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Lesbians/bi/gay characters

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Im sure even in the c-verse this kind of stuff wouldnt be looked upon well?


I mean Big Smack Scott is going to have a field day takeing you to court when he finaly gets fired by SWF and finds out you refuse to hire him unless he's willing to actualy take what Eisen is sticking to him ;)


Hey its your choice dude, but this one seems way outside the box, why not just have intergrated roster with comedy set to max with a great tendancy towards hireing via sexual preferance rather than segregation? I mean it would seem to me that straight's would be awesome heels under such a product?


I can see it now, main storyline feature's the main face of your promotion trying to kill Cornell's wife off in order to have his way with tommy...


Ok im getting out of this thread before this gets out of hand :p... Make a diary.

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Im sure even in the c-verse this kind of stuff wouldnt be looked upon well?


I mean Big Smack Scott is going to have a field day takeing you to court when he finaly gets fired by SWF and finds out you refuse to hire him unless he's willing to actualy take what Eisen is sticking to him ;)


Hey its your choice dude, but this one seems way outside the box, why not just have intergrated roster with comedy set to max with a great tendancy towards hireing via sexual preferance rather than segregation? I mean it would seem to me that straight's would be awesome heels under such a product?


I can see it now, main storyline feature's the main face of your promotion trying to kill Cornell's wife off in order to have his way with tommy...


Ok im getting out of this thread before this gets out of hand :p... Make a diary.


It's just a game. I think he'll be fine doing whatever he wants to. Besides, there might be a bunch of people on here who might just like a copy of what he sets up, at least from what I've seen here in the forum. :p

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Im sure even in the c-verse this kind of stuff wouldnt be looked upon well?


I mean Big Smack Scott is going to have a field day takeing you to court when he finaly gets fired by SWF and finds out you refuse to hire him unless he's willing to actualy take what Eisen is sticking to him ;)


Okay. Two points here.


1: Who cares how this would go down either in reality or the C-Verse? IT'S A GAME! Sounds to me like he's just trying to create a really different talent mix and see how it gels. If I hadn't developed the interest in playing training feds I might have tried this myself when the concept of sexuality was introduced. Considering the LWA are Americans and Menace is European and Dazzler is Australian and so on, this is probably going to bring talent together that would be really difficult to have over the normal course of a game. That would be enough reason for me to try it.


2: Who says it's going to be the SWF anyway? I would imagine it's much more likely the pool of talent is going to be pretty small. He'll probably end up having to make his own company in the editor and setting this roster. That more so than any social implications would be the reason I'd maybe avoid playing this idea.

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Okay. Two points here.


1: *snip*


2: *snip*


1) Thats fine, as i said in my post its upto him, i was just adding commentary, i support the concept of a promotion with this bias, i just wasnt sure if the concept of total zero straigh hireings was the way to go, as i said they would make awesome heels for such a promotion. Eaither way its his choice.


2) I think you might of missunderstood what i was saying? I wasnt suggesting he use SWF, i was trying to make a joke about Big Smack Scott getting fired from SWF, looking for work... since most promotions have him blacklisted he would try the new promotion in town... and be told he cant work their due to his sexual prefrance and file a class action law suit against said company in an emo rage of failure. It was a joke but when its explained like that it isnt so funny :p

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Would they all be using the "gay" gimmick?


And speaking of the gay gimmick, I don't agree with it only being a D+ for faces. I wanted to give the gimmick to Joanna Rodriguez, but I don't want to turn her heel. I understand the playing on predujices rationale, but I think it would be the exact opposite for females with a high sex appeal.


She'd be my favorite.

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Would they all be using the "gay" gimmick?


And speaking of the gay gimmick, I don't agree with it only being a D+ for faces. I wanted to give the gimmick to Joanna Rodriguez, but I don't want to turn her heel. I understand the playing on predujices rationale, but I think it would be the exact opposite for females with a high sex appeal.


She'd be my favorite.


Just make a bi sexual/lesbian gimmick to your liking.


The clone gimmick works awesome.

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I'm pretty sure there's some law against asking your future employees about their sexual preferences :rolleyes:


This idea, which I've considered myself, is less "Let's have a No Straight People Club" and more "You know what's awesome? Being true to who you are!" So you and your GLBT friends get together and put a promotion together. I wouldn't make it an all-GLBT promotion myself, either, and include a few A(llies) as well. Have a big-ish name come out on the first show ("Hi, Steve Flash!"). Make it more about diversity instead of exclusion.

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