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MAW: Where It All Begins... Again

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It all happened very quickly.


I’d been booking my own independent shows in the Mid Atlantic for years. A horrific neck injury had cut my own career short prematurely – after moving to the States at the tender age of nineteen to pursue a career in wrestling, Rip Chord soon saw my potential and offered me a spot in the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, around about the time when he first started up MAW. I trained there for a few months to sharpen my skills, and there were rumblings that I was set for a call up. I might never know the truth, but some reckoned that Rip had big plans for me.


That’s when it happened; I was in the ring with a lad who botched his signature piledriver, driving me into the mat and breaking my neck. I was lucky to escape paralysis, but the doctor’s strongly advised that I never laced those boots up again. No hard feelings, these things happen in wrestling; but when I think about what some of the other MAW originals have moved on to – the likes of Des Davids, Erik Strong and The Canadian Blondes, all plying their trade at much higher level – I can’t help but think, what if…


It wasn’t long after my injury that I decided to stay in wrestling; I’d always known that I wanted to be in the wrestling business, and an injury wasn’t about to change that. I analysed my options – refereeing wasn’t for me, and I was nowhere near natural enough on the mic to take up commentary. Not really sure on my future myself, but eager to get back into the business, it was late 2006 when I got together some unemployed guys that I knew from before and during my time at the Boot Camp, with a few of my friends helping me out behind the scenes, and we put on a show. In front of an audience of nine people, we put on a show, and it was absolutely brilliant.


I never really made a decision on my future, and we kept running independent shows; I even got the chance to work with a few hot talents from the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, including a young Jay Chord who worked a match just months before his big call up. Rip knew what I was doing; I even spoke to him on a few occasions. I might have been mistaken, but he seemed to admire how I’d handled my premature retirement. I’d never gotten much more than a greeting out of him, however.


In December 2009, I’d been given access to some of the hot talent from the Boot Camp once again – we had Syd Collier working the show, a good young technical wrestler who seemed streets ahead of some of the other kids at the academy. Rip was there, he tended to come and watch when we had his talent on the show, just to see how they were getting along and how they handled the crowds. I shook his hand before the show, as I always did, and said a few words.


It was after the show, as I left the building and headed towards my little car, that he approached me. He asked how I was doing, and we had a good conversation. He seemed to enjoy the show. Then offered me an invitation to come along to The Night Of The Champions – MAW’s show which would be taking place at Stanley Hall a few weeks later. I barely earned enough money to catch a show, so to have the opportunity to go to one, free of charge? I was made up. Of course I went. I sat in the front row and watched MAW’s hottest stars in action, including the champion American Patriot and Citizen X. I loved it. I was leaving Stanley Hall when I got pulled aside by a member of security.


“Alex Jones?”


I nodded.


“Mr. Chord would like to see you in his office.”


I was suddenly hit by a rush of emotions. Confusion. Excitement. Nervousness. Just to name a few. The security guard escorted me to the owner’s office. I had an intense case of butterflies in my stomach as the guard knocked on the door, and announced my arrival to Rip Chord.


“Great show, Mr. Chord”, I said as I accepted Rip’s proposed handshake.


“Please, call me Rip.” Rip sat me down, offered me a drink, and we just talked for about thirty minutes. We talked about the show, the industry, and life. I was in awe of the legend – I could have talked for days – but before long Rip cut to the chase.


“Anyway, Alex, you probably want to know why I’ve invited you here tonight.”


And I did. I was intrigued.


“I have a proposal for you. I’ve been to a lot of your shows over the past few years, and I really like what you’re doing; there’s definite potential in you. I think it’s time that you did more than those independent shows that you’re running. I’d like you to be head booker of Mid Atlantic Wrestling.”


My jaw hit the floor. After a moment of reflection I asked, “What about Jean Cattley?”


“Jean doesn’t know about it yet. I just think it would be great to give a good guy like you an opportunity to take your career further. You deserve it. I tell you what son, this is a big decision… Have a think about it, and meet me on New Year’s Day with your decision. Here’s my card.”


Rip handed me a business card with some details on it, including the address of his office. We said goodbye, and I departed, with a huge decision weighing on my mind…

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New Year’s Day, 2010


I arrived at the Mid Atlantic Wrestling headquarters, a small building just a few blocks away from Stanley Hall. I walked through the doors and approached the receptionist, a young woman sat behind a desk in the lobby.


“Hi, I’m here to see Rip Chord.”


The receptionist greeted me, and gave me instructions to Rip’s office. I walked down the long, winding corridor towards his office, passing several members of the roster on my path. I knew a few of them personally; I’d utilised a few of them on my shows during their years at the Boot Camp, and I’d even wrestled a few of them back when I was being trained. A few of them gave me friendly nods, as if to approve of my presence, others just stared.


I finally reached a black door with a big sign on it, indicating Rip’s office. I took one deep breath, before knocking the door.


“Come in!” Rip’s raspy voice screeched.


I opened the door and poked my head in the door. Rip looked up, and a big grin came across his face as he stood from his chair to greet me. We shook hands, exchanged pleasantries, but it wasn’t long before Rip got to the point.


“You’ve had a good few days to think about it, Alex, now I need an answer. Will you be my head booker?”


My final moments of reflection didn’t change my mind. I was ready to give my answer.




Rip’s smile went from ear to ear, he seemed genuinely delighted. He stood up to hug me – but before I knew it, it was all business, and a contract was in front of me to make it official. I signed the dotted line, and it was official. I was on the cards of Mid Atlantic Wrestling… again… and I was hoping that my spell as head booker would get underway in a way that my wrestling career never did.


“I’ll send a few e-mails across to you later on with details on the roster, schedule, stuff like that. For now, just enjoy being back in the mix, son!”


With a huge smirk branded on my face, I stood up and shook Rip’s hand, before walking out of his office. I set off down the corridor once again, when I spotted Mean Jean Cattley, and he spotted me. He walked towards me, with a stony look on his face.




