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Advance Booking Question

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does advance booking have less effect if I book it on show day? Me being appalingly organised, I always find I have to do it then otherwise I make mistakes. How much effect does it have if I only advnace book on the day of the show, as opposed to a few weeks beforehand?

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you get the base effect the same, but you would lose out on any gained heat from any shows leading up to that show if you booked it sooner, it could also lose heat too.


maybe I didnt explain that too well so,


say a match you booked on the day had a C Rating

But if you booked it sooner, say a show before, that C could go up or down based on what happend in that show before when you normally would of advanced booked on the day.

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You need to advance book hotter matches. The primary advantage of advance booking (now in the day of drag & drop booking) is the ability to raise the heat for particular matchups in the shows prior to the match. Generally speaking, the AI is always going to get slightly better results than a typical player. The difference is, you can get better. The AI, can't.
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For example, if you advance book Rock vs. Austin at Wrestlemania that's 3 or 4 months away, you can use that time to have them face off in inconclusive matches or angles to build up heat. Throw them in a storyline and it can be huge as you have a hot storyline, high momentum on both workers, and a lot of expectation for the blow-off match.
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