:45 AM: Just got off the phone with Alison Danger regarding future business with SHIMMER. We're talking about exchanging some talent, and I'm looking to get the ok to have some SHIMMER Matches on INSPIRE Events, working on a deal to have MsChif defend the SHIMMER Championship on an upcoming INSPIRE Card. Gotta get to the arena now though.


12:50 PM: Had a brief meeting with Lance, Austin, Roderick, Lacy and Melissa when I arrived. Nothing too indepth, last minute details and the like, the creative meeting is in a couple hours. That meeting will feature us ironing the final details and making any last minute changes needed to the card. Melissa brought Awesome Kong with her to the show, not to compete or anything, just to hang out with her. She's a really nice women...not scary once you talk to her 5 minutes.


1:35 PM: Lacy is getting on my nerves, she's gonna get bitch slapped, lol. She keeps changing my music...I need it to relax women! :) Real easy going backstage so far. Al Snow and Glen Gilbertti arrived already and everyone is just kinda shooting the breeze and hangin out.


4:00 PM: Creative meeting is done, time for the agents to get together with the talent and layout a game plan for


tonight. Jerry Lynn is incharge of Whitmore and Collyer's match. Gilbertti will be working with Skipper and Cross. I'll be laying out the Tag Title match, while Lance works on his match tonight and Hass vs Conway. D'Amore got Rave and Kastle. Strong and Aries will be working on their own matches and Lacy and Melissa are incharge of laying out the Women's Title match.


5:35 PM: Everything has been laid out discussed and we got less than a half hour until bell time. No backstage problems, everyone was on time and put in the preparation asked of them, it's smooth sailing so far.






Sunday Week 4 February 2010

1,000 Fans (SOLD OUT!)


Dark Match

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BJ Whitmore Defeated Chad Collyer in 11:18 with an Exploder Suplex

Thoughts: A highly competitive back and fourth affair that did a great job of getting the crowd into the action. BJ Looked very impressive and Chad hung right there with him. Both guys are expected be involved in the main show from now on, but a good show from these two that more than did it's job.

TEW Rating: C



Opening Segment


Lance Storm and Chris Harris had an altercation in the ring that set up a singles match between the two for later this evening.

Thoughts: Both men performed above expectation. Although both are talented inring performers, neither man is known for his microphone skills. That didn't stop this segment from being an absolute success! Glen Gilbertti even told me he almost felt like he could see Harris developing better performance skills during the segment. A rousing success and the crowd loved it.

TEW Rating: B-



Singles Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

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Elix Skipper defeated Jason Cross in 8:47 via Sudden Impact!

Thoughts: This was actually a bit of a let down, maybe I was just expecting too much from these guys, but the match cooled the crowd down alot more than I thought these two would. Cross looked good enough, Skipper was actually pretty sloppy and had a really off night. I'd say this match helped Jason's stock in INSPIRE, but had a negative effect on Elix's.

TEW Rating: D+



In Ring Segment


Lance Storm and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas cross paths

Thoughts: Storm came out in an attempt to thank and address the crowd like earlier, but was again interupted...this time by Douglas. I was a little underwhelmed by this segment, Storm did find but it was Douglas who underperformed here. Considering Shane's microphone skills I really expected him to carry this segment, but it was Storm who did the carrying. It did set up the "theme" I was going for though. Douglas did make sure to get the point of view that although he was brought in to be a novelty or nostalgia act...he was has no novelty and still a man among boys. I will give Shade credit for that, even though the promo work was disjointed, he did manage to get the point across clearly.

TEW Rating C+



Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match

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The Briscoes w/ Becky Bayless defeated Reign Storm & The Naturals to become the first INSPIRE Tag Team Champions via Jay Driller on Jayson Reign @ 16:11

Thoughts: This match was really kind of a mess, and I think it was in large part to Jayson Reign and Jonny Storm. When they were involved things just died down, quickly! I'm not giving up on them though, but I do believe they need more time and experience as a duo before they can contend again. Both mark and Jay looked good, and Andy held his own too. Overall not what I was looking for or expecting from this match, considering the fact that it was an important title match, this good very well take worst match of the night honors.

TEW Rating: D+



Post Match Segment


Tajiri & KENTA took out The Briscoes

Thoughts: While Mark and Jay celebrated the underwhelming victory, Yoshihiro Tajiri and KENTA came in and took them both out, before posing with the INSPIRE Tag Titles. The segment didn't get the reaction I thought it would, but it wasn't a total failure either. KENTA's injury required Tajiri to undertake most of the beatdown responsibility, but he's Tajiri so it worked out fine. Although I though the arrival of these two would get a better reaction, Tajiri's stiff kicks still get a good pop.

TEW Rating: D-



Standard Singles Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/CoryKastle.jpg ..... http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JimmyRave11.jpg

Jimmy Rave defeated Cory Kastle in 13:27 via From Dusk Til Dawn

Thoughts: Jimmy did all he could, but I'm not sure Cory is ready for a 14 minute singles match right now. Rave looked great, Cory looked lost! Several blown spots, and when your a spot monkey type of worker...you can go blowing spots! Cory hurt his status abit here, but there's always next time to try and redeem himself. I will again note that Jimmy did all that could be ask to improve the overall match quality.

TEW Rating: D+



Backstage Promo Segment

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Roxi hyped up Michael Shane and the triple threat match later in the evening

Thoughts: I decided pretty early in the evening I wanted to give Michael Shane a female valet/manager, but I wanted one that could also handle herself in the ring ok. Roxi was my choice. Pretty standard promo segment here, didn't wow me or put me sleep either. Overall it served it's purpose.

TEW Rating: D



Standerd Singles Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RobConway.jpg ..... http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/CharlieHaas3.jpg

Charlie Haas defeated Rob Conway in 16:44 via Floatover T-Bone Suplex

Thoughts: This was a solid match. Exactly what I was looking for from these two, something to build towards our Main Event matches, and they delivered at that. Haas looked very good and both men got good reactions from the crowd. This being Charlie's first match since WWE released him seemed to help matters, as he really seemed motivated tonight. I look forward to these two hooking up again in the future.

TEW Rating: C-



Triple Threat INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title Rights Match - 30 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/KennyDykstra.jpg ..... http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MichaelShane.jpg ..... http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RoderickStrong4.jpg

Roderick Strong defeated Michael Shane & Ken Doane in 14:57 via Tiger Driver on Michael Shane

Thoughts: Very strong match here, all three guys came out it looking good, with Strong being the star of the match. The crowd reaction continuously grew throughout the contest and it got pretty loud towards the ending sequence. A good match that set up Roderick to the first contender for the INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title.

