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What the Future of Console Wrestling Games Should Be


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I've had this idea for a while. I'd like to see a console wrestling game that is portrayed as wrestling really is. You take control of a wrestler and work him through the ranks, but instead of actual competition like Smackdown vs Raw, have it to where you are really working a match. I figure you can implement the swing meters seen in golf games, and for each point of impact or key point in a move, you have to try to accurately hit the mark on a meter. You would also have to do this very same thing if you were on the receiving end of a move. So you are then graded on execution, and selling. I know this may sound confusing, so I mocked up a little screen here. I grabbed these stills from youtube. So this is what a stunner would look like...




Ok, so the big bright power bar is the point that you are currently trying to hit. You'll notice some smaller faded out bars, the one to the right means you have another one coming, to the left means you just finished one. Whew, this one is kinda tough to explain. Comments?

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I'm with Stennick. It's neat, but would be far too niche to be the "future" of wrestling games.


The future of wrestling games SHOULD be companies going back and doing the EXACT same thing that the WCW/NWO Revenge / WWF No Mercy style games wre doing, just with some updated graphics.


Years and years ago, those games were so awesome I had a blast watching them... particularly a match GruntMark had with DDP against Kevin Nash that ended up lasting 45 minutes (well, you had to win by knockout...).


Or Royal Rumbles that actually FELT like a Royal Rumble, not the five minutes crapfest in Smackdown! games.



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I agree, I miss the AKI wrestling games so much. I think today's console wrestling games focus way too much on realism rather than actual fun. There's a lot of cool features, sure, but honestly the bulk of them are like "alright then..." after the first few times. Something like No Mercy & Revenge was easy to pick-up and play just to have fun with.
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I agree, I miss the AKI wrestling games so much. I think today's console wrestling games focus way too much on realism rather than actual fun. There's a lot of cool features, sure, but honestly the bulk of them are like "alright then..." after the first few times. Something like No Mercy & Revenge was easy to pick-up and play just to have fun with.


I think one of the real problems is the AI.


Somehow, computer controlled wrestlers have progressively become dumber over the last 12ish years.


And the way momentum (or the Attitude meter, as the WWF games called it) worked was awesome. Yeah, one worker could be whooping serious arse... but if the other guy gets in a couple of good counters and strings together a couple of his own moves, then it's a whole new ball game.


Oh, and I also enjoyed having to watch for the physical signs my opponent was getting beat down. He'd get up slower, start holding the back of his neck...


And not "oh look, Edge's body is in red! Time to hit a solid move and pin him."


Heck, with those games it was possible to have fun watching the AI go at it against each other (me and my friends did it all the time, booking matches with our own created wrestlers and seeing what happened). But as I said, now the AI is utterly retarded. I love the SvR game a couple years ago I picked up, where wrestlers randomly exit the ring, walk around a corner, and slide back in for no reason... nonstop. That, and how any AI controlled match can be accurately predicted in about 10 seconds.

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Wrestling games are so fake nowadays :rolleyes:


I was playing WWF Attitude the other day, and that game actually wasn't so bad. Nowadays, the SvR series aren't that much better to be honest.


The best wrestling game ever is still WWE Wrestlemania 19 imo. That career mode was freakin' awesome. Who doesn't like beating up construction workers in an efford to foil Vince Mc Mahon's evil scheme, culminating in a main event against a super-Vince. Awesome-sauce!!! I mean COME ON... You could chokeslam them off 100 ft buildings and stuff. I still play that game. It had awesome moves as well. All GC games were the best ones for a real pro wrestling fan. Well, before 2005 anyhow, they quit after DoR 2.


That mode was critisized like hell, and a shame imo. Same goes for the awesome Tekken 6 story mode. Come on, critics... If you can't handle the controls, don't go blaming the game. Why does it work for me and not for most people... weird. I agree it's not perfect controls, but it's decent enough.


As for the future. I suspect they will continue like this for a long, long time. I don't like it, but might end up buying the games if I find them for 30 euros not long after release (this year amazon had them cheap early). It was fun, but only because i didn't play 2009 for a while. The game's basically the same. Some additions, but only worth it for hardcore wrestling fans, which i'm not. Not anymore.


I want them to pick up the brand-exclusive games again, like with RAW, Smackdown! and Wrestlemania (DoR). They had seperate styles and each had their awesome little things that made them stand out. I always dreamt of an ultimate wrestling game with the best of each, but instead, we just got the Smackdown series who continued just the way they were.


Oh well...

