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C-Verse 2005: The Hype Thread!

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Remember that mod that got delayed because by the time we actually started working on it, TEW2010 was announced?


Well, guess what? TEW2010 is HERE, which means... c'mon, you're almost got it...


That's right, THE CornellVerse 2005 mod is back in full swing to be playable on the newest edition of TEW, brought to you by Stennick and yours truly, Comradebot!


And by "2005" mod, we don't mean a straight conversion from that old, dusty form of TEW. Heck no! It'll start at the exact same time (that's December 2005... never fully understood why it was December, meh), and it'll include all of your favorites from way back then, just as you remembered them, fully compatible and updated for a new decade!


But wait, there's more! More? How much more? Why, LOADS more! You know all of those workers who, when you look in the editor it says they debuted before 2005, but when you played 2005 they were nowhere in sight? Well, this time they haven't been left out. Bam Bam Johansson, Swoop McCarthy... they'll be there.


Let's go ahead and take a sneak peak at the world in the year 2005, shall we?


And by that, I mean... let's run down the list of promotions open in the world at the start of the game!





Supreme Wrestling Federation


Total Championship Wrestling


Danger And Violence Extreme


Angel Athletic Association

United States Pro Wrestling


Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling

New York City Wrestling


Mid Atlantic Wrestling






North Of The Border Pro Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat






Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling


5 Star Supreme Wrestling

Golden Canvas Grappling

World Level Wrestling


Warrior Engine XXV

Hinote Dojo (possibly Local, actually)





Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation

Original Lucha Libre In Extreme

South Of The Border Pro Wrestling






Men Of Steel Combat


21st Century Wrestling

Ring Of Fire






Ultimate Combat Ring




And last, but not least...


Well, sorta not least...






Melbourne Wrestling Federation


Adelaide Pro Wrestling

Aussie Rules Wrestling

Southern Hemisphere Wrestling

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Well, Stennick and I will get it out as soon as we can. After all, the reason we started making this mod is because of how badly we both wanted to play the 2005 C-Verse on a vastly superior TEW than 05.


And I have to say, I'm proud of the Australia I've crafted. Adelaide Pro Wrestling is AWESOME! Well, if you're me it is... which if you know me around here, should tell you something about APW (Adelaide Pro... and yes, I know I'll have to do something about its initials. Right now it's just listed as "APro", which sorta works.)


Also, and this isn't our highest priority, but we very well may do a few... creative... measures to aid the C-Verse in progressing the way it naturally did. Obviously much of this would be in narratives, which will be easily deleted (or added later) for those who wish to have as many tools as possible to change the C-Verse's history. I know I personally wouldn't mind seeing how "APro" and UCR could've done long term...


Then again, I'm also curious if my editor skills are great enough to "simulate" the INSPIRE rebellion.

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I can't wait for this. Never played TEW 2005 so don't know what it was like.


The unhired talent was incredible. American Elemental for example was just drifting around.


DaVE had LOADS of talent in their main event. Nemesis was still an active competitor. Ahh, glorious.

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I just shot the data to Comradebot last night. He's working out the kinks in Europe as well as developing the absent Australian scene.


Last I talked to Com there is talk of releasing two versions. One version is a completely historical version that would simulate things such as the fall of DAVE through Narratives. I know some might not want to have DAVE die off so there has been talk of releasing a separate "sand box" version or worst case you can always just delete that narrative in the editor.


Either way we did a lot of work on this during 08 and most of that work transfered over so this thing shouldn't take long to get off the ground.

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Blackman shoot Comradebot a PM I bet he can find something to do :) he's got the data now and I haven't heard from him in a few days so I'm going to assume he's hard at work crafting Australia and Europe I'd pm him and see f he's got any ideas on what you can do to help.
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So what your saying is you have the 04 Cornellverse converted to EWB I'd be interested in seeing that data if you wouldn't mind pming it to me just to see it.


Yep. It's TEW04 for EWR 4.2...I'll PM it once I get home.


But yeah, going back to what MTJTM said,the original stats are really different for some guys.

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Yeah Adam kinda overhauled some characters. In TEW 2005, there are some people who are in fact quite good while now, in TEW 2008/2010, they lick balls. :p


and perhaps vice versa.


How actually did you make it? Did you start from the 2005 data? Or did you take the current C-Verse as a reference? The latter would probably be more work, but would be better imo.

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I've done it both ways actually.


I imported all the workers from the 2010 data base so I could get things like personality exactly right.


I then open up 05 and I make every workers stats exactly as they were in 05 down to popularity and contract gimmick rating.



That being said this is a C Verse 05 mod and not a direct copy of TEW 2005 so some things will be a tad bit different such as promotions, workers that weren't around back then, etc.

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Just wanna say, thanks to everyone who's offered support so far. Right now Stennick and myself seem to have everything in hand, bet rest assured, if we need any help we'll let yall know.


Oh, and I finished up UCR last night. Definetly proud of that. It's now chock full of correct popularity, tag teams, stables, even proper title lineage.


Oh, and The Big Bad, but you'd know that if I wasn't typing this in class and had proper time to put up a nice big "preview" section for them. Guess I COULD put up some nice preview sections for all the companies... meh, I'm lazy.

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Don't bother with preview, we want results.


TEW '05 was like the golden age of booking. The indies were chock full of talent (American Elemental anyone?) and you could pull an A or A* match out of just about anyone.



Ahh...those were the days...


Well, the data can only be in one of our hands at a time... and now Stennick has it soooo...


Hard for me to get results.


Still in position to give previews ;)

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