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Pro Wrestling Zero: None of a Kind (0/0/0)

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I'll introduce myself - I'm Jordan James. If you're one of the 30 people who know me from watching my matches in Australia, then welcome. I debuted in 2000 in Aussie Rules Wrestling. By 2005, I was top of the Aussie wrestling pile - 25 years old, 220 pounds, 6'4", great shape. I was booked to win the ARW title from Debonair David Peterson, but he didn't think someone so young deserved to wear 'his' belt, and stiffed the hell out of me. Twenty minutes in, he locked in a Fujiwara Armbar and wrenched back as hard as he could. The next thing I remember is waking up in Royal Melbourne Hospital - I'd passed out from the pain when he'd dislocated my left shoulder, torn my rotator cuff, then fractured my humerus.


My in-ring career was over - I couldn't move my arm for a year, let alone work a match. To stay in the only business I'd ever know, I tried being a manager, commentator, referee, you name it. I'm a terrible referee and manager, but I'm pretty good on the stick.


By 2007, the Australia wrestling business was in a coma - if you weren't friends with the APW guys (I wasn't gonna share a locker room with Peterson, because I'd have killed the bastard) then you had nowhere to go. So I did what any sane drunkard with no other skills would do - move to Canada.


I landed a job commentating the Canadian Independent shows, before landing my er... small break with All Canada Pro Wrestling in August last year. I didn't get along with many in the company or agree with their stupid spot monkey style - but they had signed Eugene Williams, TCW's old ref. We hit it off like a house on fire - I paid for gas, he'd drive, and we'd share our experiences.


All was going well until the defecation hit the ventilation at one of ACPW's shows last October - I forget which one, but it was in St. Johns, and the cold was killing my shoulder. The owner of ACPW, Daedalus Buchinski - or 'Butch' as we all called him, had called a locker room meeting, three hours prior to showtime.





Butch: I brought you all here to announce the new head booker, as I cant keep booking the shows and be in charge of everything else.


This got my attention, I didn't listen to a lot of crap that Butch said, but this could be just what I needed to get my fire back.


..I put a lot of thought into it and I've decided to pick 'Face' Nelson.


There was a stunned silence in the locker room. I guess half the roster had expected someone else more qualified, like Eugene or I. The locker room didnt dare say anything - Butch was the only one who'd hire or pay half the guys. Gene was the first one to speak up.




Eugene: Are you serious? Butch, if you have Nelson in charge you're gonna run this company into the ground! You have to reconsider.




James: Nelson's been in the business three months - Jesus, Butch, he's barely a sweat stain on my old ring gear! I've been inside and out of that ring for ten years. If you want to kill this company, then that's fine, it's your money. I'm outta here!


I'm not staying on this sinking ship, I'm leaving!


We have a verbal contract, you can't just leave!


I flipped Butch the bird.


Verbal contract this, you good for nothing bastard.


I grabbed him by the scruff of his collar with my good arm and threatened to hit him, until I realised half the locker room had stood up to defend him. Though none of them would have been over 120 pounds soaking wet, I didn't want to risk it.


We left immediately, leaving Butch without a referee or announcer for that night. To Butch's credit, he reffed the whole card - terribly, even by my standards - and had Face handle booking and calling the show solo. You can guess how that show turned out - I think someone from prowrestlinghits.com said it was the worst. show. EVER! They were right.




Driving back from St. John, Eugene and I started talking.


Eugene: Well, that was fun. Did you see the look on Butch's mug? He crapped himself - I think it made ACPW smell better.


James: Haha, yeah. I still got it, Gene. So, now that we're out of a job, what've you got planned?|


Oh, I'm fine for cash, I did work for HG- er.. TCW for ten years.


I've forgotten what it's like to have money.


Well, you know what? Screw All Canada, I reckon we could do better.


Yeah, I can see that. We have a Eugene, an announcer, and a booker - all we'd need are some guys. The best of the worst!


There'd be nothing else like it, in Canada at least.


Nothing else like it? Ha! We'll call it Pro Wrestling Zero.


While I thought nothing of this converstaion at the time, "Zero" started to be all we'd talk about.




Fast forward three months - Eugene calls me and tells me he's bought a belt and a ring using his TCW savings and donated it to PWZ, making him effectively the owner of the company. We planned it all out - He'd referee and take care of the money; I'd call all the shows and all the shots backstage. And so here we are - 2010 is going to be one hell of a ride.



