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WWE Smackdown - The aftermath of WrestleMania 26

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This diary is set the night after WrestleMania 26. Here is a little backstory of what happened






Mickie James defeated Michelle McCool to win the WWE Women's Championship


Christian defeated Ezekiel Jackson to retain the ECW Championship


The Undertaker defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the World Heavyweight Championship


Randy Orton defeated Sheamus to win the WWE Championship


Edge won the Royal Rumble match


On RAW between Royal Rumble and Elimination Chambre, Bret Hart returned to RAW and stepped up the rivarly with Vince. Both men exchanged words weeks after week.


After the Royal Rumble, tension was created in Legacy which led to Orton and Rhodes kicking DiBiase out. This led to DiBiase vs Rhodes at Elimination Chamber.


The vacant Divas title made it way around the waist of Maryse as she defeated Gail Kim in the final tournament match.


The United States Championship also switched hands when MVP managed to de-thrown The Miz and win his third United States Championship.


It was also announced that the night after WrestleMania 26, the annual WWE Draft will take place.


On ECW, Kaval became the newest member of the ECW roster and waisted little time making an impact, earning a title match at Elimination Chamber by defeating Christian. Christian in the weeks building up to Elimination Chamber managed to defeat Kaval in tag team action twice.


On Smackdown, Edge made his return to WWE after winning the Royal rumble and was challenged to a match by Jericho with the title shot on the line. Teddy Long however had better plans and made Jericho vs Undertaker for the title on that very night. Jericho managed to win the title after CM Punk interfered. Edge was then challenged to a match with the Royal Rumble shot on the line by John Morrison


Drew McIntyre managed to defend his title on numerous occasions against John Morrison and also Matt Hardy.


A monster rivarly also broke out between The Great Khali and Kane. while Rey and Batista continued to feud






Chris Jericho defeated Undertaker, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Kane and The Great Khali to retain the World Heavyweight Championship


Batista defeated Rey Mysterio


Ted DiBiase defeated Cody Rhodes


MVP defeated The Miz to retain the WWE United States Championship


Edge defeated John Morrison


Kaval defeated Christian to win the ECW Championship


Randy Orton defeated Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Big show and Sheamus to retain the WWE Championship


The road to WrestleMania was close to the end, but it didn't stop shocks appearing everywhere. The first was when Vince McMahon challenged Bret Hart to a match at WrestleMania 26. When Bret rejected, Vince said that he will make it more interesting. If vince wins, Bret must kiss his ass, if Bret wins, he is the new GM on RAW. Bret then accepted and the stage was set for the biggest match in WrestleMania history.


After defeating Rhodes at Elimination Chamber, DiBiase said he wants Orton at WrestleMania and after defeating John Cena following an interference by Batista, he got what he wanted and the WWE Title would be on the line.


Batista and Cena would then assault each other on both shows and another match was set for WrestleMania.


After Michaels accidentally hit the Sweet Chin Music on HHH in a tag title match, HHH pedigreed Michaels later in the same match, leaving Hart Dynasty to win the tag titles. Michaels and HHH taunted each other week after week and a match between the two was made for WrestleMania.


Both Evan Bourne and Sheamus qualified for the Money in the bank


After successfully defending his ECW title against Christian the week after he won it, Kaval wanted a new challenge, and he got one when he was challenged to a match for the ECW Title at WrestleMania by Gregory Helms. The match was accepted.


Both Shelton Benjamin and Christian qualified for the Money in the bank.


The week after Elimination Chamber, Edge made it clear he will stay on Smackdown to face Chris Jericho. Both men tried to get in each other heads in the weeks leading up to 'Mania but neither could.


After costing Undertaker the World Title, CM Punk bragged about it for weeks. Undertaker retaliated and destroyed Luke Gallows, sending a message to Punk. Punk refused challenges to a match at WrestleMania but eventually, Teddy Long made it official.


Kane and Khali continued their fued while Rey Mysterio challenged McIntyre to a match at WrestleMania and John Morrison and Matt Hardy qualified for the Money in the bank.






