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An "Idol's" Cuts

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So I have been trying to come up with a new background for cuts.. and this is what I've got..


So far I've only done two cuts on this background but I like how they are turning out..


Alright with that out of the way.. let me know what you guys think!


Alright.. here are a few color variations.. let me know which one looks best or what color I should use(even if it's not one that I've done yet.



































All cuts can be found on my photobucket account.. this includes KYKY backgrounds, my previous Sunburst background, and some red backgrounds I did awhile back..http://s114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/

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I've tried new backgrounds a lot. You have to be willing to do a massive amount of pictures to get people to use it, I'm talking covering the majority of a real world mod. Took me awhile to really get how hard that is.


Personally I really like the red the best. The white-ish one shows every little mistake in a cut. The cuts are of really good quality though, if you can find one lots of people like then you are on to something here.

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Thanks for the feedback.. so far it's..

2 Votes Red

1 Vote White

0 Votes Blue

0 Votes Green


I'll probably let it go until Monday.. until then I will keep cutting pics on all backgrounds.


I'm really into the red & white ones myself.. I think if people are using the default skin the blue would fit best..


And SHaynes I know that it's gonna take alot of work and I have no problem doing so .. it's just finding time to do them.. I've got alot from TNA waiting to be cut on my computer. I will keep updating this and keeping an eye on what people think is best for background wise.

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I updated the original post to show color variations.. feedback would be nice!


EDIT: Also when I get settled on a good background I will be taking requests. I will update the original post again when that time comes.


I honestly do like the different color mod backgrounds like this. A while ago I remember someone doing them with different colors for WWE brands. This is something I really do like the idea of, so I'm not going to choose "ONE", as I thought I would just throw out a little bug in everyone's ear instead, far as what you can do with them in game.


The main reason I like color differentials (Especially easy to spot differences), is because you can use them in different ways in game. Perhaps to show brand split, perhaps to show tag teams, or cruiser divisions, etc. You can even put a different color for "non-wrestler's". What it does for me, is makes me able to go through the roster faster without having to actually "Filter", because they are already bassically filtered by picture, just by sight you know this guy is part of the "X-Division".


Just something I thought I would share for those that might not see a reason to try something different. I often times download different picture mods, just because they are different, then I remember Kyky is my normal worker's, that don't belong to "Special" divisions. Red might be my cruiser's, Blue main eventers, white tag team, etc.


So I guess I'm voting for as many different sets as you feel like doing.

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I never really thought of it that way, I wouldn't mind doing all colors since it really doesn't take me that long.. it'll obviously take longer for a pack to be completed but it wouldn't be hard.


Are there any other colors you think I should add? Like Yellow or Purple or even another color?


EDIT: Here's some examples of Purple & Yellow...




After thinking a little bit.. I am willing to do all six colors.. but once I release them in packs I would either do them separately by color or three colors like Red, White & Blue in one then Green, Purple & Yellow in the other.. let me know what you guys think!

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Hey Tyler, if you want, I'll offer up my png files to you if you want to use them. I have the entire WWE and TNA rosters (as far as I know) plus many other workers.


Also, PPV's TV shows, etc. Basically, all of my cut resource thread, plus some I've done over the last year.


It'd cut down on some time.

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Alright so with the help of FatallyLost I have been able to get alot of cuts done.. Today is Superbowl Sunday so I won't be spending all day doing these..


I'm still taking requests if people want to request anything.. I can even do KYKY if people really want them.. I don't like cutting on KYKY too much due to it being old and it's stale to me now. But I will still cut on it.

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Alright.. Just an update on the progress so far.. I have been strapped for time since I just started a new job.. I work first shift now.. so instead of doing work on pictures before work I tend to spend that time sleeping a little longer than 5 hours. Afternoon's are usually spent with the lady so.. yeah, not much time for pictures.. hopefully tomorrow or this weekend I will be able to get caught up quite a bit on these.. Anyway here is an update as to how much I have done.


Update on Progress...


Logo's - 12

TV Show's - 23

People - 14


After thinking about it .. I am actually going to wait on requests.. since hell I haven't even released a pack yet so people don't know which ones are missing to request.. Maybe I should fully think things out sooner lol.

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Here is a couple cuts of team/group logos.


DX Logo



Straight Edge Society Logo



The Four Horsemen logo



LWO Logo



nWo White



nWo Red


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  • 4 weeks later...

So I know it's been awhile but I've been busy at work.. here is what I have so far all are .zip files.. Feel Free to download...


Random Logos



Promotion Logos



Event Logos



TV Show Logos



Also, now I will be taking requests.. I will be working on getting alot of people done within the next month or so.. whenever I get time before bed I will try to do somewhere between 15-20 people a night.. I will also try to get some done throughout the day..

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