Pro Wrestling Zero

0 Pop./0 Prestige/0 Momentum/0 Cash

Based in: Ontario, Canada


Owner: Eugene Williams

Head Booker: Jordan James

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Key: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream, Realism

Medium: Modern


Match Intensity/Danger: Both 40%


PWZ Roster


Alistair Shufflebottom

Bob Casey

Jayson van Pelt

Jerry Martin

Mario da Silva


Stretch the Chicken Boy




Davis Wayne Newton (ugh, sorry, best worker under $600)

Dermott Ayres

Hollywood Bret Starr

Jamie Atherton

Marv Statler




Eugene Williams



Jordan James



Next Card: PWZ Live! Saturday, Week 4, January 2010


Announced Matches:



"The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mimic for the PWZ Canadian Championship


Dagger vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy



"A-Game" Alistair Shufflebottom vs. "Hollywood" Bret Starr


Predictions (with reasoning) and comments welcome.


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"The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mimic for the PWZ Canadian Championship

like you said he is your best guy


Dagger vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy

I just can´t take a guy named Chicken Boy seriously


"A-Game" Alistair Shufflebottom vs. "Hollywood" Bret Starr

Total guess here since I don´t know anything on either one of these guys

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Give us a quick copy/paste panel for predictions so we don't have to go and manually copy and paste every match pretty please :)


"A-Game" Alistair Shufflebottom vs. "Hollywood" Bret Starr - Not sure if he counts as a third generation star or not; but he's going to be big.


Dagger vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy - I would find it hard to believe anyone would pin any hopes on the Chicken boy, even at this early stage.


"The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mimic for the PWZ Canadian Championship - Mimic's pretty good and giving him the belt would be interesting, but DWN is simply too good and would be a figurehead for the promotion.

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"The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton vs. Mimic for the PWZ Canadian Championship

Dagger vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy

"A-Game" Alistair Shufflebottom vs. "Hollywood" Bret Starr


There's literally nothing else to say. Mimic could be big, though. Also, ANT-MAN! I'm going to spam him, I think. Best new pro.

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I'm not at war with ACPW, I just have a strong dislike relationship with Daedalus Buchinski. The user character didn't have anything against the promotion or it's wrestlers. :D


Good predictions by the way everyone, though all of you except Terminator chose the same winners. Next card will be bigger, just running three matches per show to keep costs down - I made $1300 profit in January. ;)


Results should be up when I'm finished writing them, either before I go to bed or tommorow morning Australia time.


By the way...


There's literally nothing else to say. Mimic could be big, though. Also, ANT-MAN! I'm going to spam him, I think. Best new pro.


Who is Ant-man? :S

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Pro Wrestling Zero Live!

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario Canada.

Attendance: 15<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/HollywoodBretStarr_alt.jpg


The show opens with "Hollywood" Bret Starr making his way to the ring.

It's time for a new generation of "Starrs" to take over wrestling. Canada first, then the world! I am "Hollywood" Bret Starr, and tonight, you will know my name and feel my fame! Money, women, power - I get it all and I take it all, 24 hours out of every day. That's my way. Wrestling runs through my blood. You can't create talent out of thin air, you're born into it, and I am wrestling royalty. And just like my Grandfather, Micky Starr, I will be in the Hall of Immortals one day! (E+)<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/AlistairShufflebottom.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/HollywoodBretStarr_alt.jpg

"Hollywood" Bret Starr def. "A-Game" by pinfall in 6:06. (E-)


A-Game got the early offence, culminating in a Shuffle the Deck (Barrel Roll Splash) attempt from the top rope. Starr rolled out of the way, leavign A-Game to crash and burn on the canvas. Starr took control of the rest of the match, before getting the pinfall after a running Starr Hammer.<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/Dagger.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg

Dagger def. Stretch the Chicken Boy by pinfall in 5:46. (E)


Dagger was all business as the bell rang, and instantly dropped Stretch with his trademark Dagger Kick. Instead of going for the win right away, Dagger used Stretch as a punching bag for the rest of the match, landing blow after blow. After six minutes, the beatdown came to an end when Dagger hit a pair of Dagger Kick finishers and got the three count.<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DavisWayneNewton.jpg


Davis Wayne Newton makes his way to the ring, and asks for a microphone.


