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1993 Scenario for TEW2010 Beta Release

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As many people know i have been working on this off and on for months now, i decided since im waiting to be emailed my code from paying by paypal i will use the spare time to upload a beta for people to check out.


TEW 2010 - 1993 Beta 3

By John Marley (Forlan) and Richard Fox (Powerful_Fox)


Credit to EOGE for base TV, which was altered

Credit to DocStevens for some Carriers

Credit to Adam Ryland for the base angles and storylines/gimmicks as well as a mass data edit

Credit to Catfish Jack for the period specific angles and storylines.

Credit to MattQ2607 for Title Histories.

Credit to BurningHamster for some Japanese TV research and roster research

Credit to Phil Parent for some future workers

Credit to ShamelessPoser for help with the network umbrellas of America


Basic Stats


Agers - 0 (havent touched this yet as it seems a massive task)

Alter Egos - 410

Angles - 594

Chemisty - 10

Dojo Graduates - 73

Dojos - 20

End of Year - 13

Eras - 2

Events - 24

Gimmicks - 299

HOI - 25

Injuries - 161

Locations - 2587

Match Types - 146

Media Groups - 13

Move Sets - 653

Moves - 703

Narrative - 15

PPV Agreements - 6

PPV Carrier -41

Promotion Pacts - 12

Promotions - 51

Stables - 10

Start Injuries - 3

Starting Storylines - 4

Storylines - 323

Teams - 161

Title Lineage - 1609

Titles - 109

TV Networks - 134

Tv Show Slots - 18

TV Shows - 13

User Characters - 2

Worker Relations - 343

Workers - 845


I would say that in general this is playable although i'm mainly releasing for feedback, suggestions, errors etc, hence it being a beta.




Data (version 0.3) - http://www.sendspace.com/file/u4brlj

Pics 1 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/0303k5

Pics 2 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/4le0yy

Pics 3 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/y02an4

Logos - http://www.sendspace.com/file/ui84c0


Pic Sample



Any Feedback Welcome




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cheers matey, i for my 1989 have used the chemistry for when you get a bad chemistry rating which just doesnt seem right eg. Gorrilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan are a terrible pairing they have no chemistry, then i added it


I also used it for tag teams mostly, them teams that you get once every few years, they dont have to be great wrestlers but just completement each other well


The Rockers

Lance Storm & Chris Jericho

Tom Pritchard & Jimmy Del Ray

The New Age Outlaws

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I would go easy on chemistry if thats being talked about. Adam's very definition of chemistry is when a team is better together than they are apart. Also for tag teams high tag experience negates bad chemistry so Rockers, New Age Outlaws, Edge and Christian it doesn't apply to them since they should have a high tag xp.


Also for singles wrestlers its the same way. Two guys who put on better matches with each other than they ever did apart from each other. Its a murky water and thats why the C Verse has zero forced chemistry.

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To be honest I think the New Age Outlaws deserve to have good chemistry...think about it for a second....did Jesse or Billy had good tag team matches with other partners? I don't think so. The NAO complemented themselves really well and they also had better matches as a team than as solo wrestlers.
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- Try and increase Afas stats so he can be a decent manager? Or force chemistry?

- Bill Alfonso should have increased referee and managerial skills imo.

- Bob Backlund needs better technical skills.

- Doink the Clown needs much better Entertainment skills.

- Jerry Lawler is drastically under rated.

- Kamala needs increased brawling skills.

- User Charactors would be nice.

- Savage needs increased flying skills.

- No title pictures?

- Any chance of starting storylines?

- Title belts that can be bought... maybe?

- Vince is a negative influence?


Great mod, more to come :)

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To be honest I think the New Age Outlaws deserve to have good chemistry...think about it for a second....did Jesse or Billy had good tag team matches with other partners? I don't think so. The NAO complemented themselves really well and they also had better matches as a team than as solo wrestlers.


They don't need good chemistry because you can put their tag xp with each other high after a certain point in tag xp I think "B" or higher then chemistry isn't used for tag teams.