TEW Rating: C



Backstage Promo Segment

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MarkBriscoe2.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JayBriscoe3.jpg W/ http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/BeckyBayless2.jpg

Becky Bayless & The Briscoes talk about Tajiri & KENTA

Thoughts: Paint By Numbers promo really, not really worth coing in-depth about. Briscoes challenge Tajiri and KENTA too a match, ofcourse KENTA can't work it yet, so Tajiri can pick his partner next show.

TEW Rating: D-



Ten Women Mayhem Pinfall/Submission Battle Royal - INSPIRE World Women's Championship - 30 Minute Time Limit

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Melissa Anderson defeated Alexa Thatcher, Jersey, Jessie MacKay, Jetta, Madison Eagles, Nicole Mathews, Roni Jonah, Sarah Jones & Sarah Stock at 15:04 when Melissa pinned finalist Sarah Stock via Kudo Driver

Thoughts: Very solid first showing from the ladies of INSPIRE. Roni was eliminated first by Alexa Thatcher but Alexa's victory was short lived when Nicole eliminated her. Sarah Jones was next to go via Melissa eliminating her. Nicole was then eliminated by a Jessie and Madison double team move. Jetta eliminated Jersey only to eliminated by Sarah Stock immediately after. The final four was Jessie, Madison, Sarah and Melissa. Melissa elminated Jessie while Sarah eliminated Madison. Stock and Anderson looked great going back and fourth the final 4 minutes before Melissa picked up the win. I have to added props to Melissa, Sarah Stock, Nicole and Madison who each looked especially on their games tonight.

TEW Rating: C



Triple Threat INSPIRE World Heavyweight Title Rights Match - 30 Minute Time Limit

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Austin Aries defeated Rocky Romero & Paul London at 23:27 via small package on Paul London

Thoughts: Man, did these three guys bring their "A" games tonight or what!? The had the crowd eating out of the palm of their hands and they didn't take long to get the crowd into. London was able to hold his own with Romero and Aries in the mat work game, while also dazzling the crow several times with his high flying ability. These three men are to be commended for the effort and dedication they showed tonight.

TEW Rating: B-



In Ring Segment


Lance Storm sets up the Main Event for INSPIRE: To Crown A Champion.

Thoughts: Basic segment with Lance informing the fans that the next show would feature Austin Aries facing off against Roderick Strong to determine the first ever INSPIRE World Heavyweight Champion.

TEW Rating: C



MAIN EVENT: Standard Singles Match - 30 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/LanceStorm1.jpg ..... http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ChrisHarris3.jpg

Chris Harris defeated Lance Storm in 22:09 via Catatonic after interference from "The Franchise" Shane Douglas & Al Snow

Thoughts: Amazing match, easily the Match of the Night...considering the match that preceded this one that's no small feat. I knew Harris could go and Lance Storm is ofcourse...well, he's Lance Storm. The chemistry that these two posses is what really surprised me though. I liked the way we laid the match out aswell, with A evenly contested contest, until Douglas intervened, but Storm was able to fight him off and looked ready to end it, then Snow appeared and Harris took full advantage and took out Storm to pick up the win. These guys owned this match and the crowd also...a great Main Event for our first show.

TEW Rating: B



Post Match Segment


Snow, Douglas and Harris beatdown Storm and celebrate to end the evening.

Thoughts: All three men do a real number on Lance, and overall the segment went over ok. It didn't tear the roof off the place, but it did get a solid reaction and he now have Snow, Douglas and Harris cemented in the mega heel department.

TEW Rating: C




Closing Thoughts: We're a regional company, so anything above a C is damn good night in my book. A C+ off the heels of two great Main Events is just the start I was hoping for. Lance Storm was a star tonight, same can easily be said for Chris Harris. All six men in the hunt for the Title were on tonight aswell, and the Title match next show should be a great one. The Ladies showed alot of heart and let the world know that Women's wrestling is anything but dead in the U.S. I consider this to a strong success, and early feedback on the websites has been mostly highly positive. Man, this is gonna be fun...




9:25 PM: The event was a complete success and went off without any major hitches. A bunch of us are going to grab a bite to eat shortly...a great night overall.


12:20 PM: A very long but rewarding day has come to an end. I'm off to bed, although I way watch a movie or something first. Well, show 1 is in the books, starting tomorrow it's prep time for show 2.


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Journal Entries leading up to Show #2. The Card will follow.



March Week 1 Day 1


After a long yet rewarding day yesterday, I decided to take it easy today. Made some phone calls and set up some meetings, but aside from going to get a pizza I didn't really leave the house. It was my day of relaxation. Did alot of thinking though, about how to expand INSPIRE and offer an overall more exciting experience for those who attend or purchase any upcoming dvds. RFVideo is on my to do list, having them carry our dvds will certainly help. There was some extra footage shot last night, backstage stuff and a look at Lance Storm that will be included in the first DVD release. There will also be an in-depth look at Storm Wrestling Academy following the show on the first few DVD releases. First show isn't scheduled for release until June though.


March Week 1 Day 2


July is looking to be a big month for INSPIRE! We are in the early stages of organizing a one night tournament called INSPIRE: World Wrestling Cup. It will feature eight wrestlers, and each one will represent his home country. United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Japan are certainties in the tournament. We have several Australian ladies on the roster, and hopefully they can provide insight and connections need to add Australia to the list. Meeting with Jack Evans tomorrow, and had a conversation with Kid Kash today about working some events. Sunday or Week 2 of this month is our next event, and the details are being hammered out. We will be back in Rhode Island for this show, but will probably branch out to Connecticut and Massachusetts after that. Hired a real webmaster today, seeing as I'm not overly talented in that department...it also cuts my workload abit not having to deal with the websites day to day handling.


March Week 1 Day 3


Jack Evans is on board, standard meet and greet and Kid Kash is also coming in aswell. Kid Kash will work the upcoming event, while Evans will work the show after that. Talked to KENTA today, he's progressing on scheduale and didn't feel any ill effects of working the beatdown angle Sunday night. SHIMMER is willing to allow their Title to be defended on INSPIRE Events, won't be allowed to change the titles holder, but that's fine. Now it's just a matter of scheduling details, making sure MsChif (who currently holds the SHIMMER Title) is available to work some of our dates. Have several meetings set up in the next few weeks with other promotions in the States about forming working agreements. Talent exchanges and the like, and having our champs and their champs appearing on each-others shows as special attractions.