I nodded. There was a long, awkward silence as he stared me in the eyes, examining me. My body tightened up. I may have had my first challenge on my hands as head booker of MAW.


“Just so you know…” he said in his distinctly deep voice. “No hard feelings.”


A great sensation of relief went through my mind as he offered his hand, and I shook it.


“I look forward to working under you.”

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New Year’s Day, 2010


I checked my e-mail later that evening and, sure enough, Rip hadn’t wasted any time in sending me over the details.


From: ripchord@midatlanticwrestling.com

Subject: Everything that you need to know


Hey kid, as promised here’s everything that you need to know about your roster. Blue indicates babyface, and red represents the heels.


Main Eventers

American Patriot

Citizen X

Mean Jean Cattley


Upper Midcarders

Cameron Vessey

Findlay O’Farraday

Jay Chord



Ace Youngblood

Brett Starr

Casey Valentine

Max Mayhem

Ricky Douglas


Lower Midcarders

Curtis Jenkins

Huey Cannonball

Riley McManus



Jefferson Stardust

Keith Vegas


Tag Teams

C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)

Generation X (Jay Chord & Brett Starr)

The Aces Of Mayhem (Ace Youngblood & Max Mayhem)

The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis Jenkins)

The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust)



Mid Atlantic Champion


American Patriot

Defeated Mean Jean Cattley at MAW Summer Heatwave, July 2009


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions


The Awesomeness

Defeated The Aces Of Mayhem at MAW The Proving Ground, November 2009


Rip Chord Invitational Challenge


Cameron Vessey

Won at MAW The Rip Chord Invitational IV


Our next show is The Rip Chord Invitational V, which will be held at the end of this month; a date will be set within the next few days. Have a look at the roster, and feel free get in touch with other workers if you think the roster needs a bit of bolstering. For the past few years we've arranged trades with other promotions to bring in special competitors for the tournament, maybe that's something that you want to explore.

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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2010


I’d been head booker of Mid Atlantic Wrestling for two days. I had called a meeting at the MAW headquarters, to be attended by all workers, to get to know them and let them know what was expected of them.


I stood at the front of a fairly small room, which had begun to fill with wrestlers, managers, announcers, and even the MAW referee Jay Fair. I checked my watch; it was 11.57am, the meeting was scheduled for noon. I was just waiting on a few guys. Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions The Awesomeness arrived together, Ricky Douglas arrived, and Max Mayhem arrived. There was just one empty seat left in the room as my watch hit 12.00.


“Hey everybody, you’re probably wondering why I called you all here today. Basically, I just wanted a short meeting to introduce myself, get to know you all, and establish a few ground rules within the locker room. As some of you know, my name is Alex Jones-”


Suddenly, the door to my left swung open. Jay Chord strutted into the room and nonchalantly took his seat, even ordering Keith Vegas to shuffle over so that he could sit next to his partner, Brett Starr. I checked my watch; 12.02pm. I foolishly paused shortly to allow an apology from Chord for arriving late; of course I didn’t get one.


“As I was saying, my name is Alex Jones, and I’m the new head booker.”


I proceeded to tell the guys a little bit about myself, and got to know a little bit about them, before getting to what was ultimately the reason that I called the meeting.


“I think that it’s important for an organised locker room with rules; because without rules, we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other, right? So here’s what I’m expecting of you: firstly, everybody must arrive at Stanley Hall three hours before the show starts, and everybody must remain until the show has finished.”


I heard mutters of irritation echoing around the room.


“On top of that, drugs will not be tolerated backstage. Smoking will not be tolerated backstage. And alcohol will not be tolerated backstage.”


About a dozen pairs of annoyed eyes glared at me, as if I’d just stood at the front of the room and given a puppy a chokeslam.


“That is all. You are now free to leave.”


Everybody seemed in a hurry to escape the room, although one by one they took the time to stare a hole through me as they left. Two of the more experienced workers, Jean Cattley and Citizen X stayed behind to give me the lowdown on the backstage scene. They told me that Ace Youngblood was an extremely positive influence in the locker room, while Jefferson Stardust and Riley McManus were good guys to have around as well. On the other toss of the coin, announcer Marv Earnest was known to cause a hassle and Brett Starr was a pain in the ass too. And Jay Chord? Well, Jean’s exact words were:


“Jay Chord is absolute hell.”



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MAW.com: Title Match Announced, Invitational Participants Revealed!





Saturday, Week 1, January 2010


The fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational finally took shape today, as Chord himself revealed plans for the Mid Atlantic Championship to be defended at the event for the first time ever. American Patriot will step into the ring with Cameron Vessey, the winner of last year’s invitational, with the title on the line. ‘The Second Generation Superstar’ has enjoyed a growing reputation within MAW over the past year since winning the prestigious award, leading the revolution that is The Succession; but can Vessey take the next step and become champion? The 22 year old has the opportunity this month as he looks to take the title which has been held by American Patriot since last July.


As well as announcing the title match, Rip Chord also revealed the eight wrestlers that will be taking part in the much anticipated Rip Chord Invitational tournament; as well as confirming the opening round of matches. MAW.com was informed that the tournament would consist of four existing members of the roster, in addition to two newly signed wrestlers and two wrestlers from outside of the company.


In news that is certain to excite MAW fans, former Mid Atlantic Champion Steven Parker will return for just one night to participate in the Rip Chord Invitational. Parker enjoyed a seven month reign as MAW Champion before losing the title in early 2007, and is now plying his trade in Pittsburgh with PSW. He jumped at the chance to compete in the invitational, and will compete against newcomer Brendan Idol in the first round. The former SWF development worker was signed to MAW earlier this week and will debut this month, but faces a stiff challenge in Steven Parker.


The Succession is represented in the tournament by Jay Chord, who continues to make impressions in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Chord looks to impress his father by following in the footsteps of stablemate Cameron Vessey and winning the tournament. The first hurdle for Chord will be the massive Findlay O’Farraday, who makes his first invitational appearance.


