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Care to help out a fellow GDS member?


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Hey guys


Yepp, it's me. Same guy who did the 9000-verse mod, a bunch of puro picture packs, and so many suggestions on the TEW08 form that I'm surprised it didn't overload.


Well, I've got a summer school report due on Friday. What I need is people to download and test a small game that I coded, and then fill in a survey, saying what they thought about it. I take those results and turn them into graphs and stuff for my report. Simple as that.


So if you've got some time to spare and feel like helping me out (getting the data back in 24 hours would be ideal), that would be more than amazing.


Main Game Files: (you need this to play anything)


Link to game download (requires Winzip)




Crap, sorry guys, totally forgot that it would require Microsoft .Net installed!


Download .Net framework here (Only dl this if the app won't load up. I think .Net is pre-installed with Vista, and 7 anyway?)


Survey Document (you need one of these to give me feedback)


Survey in DOCX format (Grab this if you have Microsoft Word 2003 or higher)


Survey in RTF format (If you don't own Microsoft Word, download this link and then open it in Wordpad)


You can email me the results of your survey as an attachment to Solve12 [AT] murfy.co.nz (details are also repeated at the bottom of the Survey files)

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EDIT: Damn, forgot that this would require the Microsoft .Net framework to run. Have edited the first post to include a dl link. Sorry guys!




Plus, just for the coders in the forum, I'd like to say in my defense that yes, it is large for what it is, and high score text files are pretty crap.. but I also had very little experience coding prior to this, and had to learn most of it on the fly over a period of two weeks. So yeah, I promise I'll do better code next time :p


That said, no punches pulled on the survey. Be brutally honest. My report calls for it.

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