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Why create a Dev. Fed. ?

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I open a developmental and cant get anyone to own it or book it. It seems that if I opened it I should be able to assign a booker. As long as there is booker it should run fine.

Maybe as owner I could have some limited say so. But as of now there is a regional promotion out there that just sits. Seems like a waste of money.

Could a patch alter this somehow or is it way too in depth for a patch?

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It does it's job, but I agree it could be expanded, letting us pick the head booker, setting preferred match-ups like what's currently available for house shows, etc.


I'm happy with it though, I send countless workers down.

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I understand what your saying but I can't do anything with it because the fed has no booker. The fed is just sitting there. If I sent workers down there, they wouldn't develop because the company is basically not running. Why would "invest" in a developmental just to watch it sit unbooked for 2 months. Seems silly.
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Could a patch alter this somehow or is it way too in depth for a patch?


Don't hold your breath for that. It's working as intended. If there are no people in the area the promotion is based in that are qualified to own a promotion of that size with the approximate product you've chosen, it won't get an owner. If it doesn't have an owner, it cannot have a booker (who hires the booker?).


You could try sending someone down who has ownership ability (if the promotion isn't in your home country/region) and hope they take it over since they're now in the area of the promotion.


And workers develop while in development even if the promotion holds no shows. Go check.

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It took me 3 weeks before mine found an owner too. My owner ended up booking too, so it was ok.


I do wish we could staff the place with our own creative team and head trainers (like we could in the earlier TEW). I choose to run my dev fed on tour, figuring the workers would gain experience faster by having more matches.

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Another good idea would be if we could get emails once in while with updates, show results etc.


You get the show results as part of the in-game website. As for getting updates on worker progress, its been suggested and the explanation given was that its essentially too complicated. The game can't tell you when a worker is "ready" to be promoted, because there are far too many factors.

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What game area are you in? What company are you? In small game areas it can take awhile. I would also suggest finding a retired worker or nonwrestler who is unemployed and up his business reputation if it is really low since if there are no owneres with high enough reputation no one will get hired.


There's no reason to install emails, I would not want 10-20 emails updating me on workers. It is very easy to keep track of your workers, on the first of each month just track progress on their popularity and skills and you can easily see the progress (or lack there of) for example I know my guys usually gain 1/3 of a letter grade a month in what their focusing on (on average)

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It took me 3 weeks before mine found an owner too. My owner ended up booking too, so it was ok.


I do wish we could staff the place with our own creative team and head trainers (like we could in the earlier TEW). I choose to run my dev fed on tour, figuring the workers would gain experience faster by having more matches.


You still have to send down a trainer to help development.

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