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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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As far as I reckon this is the current list of unclaimed renders:





Gonna keep this post as up to date as I can and link back to it when I update ;)

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Assigning 2 of my randoms unless the owner of the workers object


Two Japanese workers who were able to find consistent work in Scotland Hardcore Havoc as a tag team

Toshiro Kajahira & Ryu Tomazoa

The Dragons


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BSW is up next, anyone know if the following have renders claimed for them already?


Betty Slocombe, Dangerous Dan Walsh, Don Dodd, Lance Carson, Larry Degan, Mick Hatcher


Cheers folks :)


Honestly I can't remember. I know at one time Betty had a render but then Kobe switched up the renders, so I am not sure if Kobe ever made a new one. As for the rest I really do not know.

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As sad as it sounds, I often do not even remember which characters I created. Having created most of them over a year ago. However, looking at the list these are the ones that I am pretty sure were mine:


Douglas Bailey


Rhett Wilson- Cowboy wrestler.


Cody Ventris- Based on Jake Robert's brother Sam Houston.


Humbert Allen- Based on Curtis Iaukea when he was manager of The Dungeon of Doom.


Josh Howe- My version of Jerry Lynn.


Mike Brinkley


Rene Cartier


James Borden


Ben Cibrian


Don Dodd


Joseph J. Proctor


Desmond Morgan Jr.- Actually looking through the thread, you did the render of his son DM III.


Jim Corbett- This is my version of Dory Funk Jr.


Jimmy Hummel- This could be one of Prophet's or one of mine I can't tell. The reason for that is I believe Propeht wrote the bio but I put him in as a road agent for one of my companies. Also, there is a local reporter named Jim Hummel where I live so if I did make this character, I stole the name from him.


Travis Coleman


Also, I ran all of the names through the thread and I could not find pictures for any of them so I am guessing that they do not have pictures.


OK, so I've search the thread a bit and found this post, the guys in red are ones I know I've done, but did I do any others? :( Wish I had a better memory but it seems odd that I didn't finish a list


BSW is up next, anyone know if the following have renders claimed for them already?


Betty Slocombe, Dangerous Dan Walsh, Don Dodd, Lance Carson, Larry Degan, Mick Hatcher


Can't find any renders for any of these guys in the thread that have been named as them. They may have had renders claimed for them that never actually made it into the data. Looking through there are a few instances of folks claiming renders but not saying who for, so they may or may not be lined up, might not even be in the pack :(

A common theme for both sets of workers though is that Paul put them on his to-do list of workers, which means that unless they were requested of me I prob wouldn't have touched them.

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Lance Carson



Larry Degan



Mick Hatcher



Josh Howe



As always, any objections please do speak up :)

Updated render pool

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Lance Carson



Larry Degan



Mick Hatcher



Josh Howe



As always, any objections please do speak up :)

Updated render pool


Okay these were all my workers and I have no objections to who you assigned them to. And I looked over my picture folder and every render that you named did not have a render. Well the ones that you just assigned does but the rest do not.

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May I please claim this render for Carl Carter:




May I please claim this render for Marcus Douglas:




May I please claim this render for Rusty Collins:



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Took a shot at PPV logos for AWC;







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May I please claim this render for Carl Carter:




May I please claim this render for Marcus Douglas:




May I please claim this render for Rusty Collins:




No need to ask bud, grab and assign. I'm only assigning images because no-one else is :D

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Retired wrestler turned road agent and owner of Big Sky Wrestling

Don Dodd



French-Canadian tag-team set on an independant Quebec currently working in EWO

The Sovereignist

Rene Cartier & Stephane Chaput


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Been playing with lighting the last few renders, any opinions?


I've never had an issue with your lighting, but I will say that render of Humbert Allen looks really good.


Shephane Chaput



BHK claimed a Stephane Chaput in this post.


Again, I prefer yours since it synchs up well with that Rene Cartier, and they both have a serious La Resistance vibe. :D

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I've never had an issue with your lighting, but I will say that render of Humbert Allen looks really good.

Cheers ;) I just look as my renders sometimes, compare them to the stuff in the rerender & render threads and think 'Why is my work so grainy?' ewanite noticed it first and I kinda went with it but it's starting to bug me a bit now :(



BHK claimed a Stephane Chaput in this post.


Again, I prefer yours since it synchs up well with that Rene Cartier, and they both have a serious La Resistance vibe. :D


DAMN!!!!!!!!!! At least 1 in 5 of my renders is a ****up! Well, up to BHK which he wants to keep :D



Owned Ontario Championship Wrestling but sold it, it became the Elite Wrestling Organisation and he stayed on as a road agent

James Borden



Former referee turned owner & road agent of Top Wrestling Alliance

Douglas Bailey


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Cheers ;) I just look as my renders sometimes, compare them to the stuff in the rerender & render threads and think 'Why is my work so grainy?'


There was definitely that, but it seems to have gotten better (or maybe that's just the new lighting). The only thing I had a bit of an issue with on your work was the scrunched noses, but you moved past that pretty quickly.


Also, I have to say I really like the texture on that masked render you posted up a bit.

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CLAW PPV logos submitted for consideration;


CLAW Trios Live Action Series




Fight, Scratch, & CLAW


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Betty Slocombe



Humbert Allen



Been playing with lighting the last few renders, any opinions?


Retired wrestler turned road agent and owner of Big Sky Wrestling

Don Dodd



French-Canadian tag-team set on an independant Quebec currently working in EWO

The Sovereignist

Rene Cartier & Stephane Chaput



Cheers ;) I just look as my renders sometimes, compare them to the stuff in the rerender & render threads and think 'Why is my work so grainy?' ewanite noticed it first and I kinda went with it but it's starting to bug me a bit now :(





DAMN!!!!!!!!!! At least 1 in 5 of my renders is a ****up! Well, up to BHK which he wants to keep :D



Owned Ontario Championship Wrestling but sold it, it became the Elite Wrestling Organisation and he stayed on as a road agent

James Borden



Former referee turned owner & road agent of Top Wrestling Alliance

Douglas Bailey



These are all great, and I am going to keep the one that you did because it matches his tag team partner. Also, they have the flag of Quebec in the render which really enhances it for me.

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There was definitely that, but it seems to have gotten better (or maybe that's just the new lighting). The only thing I had a bit of an issue with on your work was the scrunched noses, but you moved past that pretty quickly.


Also, I have to say I really like the texture on that masked render you posted up a bit.


Yeah, new lighting has eliminated the grainyness, whoooop!

And cheers, I was quite pleased too ;)


These are all great, and I am going to keep the one that you did because it matches his tag team partner. Also, they have the flag of Quebec in the render which really enhances it for me.


Awesome :D I've added the old one to the random render pool.

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Last two from those lists


Retired wrestler, dojo owner & road agent

Jim Corbett



Former boxing promoter now owner of FWC:FWF and big wheel on the FWC board of directors

Joseph J Proctor


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