Thats why a lot of tag teams The Rockers (Marty Jannety looking at you) and others that may have been better together than apart if their tag xp is high enough you don't need chemistry.


Chemistry isn't used in many cases or forced. We need to remember this is a game and although Gorilla and Bobby worked well together are you trying to recreate history or are you trying to make a starting point in history and move forward.

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As far as a quick look from myself it is just the following out of all contracted workers that don't have pics



Daichi Murayama

Takashi Matsunaga



Brian Dixon

Rick Masters



John Finnegan



Grey Pierson

John KEaton

Max Andrews

Steven Prazak

Scott Hudson



Iron Duke Lynch

Scrubber Daley

Tiger KAshmir Singh



Hiroyuki Unno

Kotetsu Yamamoto

Norio Honaga

Takayuki Iizuka



Willie Williams



Robert Fuller



Jerry Calhoun

Jerry Jarrett



Herb Abrams

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Here is the list of workers without pictures, if you don’t have the pictures how about replacing that horrible blue worker picture and replace it with your pic with a ring or something?



Akira Fukuzawa

Daichi Murayama

Herb Abrams

Hiroyuki Unno

Iron Duke Lynch

Jerry Calhoun

Jerry Jarrett

John Finnegan

John Keaton

Katetsu Yamamoto

Masao Tayama

Max Andrews

Norio Honaga

Rick Masters

Robert Fuller

Scott Hudson

Scrubber Daley

Shiro Abe

Steven Prazak

Takashi Matsunaga

Takayuki Lizuka

Tony Chimel

Willie Williams

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I wouldn't have traditional as "unpopular" during the Attitude Era. WWF and WCW were still rooted in Traditional style... It should probably be "Default". Likewise, I don't know if Modern was "Popular" during thatp period.


Modern has never really been that popular in the United States, but any real backing for it started post-Attitude era.

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Guess I'll make a quick statement on the in-gameness. Just thought I'd point out it's common misconception that Juniors are anywhere near as over as heavyweights in Japan. Liger was NEVER more over in Japan than Tenryu. Liger was over for a junior. People weren't paying JUST to see Liger, like they were with Tenryu. I'd give Tenryu B+ popularity at the very LEAST at any point from 1989-2003.


Also Shinya Hashimoto's stats are awful, Hash is definitely someone who deserves an A in puro stat. He was also the most over of the Three Musketeers. He totally eclipsed Mutoh and Chono in popularity.. He ESPECIALLY eclipsed Liger in popularity. Liger being three grades higher in pop than Hash at any point is laughable.


Tatsumi Fujinami, Riki Choshu, Masahiro Chono, Hulk Hogan, Abby the Butcher, Jumbo Tsuruta, Akira Taue, Nobuhiko Takada(Takada was hailed as the second coming of Inoki at this point..), Akira Maeda(Maeda was the biggest name in Japan wrestling in the 80's for a while, even with his star faded he should be at least C+, B- range), Road Warriors, and a few more are ALL bigger stars with more popularity than Liger. Really only a few of them need a boost in popularity, most of the problem is Liger just had too much. B- would be better for Liger.


Wataru Inoue and Tiger Mask IV should both have F or E range popularity, for some reason they've got B-, I think you imported them from from a more current mod. Same with Masato Tanaka. ^_^


Stan Hansen having less than a B+ in any mod is laughable as-well, even if the highest brawl stat is only a B in this mod. Also Masato Tanaka being 19, unsigned, and having B in brawling makes no sense.


Jumbo should have more popularity in Japan, I know modmakers like basing popularity on card position, but Jumbo was working lower on the card because he had Hep C, not because he wasn't more over than the younger generation..


The weights are all messed up too, unless you just use weights differently than everybody. I was under the impression middleweight was for people around 230-250 pounds, not guys like Yoshinari Ogawa and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi who weigh 125-170 pounds.


Other than things like this the mod shows a lot of promise. It's not anywhere near as bad as most of the ones I've seen. This one is actually fixable without making a new mod too. Oh one more thing, All Japan never passed New Japan in popularity or size, and likely never will. :)

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