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NOTBPW: A Fresh Perspective...

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Standing inside the overly large foyer for the corporate offices of NOTBPW was quite an experience. Complete with large fountain, it was what you’d expect from a multi-national corporation’s foyer to be, but it still had this feeling of something truly extraordinary. I’d been here twice before today, but this day would be the day. This would be the day whether or not I’d be hired on as part of the “Booking Committee” of NOTBPW. Sitting across from me was someone else vying for the position, a man by the name of Richard Coleman.


He was far younger then I was, I’d say maybe ten years at least, and from what I’d heard, had really left his mark in a previous interview. That, and being a former talent for the company couldn’t hurt. Apparently he was a rising star in the promotion before a severe concussion sent him into early retirement. Now he’s some kind of horse whisperer in Quebec… Guess whispering at horse’s wasn’t as glamorous as it seemed.


And who am I? My name is Joseph McTaggert. And why am I here? Because I love this business. And I love this promotion. I’ve been a fan of NOTBPW for as long as I can remember. What makes me think I can make a difference as part of this company. It’s simple really, I know what the fans want, and what they want is change. Not too much change of course, but something different, a fresh perspective on a tried, and tested format. And that’s what I plan to bring. Or at least, what I’d presented in my second interview. As it would seem, the afraid to change attitude of Dan Stone Sr. wasn’t opposed to my presentation.


The secretary, I think her name if Maggie, calls for me to head towards the conference room, which is where both my other interviews were held previous to this one. Encased in glass, the conference room was huge, and had a monitor at each chair surrounding a table meant for around 25. Sitting side by side were three men. The foundation of NOTBPW. Dan Stone Sr., who I’d met previously, and respectively, to his right, and left, his son’s Dan Jr., and Jeremy.


I was taken aback by this, considering I’d thought it would just be senior, and I, but it was a welcome change. I could feel their eyes on me as I entered the room, and offered my hand to them. Sitting across from them made me feel small, and insignificant. Albeit, incredibly flabbergasted by the fact that these three men embody the sport of wrestling in Canada, and I’m sitting in the same room with them.


They all asked questions, we went over my proposal, they asked of my experience, and I told them everything, not holding back. To my time as a wrestling fan, to founding a television station in my small township of Nappanee, Ontario. To my ill-fated effort of co-founding my own wrestling promotion that lasted all of about three and a half weeks.


So I’d come to the meeting with a bit of experience in running a promotion, although a very… very… limited experience. It was more a lack of finances, with my investors pulling out due to the fact that they’d had no idea what this business was all about, looking to see some financial turnaround way before it would actually happen.


There’s an unwritten rule in the business world, and I know it very well. Save the best for last, and in this particular situation, being the interview process, I was first. And when I left the office that day, even though I’d thought that it went extremely well, the way they greeted Richard Coleman with open arms really put a damper on my chances of ever being a member of this company. So with my head held high, I walked out looking for my next opportunity, never paying a thought to what had transpired.


That is… Until I received a call that would change my life.

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Main Event

Dan Stone Jr.

Jeremy Stone

Johnny Bloodstone

Sean McFly

Steve DeColt



Canadian Dragon

Dark Angel

Derek Frost

Erick Strong

Harlem Haynes

Harrison Hash

Jason O'Conner

John Maverick

Lord James King

Mighty Cavanagh

Omar Brown

Owen Love

R.K. Hayes

Robbie McNamara

The Natural

Tim Westybrook


Opening Act


Frankie Perez

Julian Watson

Mainstream Hernandez


Women's Division


Kristabel Plum

Lauren Easter


Sally Ann Christianson



Roll Call of Champions


NOTBPW Canadian Champion



Steve DeColt

12/02/09 - Present


NOTBPW Tag Team Champions



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes

09/02/09 - Present


NOTBPW Womens Champion



Kristabel Plum

08/05/09 - Present


NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup



Dark Angel & Harrison Hash

Current Tournament Champions

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“We’d like if you come in tomorrow morning, lets say nine o’clock, just to work out some of the specifics, you know in terms of contract, and what have you.”


“Definitely, nine am, I’ll be there.”


“And Joseph, I just wanted you to know that we really liked what you brought to the table, and I’m hoping to see more of that.”


“No question, sir. That, and more!”