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Some simple things that have been done in previous games should be implemented. As a matter of fact, the SvR series took some minor/moderate elements of the Fire Pro series: body part damage meter and implemented stamina--but have used them only somewhat well. Things I'd push for in a console wrestling title are:


Career Mode, Not Season or Story Mode: Heck, it could be an alternate mode. A wrestling title should have where you can continue a career past WWE's fiscal year and have where the years actually pass and workers improve and rot, leave a promotion or return (contracts), be recruited/fired, age and retire, and the game generates new ones. The career should continue up until say age 50 or when you wish to retire.


If before 50, afterwards the career is evaluated and in a Pirates! Gold nod you are given the "You still have a few good years left in you" thing and you can chose to pack it in or return. This could bring some sports titles flair to it as players retire and are generated.


Really this is the strongest area where WWE games would need to improve. When exhibition is more fun to play than the mode that is supposed to be the driving point of the game...then something's wrong.


Bout Ratings: Very simple to do. The Fire Pro series has it down to a perfect art and on Legends of Wrestling was really on to something. There rating system was a little too simple, but it had potential. In WWE's GM Mode you could've just booked legends against WWE current main eventers get 3 1/2, 4, and 5 star matches. That's not cool...not cool at all. I can see where a simplified version of StudioStu's idea would play perfectly into this. The main thing is to work for the rating. Master proper gameplay where "proper gameplay" is called for in a mode and you're rewarded with a good bout rating...which would play into match rating. This would mean making the in-ring gameplay somewhat more difficult and allow for the build-up you see in WreSpi and Fire Pro.


Entertainment Rating: Of course the other half of the coin would be how entertaining the match is. If your wrestler's "star power" is low you may have to work even harder for a good rating (which in turn could raise your star power anyway). With bout ratings coming together to formulate your Match Rating there should be bonuses for meeting or exceeding targeted objectives. Something like "+100 EXP for an Entertainment Rating of 75 or above".


WWE Universe: In WWE's case, the Universe should be expanded--you have ECW, RAW, SD!, showcases, and developmental. The brands are depicted as promotions (the major leagues), developmental (as the minors), and showcases as the viewing stage (lower minors). When you win or lose a match XP points are allocated depending on the promotion level (whether it is major, minor, or lower minor). Bonuses are given based on a match rating expectancy announced before the card begins.


The Universe changes each year and ratings are observed. Each brandmotion has its own PPVs, titles (in the case of the Unified Tag Titles...hrm), there is a career calendar, and you can be an observer as the AI does GM Mode and you're there for the ride. You can send in a tape or you'll be notified when a scout is in the crowd and if you are a prospect.


Also, show attendences and false venues should be made up. The viewership thing from GM Mode could stay, but I'd make the number of viewers bigger or something. Have where TV shows can move and stuff.


Career Outlook: A part of the player's lockeroom (in WWE games) would be the outlook. How the WWE Universe sees you and if you are a hot prospect or what.


More Fan Reaction: In Fire Pro and Giant Gram 2000 there were responses from the crowd. In FP you could montitor when to transition to stronger moves on crowd reaction and you knew when the match was good or great after three nearfalls from a wrestler...and well in Giant Gram 2000 there was just a really awesome spot in matches where the crowd would stomp and the screen would shake after hot moments in a match.


WWE games and future titles should have more interaction. In Career/Season mode if your star power is low then the crowd should be somewhat uninterested or dead. You may get subtle applause and you can hear when fans are shouting clearly. If it is higher or the match is intense, good, or bad then you get more reaction and excitement from the crowd. Simple really.


Most of this is really simple and would be better as a say a seperate mode or "FULL" option in contrast to a "SPEED" or "CONDENSED" option...yes, I sit and pick at games. I even have ideas on how to make Pokemon better.

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We should totally find a way to grab ahold of the AKI game's engine, and create screwy C-Verse games with them.


I want to see Boris Kiriyakin "ding" Ali Bloxsome, darnit!


You don't need the engine...if you have No Mercy you can edit everything about every character except for their moves and abilities.




That is one of the things missing right now, customization that influences everything... When you change somebody's costume in No Mercy it shows up in the opening video, it is on them when you wrestle against them and it is on them during backstage segments.

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We should totally find a way to grab ahold of the AKI game's engine, and create screwy C-Verse games with them.


I want to see Boris Kiriyakin "ding" Ali Bloxsome, darnit!


I miss the "splat" sound when someone is busted open...and the reaction of checking the blood and falling.


