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England Area Situation

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It seems to me that ROF and MOSC can't survive. ROF got $ 10,000 and MOSC only $1,000!!! Just playing the demo, after the first show ROF always fire wrestlers (usually Nigel Svensson, Narfi, Sharp...)


So it seems that in less than one year there will be in that Area one Fed (21st CW) and, as someone have notice, it's hard with Nova's Fed to grow.


What do you think about? It looks like England and Europe is in a bad mood, with the new Australian Area ready to live an incredible boom (new Feds, a lot of workers).


Who thinks it could be a great chance to create a new Fed in Old Europe, GB Area??

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I think its very natural for area's to go into a downturn... and given the situation we had in 2008 i think its a natural progreshion that only one of the 3 company's will make it given the size of the market... In anycase im sure given time Tommy Jr will debut (2017 i think) and spark a boom period before he moves onto the american market.


Running a promotion in a area like england is never supposed to be an easy task, and i think its good for the overal story of the cornellverse if some situations are simply unsaveable... its better than just finding a promotion that was strong at the end of one version of the game gone and dead outright by the next... this has been a long time coming.

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What do you think about? It looks like England and Europe is in a bad mood, with the new Australian Area ready to live an incredible boom (new Feds, a lot of workers).


Who thinks it could be a great chance to create a new Fed in Old Europe, GB Area??


Agreed... an 'old school' style 0/0/0 fed would be really interesting in England. :)

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I think its very natural for area's to go into a downturn... and given the situation we had in 2008 i think its a natural progreshion that only one of the 3 company's will make it given the size of the market... In anycase im sure given time Tommy Jr will debut (2017 i think) and spark a boom period before he moves onto the american market.


err no, Junior is one of the last of the great progeny (Lucy McFly debuts a few years before him). Lucy's in like 2021 and Tommy Jr is 2025. 15 years is a long time to be waiting on a messiah. :p Besides, I can almost guarantee that immediately upon his debut, Tommy Jr joins his father (he's a TCW dojo graduate so as long as TCW exists in 2025, no one else will have a shot at him). He also has zero overness outside of the US (and a whole bunch in the States) so if ANYONE stateside offers him a job (assuming TCW doesn't exist), he'll stay in the US. In short, I wouldn't hang my hopes on Junior ever working in his father's homeland.


The UK (and Europe to a lesser extent) are the armpits of the world in TEW. Shallow talent pools, very little in the way of 'great' workers coming down the pipe, and almost untenable growth situations. The backstage emphasis in 2010 makes it even worse given how many toxic personalities exist within the shallow pool that is the UK and Europe's talent. With Australia filled out with character now, Europe and even moreso the UK, are the last bastions of insurmountable challenge. Now, if you play with restrictions off, that turns the game on its ear since it gives you access to workers who could really add a lot to the program.

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on a slightly different note, Ive got a diary idea floating around where some workers from the new boom area (Aus) jump on a plane to London as so many Aussies do...


Little bit of editing required, but I dont think anything unrealistic. Unemployed as a wrestler in Aus, someone calls and offers a room and a monthly cheque and those boys are on the first plane.


Anyway, just a thought

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