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real mod

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hey guys i dont mean to be a a** because i know how much effort u guys put in but i was just wondering an estimated time of a release on a complete real mod as i am holding off buying the game till it comes out once again thanks


You can check out my data i'm releasing l8ter today after i buy the game. i've spent the last few days convertering it from TEW 08 to TEW10. i've fixed alot and its very playable imo.




Note - Also you can check out MrCanada's data which is a pretty great mod also.

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hey guys i dont mean to be a a** because i know how much effort u guys put in but i was just wondering an estimated time of a release on a complete real mod as i am holding off buying the game till it comes out once again thanks


Well thats king of an ignorant or arrogant, maybe both, question/statement. As technically no real world mod will ever be 100% complete, which would make that above statement impossible to meet. But the fact there are already 2 mods out there with the "big" promotions & workers playable (futurelegend's also has a fury of unknown talents) kind of makes a thread like this a slap in the face.


Then again, maybe I'm just testy because I'm stressed right now about a job interview thing, but sometimes saying "dont mean to be a jerk" doesnt stop one from seeming like one. Dont mean to be a jerk, I'm just going to BBQ your dog.


I think the problem I might have is the fact if someone were to come into this forum right now, click your link and only your link, and read what you wrote they could get discouraged already, even after learning there are data's out there and not even give them a shot.

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For an example, going off the above. I use a converted, quite old, T-Zone mod from 07. I converted it for 08, and worked on updating it, always keeping the "more important" to me anyway, feds as current as possible.


Now, using the same, I've converted to 10, and am working on the needed tweaks.


The problem? I have some 4000 workers in there. It's just improbable, if not, impossible to get it current, and anywhere near where I'd ever release it.. not that I ever would release one, mind you.


The closest you'll get is futurelegend, or jimmyshakerz. That's it. Until there is a team of people working in concert on one, those will be the best ones out there.

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hey guys i dont mean to be a a** because i know how much effort u guys put in but i was just wondering an estimated time of a release on a complete real mod as i am holding off buying the game till it comes out once again thanks


If you don't just mean current day RW mods, I'd say less then two weeks you'll see one pretty darn close to complete.

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Well thats king of an ignorant or arrogant, maybe both, question/statement. As technically no real world mod will ever be 100% complete, which would make that above statement impossible to meet. But the fact there are already 2 mods out there with the "big" promotions & workers playable (futurelegend's also has a fury of unknown talents) kind of makes a thread like this a slap in the face.


Then again, maybe I'm just testy because I'm stressed right now about a job interview thing, but sometimes saying "dont mean to be a jerk" doesnt stop one from seeming like one. Dont mean to be a jerk, I'm just going to BBQ your dog.


I think the problem I might have is the fact if someone were to come into this forum right now, click your link and only your link, and read what you wrote they could get discouraged already, even after learning there are data's out there and not even give them a shot.


.......Or you could have just given him a link to yours, as he must not have seen it before making his post. ;)

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is your 2002 mod going to have C-verse style stats like your RW mod you released on 08? lol


No we've just spent the past month inlfating them all to the point of unplayability :p Stats haven't changed at all other then updates and fixes that weren't in last version. It's the same mod + TEW '10's new features as last years 2002 mod we did. :)

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