FCW superstar Bradford Peverell will be the second guest appearing at the invitational; Stanley Hall will bare witness to the ‘hands of stone’, and his competitors will be eager to avoid the dreaded left hook which has dominated FCW for the past few years, knocking out countless opponents. If there’s anyone that can stop Peverell, however, it is surely Mean Jean Cattley, who will be his first round opponent. Cattley has been eager to regain the Mid Atlantic Championship ever since he lost it to American Patriot last July; winning the Rip Chord Invitational would surely pave the way for a title shot, and a chance for Cattley to become a three time MAW Champion.


Another former Mid Atlantic Champion, Citizen X, has also landed himself a spot in the invitational. Citizen X has been a prominent figure in the title picture ever since his arrival at MAW, even since his first reign with the title ended in 2008. He will be up against MAW’s other new signing, Hugh de Aske, a talented wrestler from Belgium who put pen to paper alongside Brendan Idol earlier this week. The Rip Chord Invitational will be the perfect scene for de Aske to make an immediate impression at Stanley Hall.


Packed full of talent, packed full of star power, The Rip Chord Invitational V is sure to be a blockbuster event, and you can bare witness to it, live at Stanley Hall! Tickets can be purchased from MAW.com or at the door on the night.


Stay tuned for reaction from each of the eight competitors…

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MAW.com: Rip Chord Invitational Participants Speak!





Friday, Week 2, January 2010


The anticipation for The Rip Chord Invitational is building every day, and the event now lurks just a fortnight away. Over the past 24 hours, MAW.com has managed to get comments from six of the eight participants, and they all seemed to have the same thing in mind; success.


“I’m buzzing about the Invitational. Nobody considers me a favourite going into the tournament, but that doesn’t bother me; I’ve spent my entire career overcoming the odds. As long as I believe, I can achieve.”Brendan Idol


“As a newcomer, The Rip Chord Invitational is the perfect time to make your mark. Everybody else is studying their opponents, but none of these guys know about me – I’m an unknown entity. I think that gives me a huge advantage in the tournament, and if I can pick up three wins then it’s only a matter of time before I get a shot at the gold.”Hugh de Aske


“Competing in The Rip Chord Invitational is a fantastic opportunity to me; I’ve never worked outside of FCW, so it’s exciting to be able to showcase the hands of stone in a different environment. Do I fancy my chances? When you’ve got a left hook like mine, it’s hard to doubt me.”Bradford Peverell, FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling superstar


“The Invitational at the end of this month is my first step to greatness. And after my father hands me that trophy, I’ll set my sights on the Mid Atlantic Championship. 2010 is going to be the year of The Succession, and the year of Jay Chord.”Jay Chord


“I’m really excited about returning to MAW. Since I left a lot of guys have come through and are becoming headliners; I think winning The Rip Chord Invitational will be an apt way to cement my place as the greatest wrestler in the history of Mid Atlantic Wrestling.”Steven Parker, former Mid Atlantic Champion/Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling superstar


“This is my year. I feel better than ever, and I’m gonna destroy whoever’s put in front of me; starting with that chump Peverell. And once I’ve won the Invitational, I’m going for Patriot’s title.”Mean Jean Cattley, 2x Mid Atlantic Champion


Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday were unavailable for comment.


With determination evident in each of the competitors, and seven exciting matches to determine the winner of the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitation, there’s sure to be fireworks at Stanley Hall. The Rip Chord Invitational is set to take place on the last Friday of January, and it isn’t one that you’re gonna want to miss! Tickets still available: order them via MAW.com or purchase them on the door.


MAW The Rip Chord Invitational V


First Round

Citizen X vs. Hugh de Aske

Jay Chord vs. Findlay O’Farraday

Bradford Peverell vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Brendan Idol vs. Steven Parker


Semi Finals

Citizen X OR Hugh de Aske vs. Bradford Peverell OR Mean Jean Cattley

Jay Chord OR Findlay O’Farraday vs. Brendan Idol OR Steven Parker


Mid Atlantic Championship

Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot ©


The Rip Chord Invitational Final

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MAW: The Rip Chord Invitational V





Friday, Week 4, January 2010

Location: Stanley Hall~~Attendence: 260




Dark Match: The Atlantic Connection vs. The Awesomeness (w/ Lisa Bowen)

An impromptu tag team matchup opened the show, as Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust (accompanied by Lisa Bowen) took on the team of Riley McManus and Curtis Jenkins. The fans weren’t exactly enthralled in the match which saw the champs on top for most of the match, although they played the arrogant, rock star gimmick very well; it seemed to suit them. Cannonball picked up the victory for The Awesomeness after hitting the Cannonball Run on Curtis Jenkins. The match seemed to bring the fans mood down.

Winners: The Awesomeness (via Pinfall)

Grade: E+



The show was set to officially kick off, and Stanley Hall erupted as Rip Chord emerged from the entrance, making his way down to the ring. He milked the reaction for a while, before grabbing a microphone.


Rip Chord: Ladies and gentlemen… Welcome to the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational!


The fans let out another roar of excitement.


Rip Chord: Strap yourselves in, because we’ve got eight of the hottest wrestlers on the independent scene in action tonight, in addition to a Mid Atlantic Championship match between Cameron Vessey and American Patriot! Have a great evening!


The MAW owner embraces the crowd reaction for a few moments before joining Marv Earnest and Duke Hazzard at ringside behind the announcer’s table. C-




The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The MAW original faced off against FCW star ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell in the first match of the tournament. The match started off in the hands of Mean Jean Cattley, who kicked off with a high level of intensity, looking to put the match to bed early on. He regularly looked for the pinfall but couldn’t keep Bradford Peverell down for three and, as the match got longer, Peverell managed to get a foothold in the match. He started to fight back, gaining momentum, and after flooring Cattley with a DDT the fans knew what he was looking for, as he unwrapped the tape from around his left hand. Clutching his fist, he set up for his signature left hook. Cattley made his way to his feet, but saw the left hook coming and ducked under it! As Peverell quickly span around, Mean Jean kicked him in the gut and delivered the Mood Swing, picking up the three count.

