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Giving away my old licenses, win TEW2007 or TEW2008!!!


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As I bought TEW 2010 when it came out, I no longer play either 2007 or 2008 (haven't played 2007 for year :) ), so I decided to give license number of each game away for free. Only thing you must do in order to get either one is to answer set of questions about Cornellverse.




Answer either private or to this forum


You can win only one game.


For answering, copy the questions and answer in clear manner.


Answer to all the questions in the set in one post!


Do not edit your post after you answer, i will notice it!


I'm giving away the games, so I decide who get them. No arguing!


You can answer for the both sets if you like. You can also answer only one set. Note that there are different sets of questions for each games. If you answer for both sets, inform me in the end of the post, which game would you like to have (if you're fast enough to answer correctly to both sets before anybody else answers :) )


After the winners are clear, I will send license codes private.


So here we go!




Which 5 wrestlers walked out of BHOTWG to create INSPIRE?


Two former DAVE wrestlers decided to wrestle in WEXXW rather than in DAVE when WEXXW and DAVE fell out. What was the name of these wrestlers?


Name 9 wrestlers who graduated from SWF training camp and debuted in SWF december 2005? Which of these wrestlers has been released between 2007 and 2010?





What were the names of the characters of Underwater Union just before they broke up?


Name all 5 wrestler who went to TCW when DAVE folded. Name also all former members of DAVE who went to SWF.


Which new promotions were opened in 2007?


Who has the best facial expressions during matches that you'll ever see in Cornellverse (according to bios)?

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Q1) Jumbo Shrimp, Calamari Kid, Super Starfish & Lobster Warrior

Q2) TCW= Joey Minnesota, Sammy Bach, Eddie Peak, Guide and Scout.

SWF = "Big Cat" Brandon James, Jack Giedroyc, Kurt Laramee, Vengeance and Emma Chase

Q3) Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, Australian Pro Wrestling, European Wrestling All-Stars, Ultimate European Wrestling,

Q4) Tadakuni Toshusai

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Q1) Jumbo Shrimp, Calamari Kid, Super Starfish & Lobster Warrior

Q2) TCW= Joey Minnesota, Sammy Bach, Eddie Peak, Guide and Scout.

SWF = "Big Cat" Brandon James, Jack Giedroyc, Kurt Laramee, Vengeance and Emma Chase

Q3) Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, Australian Pro Wrestling, European Wrestling All-Stars, Ultimate European Wrestling,

Q4) Tadakuni Toshusai


If you can add one promotion to Q3, you will win 2008 for you! :)


EDIT: I Decided to give 2008 for you anyway, so check your private messages for the license number :)

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