Christian won the Money in the Bank Ladder match


Natayla defeated Mickie James to become Women's Champion


Kaval defeated Gregory Helms to retain the ECW Title


Undertaker defeated CM Punk


Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels


Drew McIntrye defeated Rey Mysterio to retain to Intercontinental Title


Kane defeated The Great Khali


Randy Orton defeated Ted DiBiase to retain the WWE Title


John Cena defeated Batista


Edge defeated Chris Jericho to become NEW World Heavyweight Champion


Bret Hart defeated Vince McMahon


And this is where we are. I will post short wwe.com style summaries of RAW and ECW and post full smackdown's. The first week of RAW will be done as a smackdown as its the draft and the rosters will be posted after RAW.


EDIT: Nevermind about the RAW, i wont have time to do the two shows a week. RAW will be posted in a minute with a Supplement draft after followed by the rosters and finally ECW.

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Kane defeated Sheamus (PHOTOS |WATCH)


With the first draft pick on the line, Kane and Sheamus battled each other. Sheamus got the better start in the match but Kane managed to somehow get back into the match and hit a Chokeslam for the victory.


Smackdown Draft Pick: "Mr Money In the Bank" Christian


Kaval defeated MVP (PHOTOS |WATCH)


In a Champion vs Champion match, MVP and Kaval faced off looking for a draft pick for their respective brand. Kaval managed to absorb tonnes of offence and managed to hit the Ghetto stomp and pick up the victory and a draft pick for ECW.


ECW Draft Pick: Evan Bourne


John Morrison defeated Kofi Kingston (PHOTOS |WATCH)

Kofi was looking to gain RAW their first draft pick of the night when he faced off against John Morrison. Kofi looked to win the match when he hit the Trouble in Paradise but Morrison managed to get back into the match and hit the Sharpship pain for the win.


Smackdown Draft Pick: Divas Champion, Maryse


Drew McIntyre defeated Shelton Benjamin (PHOTOS |WATCH)


The Intercontinental champion Drew McIntyre went one-on-one with Shelton Benjamin, both looking for another draft pick for their respective brands. McIntyre managed to get the win when he hit the Scot Drop for the win


Smackdown Draft Pick: Ted DiBiase


The Miz defeated Evan Bourne (PHOTOS |WATCH)


After getting drafted to ECW earlier in the night, Evan Bourne looked to make an instant impact on his new brand. Miz however, wanted to get RAW their first draft pick this year which they got when Bourne missed the Shooting Star Press and Miz hit the reality check on him.


RAW Draft Pick: The Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre


Chris Jericho defeated John Cena (PHOTOS |WATCH)


Jericho and Cena faced with, Jericho not only looking to gain 2 draft picks for Smackdown, but also to defeat John Cena for the first time in his career. Cena looked to hit the Attitude Adjustment but Jericho reversed it into the codebreaker to defeat John Cena.


Smackdown Draft Picks: Triple H and United States Champion, MVP



Gail Kim defeated Natayla and Rosa Mendes (PHOTOS |WATCH)


With each brand having a diva in this match, all were looking for another draft pick. Natayla looked to end it early and locked in the sharpshooter on Natayla. Kim broke it up and then hit Eat Defeat on Mendes before throwing Natayla pout the ring, picking up the victory


RAW Draft Pick: WWE Women's Champion Natayla


WWE Champion Randy Orton defeated World Heavyweight Champion Edge (PHOTOS |WATCH)


With another 2 draft picks available in a huge Champion vs Champion match, Randy Orton and Edge faced off. The former tag team champs knew each other too well and neither could amount any offence. Edge went for the spear but orton moved and hit the RKO for the win


RAW Draft Picks: Batista and The Undertaker


Evan Bourne won a 15 man battle royal consisting of Shelton Benjamin, Zack Ryder, ECW Champion Kaval & William Regal (ECW) Batista, Undertaker, John Cena, Shawn Michaels & WWE champion Randy Orton (RAW) & Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase, Triple H, Christian and World Heavweight Champion Edge (PHOTOS |WATCH)


In the final match in the WWE Draft Special, 15 superstars looked to gain those final 2 draft picks. Michaels was the first to be eliminated by Triple H who then went onto eliminate Batista. Undertaker then went and eliminated Triple H. Kaval was then the next to go when Ted DiBiase sent him over the top but was then eliminated by his nemesis, Rany Orton. Edge then took revenge on Orton after his lose moments earlier by eliminating him. Regal and Ryder were then both eliminated by Christian before Bourne took Christian out. Benjamin was then eliminated by Batista before Jericho eliminated Batista and Edge took out Cena. It was down to Bourne vs Edge and Jericho. Edge and Jericho teamed up well but then Jericho back stabbed Edge, throwing him over the top rope. Jericho then began to taunt Edge but then Bourne sent him over the top rope, winning ECW two draft picks.