...and the strength of Kim Chee's ax kick.

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Honestly this whole thread is why I've given up on wrestling games for the most part, with a new crappy Smackdown being put out every year like it's Madden. Ever since the AKI games went the way of the dinosaur the best wrestling games I've played have been the Firepro series and the excellent King of Colloseum II which I had to import.
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I've had this idea for a while. I'd like to see a console wrestling game that is portrayed as wrestling really is. You take control of a wrestler and work him through the ranks, but instead of actual competition like Smackdown vs Raw, have it to where you are really working a match. I figure you can implement the swing meters seen in golf games, and for each point of impact or key point in a move, you have to try to accurately hit the mark on a meter. You would also have to do this very same thing if you were on the receiving end of a move. So you are then graded on execution, and selling. I know this may sound confusing, so I mocked up a little screen here. I grabbed these stills from youtube. So this is what a stunner would look like...




Ok, so the big bright power bar is the point that you are currently trying to hit. You'll notice some smaller faded out bars, the one to the right means you have another one coming, to the left means you just finished one. Whew, this one is kinda tough to explain. Comments?


legends of wrestling series did something very close to this. boring IMO.

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Honestly this whole thread is why I've given up on wrestling games for the most part, with a new crappy Smackdown being put out every year like it's Madden. Ever since the AKI games went the way of the dinosaur the best wrestling games I've played have been the Firepro series and the excellent King of Colloseum II which I had to import.


all hale fire pro and its off the charts AI. I spent much time on that game making CAW's and watching the action unfold.

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Wow, the golf swing idea sounds horrid. And comradebot, the Royal Rumbles in this year's Smackdown game were FINALLY overhauled, so I'd say right now they're as good as they've ever been.



I still think the biggest problem with current videogames is the relative lack of counters compared to the old AKI games making it so you can't really chain moves together the way you could in those games. Another pet peeve I have with Smackdown that I miss from AKI is that in those old WCW/WWF games if you hit somebody hard and they staggered, they'd end up in the ropes or the turnbuckle: in the Smackdown games, they never end up in the corner.

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ok, so the royal rumble is finally decent. whoopie!


I played it a couple of times, liking it of course. But in the end, the game should have had more changes. Games like PES & FIFA have a new title every year, but are actually quite good already. It's football, you can't really do that much more now, can you.


Wrestling however is much more complex and simply needs better games. Its potential has so far not been realised. Simple as that.

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The thing SD! 2 had that I miss is the ability to do a full story mode the old fashioned way as one wrestler going through matches with storyline, but you could play 2-player if you wanted and have two people in the whole season mode.




The story creator in SD '10 is a phenomenal idea that needs to be expanded upon.




Online needs to work on all current-gen consoles, I don't care if it doesn't work on the PS2, but why would it be left out on the Wii?




The thing about Fire Pro is it's very unappealing to new users, it has no pick up and play feeling, I bought returns, and I can only use it to sim matches, it is freakin' hard to actually play.

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You think that's hard, try King of Colosseum 2, took me three months to figure out.


Did you find it worthwhile? I put weeks into the KOC games, actually helped me learn a bit of Japanese in the process. At the end of it all though I didn't find the amazing game that I'd been led to believe existed.


There were lots of cool moves that weren't in western wrestling games and obviously the insanely deep rosters and pre-made 'kits' for about 200 other wrestlers, but appart from that...I just didn't see what the fuss was.


Oh, and if anyone ever tells you that the MMA mode in it was any good, they're a dirty lier :-D

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The fuss about KOC II is the fact that once you do learn how to play the game well enough to crank it up to the highest level... you'll never have a better experience playing a simple one on one match. Hell I watched a buddy of mine do Ric Flair vs Fujinami a couple of weeks ago in what was an epic 46 minute match with unbelievable counters and near falls at the end... climaxing when the computer as flair reversed a suplex into a small package for the win. You just don't get that on any other game.
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Did you find it worthwhile? I put weeks into the KOC games, actually helped me learn a bit of Japanese in the process. At the end of it all though I didn't find the amazing game that I'd been led to believe existed.


There were lots of cool moves that weren't in western wrestling games and obviously the insanely deep rosters and pre-made 'kits' for about 200 other wrestlers, but appart from that...I just didn't see what the fuss was.


Oh, and if anyone ever tells you that the MMA mode in it was any good, they're a dirty lier :-D

Once I got the hang of it, it was and still is, the best wrestling game I've ever played. Though I still can't get the hang of the MMA mode and never beat the New Japan road.

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