March Week 1 Day 4


The card for Next Sunday is coming together, aside from Austin Aries and Roderick Strong hooking up to crown the first INSPIRE World Heavyweight Champion, Kid Kash will be working the event and will be wrestling Paul London. Jack Evans previously unavailability has already changed, and he'll be working the show aswell. Jimmy Rave will likely be the opponent for that match. Also want to maintain the tag team of Jessie MacKay and Madison eagles, so they will be working the event in a tag match.


March Week 1 Day 5


Michael Modest will be joining INSPIRE and working some upcoming dates for us. Modest is great technical wrestle who can put on a clinic in the ring. Also worked out a deal with NOSAWA, he will work a couple of dates, and will primarily fill in for KENTA while he's unable to wrestle. NOSAWA will be Tajiri's partner against The Briscoes


next Sunday.


March Week 1 Day 6


Spent the day with Dave Meltzer and Jim Fannin, worked on production and getting the show itself ready to send to the distributor. Dave and Jim did voice over on the commentary and we had Pizza. I've had pizza three times this week, this business is killing my eating habits, eating alot more takeout then normal.


March Week 1 Day 7


One week until Show numero dos and things are still moving relatively smoothly. Australia is looking more and more likely to be the sixth country that will be represented in July's World Wrestling Cup. It's now just a matter of working out agreements with some foreign promotions. Or we could use guys that normally work the American scene who hail from those countries if the agreements don't work out. Lance Storm will be working the second event too, he'll be in a tag match this time around. Most likely against Douglas and Harris, just have to see if Douglas is physically up to working a fairly long Main Event level match. Should be ok though, Harris is able enough to handle most of the workload for his team.


March Week 2 Day 2


Two Mondays in row I did squat, and it was fun! I spent some time with friends and family and didn't deal much with the business. Today was back to work as the final preparations are being made for Sundays show. The card was posted online and everyone needed has been confirmed to show. TNA is holding a Pay Per View that night tho, so Sarah Stock will unable to attend the event. I'm in Florida right now though and will be attending the Impact Tapings tonight. Figured some networking oppertunities are to be had, plus it should be fun.


March Week 2 Day 3


Attempted to work out a deal with Ultimo Dragon about appearing, but the deal fell through...oh well, win some lose some. Last night's Impact! Tapins where fun. Got to see AJ Styles wrestle, Doug Williams and Chris Daniels had a great TV match and Sarah competed aswell. Her alter ego Sarita lost to Angelina Love in a decent match. Heading back to the Northeast now.


March Week 2 Day 4


My Partners and I will be in Rhode Island on Saturday to do final preperations for Sunday's show. 6PM bell time again on Sunday, gets people home early enough. The advertising campaign is going well, and Storm wrestling alone seems to mean another sell out. Rhode Island is nice, but at the last show talked to to alot of fans who drove down from Mass, so I would really like to work somewhere in the Boston area in the near future.


March Week 2 Day 5


Got in touch with Tenille Tayla and BombShell Bo about working future events, both are graduates of Storm Wrestling Academy and I'm hopeful we can work something out in the next couple of days. Time will tell on those fronts though. Nothing else really new, normal prep work for Sundays show.


March Week 2 Day 6


It's Saturday, which means tomorrow is Show Time! Meet with Lance, Austin, Roderick, Melissa and Lacy tonight. We had a nice diner and discussed business matters. Everyone will be due at the arena at 3PM tomorrow, so we can hammer home whatever needs to be taken care of.








INSPIRE: Crowning A Champion

Scheduled Card


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship

Austin Aries -vs- Roderick Strong


Tag Team Grudge Match

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas & Chris Harris W/ Al Snow -vs- Lance Storm & A Partner of his choosing


INSPIRE World Tag Team Championship

Tajiri & NOSAWA W/ KENTA -vs- The Briscoes © W/ Becky Bayless


INSPIRE World Women's Championship

Alexa Thatcher -vs- Jersey -vs- Sarah Jones -vs- Melissa Anderson ©


Kid Kash -vs- Paul London


Jimmy Rave -vs- Jack Evans


Reign Storm -vs- The Naturals


Jetta & Roxi -vs- Jessie MacKay & Madison Eagles


BJ Whitmore -vs- Michael Modest -vs- Rocky Romero



Event itself will be posted in abit. Thanks for reading, and any predictions are welcomed.

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Really enjoying the format so far!


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship

Austin Aries -vs- Roderick Strong


Tag Team Grudge Match

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas & Chris Harris W/ Al Snow -vs- Lance Storm & A Partner of his choosing


INSPIRE World Tag Team Championship

Tajiri & NOSAWA W/ KENTA -vs- The Briscoes © W/ Becky Bayless


INSPIRE World Women's Championship

Alexa Thatcher -vs- Jersey -vs- Sarah Jones -vs- Melissa Anderson ©


Kid Kash -vs- Paul London


Jimmy Rave -vs- Jack Evans


Reign Storm -vs- The Naturals


Jetta & Roxi -vs- Jessie MacKay & Madison Eagles


BJ Whitmore -vs- Michael Modest -vs- oRocky Romer

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Didn't do the show day journal entry...It will return, but not for every card, mostly for the "big" events or special attractions and the like. The Event itself is below, and I will be posting the next journal entry and card for the next show later tonight.





INSPIRE: Crowing A Champion

Sunday Week 2 March 2010

1,000 Fans (SOLD OUT!)



Dark Match - Fatal Fourway - 15 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/CoryKastle.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ElixSkipper2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JasonCross.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MichaelShane.jpg W/ http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Roxi.jpg

Michael Shane W/ Roxi defeated Cory Kastle, Elix Skipper & Jason Cross in 12:42 via Sweet Shane Music on Cory Kastle.

Thoughts: Once again Kastle looked out of his element, and I'm not sure how much longer performances like this can go on. I'm really not sure what the problem is, did I overestimate is talent? Am I just sticking him with the wrong guys to work with? Shane and Cross both looked very good in this match, while Skipper was...well he just was. Elix didn't stand out, not in a positive or a negative way, so it was an imrpovement over the first show. Overall not a great match, but not a train-wreck either.

TEW Rating: D+



Triple Threat Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/BJWhitmer-2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MikeModest.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RockyRomero9.jpg

Rocky Romero defeated BJ Whitmore & Michael Modest in 13:17 via Tiger Suplex on Michael Modest.

Thoughts: Great way to kick off the main show here, with all three guys looking good. These guys are all such good technicians that they all have the same strength and really focused on that aspect for the match. I remain big fans of all three of these guys, and if Romero especially doesn't end up working for a major promotion one day it'll be a travesty. Can't think of much else to add, all three did a top notch job tonight.