ECW Draft Picks: Rey Mysterio and Cody Rhodes


I will do the supplement draft tomorrow along with the Rosters and ECW

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David Hart Smith to RAW


William Regal to SmackDown


Carlito to ECW


Jack Swagger to ECW


Mickie James to RAW


Kelly Kelly to SmackDown


Primo to ECW


Shelton Benjamin to SmackDown


Tyson Kidd to RAW


The Miz to ECW


Beth Phoenix to RAW


Katie Lea to SmackDown


Dolph Ziggler to ECW

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Alicia Fox [H]

Batista [H]

Beth Phoenix [H]

Big Show [H]

Bret Hart [F]

Brie Bella [F]

Chris Masters [F]

David Hart Smith [H]

Drew McIntyre [H]

Eve [F]

Gail Kim [F]

Jillian [H]

John Cena [F]

Kofi Kingston [F]

Mark Henry [F]

Melina [F]

Mickie James [F]

Natayla [H]

Nikki Bella [F]

Randy Orton [H]

Santino [F]

Shawn Michaels [F]

Sheamus [H]

Tyson Kidd [H]

Undertaker [F]


WWE Champion: Randy Orton

WWE Intercontinental Champion: Drew McIntyre

WWE Unified Tag Team Champion: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd

WWE Women's Champion: Natayla


Announcers: Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler

GM: Bret Hart




Abraham Washington [H]

Carlito [H]

Caylen Croft [H]

Cody Rhodes [H]

Dolph Ziggler [H]

Evan Bourne [F]

Ezekiel Jackson [H]

Goldust [F]

Gregory Helms [F]

Jack Swagger [H]

Kaval [H]

Primo [F]

Rey Mysterio [F]

Rosa Mendes [H]

Tiffany [F]

The Miz [H]

Trent Barreta [H]

Tyler Reks [F]

Vance Archer [H]

Vladimir Kozlov [H]

Yoshi Tatsu [F]

Zack Ryder [H]


ECW Champion: Kaval

WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd


Announcers: Josh Matthews and Matt Striker

GM: Tiffany




Charlie Haas [H]

Chris Jericho [H]

Christian [F]

CM Punk [H]

Curt Hawkins [H]

Edge [F]

Finlay [F]

John Morrison [F]


Kane [F]

Katie Lea [H]

Kelly Kelly [F]

Kung Fu Naki [F]

Layla [H]

Luke Gallows [H]

Maria [F]

Maryse [H]

Matt Hardy [F]

Michelle McCool [H]

Mike Knox [H]


R-Truth [F]

Ranjin Singh [H]

Shad [F]

Shelton Benjamin [F]

Slam Master J [F]

Ted DiBiase [F]

The Great Khali [H]

Theodore Long [F]

Triple H [H]

Vickie Guerrero [H]

William Regal [H]


World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

WWE United States Champion: MVP

WWE Unified Tag Team Champion: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd

WWE Divas Champion: Maryse

"Mr Money In The Bank": Christian


Announcers: Jim Ross and Todd Grisham

GM: Theodore Long and Vickie Guerrero



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Caylen Croft and Trent Barreta defeated Carlito and Primo (PHOTOS |WATCH)


With both Carlito and Primo drafted to ECW, Tiffany announced that they will team up to face Caylen Croft and Trent Barreta. They teamed up well but Carlito hit the backstabber on Primo, leaving Croft to pick up the win.


Yoshi Tatsu defeated Vance Archer (PHOTOS |WATCH)


The two young superstars are both looking to pick up a victory and maybe gain a title shot in the future. Yoshi managed to pick up the win when he rolled Archer up. Archer was annoyed and attack Yoshi after the match, leaving him out cold.


Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio and Gregory Helms defeated Cody Rhodes, The Miz and Jack Swagger (PHOTOS |WATCH)


With the winning team facing off next week in a triple threat match for a shot at the ECW title at Backlash, they were all motivated enough and with all but one moving to ECW, it was a great chance to showcase the talent gained in the draft. In the end, it was the man who was on ECW before the draft who picked up the pinfall when Gregory Helms pinned The Miz


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