Winner: Mean Jean Cattley

Rating: D



As the winner Mean Jean Cattley left the ring and headed to the back, his former partner Ricky Douglas made his way out to the ring, with a sense of disgust on his face. He got into the ring and frowned at Bradford Peverell, before grabbing a microphone and looking at Rip Chord.


Ricky Douglas: This guy? Seriously Rip, you gave this guy a spot in the Invitational? Why do you bring prima donnas from other, tacky promotions when you have one of the best technical wrestlers on the independent scene sitting at the back? The fans aren’t interested in Bradford Peverell, these fans-


Suddenly, Ricky Douglas is hit by the solid left hook that the fans had been waiting to see! Douglas fell to the floor and was knocked out cold, the fans going mad to see the old school heel taught a lesson. Bradford Peverell left the ring as referee Jay Fair tried to help Douglas regain consciousness, playing up the power of Peverell’s left hook. E




The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Citizen X vs. Hugh de Aske

Hugh de Aske was an unknown entity to his opponent and the fans as he made his Mid Atlantic Wrestling debut, although in truth he didn’t get a great chance to show what he had in his arsenal as this match was all about Citizen X. De Aske had a few bright spells in the match during which he managed to string together some good technical moves, and even flew off the top rope once, but Citizen X was more impressive and saw most of the action in the match. Citizen X picked up the victory via pinfall after hitting a Flaming Anarchy, and Hugh de Aske’s debut was not as happy as the Belgian might have envisioned.

Winner: Citizen X (via Pinfall)

Rating: D-




The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Brendan Idol vs. Steven Parker

Former Mid Atlantic Champion Steven Parker returned to the company, looking to win the accolade that he didn’t pick up during his MAW career, and he took on the debuting Brendan Idol. The underdog image that Idol carried seemed appropriate as Steven Parker dominated the opening stages of the match, though Idol soon got into it and showed glimpses of upsetting the PSW superstar. The two seemed to have brilliant chemistry which made for an entertaining match, although it was just five minutes in that Steven went for a big finish, setting up the Future Shock; however, Brendan Idol managed to wriggle out of it and get the roll up! Jay Fair dropped to the mat and counted to three, sealing a massive upset for Brendan Idol who had grabbed a spot in the semi finals of the tournament.

Winner: Brendan Idol (via Pinfall)

Rating: D+



Cameron Vessey is standing backstage. Two members of The Succession, Casey Valentine and Brett Starr, are either side of him.


Cameron Vessey: American Patriot… You’re the face of this promotion, the fan favourite, the Mid Atlantic Champion. You’ve got all the kids cheering for you, all the guys in the back kissing your ass and you’re making Rip a fortune. Well The Succession is sick of it! We’re sick of you and your mask, your heroic acts, and your glory. Tonight, it comes to an end; tonight, after I win the Mid Atlantic Championship and Jay wins the invitational, the era of The Succession begins. 2010 is our year! D-




The Rip Chord Invitational – First Round Match

Jay Chord vs. Findlay O’Farraday

Jay Chord got the biggest boo of the night; the fans really ate up his arrogant gimmick, as he took on MAW’s big man Findlay O’Farraday. The early exchanges were timid as Jay Chord did all that he could to avoid a genuine battle with O’Farraday, due to his obvious disadvantage in strength. When the two finally locked up the match was fairly even, with Jay Chord trying hard to knock O’Farraday to the floor, but the big heavyweight had the resilience to stay on his feet and maintain the upper hand. Every time Chord got hit with a big move the fans cheered it like a three count, loving to see the kid in pain. Jay Chord even attempted to feign injury in order to gain an upper hand, but O’Farraday wasn’t buying it and continued his dominance, growing in momentum. As he hoisted Chord up for a powerbomb, the youngster managed to push himself up and over O’Farraday’s head, landing behind him. Jay Chord quickly went for the rollup, and grabbed a handful of O’Farraday’s tights for good measure, stealing the semi final spot.

Winner: Jay Chord (via Pinfall)

Rating: D



After stealing a tainted victory Jay Chord quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs a microphone. His words are drowned out by the intense jeers of the crowd.


Jay Chord: Stanley Hall, take notice of the hottest property in Mid Atlantic Wrestling! Brendan Idol, or anyone else in the back, is sadly mistaken if they think they have the ability to beat me! I am the future of MAW, and it starts tonight when I win the Invitation and prove that I’m the best thing that ever happened to Mid Atlantic Wrestling!


The fans are unimpressed with Jay Chord’s bragging, and hurl abuse at him as he walks by, up the entrance ramp. D-




The Rip Chord Invitational – Semi Final Match

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Citizen X

After a short intermission it was time for the second round of matches to kick off, as two former Mid Atlantic Champions stepped into the ring to decide who would take the first spot in the final. It was an even match with both of the experienced wrestlers putting some nice technical ability on display, showing some of the younger guys in the locker room how to put on a wrestling match. The fans really seemed to enjoy it as the match went on, both workers coming close on several occasions and both men unsuccessfully going for their finishing manoeuvres. As the ten minute mark was passed the first signs of fatigue set in, and the intensity of the match was stepped up a gear as the two knew that they’d have to get the win quickly if they were going to have anything left in the tank for the final. With momentum on his side, Citizen X went for the Flaming Anarchy, but Cattley was aware of the threat and shoved Citizen X back into the ropes. As the anarchist rebounded, Cattley quickly hit the Mood Swing and got the pinfall victory, sealing himself a spot in the final.