TEW Rating: C



Tag Team Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JessieMcKay3.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MadisonEagles.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Jetta8.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Roxi.jpg

The Pink Ladies defeated Jetta & Roxi in 9:07 when Madison Eagles pinned Roxi with a small package.

Thoughts: Decent match here, The Pink Ladies work pretty well together and Jetta & Roxi did ok for their first time teaming up to my knowledge. Jetta looked good, and will probably be made a bigger part of the Women's Division in the near future, while The Ladies are growing on me. Also have to mention that although her selling and psychology needs some fine tuning, Roxi has better technique than I knew about. Her and Madison had a nice little catch as catch can sequence during the bout that was smoother than anticipated.



In Ring Segment


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas & Chris Harris fail to get the upperhand on Lance Storm & Charlie Haas.

Thoughts: So the story here was Charlie Haas. Storm put him over big and talked about not finding anyone better to be his partner tonight. Then Douglas and Harris attacked only to be sent packing by Storm and Haas. Good overall segment that kept the crowds interest throughout. Now we just have to see how it translates in the ring later.



Tag Team Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ChaseStevens2.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AndyDouglas2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/TonyKozina.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JonnyStorm3.jpg

The Naturals Defeated Reign Storm in 12:38 via Natural Disaster on Jayson Reign.

Thoughts: Standard match here, not really good or bad, but Reign Storm performed as a team a little better the second the time around, these guys are still a work in progress though. In the Tag Title match on Show 1 it was Andy Douglas who had the best performance out of the Naturals, but tonight it was Chase Stevens who looked crisper and more relaxed in the ring. I like the Naturals, they are a solid team and tonight was a needed win for the reigning NWA World Tag Team Champions.

TEW Rating: D



Backstage Segment


Liz Vicious hypes up Jimmy Rave taking on Jack Evans tonight.

Thoughts: Decent interview segment, Liz and Jimmy have alright chemistry together and it helps the dynamic of the segment. Although not the most charismatic customer, Liz is pretty decent on the stick and has a good and unique look about her.

TEW Rating: D



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JimmyRave11.jpg W/ http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/LizVicious.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JackEvans1.jpg

Jimmy Rave W/ Liz Vicious defeated Jack Evans in 13:55 after Liz Vicious distracted Evans allowing Rave to pick up the win.

Thoughts: Welcome to INSPIRE Mr. Evans, I hope you'll be around for a long while...what a great talent this guy is. The finish gets Rave a big win over an established force on the indy scene, but also keeps Evans looking good in the eyes of those in attendance. These two have a good dynamic together, and it likely won't be long before we see the rematch. Both guys looked good out there.

TEW Rating: C-



Backstage Segment


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas cuts a promo on Lance Storm

Thoughts: Much better result on the microphone this time around for Shane, knew he still had it in him. Douglas again hammered home the point that he and Harris weren't washed up novelties, and Storm was the one who was desperately trying to hang onto what he used to be. Douglas talked about how he won multiple world titles, while Storm spent his career toiling in the midcards. Very solid promo overall.

TEW Rating: C+



Tag Team Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limt - INSPIRE World Tag Team Championship




http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JayBriscoe3.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/MarkBriscoe2.jpg W/ http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/BeckyBayless2.jpg

The Briscoes W/ Becky Bayless defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri & NOSAWA in 16:23 via Jay Driller on NOSAWA to Retain INSPIRE World Tag Team Championship.

Thoughts: I like NOSAWA, but he's really just a place holder until KENTA is ready to return next month. The match itself was very solid and flowed nicely. Tajiri looked sharp out there, and the Briscoes may be the best tag team not working for one of the major promotions. NOSAWA held his own too, and overall these four proved they can work well together. Although NOSAWA is very talented, KENTA is in a different league altogether, so I'm looking forward to seeing this matchup with KENTA in there instead of NOSAWA. This was a good first defense for our Tag Champs.

TEW Rating: C-



Post Match Segment


KENTA helps NOSAWA and Tajiri beatdown The Briscoes.

Thoughts: Standard post match beatdown to keep KENTA in the minds of our fans, not much else to analyze.

TEW Rating: D-



Fatal Fourway - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit - INSPIRE World Women's Championship


http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AlexaThatcher2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Jersey2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/SarahJones.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AlissaFlash.jpg

Melissa Anderson defeated Alexa Thatcher, Jersey & Sarah Jones in 12:12 via Kudo Driver on Jersey on Retain INSPIRE World Women's Championship.

Thoughts: A well timed and placed match between these four women. It flowed well and all four ladies looked impressive. I know I'm biased, seeing as she is my partner and all, but Melissa may be the best women wrestler in The States right now. Jersey is coming along nicely, I sometimes forget that she's only 22 years of age. She has an incredibly good skill set for such a young women. Alexa and Sarah deserve mention for the very good work they put in also. This was a very good first defense for Melissa

TEW Rating: C-



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/KidKash3.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/PaulLondon1.jpg

Paul London defeated Kid Kash in 19:49 via Countering a top rope crossbody by rolling though into a pinfall.

Thoughts: Very good high energy match that made both guys look like stars. Kash maybe getting older, but he can still go at an impressively high pace. Hopefully is notorious habit for causing backstage issues won't creep up during his time in INSPIRE, cause if he can keep performing like this he can be very successful here. London looked like London, it's almost not a big deal when he looks great out there...you just expect him to perform. Overall a fine showing by both men, and another match that we may see again.

TEW Rating: C+



Backstage Segment


Ken Doane cuts a promo letting everyone know that his lose last week was a fluke.

Thoughts: Pretty solid job by Ken during this one. This was really because we had no match for him, but I still wanted to get the guy involved.

TEW Rating: C-



Tag Team Match - Grudge Match Pinfall Only - 30 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/CharlieHaas3.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/LanceStorm1.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ChrisHarris3.jpghttp://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Shane_Douglas.jpg

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas & Chris Harris W/ Al Snow defeated Lance Storm & Charlie Haas in 15:02 via Harris pinning Storm after Snow interference.

Thoughts: Solid yet unspectacular Tag Team Match. Douglas still knows his way around a ring, but he was starting to tire towards the end. Harris did a great job picking up the slack and carrying his partner when needed. Haas looked great again, and really is a top notch performer...still scratching my head over the fact that WWE couldn't find anything to do with the guy. Storm looked great out there also, though that's not really surprising. Like stated, a solid tag team match that got some pretty good heat.