“Joseph… Don’t call me sir. Makes me feel old.”


“No problem Mr. Stone…”


And that was that… I was hired on to be apart of NOTBPW. The smile on my face couldn’t even begin to describe the things that were going on inside my head. I couldn’t wait for the chance to sit down and work out some of the things we’d gone over in the interview. Unless they’d want to go in a different direction altogether. But then why did they choose me over Coleman. Needless to say, I was on cloud nine.


This called for a celebration!


Fifteen minutes later, I’m down the street sitting with my friend Tarquin, and were pounding them back like it’s no tomorrow! Tarquin had been the only investor in my previous attempt at making a splash in this business who’d decided to stick it out. He now was the primary stock holder in my television station in Nappanee. Guess it’s worked out for him.


Sitting there, it had finally hit me at just what has happened. I’m going to live my dream. I’m going to be apart of the art form I love the most, and at the same time, be making a living. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Actually, I could have asked for something more… A ride home. I was smashed…

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As fresh a suit as I could find, a manila folder, a glass of Pur Filter Aqua, and a smile on my face that reeked of rookie. Back in the conference room once again, only this time, the room was near full. Dan Jr., Craig Prince, Tom Townsend, Tom London, myself, and Victoria Stone, all sitting, all waiting for the man himself to walk in. And when he did, the room went silent. You could smell the respect.


“Alright folks, first off I’d like to welcome Mr. Joseph McTaggert to the team. I’m sure you’ve all had a chance to introduce yourself. And I’m also sure that he’s going to make a fine addition to our staff. In front of you, there’s a folder. Open it up, and lets have a read shall we.”


When I’d opened the folder, much to my surprise was the entire mock up of what I’d planned, and presented in my interview. Looks like I’d struck a cord with Senior after all.


“Now I like where this is going, but it definitely needs some tweaking. We’re going to use this as a base for what we want to accomplish over the next little while, and with it being a new year, you all know what that means. Time to set ourselves some goals. I’d just like to thank everyone for the hard work, as we’d reached everything we wanted to do.”


NOTBPW has always been a prosperous promotion, but last year was something of an anomaly. They’d done increasing better last year then they’d done in previous years, all of this with the Canadian economy in the toilet. You could chalk it up to Steve DeColt defecting over, but I think it was more then that.


“I’ve got just one primary goal that we must achieve. It’s very important that we stay financially stable. We can’t fall into debt at any point! This economy is in the dumps right now, and the last thing we need is to bleed money. Other then that, there are a few minor details that I’d like to cover. As per Mr. McTaggert’s mock-ups here, I’d like to focus on what we do best, and that’s wrestling. But I’d be willing to bend in terms of how we produce our shows. Lord knows it’s working for the DeColt’s, so it will work for us. Lets start to factor in some sort of story telling by way of maybe mic promo’s, you know, only with those who are capable. But I don’t want to overall feel to change.”


We must have been in that room for well over two hours. I couldn’t believe just how much detail they go through in this meeting. I did my best to stay quiet, I didn’t want to step on any toes my first week on the job. And then Senior went ahead and ruined those plans…

“I want to see what Mr. McTaggert has got, so you’ll be doing the primary booking this week. You’ll have us to back you, but for the most part, your on your own. Show me why you’re here.”


Fantastic. But he’s right. I need to show him why I’m here, and if taking control is the way to do it, then so be it. It’s only one week, how bad could I do…

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/pwnews2.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="color:Red">!!!NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!!!</span></span></strong></span></p><p> <span>http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/NOTBPW.jpg</span></p><p> <em><strong>Wednesday January 6th 2010</strong></em></p><p><em><strong> Smallwood Field</strong></em></p><p> </p><p> Headlines coming out of the NOTBPW camp today about one, a brand new member of the Booking Committee being assigned, as well as the latest card announced for NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. Dan Stone Jr. will be in action, as well as Jeremy Stone, and former NOTBPW Canadian Champion, Johnny Bloodstone! Be sure to tune in to this weeks show, as it’s a new year for NOTBPW!</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote> <span style="color:White">---</span><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px">Tim Westybrook vs. Owen Love</span><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Brown & Hanyes vs. The Fighting Irish -</span><span style="font-size:8px"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"> NOTBPW Tag Team Championship</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> The Natural vs. Harrison Hash</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> John Maverick & Derek Frost vs. Mighty Cavanaugh & Dark Angel</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px"> Dan Stone Jr. vs. R.K. Hayes</span></p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Tim Westybrook vs.<strong> Owen Love</strong> - Westybrook sucks apart from the good stamina, Love is GODLIKE.</p><p>