Winner: Mean Jean Cattley (via Pinfall)

Rating: D+




The Rip Chord Invitational – Semi Final Match

Brendan Idol vs. Jay Chord

Brendan Idol had done well to get himself into the semi final but he faced the young and ever-modest Jay Chord in the semi final, who was determined to make history himself and win the tournament. Chord was a lot more eager to get into his second match than his first against Findlay O’Farraday, as he boasted a strength advantage of the cruiserweight Brendan Idol who tried to use his pace to unsettle Chord and pick up an early win, with the entire crowd behind him. Chord wasn’t having it though, and it wasn’t long before he’d got the momentum on his side and settled, systematically targeting the right knee of Idol to impair his mobility. While Brendan Idol had his moments in the match, Chord always went right back to that knee and took Idol out. With the fan favourite really struggling, Jay Chord decided to put the match to bed and set up a one legged Boston Crab, looking to put Idol in so much pain that he was forced to submit. Chord grasped the ankle of Idol, and took a moment to play to the crowd, shouting abuse at the locals. As he went to turn Idol over, however, he was caught off guard as Idol managed to execute a Small Package! Three seconds later and Jay Chord was regretting his arrogance, as Brendan Idol sealed himself a spot in the final; but with his knee in bad shape, was he in any condition to wrestle again?

Winner: Brendan Idol (Via Pinfall)

Rating: D



Mean Jean Cattley is backstage, watching Idol’s victory on a monitor. He then turns to the camera.


Mean Jean Cattley: Meh, I don’t need any advantages over Brendan Idol in the final; I think the fact that I’m better than him is a big enough advantage. Do I care if he’s forced to drop out? Listen, I don’t care if I have to take on Brendan Idol, or that jerkoff that defeated; I don’t care if I have to face Rip freakin’ Chord! I will be the winner of the fifth Rip Chord Invitational – count on it! D






Cameron Vessey vs. American Patriot ©

The heavily anticipated co-main event kicked off as last year’s Invitational winner, Cameron Vessey, challenged another former winner of the tournament, American Patriot: with the Mid Atlantic Championship on the line. After a frantic exchange to begin the match it settled down fairly quickly, with the champion American Patriot gaining a foothold. It was an even match in which momentum was swinging fairly regularly, with Cam Vessey seriously threatening to force American Patriot into submission several times in the match with some good submission work. Vessey began to clearly tire as the match went on, which caused for some slower work towards the latter stages of the match which possibly prevented it from being as good as it could have been. The match sprung into action when Vessey’s stablemates, Casey Valentine and Brett Starr, came down to support him from ringside; met with jeers from the fans. It wasn’t long before they got involved as Brett Starr climbed to the apron, distracting the referee as Casey Valentine slid into the ring. He went for a clothesline on Patriot, but the champion ducked it and Valentine struck his own friend! Patriot ridded the ring of Casey Valentine, and knocked Starr off the apron, before finishing Vessey off with a Backdrop Driver, retaining the Mid Atlantic Championship!

Winner: American Patriot (via Pinfall)

Rating: D-



Upon successfully retaining the Mid Atlantic Championship, American Patriot jumped over the barrier to ‘celebrate with America’; his signature match celebration where he goes into the crowd to embrace his victory with them, swinging an American flag as he does so. E






Mean Jean Cattley vs. Brendan Idol

Arguably the underdog of the entire competition, Brendan Idol, came out to the ring for the final with his knee heavily bandaged up. He had gone through two gruelling matches already, and was one win away from winning The Rip Chord Invitational. As the bell rung he locked up with his opponent, Mean Jean Cattley, who immediately took him down with a double leg takedown. Rather than capitalising on the early advantage gained, Mean Jean Cattley just stood and waited for Idol to get to his feet. He did so, and another lockup was initiated; Cattley once again coming out on top, this time with an arm drag. Once again, he allowed Brendan Idol to get back to his feet and shake the blow off, before engaging again. After a few minutes of slow build up, the fans encouraged the two finalists to step up a gear, and surprisingly it was Brendan Idol who did so, stinging Cattley with a few low kicks before running against the ropes and coming back with a flying clothesline, knocking Cattley off his feet to a huge ovation! Unlike Cattley, Idol took advantage and spent the next minutes firmly on top of the match, putting his pace to good use once again as he flew all over the ring, hitting Cattley with flashy moves. He constantly went for the pin in an effort to put the tie to bed early on, but was unsuccessful; he got two count after two count, but the fans knew that Mean Jean wasn’t going to be kept down that easily. Brendan Idol tried hard to keep the high tempo that favoured him so much, but it wasn’t long before his knee began to trouble him and give Cattley the advantage.


Cattley took hold of the match once again, but this time wasn’t so friendly with Brendan Idol, keeping him grounded and using rest holds to slow down the match, keeping it at a pace which would suit him. With a side headlock applied, the fans really got behind Brendan Idol, stomping their feet as they chanted his name, willing him to escape from the hold. While he didn’t have the brute force to pull himself out of it, the chants encouraged Brendan Idol who began to deliver shots to the ribcage of Cattley, eventually forcing him to release the hold. As both men scrambled to their feet Brendan Idol had another encouraging spell, backing up Cattley against the ropes with a series of strikes. Idol ran towards the ropes, bouncing off them and running back towards Cattley, looking for a crossbody; but midflight, Cattley caught Idol and had him in the perfect position for a Mood Swing. He leant to the side, ready to perform the swing, but as he went for the move Brendan Idol countered it superbly into a DDT! Idol quickly went towards the turnbuckle and struggled up to the top rope, steadying himself with Cattley out on the mat. The underdog took one deep breath, before hitting a Senton Bomb! Both men were down, Idol slowly crawling towards the downed Cattley, before throwing himself over him for a pin. One… Two… Kickout! The fans gasped as Mean Jean got the shoulder up, and Brendan Idol couldn’t believe it either.