TEW Rating: C



Single Match - Standard Rules - 30 Minute Time Limit - INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship


http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AustinAries1.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RoderickStrong4.jpg

Austin Aries defeated Roderick Strong in 25:35 via small package to win INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship.

Thoughts: Not the best match these two have put on together, but still a great display of these guys ability and talent in the ring. I know with Aries being a partner and owner in INSPIRE that he's a safe choice for the champ, but he is so tremendously talented that he is also a very good choice. Strong is in the same boat, such a talented in ring performer that he's well deserving of the spot he has. When these two do eventually hook up once more, I do that they will top this effort...but all in all it was still a great Main Event.

TEW Rating: B-



Post Match Segment


Jerry Lynn appears and takes out both Aries and Strong before holding up the Championship.

Thoughts: So the story here is that Lynn is happy doing the backstage stuff, but he wants to wrestle too. He will fit right into the role I have for him and Will be great as the disgruntled veteran who feels under appreciated. The story as far as the on screen anlge is that Aries has played the ****y heelish character for the first two shows, but that's about to change and he's going to be made into hard working talented wrestle who demands respect and admiration. So Strong offered his hand in respect, Aries was about to shake it when Lynn attacked. He took both guys out and celebrated his feat. It didn't go over aswell as planned, I think the crowd wanted to see it end with a respectful handshake. I get that, but hopefully seeing these guys involved with Lynn and putting on great matches will ease that.

TEW Rating: D+



Overall Show Rating: C

Overall Thoughts: Not as highly regarded and good a show as the first one, but still a good overall show that featured some good wrestling. I think the big thing is that although the two Main Events tonight went well and featured good to great in ring performances, the two Main Events last show were a little bit better. Still a good show though, can't really complain. Aries and Strong shone, Haas looked great while Harris is starting to look like the guy who was so highly touted in TNA before his lackluster WWE run. Melissa and the other ladies had a damn fine match while the Briscoes looked good out there and Tajir and NOSAWA had some good chemistry together. A successful show all in all, but I know that both myself and our roster can do even better.



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Thanks for the kind words Nico, and I also wanted to thank TexasRangers13 for his predictions. You only got one wrong man, either we think alike or my booking is too predictable. :) Here's the journal entries leading into Show 3, followed by the card for said show.





March Week 3 Day 1


My string of Mondays spent doing nothing came to end as I was hard at work today. Getting in touch with alot of other promotions about forming working agreements. Although we will have our core talent base, I love the rotating door that is having people show up and work a few dates between returning to their regular schedule. The SHIMMER deal was officially finalized today, Alison Danger is going to be on-hand at Uprising, which is our next show two weeks from now. Sunday, the third week of April will be the show after that. Uprising will take place at the Expo Center in Connecticut. If the attendance continues to be strong it shouldn't be long before we invade Mass and possibly New Hampshire. We also entered into an agreement with our own Scott D'Amore's Border City Wrestling out of Canada. Should guarantee us some viable options come the World Wrestling Cup in a few months time.


March Week 3 Day 2


Tenille Tayla and Bombshell Bo, two of Lance Storm's students, have officially signed on to appear at some of our upcoming shows. Tenille I'm more familiar with, being as she is a part of the SHIMMER Roster. Bo is a manager who works out of Australia usually, she's interested in working in the states and working with Lance some more. Will be working on production and voice overs for the DVD with Meltzer and Fannin tomorrow. Also waiting to hear back from John Walters, a local New England talent with a very impressive technical skill set.


March Week 3 Day 3


Did the production work today, but spent most of the day on the phone. Finalized an agreement with The National Wrestling Alliance, NWA is a highly respected force in the wrestling industry. Having them forming an agreement with us is a big deal for everyone here. Strong was certainly excited about it. Also finalized a deal to have Petey Williams appear at a couple of our shows. Scott was nice enough to loan him out from BCW and Petey didn't object at all. "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter became the newest member of the official INSPIRE roster. He was the biggest thing in Independent wrestling several years back, but he kind of fell off. By all accounts he still has it in the ring though, so it should be a solid signing. The Card for next Sunday was posted on the website today, and I didn't have to actually do it. I knew hiring a webmaster would be a smart move. We've most money in our first seven weeks, but that was to be expected. I plan on losing money for the first year atleast, thankfully our budget it big enough to sustain it.


March Week 3 Day 4


A MAJOR day for INSPIRE, I'm talking HUGE! With a little help from our own Scott D'Amore we entered into an agreement with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling! TNA has an amazing roster, and we've already made our first deal with them. The one and only Desmond Wolfe will be appearing for INSPIRE. Charlie Haas will be working some dark/tryout matches for them in exchange, but what a treat it will be to have Desmond Wolfe at some of our Events!

Also signed Marty Elias, with us running 8-10 matches in a show hiring a third referee seemed logical.


March Week 3 Day 5


The hits just keep on coming, entered into an agreement with IWA Pro Wrestling out of Australia. This partnership could really help once the World Wrestling Cup rolls around, it comes us an opportunity to get a hold of some Australian talent for a short period. Tomorrow will be an off day, as I'll be spending the day with family and friends. Back to work on Sunday though.


March Week 3 Day 7


I took the day off yesterday, but luckily for me my partner Roderick Strong didn't. We entered into an agreement with Full Impact Pro yesterday, and Roderick deserves all the kudos for it. I signed John Walters today however, and also talked to Desmond Wolfe. Wolfe will be appearing in one week for us, TNA is running a house show but is allowing Wolfe to partake in our card. Tom Carter and John Walters will both be at the event also, looks like another match needs to be added to the website. Also got Taylor Wilde to agree to a couple appearances. She'll probably appear next month. Also entered into a working agreement with One Pro Wrestling out of England. Again, this will be huge once the World Wrestling Cup rolls around. It looks like Russia will be the seventh of the eight countries that will represented in the tournament, and I really have my eyes on Alex Koslov to represent




March Week 4 Day 1


Six days until INSPIRE: Uprising. TNA cleared Desmond Wolfe to appear at our next event, the schedule didn't conflict and that event will be appropriately named INSPIRE: Into The Wolfe's Den. Wolfe won't be wrestling this Sunday, but he will be in action on the Third Week of April for us.


March Week 4 Day 2


Reached an agreement with Jersey All Pro Wrestling today, possible talent trades could result from it. Really it's just another way to further expand INSPIRE's state in the wrestling world. We are extended our good graces and making business deals all over the world, including some with out next door neighbors. Will be meeting the gang on Saturday as per usual.


