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PhenomenalPat's SHIMMER Cuts

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This is a group of SHIMMER Specific cuts, I like having my roster to have cuts specific to the promotion I'm using. I use TNA and SHIMMER alot, I already did the TNA cuts (You can find them in this mods section) and now I bring you my SHIMMER cuts. If anyone has any requests in regards to SHIMMER additions I'll look into it and try and accommodate your request. This thread will be updated as I find new cuttable pics. Very few SHIMMER girls have pre cut PSDs to find, so most of these I cut myself. Hope you enjoy them:




"Portuguese Princess" Ariel



Leva Bates



Becky Bayless




"Girl Dynamite" Jennifer Blake



Melanie Cruise






Alison Danger



"Death Ray" Sara Del Ray



Kacey Diamond



Madison Eagles



Lexi Fyfe



Daizee Haze






Kimberly Kash



Amazing Kong






Ashley Lane



Lorilee Lee



"Super Hardcore" Lufisto



Mercedes Martinez



"Canadian Ninja" Nicole Mathews



"Everybody's Favorite Girlfriend" Jessie McKay



Cheerleader Melissa



"Your Sole's Tormentor" MsChif



Miss Natural



"Heaven Spelled Backwards" Nevaeh



"SHIMMER's Resident Diva" Amber O'Neal



Penni Lee



"Canadian Ninja" Portia Perez



"The Homewrecker" Rain



Mademoiselle Rachelle



Nikki Roxx



"The Australian Tanker" Kellie Skater



Annie Social



Sassy Stephanie



"Dark Angel" Sarah Stock



Rachael Summerlynn



"Captain" Tenille



Rayna Von Tash



"The Croatian Panther" Wesna Busic




Updates Will come, and omitted roster members will be added

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Do you really need a topic for every promotion's wrestlers you cut? And those pictures are really, really messy.


I agree about the threads, my bad and it won't happen again.


That being said, it's really, really rude to post in someone's thread solely to criticize their work. Saying "Hey, nice effort but such and such cuts could use some cleaning up" would be one thing, that's constructive criticism. But your post was just criticism.

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I agree about the threads, my bad and it won't happen again.


That being said, it's really, really rude to post in someone's thread solely to criticize their work. Saying "Hey, nice effort but such and such cuts could use some cleaning up" would be one thing, that's constructive criticism. But your post was just criticism.


Well, that is the internet world ya know. Luckily I joined it when all there was was chat rooms, AOL, and porn.


Ok, well, AOL died, the others stayed, and anonymous tough guys grew their balls.


Take it from me, I looked at all of those, and I'd only say one needs a small bit of cutting (black/green Kellie Slater. I'd cut off the black on the left side) but, the rest look fine.

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I agree about the threads, my bad and it won't happen again.


That being said, it's really, really rude to post in someone's thread solely to criticize their work. Saying "Hey, nice effort but such and such cuts could use some cleaning up" would be one thing, that's constructive criticism. But your post was just criticism.


Yes, I understand where you are going to, and I apologize. In the Finnish forums the forum culture is a bit different thought ;)


Back to the topic. I understand (I have cut pictures too) if you can't find good source pics, but some of these are very pixeled (I don't know if there is just a slim amount of pics to choose from), and for some degree, I'd definitely recommend you to use the blur tool. Other than that, cool cuts, and may I ask you with what program and tool are you cutting? I always use pen tool.

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ColtCabana: I got the pics from SHIMMER's official website and google image searches. Skater, McKay and Eagles also have a couple on PWWA's official site.


FlameSnoopy: It's fine...thanks for clearing it up and responding maturely to my response. I enjoy this community, didn't want to be received as rude myself or a flamewar going on. I admit some are much more pixalated then I would ever prefer, but I'm a novice really with the program I use and it just wasn't clearing up. I use Adobe Photoshop CS4. I also have Paint Shop Pro 9, but do my cutting in CS4. Two top of the line programs, I'm just not really strong with either. That's why I do these, practice.

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ColtCabana: I got the pics from SHIMMER's official website and google image searches. Skater, McKay and Eagles also have a couple on PWWA's official site.


FlameSnoopy: It's fine...thanks for clearing it up and responding maturely to my response. I enjoy this community, didn't want to be received as rude myself or a flamewar going on. I admit some are much more pixalated then I would ever prefer, but I'm a novice really with the program I use and it just wasn't clearing up. I use Adobe Photoshop CS4. I also have Paint Shop Pro 9, but do my cutting in CS4. Two top of the line programs, I'm just not really strong with either. That's why I do these, practice.


Count this as an advice: When I first learned about pen tool, I cutted bigger pictures as those involved lots of clicks and you really saw the mistakes and had to fix 'em later on. But do what fits you best.

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I totaly agree FlameSnoopy you have a cut tread stuff everything in there instead of using a million topics to post them there are way to many people who does that ot create a new topic just for stupid questions.


on a side note good work on the cuts i personally hate cuts made on promotion logo background.

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