The finalists both got to their feet, tiring after a long night of wrestling, and there appeared to be one more exchange in each of them. They exchanged sluggish blows, each man looking for the opening. The momentum seemed to be edging towards Brendan Idol, who strung a few shots together, forcing Cattley into the turnbuckle. He then irish whipped his opponent into the opposite turnbuckle, before following up with a big body splash! The fans were on their feet as Brendan Idol hoisted Mean Jean Cattley up onto the top rope, before joining climbing up himself. He was looking for a big move, the crowd could sense it; he was just building up the energy to execute the move. The fans went wild as Brendan Idol jumped up, looking for a Frankensteiner, but it was countered as Mean Jean Cattley delivered a brutal Powerbomb from the top rope! Brendan Idol was out, and Cattley quickly dropped back down to the mat and got himself across his opponent. One… Two… Three! Mean Jean Cattley was had won the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational!

Winner: Mean Jean Cattley (via Pinfall)

Rating: D+








Friday, Week 4, January 2010


First Round

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Bradford Peverell

Citizen X defeated Hugh de Aske

Brendan Idol defeated Steven Parker

Jay Chord defeated Findlay O’Farraday


Semi Finals

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X

Brendan Idol defeated Jay Chord


American Patriot © defeated Cameron Vessey to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship



Mean Jean Cattley defeated Brendan Idol to win the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge




“That dark match sucked! I wish I hadn’t have gotten there early. Curtis Jenkins needs repackaging.”

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday at 00:24


“bradford peverrel angle was sooooo funny lol! X”

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday at 00:58


“I have no idea why Cameron Vessey was booked in such a long match. He was clearly exhausted by the end of it.”

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday at 01:11

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Out of Character: Hey guys, if you’ve got this far then thanks for reading. I enjoyed booking that show, but with the fact that I haven’t done any sort of dynasty writing or roleplaying for about two years in mind I think that is was probably below my best work. In reflection I think that maybe writing up the matches in the present tense would be more exciting and fluent, and I was wondering in particular what you guys thought about this; if there was a style that the readers would prefer. Thanks, and stick in there while I get back into the groove of things. :)


P.S. Credit to last year’s alternate picture thread for some of the pictures that I’ve used; I’ve added them into my game so sporadically that I’ve forgotten which ones came from there and which were included in the game.

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Sensai, you're off to a solid start here. Obviously with MAW you have the choices of either building talent (and Cattley, X, Hugh and arguably Patriot are the great strengths as teachers to put to work there) or expanding, in which case workers like Brendan Idol are useful for their popularity.


In terms of present or past tense, the great majority of stories (and dynasties) are told in the past tense. Occasionally I find myself using present tense when doing write-ups, but it feels out of place. However, that's just me. If you feel more comfortable writing in the present tense, go for it.

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Monday, Week 1, February 2010


I sat in my office, in which there was not enough room to swing a cat, reflecting on my first show as head booker while I looked at some of the comments on the MAW website. I knew that The Rip Chord Invitational wasn’t perfect; Jay Chord’s horrific fart which stunk out the locker room pre-show hadn’t helped my preparations, but I wasn’t about to shout at him over it. I’ve always been a ‘better in than out’ sort of guy, and that wasn’t about to change just because I’m a head booker now.


Reading the comments, everybody seemed to have enjoyed the tournament; the guest appearances, the underdog story of Brendan Idol, the arrogant Jay Chord getting embarrassed and the superb final between Idol and Mean Jean Cattley. But that didn’t surprise me; I knew that it was a good tournament. What bitterly disappointed me was the co-main event, the Mid Atlantic Championship match between American Patriot and Cameron Vessey.


‘I have no idea why Cameron Vessey was booked in such a long match. He was clearly exhausted by the end of it.’


That was one of the comments on MAW.com, and sadly, it was spot on. A kid who is decent in the ring and on the mic was absolutely shattered by the end of a 17 minute match, and it meant that maybe Vessey wasn’t quite as suited for the main event scene in this company than I’d initially believed.


Lost in my thoughts, a thud on the door suddenly snapped me back into the room.


“Come in.”


The door creaked open, and Rip walked in.


“Hey kid, how’s it going? Great invitational once again; watcha got planned for Wrestling Classic?”


“Well Rip, we’re gonna have the Invitational trophy presented to Mean Jean Cattley.”


“Uh huh, and the main event?”


“Well I don’t want the Cattley/Patriot match without a bit of build up, so I was thinking a rematch of the final – Cattley verses Brendan Idol.”


“Okay. Anything else you want to talk to me about?”


“Oh yeah, Ant-Man signed this morning-”


“Ant-Man? What kid of name is Ant-Man!?!”


“He’s a kid from the Piledriver School, solid prospect. I think I’m gonna debut him under his real name, Johnny Heizenger.”


“Right, so have you bought in everybody that you want to?”


“Well, I was gonna talk to you about that. I really think that the tag team division needs some work; maybe just one more team in. It’s really light at the moment, and with members of The Succession moving higher up the card, we’ve only really got two credible teams; The Awesomeness and The Aces of Mayhem.”


“What about McManus and Jenkins?”


“They’re talented, but the fans weren’t into them at all on Friday night. From what I’ve heard they don’t buy Jenkins as an old school face at all, I think we need to come up with something new for them. I think one more heel pairing to work with will bolster the tag team scene.”


“Fair enough. Keep me updated kid.”


Rip shook my hand, and quickly departed the room, before I went back to my laptop and got lost in my thoughts for the next few hours…


Out of Character: Cheers for the feedback guys. Haven’t quite made a decision regarding the writing style yet but I’ll probably do two write-ups for the next show, one present tense and one past, and see which one reads better to me.
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MAW: Wrestling Classic





Friday, Week 4, February 2010

Location: Stanley Hall~~Attendance: 112



As the lights go up for the show to begin, Rip Chord makes his way down to the ring, where the prestigious Rip Chord Invitational Challenge trophy sits, light glimmering off of it. The MAW crowd gives Rip Chord a fantastic reaction, as usual, as he enters the ring and obtains a microphone.