<strong>Brown & Hanyes </strong>vs. The Fighting Irish - NOTBPW Tag Team Championship - There are worse teams than the Irish in the CVerse. Just not many.</p><p>

<strong>The Natural</strong> vs. Harrison Hash - Go Blondes.</p><p>

<strong>John Maverick & Derek Frost </strong>vs. Mighty Cavanaugh & Dark Angel - Mav and Angel are excellent, Cavanagh's terrible, Frost has slightly more of an upside. </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Bloodstone </strong>vs. Jeremy Stone - Two of my favourites, but Bloodstone has the better long term prospects. </p><p>

<strong>Dan Stone Jr. </strong>vs. R.K. Hayes - Easy! Easy!</p>

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!!!NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!!!

Sold Out! Live from Smallwood Field

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone

Rated: 89

With this being my first show, and wanting to make a great first impression with Senior, what better way then to have two of the best in the business go head-to-head. And did they ever deliver, to the point where Tom Townsend just could do the match justice with his usually excellent color work. With the contest going 27:56, Johnny Bloodstone was able to shock the crowd by having Jeremy Stone submit to the Bloodstone Mutilation.

Road Agent Notes

The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills. Jeremy Stone is improving in Flying skills.


Enter Steve DeColt

Rated: 84




The lights dim, the strobe kicks in, and the crowd instantly begins to chant just how much they dislike Steve DeColt as he walks to the ring, Canadian Championship over his shoulder. Shrugging off just about every fan that lines the entrance ramp as he makes his way to the ring, he looks to be basking in this reception. Sauntering up the steps, and gingerly stepping through the ropes, he hits the nearest corner, and performs the "GENERIC STEVE DECOLT POSE" much to the fans dismay. Stepping down from the corner, he grabs a microphone from a random stage hand, and waits for a break in the chanting to speak.


"You know... Ever since the very first day I stepped into a NOTBPW ring, you people have done nothing but berate me, and chant obscenities at me, and treat me with the utmost disrespect I've ever received in my career as a professional wrestler. Even though I've spent night in, and night out working my butt off to entertain you."


More chanting ensues, and DeColt just takes it in, almost as if he's feeding off of the hatred.


"You treat me this way, but when guys like Dan Stone... Or Jeremy Stone... Or Dark Angel... Or even Tim god damn Westybrook come out here, you shower them with love, and the respect that you should be giving me. I'm the NOTBPW Canadian Champion. And I did that by being the very best in this company."


With each name he re-sights, the crowd cheers a little louder, making DeColt grimace, but only slightly.


"But out of all the people that you shower with love, of all the people you show constant respect, one man takes the cake. One man gets everything from you people, and what you fail to realise is that he'll never give it back. He'll never perform to the standard that I've performed, he'll never... Ever... Do for you what I do for you, and still... He gets your gifts, your letters, your well wishes... And that man... Is Sean McFly."


Just as he'd said, with the mention of McFly, the crowd pops large. The grimace from before has turned in a bitter distaste.

"Sean McFly, the patriot saint of NOTBPW. Sean McFly, the number one contender for my Canadian Championship. Sean McFly, the guy who wishes he was Steve DeColt..."


The McFly cheers unsurprisingly have returned to DeColt boo's within a matter of seconds.


"And Sean... When I decide that I want to give you your shot at this title, I'm not only going to beat you... I'm going to expose you to these people for what you really are... And that's the glory hog that I've always known you to be. and when the time comes for Sean McFly and I to step into this ring, the only thing that's for certain is that I'm still going to be the NOTBPW Canadian Champion..."


His music blares once again as he drops the mic to a chorus of boo's. Staring into the camera, DeColt is the last thing we see before breaking to commercial.


.:Commercial Break:.