March Week 4 Day 3


Not really a busy day, actually refreshingly dull. No deals, signings or the like today. Considering the hectic week and a half that's fine by me.


March Week 4 Day 4


Had a conversation with Alison Danger today, not only will be appearing on Sunday but she will be partaking in an angle to further our relationship with SHIMMER. Elias will be able to work Sunday's show, so we will have a three man officiating crew. Lacy will be appearing at the next set of SHIMMER Tapings.


March Week 4 Day 5


Two more days until the show, and nothing to gum up the works yet, which is ofcourse a good thing. It would be great if all the shows went off as smoothly as the first two did. Knock on wood!


Match Week 4 Day 6


It's Saturday night and I'm alright! Had a great meeting with the gang this evening, bouncing ideas off of each-other left and right. All five of them have a great mind for the business, and seeing as I'm still learning as I go, I can't think of five better people to learn from. Gilbertti was told to stay home, we have too many agents and we may have to let him go. Off to bed.







INSPIRE: Uprising!

Scheduled Card


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship

Ken Doane -vs- Austin Aries ©


INSPIRE World Women's Championship

Sarah Stock -vs- Melissa Anderson ©


INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship Contenders Match

Charlie Haas W/ Lance Storm -vs- Chris Harris W/ Shane Douglas


Special Challenge Match

Jerry Lynn -vs- Roderick Strong


Six Women Tag Match

Jessie MacKay, Madison Eagles & Jersey -vs- Nicole Mathews, Roxi & Jetta


Jay Briscoe W/ Mark Briscoe -vs- Yoshihiro Tajiri W/ NOSAWA


BJ Whitmore -vs- Rocky Romero


Jimmy Rave -vs- Paul London


Jack Evans -vs- Kid Kash


Dark Match

Chad Collyer -vs- John Walters -vs- "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter



Again, thanks for reading and predictions are wlelcomed.

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Here is show #3.




INSPIRE: Uprising!

Sunday Week 4 March 2010

1,000 Fans (SOLD OUT!)



Dark Match - Triple Threat Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ChadCollyer.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JohnWalters.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RecklessYouth.jpg

Chad Collyer defeated John Walters & "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter in 14:08 after Collyer pinned Walters with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex.

Thoughts: Collyer carried this match for the most part, Walters did look good at times also. Carter was off, but seeing as he's been wrestling sporadically lately, that is to be expected. I think all three guys have potential to be consistently solid members of the roster, although Collyer is ofcourse closer too that goal. Walters makes you think of Benoit when you see him in action, not so much his technique as his overall look and psychical build. It was a decent dark match that while not exciting the crowd, didn't put them to sleep either.

TEW Rating: D+



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/BJWhitmer-2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RockyRomero9.jpg

Rocky Romero W/ Foxxy Dreams defeated BJ Whitmore in 13:09 via small package.

Thoughts: I decided when I booked this match that two things needed to be accomplished. First off, Romero needed to pick up the win, and cleanly at that. Secondly, Whitmore needed to look good in defeat, to be beaten cleanly but not over-matched or beaten decisively. Having Romero counter a Whitmore suplex attempt into a small package for the sudden win accomplished both of those goals. The fact that the match itself was damn good only helps both guys aswell. This was a very solid back and fourth affair, and seeing these two meet up again with a little more time we could see an even better match from them. Both guys looked smooth and comfortable out there, no stutter steps or blown spots, not goofs or anything of that nature, it was a very smooth match that made both men look good.

TEW Rating: C+



In Ring Segment


Lance Storm introduces TNA Superstar Desmond Wolfe and welcomes him to INSPIRE

Thoughts: So we got Desmond cleared for three appearances with us, I want the guy to wrestle ofcourse, but wanted to properly introduce him and give the man an opportunity to be front and center aswell. I'm aware that everyone in attendance most likely knows who Desmond/Nigel is, but why not allow the man to have his say and put over the INSPIRE product in the process. Wolfe came across as a complete gentlemen who was happy to be in front of a passionate indy crowd again, which plays perfectly into his actions later in the evening. A strong segment with good stick work from Wolfe.

TEW Rating: C+



Six Women Tag - Standard Rules - 15 Minute Time Limit




Jetta, Nicole Mathews & Roxi defeated Jersey, Jessie MacKay & Madison Eagles in 7:48 after Lacey distracted Jessie allowing Jetta to hit the Stanglehold Lungblower for the pin.

Thoughts: This one was pretty close to trainwreck territory. All six women can go, and have already looked better in an INSPIRE ring, but this match didn't click or flow right. Getting Jetta the win here was important, she hadn't done anything too look like any sort of threat in the first two matches, so she needed a victory. This shouldn't hurt The Pink Ladies either, seeing as they looked so strong the first two shows. Lacy getting involved was really needed in my opinion. She's a great onscreen character, and seeing as she a permanent member of the roster and partner, it's pretty dumb having her do nothing. Pairing her up with her former International Home Wrecking Crew partner in Jetta makes sense, and Jetta can only benefit from it really. Overall though, this match wasn't what I hoped for, and I know all six ladies seemed very disappointed in the match backstage.

TEW Rating: E+



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JackEvans1.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/KidKash3.jpg

Jack Evans defeated Kid Kash in 8:18 when Kash was DQ'd after a blatant low blow in front of the official.

Thoughts: So here's the story with this one, Kash was sick...nothing major but he had a pretty bad cold. He was willing to work the match but warned that his stamina wasn't what it normally was. So I looked at the roster, alot of talented wrestlers, but there hasn't been a huge separation from each other, meaning not a big divide from Heel and Face. Sure we have our main guys set in the heel or face divide for the most part, same with some of the women, but the midcard guys have come in, put on matches and left. Not alot of characters in them. So this being our third show, it's time to slowly start giving these guys personalities and alignments. Kash blatantly cheating cements him as a heel, and Evans being the victim of blatant cheating cements him as a face. So with Kash being unable to work his normal pace and style, this was the best course of action. Wanted Evans to pick up the win anyway, but not by dismantling Kash in under ten minutes. This allows Evans to pick up one in the "W" column, while also giving a solid reason to have these two hook up again when Kash is feeling better. The match itself wasn't bad, it was actually good given how short it was. The crowd also reacted strongly to Kash and his heelish actions, so all in all a successfully laid plain.

TEW Rating: C-



Backstage Segment


Lacey hypes up Jetta and the history of the Wrecking Crew.

Thoughts: Just some more character development here, Lacy is pretty good on the mike, and Jetta isn't terrible either. So we let the two of them put themselves over for about 2 minutes and put across the fact that their characters' are "bitchy".

