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Owl Mountain Wrestling Federation - a view to a hill in Belgium...

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Early May 2010

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


RG is thinking out loud at his bar.


RG: "I'm should switch a few things around. People really don't like Ultra Fly and Vic Walker, they don't deserve to be that high on the card. And that poor Dutchie Hardwicke ... he needs a new gimmick."

Jimmy: "Hmmm...now you're already talking wrestling. Why don't you give it up?"

RG: "No, I'm getting the hang of this, I think."

Jimmy: "Really? Last time you needed the pool table fixed, a guy started babbling in Swedish and that English bloke's mom drank nearly all of the beer. For free."

RG: "That was Norwegian, Jimmy."






RG goes to the back. Let's have a look at the ads.


"Looking for a show to wrestle. Contact: Wade Orson (Wade Orson@orson.com)"


RG starts typing an e-mail. "Dear Mr. Orton, I run a monthly show in Belgium. I can pay you 100$ + travel expenses. Please contact me as soon as possible".


Two days later an email arrives..."I'll be there. W.O. PS: It's ORSON!"

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May 2010

OWMF Mayhem and Turnmoil

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


Vic Walker vs. Giancarlo Giabroni

Leigh Burton & Gordon Leve vs. Lance Martin & Armand Hardwicke

Table Match : Wade Orson vs. Ultra Fly

Mathias Koskinen vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Aleksander Knyazev vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special match for the OMWF Title: Jason Dempsey vs. The Snowman ©

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Vic Walker vs. Giancarlo Giabroni

Leigh Burton & Gordon Leve vs. Lance Martin & Armand Hardwicke

Table Match : Wade Orson vs. Ultra Fly

Mathias Koskinen vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Aleksander Knyazev vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special match for the OMWF Title: Jason Dempsey vs. The Snowman ©

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OMWF Mayhem and Turnmoil

May 2010

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium




Jimmy runs up to RG at the bar.


Jimmy: "What did you put in your drinks, man?"

RG: "Me, nothing. Hey, it's ordinary Stella. Not Maes or anything."

Jimmy: "I'm seeing double man! And I'm a veteran alcoholic."

RG: "Easy, Jimmy, what's the problem?"

Jimmy: "THAT!"


Jimmy points at Lance Martin, who's talking to...well...another Lance Martin. RG walks up...


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LanceMartin.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/KellyMartin.jpg


RG: "Lance, who is this? Is this some kind of twilight zone?"

LM: "Sorry, it's my twin brother Kelly. I brought him along."

RG: "Twins hey? Hmmm....better that than something bad with my booze."

LM: "What?"

RG: "Uhmm...never mind."

LM: "Look, Kelly's a good wrestler. And seeing you booked me into a tag match, I thought it might be ... interesting ... for the future if my brother was on board. We've worked together for some years and we'll do well."

RG: "Interesting idea. So ... Kenny, same wage as your brother and you're on board."

KM: "It's Kelly."

RG: "Right, Kelly...just don't scare people here."


A handshake seals the deal...




Right...7 people again. The bikers have definitely lost interest, it seems.




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/VicWalker.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg


Dark Match: Giancarlo Giabroni defeated Vic Walker in 7:38 by pinfall with a Milan Arrow


Luckily this was a pre-show match as the crowd really ripped into both these guys. A disjointed match, Giabroni winning with his trademark finisher but at this stage, the careers of both these guys in OMWF look short-lived. Well, and if they can't make it here, ....


Match Rating: F-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LeighBurton.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GordonLeve.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LanceMartin.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/ArmandHardwicke.jpg


Leigh Burton and Gordon Leve defeated Armand Hardwicke and Lance Martin in 8:29 when Gordon Leve defeated Armand Hardwicke by submission with a Double Arm Lock.


Hardwicke debuted with a new "Unlucky guy" gimmick which gave him a bit of a milder crowd reaction. Not much though. Not a bad match at all. Burton and Leve dominated Martin and Hardwicke, Leve getting the finisher on Hardwicke.


Match Rating: E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/WadeOrson.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/UltraFly.jpg


Table Match : Wade Orson defeated Ultra Fly in 7:41 when Ultra Fly was put through a table.


The crowd really doesn't like Ultra Fly which seems to get to him. He looked out of sorts here and he looked tired. Wade Orson didn't mind, he made Fly look good out there, wrestled fluently for a debutant and put Fly through a table with a splash from the top rope. Good debut for Orson. Ultra Fly keeps struggling here.