You know, ten years ago, I was just like you - Toronto born and raised. I'd come to wrestling shows in this very building and I'd sit there and watch my idols compete in the greatest of matches. Ten years on, though, what has changed? we're no longer alike, you and I. Because I did something with my life. While the fifteen of you sit there, booing me, eating your cheetos like your life depended on it, I got to work making myself a better person, better than all of you. I left this hellhole of a city and headed South. I became someone. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past three years, or are just completely ignorant, uncultured, or socially backward - not much of a stretch for Toronto - I am Davis Wayne Newton. They call me the Triple Threat, because I can beat absolutely anyone, anytime, anywhere - standing up, on the ground or in the air.


The crowd shower Newton in a chorus of boos. He hesitates a little before continuing.

I don't care what you think - your preconceived notions of who I am don't bother me in the slightest. I can hear from this... warm Canadian reception that some of you might doubt me and my abilities. And you know what? That doesn't matter, because Pro Wrestling Zero management know that I am the best of the best - and have given me a shot at the brand spanking new PWZ Canadian Title. You know, I've won titles before, and this is just another piece of bling for the trophy cabinet. You know, when I was booked in this match I really did consider my opponent for about a half second - and then I remembered who I am.


I'm Davis Wayne Newton, and I am already better all of you, and the entire PWZ locker room at only 22 years old - hell, I have a decade to go before I even hit my prime. It's sad to see some veterans in the back who've been in this ring for twenty years, who have never and won't ever be as good as me. So to whoever is standing across the ring from me tonight, I hope you bring your absolute best - you're going to need it - or fail like the rest. (D)<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DavisWayneNewton.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/PWZ_Heavy.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/Mimic.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton def. Mimic by pinfall in 29:05 to win the PWZ Canadian Championship (D)


Both men started out slowly, pacing themselves and working hold for hold. Whatever hold Mimic locked on, Newton would reverse into one of his own, until Mimic took the initial advantage with a lionsault DDT that got a long two count. Newton looked like he'd take the match when he managed to counter a Mimic STO into his STF finisher, but Mimic made it to the ropes. By the 27th minute, the match reached a blinding pace - a flurry of high flying spots got the fans on their feet including a springboard 450 to the outside by Newton. Mimic countered a Newton moonsault attempt by running up the corner to meet Newton leaving both competitors balancing precariously on the top rope. After traded elbows, Newton raked the eyes of Mimic then landed a picture perfect Fisherman's Superplex for the three count.<hr>Announced for next show:


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Bob Casey for the PWZ Canadian Title

Raphael vs "A-Game"

Dermott Ayres vs. Jerry Martin

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Insane concept. It looks fun, but I def. couldn't handle it. It would be cool if the whole "zero" thing was put into the storylines, like showing this group doing crazy **** on the side to bring money in to the company. Or you short someone their cash and they flip out.
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Insane concept. It looks fun, but I def. couldn't handle it. It would be cool if the whole "zero" thing was put into the storylines, like showing this group doing crazy **** on the side to bring money in to the company. Or you short someone their cash and they flip out.


That's a great idea - I'm doing okay for cash at the moment though due to sponsors. I did get $700 of 'bonus' misc revenue... maybe DWN took a little ol' lady in the audience out on a date?


At the moment though, I am really trying to save. Ideally, I'd love to be doing more than one show per month so that I can catch up to ACPW faster, then go to war with them. :D

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Sudo-Nym, you're welcome. ;) Who says I don't listen to my fans? :)



Pro Wrestling Zero Live! - Saturday, Week 4, February 2010

Held at the Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario Canada.

Attendance: 12<hr>


Davis Wayne Newton makes his entrance, carrying the PWZ Canadian title.

So, to all of you who were booing me last month - how do your feet taste? Tonight, I'm going to make the first successful defence of many of this belt. This belt, the PWZ Canadian title, is what everybody in that locker room behind the curtain want to get their hands on. My belt. It represents the pure talent I possess, and that I am the man to beat, the top dog, the alpha male of PWZ. Bob Casey it's time to step down, you washed up old dog, and recognise the new leader of the pack. Come step between my ropes, and you'll see why you should've quit ten years ago. You're just the first of many who won't be able to stop my endless title reign. Just another name on the list. (D)<hr>http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/JerryMartin.jpghttp://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l126/Seth_ep/PWZ/DermottAyres.jpg

Jerry Martin def. Dermott Ayres by pinfall in 12:02. (E)


Jerry Martin came out on fire early on, sending Ayres to the outside with a huge clothesline over the top rope, then followed up by throwing Ayres into the ring steps. Ayres made it back into the ring after a long 9 count and stole the advantage by locking in a sleeper hold in the sixth minute. Ayres continue to work Martin down, tying him in knots, until Martin landed a fluke Discus Punch out of nowhere for the pinfall.