Tim Westybrook vs. Owen Love

Rated: 67

Showcasing the younger talent on the roster was the focal point of this match pitting Tim Westybrook against Owen Love. And I knew that building for the future was necessary considering that a few of our top guys were walking that line between performing, and retirement. And this was my first taste of a disgruntled talent as well, because when I'd spoken with Love about the outcome of the match, he was none to pleased. Never the less, Tim Westybook picked up the victory by way of his TNT Whirlwind at 13:05.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match.


.:Commercial Break:.

NOTBPW Tag Team Championship

The Fighting Irish vs. Haynes & Brown

Rated: 50

Giving a worker, or a team a title shot without much in the way of an explanation isn't usually my style, but being the whole making an impression thing, I thought why not put this match on there. And for what it was, it went over pretty well. The crowd wasn't into it at first, but they came around when Omar Brown secured the victory for his team using the anaconda Vice to make Jason O'Conner tap out at 8:02.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Robbie McNamara is improving in Technical skills. Robbie McNamara is improving in Performance skills. Harlem Haynes is improving in Performance skills.


Harrison Hash vs. The Natural

Rated: 64

Given another opportunity to showcase our younger talent, I decided to go with this match. Knowing that both men were tipped for success, I wasn't sure which one would come out on top. A last minute decision put my trust in the Natural to be the victor, using Nature Calls at 12:37.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The Natural is improving in Performance skills.


.:Commercial Break:.


John Maverick & Derek Frost vs. Dark Angel & Might Cavanaugh

Rated: 45

Your basic build match trying to keep the fans attention that didn't go over very well. Maybe it was the choice of partners. Maybe is what the lack of skill from Mighty Cavanaugh. Maybe it was both. But never the less, Dark Angel picks up the win for his team with the Descent in to Hell at 7:43.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. John Maverick looked good out there. John Maverick is improving in Technical skills. John Maverick is improving in Performance skills. Derek Frost is improving in Flying skills. Derek Frost is improving in Performance skills. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Rumble skills. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Technical skills.


Sean McFly: National Hero!

Rated 66




You want to hear a bunch of screaming 12 year old girls... Search Justin Bieber on YouTube. You want to hear the same effect with a bunch of 20-something men, you watch Sean McFly make his entrance into Smallwood Field. Making his way down the ramp, the quintessential hero slaps hands with everybody he can, contrary to Steve DeColt earlier in the evening. Sliding into the ring, he grabs a mic, looking as though he's got something to get off his chest.


"Earlier tonight... Our Canadian Champion came out here, and told everybody here, and everybody watching at home just how much he should be respected in this industry. And while he's done quite a bit in his career, Steve... Respect isn't given... It's earned. I've earned the respect of these fans, and that's the only reason they give it to me."


McFly chants fill the ringside area as Sean stands dead center in the ring.


"And as far as when you decide to give me my title shot, when that happens, which I'm sure will be pretty soon, I'm going to make good on my chance, and I'm going to take the title from you..."


The same McFly chant drowns the field, and Mcfly continues his speech.

"And Steve, when I become the champion, I'm going to finally restore the honor that belt represents. I'm going to bring back the respect that title deserves, and I'm going to do it for each, and every one of these fans..."


The statement gets the pop it deserves. And then some.

"Steve... I'm waiting... and I'm ready..."


The music starts up again as Sean stands in the same place, and we cut off to commercial.


.:Commercial Break:.


R.K Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Rated: 77

The main event of the evening, and I knew what I had to do, and that's give the ball to Jr. to bring it home. And he did everything he always does. Not taking anything away from R.K Hayes, but Dan Jr was the man in this match, and the fans appreciated the work he'd done. And much like they expected, the Stone Ankle Stretch was used, and caused Hayes to tap out at 23:22.

Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


.:End Of Show:.


Overall Rating: 72

Quick Results

Bloodstone over J Stone

Westybrook over Love

Haynes & Brown over The Fighting Irish

The Natural over Hash

Angel & Cavanaugh over Maverick & Frost

Stone Jr over Hayes



1: Jaded 4/6

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Hot off the heels of my “Be-The-Booker” cherry popping session, I was all smiles. The show went over well, received a decent rating on CBN, and did pretty much what I’d wanted to do. And being that I was with my head in the clouds, I’d hardly noticed all the people giving me the cut eye as I walked through the hallways towards the conference room. Senior was waiting for me, and his expression was far from what I’d expected…


I realised that maybe I was getting a little bit ahead of myself when I’d opened the door to the room to be greeted by the scowl of Dan Sr.


