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How liberal does BSC circa 2008 need to be?

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I'm currently doing an alternate reality version of BSC for my mod, and I'm going for those days before Charlize left, before The Neptunes were about to jump ship, and when wrestling was still practically non-existent.


With that in mind, how many (and how much) liberal minded people would old BSC need to function? There's a lot of conservativeness in new BSC (Honey Golightly, 100% conservative!), which I'm guessing its a function to drive the promotion in a new direction; one that I'm not trying to replicate.



(I was thinking i could keep the main eventers more on the neutral-conservative side, with the people lower down on the roster more liberal, to drive home the fact that they don't really have much else going for them.. but then I wonder if that'll throw all the popularity out of place over time)

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I don't think it's unable to function right now as is. That is to say, if you plopped BSC now into 2008 CVerse it would more or less be okay even with a few conservative workers. ^_^


Personally, I'd make sure that all the workers whose bios imply they show a lot of skin trend very liberal, and for the rest stick to moderate to slightly liberal. As for Honey, without an explanation for her conservative nature I'd assume she's always been that way as owner, rather than it being a specific recent change in her personality. It doesn't mean she's a republican or anything, just that she is past the days where she is willing to show a lot of skin on camera. Her show girls days are, in essence, behind her.


I'm currently doing an alternate reality version of BSC for my mod, and I'm going for those days before Charlize left, before The Neptunes were about to jump ship, and when wrestling was still practically non-existent.


With that in mind, how many (and how much) liberal minded people would old BSC need to function? There's a lot of conservativeness in new BSC (Honey Golightly, 100% conservative!), which I'm guessing its a function to drive the promotion in a new direction; one that I'm not trying to replicate.



(I was thinking i could keep the main eventers more on the neutral-conservative side, with the people lower down on the roster more liberal, to drive home the fact that they don't really have much else going for them.. but then I wonder if that'll throw all the popularity out of place over time)

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What's wrong with their 2010 personalities? By this point in their lives their personalities are mostly set


I haven't got an issue with their personalities at all.. I just want to make certain that a BSC TEW2008 styled sleaze-fest isn't going to fall on its face with workers refusing to do things or leave the company.


As it sounded in Remi's post about BSC back in the journals, that it was practically a given that the 2010 Neptunes would leave BSC due to their conservativeness.


and 2 years isn't that much of a difference.


Well, the database doesn't always play ball with natural progression. (case in point, Charlize Angelle losing all her wrestling "ability" only two years after deciding to become a manager ;)) Not to mention those who regress in age. Not that I'm complaining, just saying

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I haven't got an issue with their personalities at all.. I just want to make certain that a BSC TEW2008 styled sleaze-fest isn't going to fall on its face with workers refusing to do things or leave the company.


As it sounded in Remi's post about BSC back in the journals, that it was practically a given that the 2010 Neptunes would leave BSC due to their conservativeness.




Well, the database doesn't always play ball with natural progression. (case in point, Charlize Angelle losing all her wrestling "ability" only two years after deciding to become a manager ;)) Not to mention those who regress in age. Not that I'm complaining, just saying


@Liberal/conservative: In my PSW diary, I've got a 7 negotiation and have no problem signing even very conservative people. So far I can get even conservative's to do "high risk" content which off the top of my head is the high end extreme of the eye candy matches. I think they're mostly Average or High risk. Personality definitely comes into play, but there isn't that much difference between neutral and conservative or liberal. There is a difference, but it's not nearly as big a deal as I think you're making it out to be.


@DB progression: The wrestling ability decline is weird. Sometimes workers degrade (charlize for example, Randall the Vandall lost all his wrestling ability from '05 to '07 I believe when he became a ref) meanwhile people like Nemesis and Eric Tyler and Rip Chord still have decent ring stats.


I think it comes down to whether the person is important enough to keep the skills for or not. Someone like Eric Tyler or Rip Chord or even Nemesis are big players in the c-verse. I hate to say it but a piece of glorified eye candy isn't exactly critical to maintain utmost accuracy for ;)


Plus I absolutely hate her picture...she looks stoned or something :D

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Plus I absolutely hate her picture...she looks stoned or something :D


Dude, preaching to the choir on that one :)


Cheers for the info on your experience with it so far. I think I recall reading that there was some modifications of it between the original demo version and now, but haven't had any real hands-on time to test these things out.

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Dude, preaching to the choir on that one :)


Cheers for the info on your experience with it so far. I think I recall reading that there was some modifications of it between the original demo version and now, but haven't had any real hands-on time to test these things out.


Yeah, the initial demo version (not the patched one) had messed up criteria so even Very Liberal personalities wouldn't do risky things. This has since been fixed. It's still a pain to manage though...

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