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shaq fu!


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Oh yeah, I remember it. I enjoyed it as a kid. I also really liked Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City, nobody else did though! It's funny, I loved games that no one else did. I feel like the only one who loved FMV games, lol. Had almost all of em!


Awwww yeeeeah.


Loved Michael Jordan: Choas in the Windy City. You want to talk about an adventure...

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I got a black belt in Shaq Fu! I can barely remember it though.


Never heard of Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City before, but I used to play Jordan vs Bird constantly (Bird is better) but that was about basketball so ... don't know what the point in that one is.


One game I have been meaning to check out but never got around to it is Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden. Appears to be some kind of fanmade RPG set in a post apocalyptic world where basketball is illegal or something.

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