TEW Rating: D+



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/Tajiri2.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JayBriscoe3.jpg

Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Jay Briscoe in 12:05 via Multiple Buzzsaw Kicks.

Thoughts: It went down like this, Tajiri hit the Buzzsaw kicks and Jay stumbled back to his knees. Tajiri hit another one and Jay kicked out. The third Buzzsaw kick put him out for the count and Tajiri picked up the win. This establishes a couple of things, Jay looked strong out there, with it taking three established brutal kicks to the head to finally be knocked out for the count, and the Japaneese contingent against the Briscoes story advances with Tajiri picking up a win for his side. The match itself was good, but purposely kept shorter because these guys will being hooking up in various forms over the next couple months, the whole leave them wanting more theory. Both guys looked good tonight, and the crowd was into it too.

TEW Rating: C



Backstage Segment


Jimmy Rave W/ Liz Vicious cuts a promo on his match with Paul London tonight.

Thoughts: Very paint by number backstage promo by these two. They're still getting a feel for each other and it will probably take some time before they click fully. It did it's job though.

TEW Rating: D+



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 30 Minute Time Limit - INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship



http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/KennyDykstra.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AustinAries1.jpg

Austin Aries defeated Ken Doane in 9:46 via 450 Splash to retain the INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship.

Thoughts: This was a test match really, I wanted to see how these two work together, and they work pretty well together. It was a very good 10 minute match. Doane will be dropped down the card abit, as I'll be teaming him with his old partner Johnny Jeter for the foreseeable future, we need more established tag teams and they're a solid team. Aries is primed for bigger things, and this was a "dead show" for him, We just wanted him to defend the belt until next month when the bigger matches start coming and the angles start playing themselves out.

TEW Rating: C



Post Match Segment


Desmond Wolfe attacks Austin Aries and puts him in the London Dungeon.

Thoughts: This was the perfect counter to his gentlemenly ways earlier in the evening. He's in INSPIRE for his own reasons, not some selfless gesture as previously implied. Wolfe came across as a star here, and the crowd response was great.

TEW Rating: C+



In Ring Segment


Allison Danger hypes the SHIMMER & INSPIRE Partnership Before being interrupted by Melissa Anderson.

Thoughts: Allison did a pretty good job here, she talked about the partnership and mentioned the likelihood of SHIMMER matched being featured on upcoming INSPIRE Events, Melissa interrupted claiming INSPIRE didn't need SHIMMER because it had her, the Best Women's Champion in the business today. Melissa came across as perfectly self centered and arrogant, while Allison did a good job here also.

TEW Rating: D+



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit - INSPIRE World Women's Championship



http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/SaritaHot.jpg-VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/AlissaFlash.jpg

Melissa Anderson defeated Sarah Stock in 11:14 via roll up with a handful of tights to retain the INSPIRE World Women's Championship.

Thoughts: Very strong showing from both participants here, and Sarah and Melissa have good chemistry together. Melissa needs to keep the gold for awhile, we want our first reign to a good one that sets up the prestige and importance we want out Women's Division to carry. Sarah looked great in defeat and the ending sets up any rematches perfectly. It was a good showing by both women here, and one what I'm sure they will duplicate in the future.

TEW Rating: C



Post Match Segment


After he lose Sarah Stock is jumped by Jetta & Lacey

Thoughts: Due to our working agreement with SHIMMER we have every confidence that we can get Rain to appear on some upcoming shows, we also just reached a deal with Shantelle Taylor AKA Taylor Wilde. A storyline pitting The Wrecking Crew against Stock & Taylor should result in some damn fine matches for us, furthering the development of our Women's Division.

TEW Rating: E



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JimmyRave11.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/PaulLondon1.jpg

Paul London defeated Jimmy Rave in 11:48 via Shooting Star Press.

Thoughts: This was a very good, high energy contest that made both guys look good. The crowd was into it and they had a great flow, while busting out some nice spots in the process. Both guys are great inring performers and I hope to have both in INSPIRE for many more shows.

TEW Rating: C+



Backstage Segment


Chris Harris cuts a promo on Charlie Haas

Thoughts: Not an overly strong segment, but really just there to preview our Main Event tonight.

TEW Rating: D



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 20 Minute Time Limit

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/JerryLynn.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/RoderickStrong4.jpg

Jerry Lynn defeated Roderick Strong in 19:55 after interference from Desmond Wolfe allowed Lynn to hit the Cradle Piledriver for the pin.

Thoughts: Great, Great, Great match from these two. Wofle getting involved further sets up his reason for being here, and allowed Lynn to win his first match in INSPIRE without damaging Strong in anyway. These guys can seriously go in there, and it amazes me how good Lynn is after all the years he's spent doing this. These guys have tremendous ability together, and you just know you haven't seen the best out of either of these guys. It did a great job of sucking the crowd into the match.

TEW Rating: B-



Post Match Segment


Austin Aries saves Roderick Strong from further beatdown.

Thoughts: After all of tonight occurances, Aries is now cemented into the face side of things, and having him help the man he just defeated to win the title helps that even more. This also sets up one of the Main Events for our next show, a tag match between these four men. Overall the segment succeeded in doing what it was supposed to do.

TEW Rating: C-



Singles Match - Standard Rules - 30 Minute Time Limit - #1 Contendership For The INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship

http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/CharlieHaas3.jpg -VS- http://i427.photobucket.com/albums/pp356/PhenomenalPat/TEW/INSPIRE/Roster/ChrisHarris3.jpg

Charlie Haas & Chris Harris wrestles to a 30 Minute Time Limit Draw

Thoughts: Man did this work out, I'll admit to wondering ahead of time if Harris was up to wrestling a good paced contest for 30 minutes, but he assured me he was, and he wasn't fibbin'. Great contest mixing brawling and Technical exchanges perfectly, it continues the story of these two both wanting to be #1 contender. These guys had better than expected chemistry and really did a great job of highlighting eachothers strengths while masking any weaknesses. It was a great way to end the show and both men got the standing ovation honors post match.

TEW Rating: B-




OVERALL THOUGHT: A very strong show, and step up over last time out. This was on par with our first event and did a great job of both setting up and advancing some stories, and displaying the talented roster we possess. I consider this show a big success and know that we can continue to meet or top my expectations for our roster.


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Here is the Journal entries leading up to the next event, followed by the card for the event.



April Week 1 Day 1


Had a fairly slow today, getting ready for our next show in 3 weeks time, we will be back in Rhode Island for the fourth show and it will bare the name INSPIRE: Into The Wolfe's Den. Today was spent really just getting a feel for which talent will be able to attend.