Match Rating : E-



http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/MathiasKoskinen.jpg (*image credit to I effin rule)


Otto Hammerschmidt defeated Mathias Koskinen in 8:30 by submission with a Boston Crab


What a disappointing match. Despite Koskinen not babbling in Norwegian and Hammerschmidt coming off a good win last month, the crowd just hit the bar at this point. Hammerschmidt won in a very poor match. Just a general lack of action and flow...

Match Rating : F




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/TheSnowman.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/JasonDempsey.jpg


Oops! Mayhem in the pub. Snowman and Dempsey are jawing at each other, Snowman holding a bar stool and Dempsey holding a pool cue. They both threaten to hit eachother till some workers run out to seperate the two. That was quite...exciting.


Angle Rating : D-



http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/AleksanderKnyazev.jpg


Nigel Svensson defeated Aleksander Knyazev in 7:53 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock


Svensson gets an upset victory over Knyazev. Knyazev came out to a neutral reaction from the crowd for the first time. Svensson looked calm and collected as always. These two just don't work well together...Svensson looks for fluent transitions while Knyazev is more of a grappler who then stands around. That didn't go well. Still, Svensson picking up the surprise win out of nowhere when he slapped on his Hyper Extension Arm Lock, this wasn't a bad match.


Match Rating : E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/TheSnowman.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/JasonDempsey.jpg


Jake's Bar Special Match for the OMWF Title: The Snowman defeated Jason Dempsey in 12:15 by submission with a Tongan Death Grip after blatantly cheating. The Snowman makes defence number 4 of his OMWF King of the Hill Title title


The feud between these two continues but it tilts in the favour of The Snowman. Snowman hit Dempsey with a big pool cue shot that left Dempsey a bit dazed throughout the match. Dempsey got his second wind though and powerslammed Snowman on the pool table. He then threw a ball straight between Snowman's eyes. Wonder how Darius scripted that one? Anyway, Dempsey looked on his way to pick up a pinfall victory until Snowman low-blowed him and pulled him face-first into the jackpot. Snowman locked on the Tongan Death Grip on a semi-unconscious Dempsey to pick up the win.

Match Rating : E-

Overal Show Rating: E-

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OMWF No Country For Old Men

June 2010

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


Wade Orson vs. Armand Hardwicke

Mathias Koskinen vs. Gordon Leve vs. Vic Walker

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Giancarlo Giabroni

Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) vs. Ultra Fly and Leigh Burton

Jason Dempsey and Nigel Svensson vs. The Snowman and Aleksander Knyazev

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Wade Orson vs. Armand Hardwicke

Orson dragget Ultra Fly on E- match so he deserves a win here


Mathias Koskinen vs. Gordon Leve vs. Vic Walker

I think that Leve have had best match ratings from these three


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Giancarlo Giabroni

Crowd hate Giabroni so Otto takes a win here


Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) vs. Ultra Fly and Leigh Burton

I go back at predicting Lance Martin to win here since the crowd hates Ultra Fly.


Jason Dempsey and Nigel Svensson vs. The Snowman and Aleksander Knyazev

Snowman have been dominant so far but this is a good opportunity to make Dempsey and Svensson look as a credible contenders by giving them win over champ by pinning his partner.

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Wade Orson vs. Armand Hardwicke

Mathias Koskinen vs. Gordon Leve vs. Vic Walker

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Giancarlo Giabroni

Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) vs. Ultra Fly and Leigh Burton

Jason Dempsey and Nigel Svensson vs. The Snowman and Aleksander Knyazev

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OMWF No Country For Old Men

June 2010

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium




Darius Hughes rushes up to the bar.


DH: "Guv, quickly to the back, you got to see this."

RG: "What? Snowy Bloke causing problems again?"

DH: "No, quick! See for yourself!"




RG rushes to the back and sees Mathias Koskinen, standing on top of a table, just talking and laughing to the locker room.


MK: "La meg forteller du om tiden jeg slo Hulk Hogan!".


The locker room doesn't understand a word what he's saying but he starts flexing and posing and pretending to be Hulk Hogan.


MK: "Jeg punchet ham og jeg sparket ham..."


Again, everyone laughs at the gestures he makes, nobody is sure what he's doing though.


MK: "Og da løfter han hans bein og som jeg faller. En To Tre. Spill Over"


MK falls down and does a prone three count.