“Were going to need to have a chat Joe…”


There were only two possible follow-ups to that statement. One is that he was letting me go. That’s what I thought was happening. One show out, and I was already fired. I thought the show was great, but by the look on his face, Senior didn’t agree.


“Those were some of the lowest ratings we’ve had in a while…”


I was kind of lost in the words. Here I was a mere five minutes ago thinking that I’d hit a home run in terms of my ability to book a show, and now, the reality was I was being let go. A hard pill to swallow.


“But I will say this, it was a pretty good show overall.”


Finally, a compliment, something to make me fell a little better about myself.


“Not bad for your first time. But it definitely could be better. So that’s why your going to working hand in hand with Mr. Prince from now on.”


I wasn’t getting canned. What a relief. And I’m going to be working with Craig Prince, one of the very best Road Agents in the country. A weight had truly been lifted off my shoulders.


“I want to continue with the formula you’ve got here, and Mr. Prince will tweak it to more so fit what our fans are used too. We want to offer something a little different, yes, but we want to ease them into this change that we’re trying to make.”


Guess he’s just trying to save face with the network. The ratings have to go up from now on, I’m going to make sure it happens. And with Craig working with me, I’m sure they will. At the very least, Senior is still on board with what I’m trying to do.


“Oh, and just a side note, with your background in the world of business, and finance, I’d thought I’d throw a little something else your way. You’ve dealt with contracts before, given you history in television, and I think we need a few new faces to liven up our roster a little bit. I’ve got a meeting with a couple of guys later this week, and I’d like you to sit in with me when we meet with them, more as a crash course on negotiations when it comes to this business. I want to put you in charge of revitalizing the roster…”


This meeting has definitely taken a turn for the better. Here I was thinking that my stamp in wrestling business was over, and now I’m receiving more responsibilities. Time for a game face, because it’s Thursday, which means we’ve only got another six days until I get my second shot…

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Meeting with Craig was a learning curve. He told everything I needed to know in a matter of three sentences.


“One, don’t make it stale. Two, keep the untalented to a minimum. Three, Push the crap out of the boys.”


One was pretty self explanatory, two I guess was a shot at my booking of Cavanaugh. And three looks to be the most important. Push the boys, meaning Jeremy, and Dan Jr.


“Lets work with what you started with last week, and build on that. And lets throw out a few other things as well. I’m happy that Mr. Stone has finally budged on making a few changes to the format of the show. While the wrestling was off the charts, some of the boys just couldn’t get the story right when in the ring. Some of the boys need to rock the mic a bit, and why not, we’ve got some pretty talented guys on the stick. So lets do a little more of that…”


We must have been at it hours before we finalized a card, and a script. I just hope it does better on the tube.


Tim Westybrook vs. R.K Hayes

Jason O’Conner vs. Omar Brown

Owen Love vs. Harrison Hash

Derek Frost vs. Dan Stone Jr

John Maverick vs. Dark Angel

Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Steve DeColt

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Tim Westybrook vs. Owen Love - Westybrook sucks apart from the good stamina, Love is GODLIKE.


Westybrook isn't bad - good brawler, good basics & psychology. But I agree, I would not have picked Westybrook over Owen Love. Shows what we know :eek:


Anyhow - nice start QFresh. Will be following along.

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Westybrook isn't bad - good brawler, good basics & psychology. But I agree, I would not have picked Westybrook over Owen Love. Shows what we know :eek:


Anyhow - nice start QFresh. Will be following along.


Thanks dude, glad your enjoying. It's definitely a gamble with Westybrook, but I've always thought he could be something better. Guess I'll have to see what happens as I go along. I know that Owen is the man, which I why I'm not too worried about him suffering a few defeats here and there.

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Tim Westybrook vs. R.K Hayes - Beating Owen is one thing, but Hayes is like your pinch-main-eventer.

Jason O’Conner vs. Omar Brown - Not a big fan of the Fighting Irish and Omar is actually pretty good. Think you'll setup a tag team feud though, so you need Brown to go down.

Owen Love vs. Harrison Hash - Hash is one of my favorites, but Owen just lost. If you make him lose again, he'll flip a gasket.

Derek Frost vs. Dan Stone Jr - Not even on the same plane of existence.