Jerry Martin calls for a microphone post match.


Woo! I still got it baby! I. Still. Got. It! Hey Canada, baby, did you miss me? It's been one hell of a long time time since all of you would've had the pleasure of seeing me in the ring! And what better way to celebrate than with a win like that? Hell yeah!


A "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" chant breaks out.


Aw, I missed you too! Fans! Fans! Fans! Fans! (E)



Raphael makes his way out to the ring for his match."A-Game"'s music hits, but he doesn't emerge from the entrance stage. The DVD cameraman heads backstage to see if he can locate him, but doesnt have to travel far - he's been attacked and laid out just behind the curtain. A pair of medical staff rush to his aid, and declare that A-Game is unfit for his match tonight.


Back in the ring, Raphael is livid.

So you mean to tell me that I don't have an opponent tonight!? Do you have any idea how long I spent getting my hair done, driving all the way up nort-


He is cut off by unfamiliar music, and an unknown wrestler emerges from backstage to a HUGE pop from the crowd.



You want a match? Well you got one. Right now.



Raphael def. Ant Man by pinfall in 11:46. (D-)


Whatever moves Raphael attempted, Ant Man's superior strength allowed him to counter out of. Ant Man countered a Raphael suplex attempt into a ridiculous strength display - Ant Man lifted Raphael into a stalling vertical suplex and started performing squats that the crowd counted along with, and they lost count at around 38. Raphael managed to recover, however, and pulled Ant-Man's glasses off, temporarily blinding him, allowing enough time for Raphael to launch off the top rope and hit a crossbody for the win.


Davis Wayne Newton def. Bob Casey by pinfall in 19:10 to retain the PWZ Canadian Championship (D)



Casey and Newton started this contest with a test of strength, which broke down into some lightning quick chain wrestling and reversals. Casey outclassed Newton and took the early advantage, working Newton's left arm in an effort to reduce the effectiveness of his STF and Fisherman's Suplex finisher. Newton managed to recover, lifting Casey out of an armbar and into an MMA style powerbomb, then a Fisherman's Suplex which only got a two count.

As the match reached it's end, both men threw their technical prowess out the door and the match turned into a puro kick battle. Casey countered a kick into a trio of german suplexes for a split second nearfall. Both men slowly reached their feet. Casey line up for a huge kick, but was caught by Newton and countered into a second Fisherman Suplex for the win.


Overall: D-

<hr>Announced for next show:


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Jayson Van Pelt for the PWZ Canadian Title

Jamie Atherton vs. Mimic

Marv Statler vs. Mr. Lucha III (New Signing)

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Yeah Greg, this is still alive! :D I had a pair of shows written, but wasn't happy with the way I was writing the shows and was trying to figure out a way to fill in the spaces between each show. On top of that, I got called in to work full-time this week. (I normally just do weekends.) :( Expect an update in less than 24 hours. :D


Thanks again for everyone's predictions and reads so far. :D

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Just a small character development teaser post to lead into my next show post. (sorry again for the delay)


www.pwzero.ca - Jayson Van Pelt Interview




In your PWZ debut, you have a shot at the Pro Wrestling Zero Canadian Championship. How are you preparing for this match?


The same way that I'd prepare for any match - eat well, train hard, and study as much wrestling possible. That being said, it all changes when you go through the curtain and step into the ring - it's all instinct from that point. A good solid base doesnt go astray though.


What does the Canadian Championship mean to you?


The title belt of any promotion should be the first and foremost thing on any wrestler's mind. The PWZ Title represents a great deal of respect from both the fans and the rest of the roster - and the blood sweat and tears we all shed out there in the squared circle. I'd be proud to wear it, and I'm honored to have a chance to go out there and win it.


What do you think of your opponent, Davis Wayne Newton?


He's a very talented wrestler, and I'm looking forward to facing him. He's an absolute prodigy in the ring, and I don't think there's too many people who have an advantage over him. That being said, I utilise a really high-impact Japanese Junior style, something that up to this point in he hasn't come up against in PWZ or anywhere else he's wrestled. Whether that gives me an advantage, only time will tell.


Any closing thoughts?


I think it will be a great match, and at the end of the day that's what everyone wants to see and be a part of, regardless of who wins or loses.

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