Everyone is just laughing, not knowing what they witnessed. But it looked like a laugh. Even Snowman chuckled....




Alright, 8 people attending tonight....see how this one goes.




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/WadeOrson.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/ArmandHardwicke.jpg


Wade Orson defeated Armand Hardwicke in 8:09 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex


Wade Orson continues his good run here, easily beating Armand Hardwicke with the Fisheman's Suplex. Hardwicke's still not liked by our crowd. Hey, he's Dutch so....


Match Rating: F+




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/NigelSvensson.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/JasonDempsey.jpg


Jason Dempsey comes out and calls Nigel Svensson into the ring. Dempsey says he's looking for a partner tonight to fight The Snowman and Aleksander Knyazev and asks Svensson to tag with him. Svensson contemplates for a second but then shakes Dempsey's hand in agreement.


Angle rating: F+



http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GordonLeve.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/MathiasKoskinen.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/VicWalker.jpg


Triangle Match: Gordon Leve defeated Mathias Koskinen and Vic Walker in 8:09 when Gordon Leve defeated Vic Walker by pinfall with a Double Israeli Suplex.


Not a great match. The crowd really dug into Vic Walker from the start and the match looked disjointed. Leve took the pin to a small cheer from the crowd, hitting the Double Isreali Suplex on Vic Walker as Koskinen was knocked outside the ring.

Match Rating: F+




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt defeated Giancarlo Giabroni in 8:12 by pinfall with a Reverse Russian Legsweep


Not a good match. The crowd really don't like either of these two. Hammerschmidt dominated but the people just went to the bar to get a few drinks. Gabrioni hasn't really done well at all, Hammerschmidt is just going along decently. Hammerschmidt dominates but gets nothing from the crowd.

Match Rating: F




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/KellyMartin.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LanceMartin.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LeighBurton.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/UltraFly.jpg


Absolutely Flawless defeated Ultra Fly and Leigh Burton in 8:10 when Kelly Martin defeated Leigh Burton by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage


Absolutely Flawless make a great debut. The two Martins worked together well against the makeshift team of Burton and Ultra Fly. Ultra Fly got his usual bad heat from the crowd, Burton did well but the Martins really did well. Kelly got a surprise pin, using the ropes for leverage for a small upset victory.


Match Rating: E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/NigelSvensson.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/JasonDempsey.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/AleksanderKnyazev.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/TheSnowman.jpg


Jason Dempsey and Nigel Svensson defeated Aleksander Knyazev and The Snowman in 12:18 when Jason Dempsey defeated Aleksander Knyazev by pinfall with a Running Bulldog.


Solid stuff really. The crowd have stopped heckling Snowman and Knyazev and had a good fun brawl. Svensson played the face in peril to perfection, Snowman really going to town on him. He got the hot tag to Dempsey though and he went after Snowman in a big way. The end came when Snowman made a tag to Knyazev, Svensson pulling down the rope causing Snowman to stumble out of the ring and Dempsey hitting the Running Bulldog on the legal man for the pin. Interesting match and it got some cheers.


Match Rating: E

Overal Show Rating: E

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July 2010

OMWF Time of the Season

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


Traingle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke

Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker

Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman ©

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Traingle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Could be either Burton or Leve but my coin says it´s Burton:rolleyes:


Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke

Dempsey seems to be one of your top guys so he should go ovar Hardwicke quite easily


Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker

Flawless victory...well victory anyway


Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Giabroni is another guy that the crowd hates.


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Svensson have been in better matches than Otto so I give him the win here


Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman ©

Knyazev will be just an another victim to Snowman

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Triangle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke

Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker

Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman ©

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Traingle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Fly seems to have th emost upside ATM


Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke

Dempsey for sure coming off the big tag win


Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker


Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Think Giabronni is a stepping stone


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Svensson is getting better, just not there yet


Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman (c

Snowman can't be happy with Knyazev after Dempsey pinned him and will take it out on him here.

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Just gotta say I am loving this! :)



Traingle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke

Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker

Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman ©

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Traingle Match : Gordon Leve vs Leigh Burton vs Ultra Fly

Jason Dempsey vs Armand Hardwicke Dutch Power!!!!!!

Absolutely Flawless (Lance and Kelly Martin) vs. Mathias Koskinen & Vic Walker

Giancarlo Giabronni vs. Wade Orson

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: Aleksander Knyazev vs. The Snowman ©


Liking this so far keeping it short and simple and interesting at the same time kutgw.


