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XWF Our Story (C-Verse)

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I'm Jack Avatar and I've Owned the Xtreme Wrestling Federation for a while now the purpose for this promotion in the beginning was to have a place were the young talented workers could go with little “Sports Entertainment” and just concentrate on wrestling. Don't get me wrong we have angles and storylines but not as many as TCW, USPW, and SWF we only have about 80% angles. Our main product has pretty much stayed the same over our years with the key features being Modern, Heavy being Traditional, Medium being Mainstream, Realism, Pure, Low being Hardcore, Risque, and comedy, and the rest none.

To give a little history lesson we started off in early 2008 when I had just came off tour in Japan and really liked how they did wrestling over there so I decided that I would start a company from scratch I had nothing but money on my side. I went through all of the things that I needed to do to get us a arena to start off in after a couple weeks I had a place the Ohio Jewish Center. After this it was time to sign talent that's were I ran into my first of many problems as owner of a new different style company in the US. With our product we needed young wrestlers who would could wrestle good and that was actually hard to find because the real good wrestlers were to popular and didn't think that the XWF was big enough for them, with this being said we did find some and our first big signing was Davis Wayne Newton who was not the most popular wrestler but had good skills and the potential to be great. Our most popular signing in the beginning was Grandmaster Phunk who was currently working for NCYW but before that he worked for SWF were gained a little popularity. The signings kept coming and the roster was about complete I signed a guy that I knew did not have a lot of skills at all but I was going to turn him into my project ha you know who it was it was Dusty Bin the guy no one that would make it in the wrestling business but I guess you have to wait and see how or what we did Not just with Dusty but with XWF we were hell bent on making it stay tuned.

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After I got the roster all set up it was time for promoting around the area. This was a joke we had maybe three some what known guys and trying to get a 300 seat place filled was hell I thought I was never going to get this company to work but I realized you have to have a lot of patience to get a local no popularity company of the ground and damn this this was going to take some time and patience. I even went on my brothers radio show and thought that had helped. The first show was schedulled for February, 18th, 2008 with the following roster:


Ace Youngblood

AA Weasel

Barry Kingman

Cameron Vessey

Citizen X

Brady Prince

Dusty Bin

Grandmaster Phunk

The Big Problem



Now you see what I mean when I said I had a hard time promoting this but I know now that you cant expect 1,000 people at your first show when your doing right I mean people don't know me I'm no Sam Strong so my company's gonna go through hard times. Not to say Sam's a bad guy but be real the only reason USPW is not out of business is because of Strong's popularity. My opinion but any ways the first show was about to start I'm in the locker room about to give a speech to my workers when Phunk came up to me with slight smile on his face.


“So I'm in the first championship match this company has seen huh?”


“Yea man, I trust you and X to go out there and put on a good show, but remember man I think you can help get this company to the next level. Call me crazy as hell I know its our first show but this roster has potential man and I need you to kinda be on the look out man you know. Be an assistant to me I'm not talking part owner but just kinda be my eyes and ears.”


“Does that come with a pay raise? I'm just joking playa you got it. And on a note about the roster...Dusty Bin? Ha man no disrespect but really?”


“Every Owner needs a project right? I want to see how we can get Dusty to do good with the fans I mean if T Rex can get over in USPW than hell.”


“Alright man just don't do something stupid just to get him over.”


“Trust me I wont.”


Next: The Pep talk preshow interactions and the show card.

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After we talked I remember the pep talk I gave my guys one of many to come and it went like this


“Guys tonight marks the night of potential phenomenon, each and every one of you can be something huge just promise me you will put XWF before everything in your life except for family and religion. And for some of you that will mean turning down the SWF,TCW,USPW,CGC, and NOBPW. Now look I'm not to good at pep talks but go out there show these 63 people what you got and kick some ass!”


The locker room claps and there were some chuckles when I told them there were just 63 people in attendance but it was all in good fun their was still about thirty minutes until show time so I told the to hang out for twenty more minutes then do a little meet and greet with the crowd just to get the names out there. They chilled for a bit and then Cameron Vessey pulls me to the side to talk.


“Hey Mr. Jack I understand what you were saying about being loyal to XWF but can I still work with MAW? Because Mr. Chord has been a second dad to me since I've been a little boy."


“Oh yea sure, I don't care about the other little feds you know just the feds that I mentioned.”


“Alright, thanks and thanks for giving me a tag title chance tonight."


“No problem buddy you have great potential just don't do nothing to destroy that I've known future Hall Of Immortals that had gone off partying and doing drugs and knocked the way down.”


“You got, trust me I don't do that ****.”