Rip Chord: Ladies and gentleman, the winner of the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational… Mean Jean Cattley!


Mean Jean Cattley is given a less kind reaction from Stanley Hall as he enters with a smug look on his face, making his way down to the ring where Rip Chord is standing with the trophy.


Rip Chord: Jean, congratulations on three fantastic wins last month at the Invitational. Do you have anything to say to the MAW fans, or rest of the workers in the locker room?


Mean Jean Cattley: Thanks Rip. I said before The Rip Chord Invitational that I was going to destroy whoever was put in my path; and I did. I said that I was going to win the Invitational; and I did. I said that I was going to go after American Patriot and win the Mid Atlantic Championship; and tonight, I will!


Rip Chord: Tonight? Jean, you’re gonna be wrestling in the main event tonight, but your opponent is not American Patriot – and it is not for the Mid Atlantic Championship.


Mean Jean Cattley: What? Are you freakin’ kidding me? I won the Rip Chord Invitational, and I want my title shot dammit!


Rip Chord: Oh I know that you won the Invitational, but it just so happens that the guy that you beat in the final – who fought you with an injured knee – wants a fair crack at the whip. So tonight, in a number one contender match, it will be Mean Jean Cattley verses Brendan Idol!


Mean Jean Cattley shakes his head in the disbelief that he has to go through Brendan Idol again to get his title shot, while the fans cheer that they get to see a rematch of the great main event from last month. D-



Ricky Douglas comes down to the ring, accompanied by Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, fresh from his humiliation at The Rip Chord Invitational when he got knocked out cold by Bradford Peverell. He gets into the ring and quickly gets a microphone.


Ricky Douglas: Last month I was disrespected by Rip Chord, when he neglected me and everything that I’ve done for this company, and brought trash to The Rip Chord Invitational. Trash like Bradford Peverell, who not only wasn’t good enough to get past the first round, but he felt the need to take his aggression out on other workers, cheaply assaulting him. Well tonight, I’m going to show Rip that he made a massive mistake by not booking me in the Invitational last month. I’m issuing an open challenge to any worker in the back, to come out here for me to make an example out of them!


Ricky Douglas drops the microphone with an arrogant smirk on his face, but it’s quickly wiped off as the entrance music of Findlay O’Farraday hits the sound system. E




Ricky Douglas (w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume) vs. Findlay O’Farraday

Ricky Douglas was keen to keep his distance as the bell rung, and the brawler closed in on him. It was slow start, and the momentum first swung towards Douglas when a cheap poke to the eye temporarily blinded O’Farraday, allowing Douglas to take him to the mat and try his hardest to keep him there. He handled O’Farraday well but failed to put him away, and it wasn’t long before the big man got himself back into the match. Findlay O’Farraday soon hit his signature Atomic Spinebuster and got the win via pinfall, and Ricky Douglas’ quest to impress Rip Chord hadn’t gotten off to a great start.

Winner: Findlay O’Farraday (via Pinfall)

Rating: E+




Johnny Heizenger vs. Hugh de Aske

Johnny Heizenger (widely known on the independent circuit as Ant-Man) made his debut against Hugh de Aske, who only arrived at MAW a month ago himself. He had a better showing this time than when he took on Citizen X at the Rip Chord Invitational, getting off to a good start against the newcomer. Heizenger had one good spell in which he showed good athleticism and incredible skills, although it didn’t last for long and eventually de Aske hit his finishing move, the Bonecrusher, putting the match to bed early on after getting the three count.

Winner: Hugh de Aske (via Pinfall)

Rating: E+



Rip Chord is in his office backstage, when his son Jay storms in.


Jay Chord: Dad, what the hell was that out there earlier?


Rip Chord: What are you talking about, Jay?


Jay Chord: You give Brendan Idol another match with Cattley, and if he wins he gets a title shot? What about me? American Patriot isn’t on the card, if you’re throwing the opportunity around then why don’t I have a title match tonight?


Rip Chord: You’re not having a title shot, Jay. Brendan is getting another chance because he made a huge impression on me at the Invitational; if you want to get yourself into the title picture, make an impression. Now get out of my office, I’ve got work to do.


Jay Chord leaves his father’s office and slams the door shut behind him. D-




The Aces of Mayhem vs. The Atlantic Connection

Curtis Jenkins and Riley McManus’ roles had been slightly altered in this match, with them playing more Blue Collar characters, and the fans seemed to take to them a bit more than before. This tag team match was a fairly poor one though, and while Max Mayhem and Ace Youngblood engaged the crowd well, The Atlantic Connection didn’t do such a good job and the fans didn’t seem particularly impressed. In a match that saw The Aces of Mayhem on the offence for a lot of the time, Ace Youngblood picked up the win for them after hitting the Flying Tomahawk Chop on Curtis Jenkins.

Winners: The Aces of Mayhem (via Pinfall)

Rating: E



Max Mayhem: The Awesomeness! You may have won the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles from us in November, but we still haven’t had our rematch! So how about it? The Aces of Mayhem verses The Awesomeness for the tag titles, next month at Super Showdown? E




Citizen X vs. Casey Valentine

Citizen X was coming off of a decent showing in The Rip Chord Invitational, while Casey Valentine’s stablemates hadn’t had such a good night in January as Cameron Vessey lost to American Patriot and Jay Chord was upset by Brendan Idol in the tournament. Citizen X and Casey Valentine put on an even, exciting match here with Valentine looking good against the experienced main eventer. Neither worker really dominated the match and both managed to pick up close two counts throughout the match; the closest of those coming when Citizen X managed to kick out of Casey Valentine’s signature Deep Impact. In the end, however, it was Citizen X who prevailed after hitting a Flaming Anarchy on Casey Valentine, picking up the pinfall victory.