PS Dutchies rock Belgians s*ck lolz.

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OMWF Time of the Season

July 2010

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


Holiday period...that's always bad for business. The students are not there. I haven't seen those three bikers in ages. But Jimmy has turned up, reluctantly paying an entrance fee, saying it's for "he might as well pay to see these guys who smash up the bar".




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GordonLeve.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LeighBurton.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/UltraFly.jpg

Pre-show match : Gordon Leve defeated Leigh Burton and Ultra Fly in 8:10 when Gordon Leve defeated Ultra Fly by submission with a Double Arm Lock.


A bit of pre-show practice for the three of them. Leve and Burton did okay and worked hard. The crowd really doesn't like Ultra Fly and it seems his career in OMWF will be short-lived. Leve took the win, making Ultra Fly submit after Burton took a stumble outside.


Match Rating : E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/ArmandHardwicke.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/JasonDempsey.jpg

Jason Dempsey defeated Armand Hardwicke in 8:19 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog


Basically a squash match. Dempsey dominated from the start and Hardwicke never really got a decent move in. An eyerake temporarily stopped Dempsey's momentum but when Hardwicke tried following that up, he was backdropped out of the ring, where he got some vocal abuse from the crowd. The Running Bulldog finished it off.


Match Rating : F+




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/TheSnowman.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/AleksanderKnyazev.jpg


Aleksander Knyazev arrives backstage and is immediately threatened by Snowman who grunts "I lose because you". Knyazev is pinned against a locker room by Snowman but before he can attack, other workers hold him back. Snowman points his finger at Knyazev and grumbles: "you, me, match!".

Angle Rating: E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/KellyMartin.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/LanceMartin.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/VicWalker.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/MathiasKoskinen.jpg


Absolutely Flawless defeated Mathias Koskinen and Vic Walker in 8:28 when Lance Martin defeated Mathias Koskinen by pinfall by using underhanded tactics


Not a great match at all here. The crowd really hates Walker and Kelly Martin looked rusty tonight. Don't know why that is. A pretty even match, Koskinen using a bit of power moves on the Martins but the end came when Lance Martin pinned Koskinen while pulling his tights.

Match Rating: F




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/WadeOrson.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg

Wade Orson defeated Giancarlo Giabroni in 7:48 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Wade Orson scores an upset victory over Giabroni and a well-deserved one to. The Italian isn't liked by the crowd and Orson did really well tonight. He fought and wrestled with skill and passion and hit his finisher nicely.

Match Rating: E-




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg

Nigel Svensson defeated Otto Hammerschmidt in 7:32 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock


Another minor upset. Then perhaps not. Svensson deserves to be rising in the ranks while Hammerschmidt doesn't really connect with this crowd. A decent and even match. Hammerschmidt seemed ready to go for the finisher but Svensson countered in style and slapped on the Hyper Extension Arm Lock. A clean submission victory to celebrate that he signed a new PPA appearance with RoF this month, after being released in January.

Match Rating : E-





http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/TheSnowman.jpg vs http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/AleksanderKnyazev.jpg


Jake's Bar Special Match for the OMWF King of the Hill Title: Snowman defeated Aleksander Knyazev in 11:42 by submission with a Tongan Death Grip. During the match we also had Jason Dempsey distract Snowman. The Snowman makes defence number 5 of his OMWF King of the Hill Title title.


Jason Dempsey once again sit at the bar and pointed at the title belt throughout the match to distract Snowman. Snowman was on a tear though, dominating Knyazev from the start and throwing him all over the place. The Tongan Death Grip once again finished it off, Knyazev fighting hard but passing out in the end. An okay match, a bit disjointed though to be good.

Match Rating : F+


Overal Rating : F+

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August 2010

OMWF Stage Fright

Jake's Bar, Owl Hill, Belgium


Gordon Leve vs. Armand Hardwicke

Mathias Koskinen vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Jason Dempsey vs. Aleksander Knyazev

Absoletely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) vs. Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: The Snowman © vs. Nigel Svensson.

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Gordon Leve vs. Armand Hardwicke Dutch Dominance!

Mathias Koskinen vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Jason Dempsey vs. Aleksander Knyazev

Absoletely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) vs. Leigh Burton & Wade Orson

Jake's Bar Special for the OMWF Title: The Snowman © vs. Nigel Svensson.

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