April Week 1 Day 2


All accounts of Sunday Night's show are that it was a success, which is great. Allison Danger will be working our next event, infact she will be taking on Melissa Anderson. That should prove to be a good affair. Production stuff is tomorrow, will be working with Meltzer and Fannin. Speaking of Meltzer, he got into a heated argument with a fan Sunday night after the show, the crazy mofo had to be restrained before things got pyshical. I'll tell ya, non threatening 44 year olds are funny when they get worked up. This guy looks like a household cat could rough him up. He had an attitude afterwords, and didn't appreciate being reprimanded...but since I pay him for his services, he can deal with it.


April Week 1 Day 4


Yesterday was really just a production day, laying over commentary and the like. I did sign a deal with young Carter Gray, he will be working some upcoming events for us. Other than that it was a slow day.


April Week 1 Day 5


Won't be working over the weekend, with enough time before our next show I'll be spending the weekend doing whatever I see fit, which will most likely mean alot of take out and a lot of beer. But it should be fun. Talked to Carter on the phone some, working out dates and financial details. He seems like a decent guy.


April Week 2 Day 1


Enjoyed my weekend of doing nothing taking, enjoyed it very much. On the business side o things today we ironed out a working agreement with the International Wrestling Cartel, they have some talent on their roster, and being able to work with some of them would be great. Petey Williams of D'Amore's BCW will be working our upcoming Event, he'll be paired with Romero, they should be able to put on a fine match. Aries was busting chops with the annoying phone calls all day, guy is a jokester in the most annoying fashion. I finally got him to stop though, I threatened to book him to lose the title to Glen Gilbertti, that shut him up.


April Week 2 Day 2


So we got our plan for the next show set up, in kayfabe terms Storm is going to line up two outside talents to take on Harris and Haas, to see if both men can defeat the outside talent. He got good ol Claudio Castignola to work the event, he will be facing Haas. Working on getting someone to face Harris. Also brokered a deal to get MsChif for three events. She should show up next month, and will even defend her SHIMMER title on the show.


April Week 2 Day 3


A pretty slow day, we hammered home some of the details of the upcoming World Wrestling Cup tournament, we're going to add a stipulation that the winner will recieve a shot at the INSPIRE World Heavyweight Championship on top of the trophy. Just gotta work on lining up the talent for now.


April Week 2 Day 4


Found our man to oppose Chris Harris, TNA was nice enough to lend us James Storm for the night. It will be a one and done type of thing, but those two know each other very well from all the years they spent working together. They spent over a year feuding before TNA started, then spent like 5 years teaming in TNA, and then feuded again. They have spent the better part of the last decade wrestling against or with eachother. I have high hopes for this match, and it should be a great one. Harris himself was excited when I told him of our plans and then confirmed that it was all set up.


April Week 2 Day 5


It looks as though Cuba will be the final of our eight countries represented in the World Wrestling Cup, and our own Rocky Romero is set to represent them. Charlie Haas looks to be the American representative, while current plans have KENTA representing Japan. Still hoping to get Alex Koslov to represent Russia. Our British representative will likely come from One Pro Wrestling, and our Australian Representative from IWA Pro Wrestling.


April Week 2 Day 6


Scott D'Amore's Border City Wrestling may be tapped to provide our Canadian representative in the tournament. The tournament is still a few months away, so nothing is set in stone, but our close relationship with both him and his company will allow for any talent exchange needed to set up a Canadian Representative. As for Mexico, we'll just find someone from the free agent pool, unless we manage to secure any agreements with AAA or CMLL.


April Week 3 Day 1


After not working the last event, both Jason Cross and Michael Shane will be working Sunday night for us, they will actually be working together in a tag match. Ken Doane and Johnny Jeter will also be working together as a team Sunday night. Sarah Stock will be working a show in Mexico and unable to attend.


April Week 3 Day 2


Just got some great news, it appears that KENTA has been cleared to return to ring by the end of the week, meaning he will be working Sunday night for us. We'll ease him back into things, as to not over exert the man in his first match back after injury. He's booked for a six man tag.


April Week 3 Day 3


Kid Kash is back at 100%, as you may imagine after being struck by a pretty lousy cold three weeks ago. He'll be in fine shape to compete Sunday night, and will so in a Triple Threat Match against Jimmy Rave and Jack Evans.


April Week 3 Day 5


The crew is in town tomorrow, and other than final preperations there isn't much else to talk about here. Made some phone calls to make sure people would still be attending. Glen Gilbertti was asked to stay home, he's still got a pay per appearance deal, but we let him know those appearances may be sporadic.


April Week 3 Day 5


Met with everyone today, and we are locked and loaded and ready to go tomorrow night. The night has a good buzz about it, atleast in our ears...we hear the buzzing sound. Should be a great even regardless, hope all goes well.






INSPIRE: Into The Wolfe's Den

Scheduled Card


Wolfe's Rules: Pure Wrestling Match - Pinfall or Submission Only

Jerry Lynn & Desmond Wolfe -vs- Roderick Strong & Austin Aries


Lance Storm's Pick - Blast From The Past

"Cowboy" James Storm -vs- Chris Harris


Lance Storm's Pick

Claudio Castignola -vs- Charlie Haas


INSPIRE World Women's Championship

Allison Danger -vs- Melissa Anderson ©


Six Man Tag

NOSAWA, Yoshihiro Tajiri & KENTA -vs- The Briscoe & Paul London


Petey Williams -vs- Rocky Romero


Jack Evans -vs- Jimmy Rave -vs- Kid Kash


John Walters & "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter -vs- Ken Doane & Johnny Jeter


Dark Match

Jason Cross & Michael Shane -vs- Reign Storm


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Wolfe's Rules: Pure Wrestling Match - Pinfall or Submission Only

Jerry Lynn & Desmond Wolfe -vs- Roderick Strong & Austin Aries


Lance Storm's Pick - Blast From The Past

"Cowboy" James Storm -vs- Chris Harris


Lance Storm's Pick

Claudio Castignola -vs- Charlie Haas


INSPIRE World Women's Championship

Allison Danger -vs- Melissa Anderson ©


Six Man Tag

NOSAWA, Yoshihiro Tajiri & KENTA -vs- The Briscoe & Paul London


Petey Williams -vs- Rocky Romero


Jack Evans -vs- Jimmy Rave -vs- Kid Kash


John Walters & "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter -vs- Ken Doane & Johnny Jeter


Dark Match

Jason Cross & Michael Shane -vs- Reign Storm

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