Winner: Citizen X

Rating: D-



After Citizen X’s victory over Casey Valentine, the rest of The Succession are quick to pounce, hitting the ring and taking Citizen X down. The group, lead by Jay Chord, beat down the former Mid Atlantic Champion, each hitting their finishing moves on him. Valentine, Brett Starr and Cameron Vessey all hold Citizen X up as Jay Chord beats his bare fists into his skull, doing maximum damage and opening up a wound on his head. The Succession all stand above Citizen X, who is slumped motionlessly in the centre of the ring. E-




Number One Contender Match

Brendan Idol vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The fans were firmly on Brendan Idol’s side as the match kicked off, Idol appearing to have fully recovered from the knee injury that he suffered at the hands of Jay Chord during The Rip Chord Invitational. Mean Jean Cattley was less dominant in the opening stages of this match, as Brendan Idol took advantage of his agility and speed to keep the tempo higher than Cattley would have liked. After the first few minutes it calmed down and Cattley managed to get a foothold in the match, although it was still evident that Brendan Idol had a much better chance in this match than their first match a month before.


The match slowly grew in intensity as both men started hitting some high impact moves; most of Brendan Idol’s coming from the top turnbuckle or springboarding from the ropes. Having already avoided several Mood Swings, the tempo began to rise in Idol’s favour once again; the crowd could feel his momentum growing as they cheered him on. After putting him down with a hurricanrana Idol quickly went for the pin, but Mean Jean got his shoulder up. Brendan Idol went to the top rope, pumping the fans up as he waited for his opponent to get to his feet. As Cattley got to his feet and turned around, Idol leaped from the top turnbuckle looking for a crossbody, but was caught in midair by Cattley, who swiftly hit a Mood Swing and got the three count, sealing himself a Mid Atlantic Championship shot!

Winner: Mean Jean Cattley

Rating: D



As Mean Jean Cattley celebrated his victory, Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot emerged from the entrance, and stood at the top of the ramp, looking down at Cattley. Cattley stared back, and motioned his hands around his waist as if there was a title there. The show ends as the two biggest guys in the company intensely stare each other down. E








Friday, Week 4, February 2010


Findlay O’Farraday defeated Ricky Douglas

Hugh de Aske defeated Johnny Heizenger

The Aces of Mayhem defeated The Atlantic Connection

Citizen X defeated Casey Valentine

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Brendan Idol to earn a shot at the Mid Atlantic Championship



“meh it was ok”

Posted by Anonymous on Friday at 23:52


“The tag team division needs strengthening. That match tonight was awful, the company needs more talent if we’re going to take the division seriously.”

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday at 00:20



Posted by Anonymous on Saturday at 02:57

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Monday, Week 1, March 2010


It was three days after Wrestling Classic, a show which – despite the predicted popularity boost from it – I was slightly disappointed with. I arrived at the MAW headquarters to have a chat with Rip. He invited me into his office, a place that I’d seen many times over the past two months. I joined him in the room, much bigger than the one that I had been given to work in, and sat down behind his desk, opposite him.


“Hey kid, what’s on your mind?” he promptly asked me, as it was I who had requested the meeting.


“Well Rip, something that’s concerning me at the moment is locker room morale; the guys seem happy with how the recent shows have been going, but they don’t seem to be happy with the rules that I put in place when I first arrived. I haven’t had any problems with these rules in place and want to keep it that way, but I think that it’s having a negative impact on the workers’ in-ring performances.”


“So what do you suggest we do?”


“Well Rip, I’ve had a look at the cash flow charts that you faxed over to me, and we’re making a healthy profit. I was wondering if you’d consider providing catering, a masseuse and a chiropractor for the workers, just to make it a healthier backstage environment. I feel it would be for the best.”


Rip scratched his head; I could sense his hesitation. After a few moments of thought he spoke.


“Hmm… Okay. We’ll see what prices we can get, do it for a month, and then evaluate the situation after the next show.”


I showed my appreciation towards Rip with a smile, thanking him.


“Anything else?”, Rip asked me.


“Oh, yeah, those two new guys arrived this morning – Super Sonic and Xavier Reckless. It’s been said that they’ve got questionable attitudes, especially the latter, but they’ve got talent. I think they deserve a shot.”


Our short meeting came to its conclusion, I wished Rip goodbye, and left him to get on with his business.

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Hey guys, figured as I had a few readers I owed an update on this diary. Basically, through my own stupidity, I’ve lost the save that I was working on (although I’d initially been running the game in administrator mode, I’d forgotten to change my settings when I installed the full game on a different machine). As you might remember from when I posted here on a more regular basis a few years ago, MAW is by far my favourite CornellVerse promotion and I didn’t surprise myself in quickly starting up a new game as them after I’d realised my mistake; that save has panned out differently to this one, even in the first two shows, so it’d be hard to continue this diary. I felt it’d be better to post an update rather than just letting the thread die; I don’t want a reputation as one of those guys who starts dynasties, posts a few shows, and then randomly comes out with another dynasty.


I have been mulling over the thought of starting up another MAW dynasty; I know that there’s a lot of support for the promotion on the forums and I think a well written MAW diary is almost guaranteed readers. This would also present me with the opportunity to adapt my writing style to be more convenient – while I enjoy packing as much information as possible to add excitement and detail to the matches, spending an hour or so writing each show was hard to sustain with college, especially when all I wanted to do was speed on with the game. My intention was to play a game with my own amusement being the first priority, and hopefully entertaining others with it; I think I spent too much time writing that it reduced what I was gaining from the game. If I were to start up another diary, I’d sacrifice the detailed write-ups for a simpler style, allowing myself to post shows on a more regular basis and maybe even attracting more readers who aren’t fans of gigantic posts.


Another thread would also present the opportunity for me to think of a more creative name for the diary. :p


I haven’t decided quite yet, and would like to know if anybody who read this brief diary would be interested in another MAW diary to read. Thanks to anybody who was enjoying this one, and apologies for its premature and abrupt conclusion.


EDIT: The other option would be, of course, to keep my little MAW game to myself and publicly explore another small US promotion. I'm looking into CZCW, PSW and NYCW.

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