After they went out and signed autographs it was show time here was the card for the night


Ace Youngblood V. Brady Prince

Cameron Vessey and Barry Kingman V. Dusty Bin and Jacob Jett Tag Team Championship

Air Attack Weasle V. Jack Avatar for the XWF Old Glory Championship

Gargantuan V. The Big Problem

Grandmaster Phunk V. Citizen X for the XWF World Heavyweight Champiomship

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Ace Youngblood V. Brady Prince


Cameron Vessey and Barry Kingman V. Dusty Bin and Jacob Jett Tag Team Championship


Air Attack Weasle V. Jack Avatar for the XWF Old Glory Championship


Gargantuan V. The Big Problem


Grandmaster Phunk V. Citizen X for the XWF World Heavyweight Champiomship

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Well as the first show got started the first match was Ace Youngblood Vs. Brady Prince


Match 1: Ace Youngblood V. Brady Prince

This was a good match overall these two guy showed great chemistry and also looked like they had more skills than they do (I know it sounds dumb but it's true.) Youngblood had the crowd behind him the whole way while Prince played the ****y heel to the tee which later would be his gimmick for good. The match pulled a good reaction from the crowd all together and Youngblood won and I'd give the match a rating of C.


After the first match we the tag team championship match.


Match 2: Second Generation Legends (SGL Cameron Vessey and Barry Kingman) V. Bin and Jett

The match was not as good as the first the match but it was alright. Vessey looked very strong in this match and him and Barry Kingman looked like ten year tag partners out there while Bin and Jett were all over the place and to be honest I'm starting to rethink the whole project think that was very bad performance but I want give up yet give him another three months or so. The match was won by SGL when Vessey beat Bin with a Vessey Driver. I'd give the match a rating of D-


After this Grandmaster Phunk came down to the ring with a mic and cut a promo and this is how it went.


Listen here pimps and hoes, the Grandmaster is here and tonight I show you losers here tonight how a real hero does business. Yo X-Man come out here right quick playa.


Citizen X comes down to the ring and grabs a mic.


Listen here “player” my name isn't X-Man my name is Citizen X and tinight I'll let my actions speak more than my words.


X then cracks Grandmaster Phunk in the skulls with the mic to a quite good pop for he being almost unknown in the area the short segment is what the crowd liked and that what we stayed with most of the time I'd give it a rating of C-


After this was my match with Double A


Match 3: Me V. Double A

Good match with nothing really to report here as I was fighting the match Air Attack is a hell of a competitor as it turns out. He ended up winning by pinfall after a low blow.


After my match was Gargantuan and Big Problem


Match 4: Gargantuan V. The Big Problem

This was a very bad match but this was a “Try Out” match of sorts to see how big guys would perform in this kind of product which was what I expected as not to good. But on to the match Gargantuan was just terriable with this product and the fans drawn to the event as they didn't want to see a “Sports Entertainment” big guy go on a twenty match win streak and I noted that and made changes accordingly. Big Promblem wasn't as bad but the fans were more kin of Bin than him so that sould tell you something. Gargantuan won the match I would give the match a rating of E.



Next up after this match was an angle involving Grandmaster Phunk and Citizen X again.


Citizen was on his way down the ramp when Phunk attacked him laying him out then dragging him into the ring. Again this was short and simple enough to keep the fans happy. I'd give it a C-


This was followed by the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship


Main Event: Grandmaster Phunk V. Citizen X

This was match was the second best of the night other than the opening match. Phunk started off very good by throwing the smaller X around the but X came back and fought hard until the but at the end Phunk was to much for X the experience factored in here. The crowd was really behind X in this one and Phunk really got good heat from the crowd this match would be rated a D+ if you ask me.


The show altogether was a success for our first show. Looking back it was critical to learn how things worked the fan base we started with but that wouldn't be the only thing that we learned we learned who was a hard worker and who was lazy it might sound crazy but we can tell by the first show I guess its just the inner booker in me the show all together I would give a D- mostly because of the semi main event we had.

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Well after last nights show I have some major decisions to make, to either change the product or to fire some workers the product is why I started this place so I decided that there was going to have to be let go. I told y'all earlier that you would have to wait and see what would happen with Dusty well not much happened with him he was my first choice to go. I always like to make people think I was going to use Bin in the beginning but anyways I also let go Gargantuan and The Big Problem as they are not suited for the type of style. In a conversation I had with Phunk this morning he said I should take a look at signing some more young guys. I have signed Fumihiro Ota who was a good signing because he has been a top promotion before and can teach a lot of the younger guys how to work better, I also signed Valentine a 21 year old Canadian male who In my opinion great potential for his age. These two guys will debut on next months event. Speaking of that event we will also have a rematch for the XWF World Heavyweight Championship and that is the only thing I'm saying for now.


New Roster Additions


Fumihiro Ota


Leaving Roster

Dusty Bin


The Big Problem

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