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New worker generation : modifying it after a game has started

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WAAAY too much has been made of this feature though. It generates completley new workers, not people in the database, and most of the workers it generates (in my testing) will need to go to development for a long time (most have F's in performance, only had a few with good entertainment) so if you really want some new workers you are best to just make them yourself or edit the debut dates of preprogrammed workers. The only "cool" thing about the dojos and workers generation is instead of you just randomly entering them they get to come from a special dojo
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WAAAY too much has been made of this feature though. It generates completley new workers, not people in the database, and most of the workers it generates (in my testing) will need to go to development for a long time (most have F's in performance, only had a few with good entertainment) so if you really want some new workers you are best to just make them yourself or edit the debut dates of preprogrammed workers. The only "cool" thing about the dojos and workers generation is instead of you just randomly entering them they get to come from a special dojo


I have had a lot of luck with random workers. I t is especially good for areas that do not receive alot of new workers like Europe and the UK.

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WAAAY too much has been made of this feature though. It generates completley new workers, not people in the database, and most of the workers it generates (in my testing) will need to go to development for a long time (most have F's in performance, only had a few with good entertainment) so if you really want some new workers you are best to just make them yourself or edit the debut dates of preprogrammed workers. The only "cool" thing about the dojos and workers generation is instead of you just randomly entering them they get to come from a special dojo


Which is what I like about generated workers...some amateurs that low level feds could use.

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I think its a fantastic feature! I always set worker generation to high. Ive had pretty good luck myself. In my MOSC game i got one worker with a 91 in entertainment! Granted his performance skills are all 11s. The rest of his stats are decent though.
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I think its a fantastic feature! I always set worker generation to high. Ive had pretty good luck myself. In my MOSC game i got one worker with a 91 in entertainment! Granted his performance skills are all 11s. The rest of his stats are decent though.


Sort of like John Cena entertaining but rubbish in the ring

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It's still considered cool to bash Cena? 2008 called


I rarely have the worker generation turned on at all. Most of the time they're not even good workers and having to assign them a random picture annoys me to no end.


It will always be cool to bash the Quaker Gangsta! Seriously, Cena is the most inexplicably over worker since Road Dogg.

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I did have an epically good random pop up in 07, basically Shawn Michaels with added puro ability and a top-notch attitude.


Inside a year he was pulling Bs and B+s against midcard workers and was in line for a main event push - then 08 came out.


I forgot to turn randoms on in 08 for my diary game, although I did just have a 17 year old announcer with all As pop up quite recently.


I've rectified that for '10 and look forward to seeing what turns up.

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  • 1 month later...

No offense but Cena although not the worlds greatest wrestler, is actually a really cool, down to earth dude. I've spoken with him on more than one occasion and he really is just a nice guy who loves what he does. And unlike many of the other guys who go out there, he really just wants to entertain the fans night after night after night.


And he didn't get inexplicably over, he got over because he put in the time and effort to try. He had at the time no family (although now he is engaged) so really wrestling was his life and he made sure he did what he did as best he could. When he first started to get big I was a Cena hater too. I mean I usually like workrate and he has a long way to go (although watch his earlier stuff and you'll see he has come a long way since then), but I have a lot of respect for him and what he's done and I've actually become sick and tired of all this weird hate on him. A lot of other guys have gotten over with far less talent and its WWE we can't expect the same thing we do from a Japanese promotion or even some of the US indy promotions so I'm pretty happy with Cena now even after my year or twow of hate when he first started to make it big.

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In my created fed game, I had a worker pop up with an A in brawling and B- to C in Technical skills. It's true that his performance skills are D- and E's, but for a regional fed with good workers, he should develop fast.


Good workers can appear, especially from Dojo's. He came out of the DeColt Power House.

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My only problem with random workers is how, well... random they are. Yet predictable.


I can't count how many I've seen pop up who have good brawling and all three technical abilities, yet absolutely NO performance skills (except Consistency, which tends to be good almost always).


And they pop up just as often with awesome entertainment skills as really crappy ones. Hell, some of them end up becoming THE most entertaining worker in the world upon their debut.


Mr. Ryland, if you could possibly tweak how some of this works, someday atleat, I'd be most appreciative.


That said, I DO still like to leave it on, though typically just on Low (for some reason, None seems to actually produce oodles of them. I think its a bug, but I'm sure someone will say "BUT IT'S DOING IT BECAUSE THERE'S NOT ENOUGH WORKERS!" Default database, so not the case.).


They can be amusing, and if you leave autosave off you can re-run the first of the month until one that doesn't have unbelieavable retardly random stats pops up. Then I tend to tweak them a bit myself (since they're rarely "perfect"), give them a backstory, and usually cut a image from WMMA2 to use as their's. Sometimes I give them new names, though I'll usually leave have their real name mentioned in their bio. Not nearly enough of them pop up with "ring names"... heck, haven't seen a single one yet this year!

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And they pop up just as often with awesome entertainment skills as really crappy ones. Hell, some of them end up becoming THE most entertaining worker in the world upon their debut.



the difference between their entertainment skills is very small. So, you will never see another Nomad who has good charisma or acting but poor mic skills

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just wondering


I am actually part way thru the year 2026 and i am just wondering how long it will take to get my first worker from my dojo...


the only new worker that is a wrestler that has popped up in the last 4 years is tommy cornell jr and dang is he awesome :) just hoping to see something come out of mine

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