John Maverick vs. Dark Angel - Maverick is great at putting people over and giving Dark Angel some momentum wouldn't be so bad. Could use him to job to Bloodstone and DeColt then.

Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Steve DeColt - DeColt rules! And I'm just not expecting you to give the big champion a loss this early, even in a tag match (unless you're planning on moving the belt off of him).

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Tim Westybrook vs. R.K Hayes

Can't see Tim getting another against Hayes


Jason O’Conner vs. Omar Brown

I agree this sets up a potential tag feud, but Brown strikes the first blow


Owen Love vs. Harrison Hash

Owen with a tainted victory


Derek Frost vs. Dan Stone Jr

Easy W for Stone


John Maverick vs. Dark Angel

I see Maverick getting this one to draw this out a bit


Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Steve DeColt

Its a DeColt :)

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!!!NOTBPW Championship Wrestling!!!

Sold Out! Live From The Moose Jaw Centre



Canadian Dragon vs. Frankie Perez

Rated: 55

Capitalizing on one of the new faces in NOTBPW, Frankie Perez had it out with Canadian Dragon in what was a great match, but the crowd were just starting to file in, so it didn't get too much attention. Still a great match either way, with Canadian Dragon picking up the win at 6:47 with the Northern Neckbreaker.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Canadian Dragon is improving in Technical skills. Canadian Dragon is improving in Performance skills.


Julian Watson & Flash vs. Erick Strong & Mainstream Hernandez

Rated: 38

Making good on both new signings to NOTBPW, Mainstream Hernandez makes his debut alongside Erick Strong taking on Julian Watson, and Flash in a match that again, was excellent in terms of in-ring action, but as more fans piled in, it didn't get full attention until Erick Strong pins Flash after using the Strong Sault at 8:57.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Flash is improving in Performance skills. Erik Strong is improving in Performance skills.



Derek Frost vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Rated: 76

Much like the week prior, I knew coming out with something strong to catch the fans attention was a must, and who better then to have the golden boy, Dan Stone Jr. in the first match. the crowd ate it up, and Stone picked up the win at 15:22 with the Stone Ankle Stretch.

Road Agent Notes

Dan Stone Jr came out of the match looking good. This match lifted the crowd.


The War Rages On...

Rated: 89



Following the match, the camera cuts to a scene in the back where we find both Johnny Bloodstone, and Jeremy Stone at each others throats. the two continue to brawl in the backstage area, using whatever is in their reach to inflict punishment on one another. Almost immediately, a number of backstage crew members crash the scene to separate the two men, with very little success. They still manage to get to each other, landing one final shot each before finally being pulled apart. A graphic is shown for the tag team main event involving the two before cutting to commercial.


.:Commercial Break:.


Tim Westybrook vs. R.K. Hayes

Rated: 50

I knew the way I'd planned for this match to end wasn't going to very well, but considering what I'd had planned for both men, I made my decision. A terrific match to the finish, and the fans were really into it until the double count out was called at 18:30 in.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The finish to the match didn't go down well at all, the fans hated it. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


Jason O’Conner vs. Omar Brown

Rated: 42

I really thought that putting these two guys in the ring in singles competition would really shine, but the lack of chemistry between the two just dumped all over that plan. An Anaconda Vice later, and Omar Brown is your winner by submission at 8:01.

Road Agent Notes

Jason O'Conner and Omar Brown don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


.:Commercial Break:.


Owen Love vs. Harrison Hash

Rated: 63

Coming of his loss to Tim Westybrook a week before, Owen Love looked to have something to prove, and he did so by putting on what could have been considered a math of the night candidate. And using his Love Gun finisher, Love picks up the win at 13:29.

Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match.


John Maverick vs. Dark Angel

Rated: 71

Having been across from each other in a tag match last week, these two really put it out there for the crowd, and this match had more of the same. The actual wrestling would be hard to top, and the crowd really got into the match, giving this a great feel for a pre-main event match. And much to the surprise of the crowd, John Maverick picked up the win when Dark Angel tapped out to Deadly Silence at 16:14.

Road Agent Notes

John Maverick is improving in Performance skills.


.:Commercial Break:.


Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Steve DeColt

Rated: 80

It was time to bring it home, and finish what would be in my estimation a pretty successful outing on my part. And these four men are the bread and butter of the organization, putting on the best match of the night by far. To the point where once again, Tom Townsend had a difficult time giving the match any sort of justice. Back, and forth all the way through, just as it looked as though Sean McFly had the match in hand, Steve DeColt fires back, hitting the DeColt Stampede to pick up the victory at 28:19.

Road Agent Notes

The match deserved better colour commentary. The DeColt vs McFly storyline has continued with this match. The Bloodstone vs Stone storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Sean McFly is improving in Technical skills. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills. Steve DeColt is improving in Rumble skills. Steve DeColt is improving in Technical skills. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills.


.:End Of Show:.


Overall Rating: 78

Quick Results

Dan Jr. over Frost

Westybrook draws Hayes

Brown over O'Conner

Love over Hash

Maverick over Angel

DeColt/Bloodstone over McFly/Stone



BYU 14 5/6

d_w_w 3/6


Running Totals

BYU 14 5/6

Jaded 4/6

d_w_w 3/6

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This time around, my swagger was non existent walking towards the board room to where previous I’d been ripped a new one by Senior for my “average” first attempt at booking a television show. The eyes that followed my every step didn’t seem as demeaning this time though, which I assume could be a good sign of things to come. Walking into the conference room was a little different on this occasion, because Senior was this time joined by his daughter, Victoria. Her beauty was incredible. Speechless is the phrase that comes to mind, but we’ll dwell on that later. It was all business this time round, and I thought it better to just sit, and take the beating that was on the way.


“Joe, I’ve gotta hand it too you, your twist on things is really receiving a positive reception. I didn’t think it was possible, but these fans are enjoying this style of product. Normally, they’re all about the action, all about the wrestling, but this, what you’ve got going on here with the angles your running, it’s working. So much so, that the ratings are up, which makes me a happy man.”

“Thank you sir. I’m glad I could bring a smile to your face.”


“What did I say about that… Calling me sir?”


“Sorry… Mr. Stone.”

“I do have a problem with whats going on here though Mr. McTaggert.”


It was Victoria speaking for the first time since I think I’d even met her. Her voice was as angelic as her appearance. I tried not to get caught up in her eyes while she was about to drop a bomb on me that I hadn’t realised I missed.


“You’ve yet to utilize our female talent, Mr. McTaggert… Do you mind explaining why that is?”


I was lost. It had never dawned on me that I hadn’t used any of the woman on the roster. I tried to find a way out of it, but there was nothing in my head that sounded even remotely like a strong argument, so I went with the truth.

“It totally slipped my mind. I was so caught up in trying to impress…”


“And you think that the calibre of athletes we have in the Woman’s devision would impress. If anything, they’re just as talented as the male half of this roster, and I think it’s in your best interest to start making it seem as so.”


Even when she was chewing me out, still mesmerizing.


“It won’t happen again, that I assure you of.”


“Give the guy a break Vicki dear, he’s new to the game, and all things aside, he’s not doing too bad, but lets try to address my daughter’s concern promptly, yes?”


“No question sir. It will be done.”


That I was sure of. And just to make sure that it would, I’d already had something in mind. I’d have to run it by Craig to see what he thought.


“Now, I noticed you were able to lock down those two signings I’d asked for. And it looks as though you saved us a little bit of money in the long run. Plus, I was happy with the way they were used. I’d like to see more from them very soon.”


“No question sir, they are both terrific talents, and I want to showcase them as much as possible. And as for Big City Brawl, I’ve spoken with Craig about the card set-up, and I think we’ve got a good one for you. We’ll have to make a few minor adjustments, and then we’ll have it on your desk by tomorrow morning.”


“Make it before you leave here today, I would rather be prepared for a pay per view. Better save then sorry.”


“Will do Mr. Stone. Is that everything for today?”


“For now yes… Remember, before you leave, on my desk.”


“No problem.”


As quickly as I’d come in, I was gone, and I could feel her eyes in the back of my head. But enough of her, stay focused, I’ve got a pay per view to book.

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With Big City Brawl just a few days away, NOTBPW has finalized the action you will see. for a sneak peak of whats to come, have a look down below. Looks like another outstanding outing it on tap from the boys notrth of the border, and we'll be there to capture all the action, and bring it to you live.


