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Managing Worker Momentum

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Hi. I apologise if this has been asked before but I didn't see it pop up on the search.


I was wondering how people manage thier worker momentum. Is it better to simply put a worker you want to push up against people with higher momentum or is it more effective to put them into a storyline?


I haven't played any of the prvious versions of TEW so I am a total newb looking for advice. I have a game with ZEN up and running at the moment but after 2 years 4 months I have only gone up one level of importance, so it's fairly obvious I am doing something wrong and having nobody on the 'Hot' list seems a big factor.


Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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I wouldnt be so sure you are doing anything wrong. Its impossible to go beyond cult in Australia unless you changed the importance of a few regions. You basically need to hold 93% cards every single time to achieve and maintain national.


As for answring your momentum question, storylines work and pushing them against others with higher momentum does too, but make sure its not like a D vs B, because you'll end up losing more momentum from the B than you gain from the D. You want your D against a D+ or a C-.


Another thing that works is just putting them in a match with guys with lower momentum and using the domination note. And of course turning a person heel or face successfully also increases momentum.


Im sure someone else can give you bigger hints on this, because while I pay attention to momentum, I often overlook it because when your getting A,B,C matches your momentum will be higher anyway.


I imagine in ZEN the card grades arent that great, but I havent tried.

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The short answer is, being in good segments will increase momentum. Not always by a lot, but it'll get up there. You also have to remember that momentum is relative to popularity, so for a small company like ZEN, C momentum is pretty decent.


Slightly longer, beating people with higher momentum will raise a worker's momentum, while losing to people with lower momentum will lower a worker's momentum. If the match is good, both wrestlers get a momentum boost in addition to whatever else. Appearing in highly rated segments will improve momentum as well, while poorly rated segments will lower momentum.

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