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Generic Worker pics

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With the Dojo system in TEW2010, I'm going to end up with a bunch of wrestlers on my roster who don't really exist, and so don't have any pictures.


I think it would be useful to have some generic pictures that I/we can use for this purpose, the question is where to get pictures of people who look like they could be wrestlers.


Any ideas?

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If you are willing to cut them yourself, I would go through MMA company sites and use their workers since if you want HW looking ppl they should be buff and wont be in a regular real world mod where indy wrestlers will be. You can also look at body building sites too for that wrestler look.


For other types of characters check out costume sites (either ones you buy or costume tributes like people at conventions) also scrolling through myspace bands should give you some characters. Also any characters from movies (Tyler Durden is a popular one)


Hope this helps, may not be the best but it should give you some random real world people.

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Here is some I made for TEW 07. They aren't some of my better cuts. I cut them and never went back to fix 'em. I'll post some I did for my 08 game once I get them uploaded.









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I uploaded all the random pictures out of my TEW 08 folder here: http://s67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/Random . Some pictures are made by other people. Some people were made by me real quick and the quality isn't that great since I just needed place holders. Some are some of my very first cuts and look like crap.



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Some good ideas, and thanks for sharing your Randoms. I'll get cutting.


The problem I had was that I take most of my pics from ring entrances, so they're unposed. Like these:




It's surprisingly difficult to find pictures of people who look like they're standing at the top of a wrestling ramp :p


A few randoms I did get:




They'll probably look better on the KyKy background.

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I've found a few that I think are usable, mostly MMA pictures. I've no idea how well-known these guys are, so if you're an MMA fan you might recognise them. Some examples:




I also took a few and replaced the background to make it fit in a bit more with the style of picture I like to use:




You can find them all here, if you want to use them.

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