NOTBPW Canadian Championship



NOTPBW Canadian Champion Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

Bloodstone/Stone II


Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone



Dark Angel vs John Maverick

Sally Ann Christianson vs Lauren Easter vs Melody - #1 Contendership Match

Erick Strong/Mainstream Hernandez vs The Fighting Irish vs Hanyes/Brown - NOTBPW Tag Team Championship Three Way Dance

Tim Westybrook vs The Natural

Owen Love vs Dan Stone Jr.



Quick Picks

Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone

Dark Angel vs John Maverick

Sally Ann Christianson vs Lauren Easter vs Melody

Strong/Hernandez vs Fighting Irish vs Haynes/Brown

Tim Westybrook vs The Natural

Owen Love vs Dan Stone Jr.

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone

Dark Angel vs John Maverick

Sally Ann Christianson vs Lauren Easter vs Melody

Strong/Hernandez vs Fighting Irish vs Haynes/Brown

Tim Westybrook vs The Natural Westybrook rocks!! One of the best big men around!The Natural is great as well o course especially as he has lost a couple of years.

Owen Love vs Dan Stone Jr.

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!!!NOTBPW Big City Brawl!!!

Sold Out! Live from The Ottawa Rams Stadium



Derek Frost vs. Frankie Perez

Rated: 51

Frankie Perez is really starting to shine in front of the Canadian wrestling audience, and it definitely showed during this match. A pretty good match-up that started to get the crowd going, and may have gone on to long at 8:20 seconds, Derek Frost wins by way of the Snow Plow.

Road Agent Notes

Derek Frost and Frankie Perez have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.



Owen Love vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Rated: 80

You couldn't have asked for anything more from these two fine athletes coming out, and leaving it in the ring. A back and forth contest from the get go, no one was sure what the outcome would be, which really raised the level of excitement. And at 28:24 seconds in, from literally out of no where, Dan Stone Jr applies the Stone Ankle Stretch, causing Owen Love to tap out.

Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Owen Love is improving in Performance skills.


Build Up to the Showdown...

Rated: 66




A video is played featuring Steve DeColt, and Sean McFly, showcasing both men, and their in ring talents. Snippets of both their previous interviews are shown, and highlights from their recent tag team match-up, with the ned of the video being a split screen of both men, and a graphic of the NOTBPW Canadian Championship between them.


Tim Westybrook vs. The Natural

Rated: 80

Having his partner be unsuccessful in the opening contest, The Natural was looking to come out fast, and take a quick victory over Tim Westybrook, but it was not to be. Westybrook answered all of The Natural attacks with an even better counter attack, and a showcase of quality wrestling was put on display. Looking as though it would be another tick in the win column for Westybrook, the Natural fired back with a Nature Calls laying him out flat. Barely being able to slide over to make the cover, he does, and wins the match up at 18:24 seconds.

Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. The Natural is improving in Performance skills.


NOTBPW Tag Team Championship

Erick Strong & Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Fighting Irish vs. Haynes & Brown

Rated: 59

With the Tag Team Championship on the line, and not one, but two teams looking to dethrone Harlem Haynes, and Omar Brown, it didn't look good for the champs. the bulk of the offense in the match came from the young team of Strong, and Hernandez, who really took to the skies in an effort to show off their flashy, high flying offense that took both the champs, and The Fighting Irish to the limit, but one false move from Strong would lead to Omar Brown nearly tearing his head off with a clothesline which would cause them to be the first team eliminated from the match, leaving one more hurdle for the champions to contest with if they wished to retain the titles. Both teams worked hard for each other, going back and forth once again, until it would be Haynes who'd pick up the win over Robbie McNamara to retain the titles for his team at 14:37 seconds in to the contest.

Road Agent Notes

Robbie McNamara seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Omar Brown is improving in Performance skills.


#1 Contendership Match for NOTBPW Womens Championship

Sally Ann Christianson vs. Lauren Easter vs. Melody

Rated: 48

In the second of the two three way dance matches, the Woman's division was in full effect in this match with an opportunity to face Kristabel Plum on the line, and these three ladies didn't disappoint, showing that they are just as good as the male portion of the roster. A solid match all the way round, it would be Melody that would eventually pick up the win, using her Melody Maker finishing move on Lauren Easter as 9:21 second in.

Road Agent Notes

Lauren Easter seemed off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Sally Anne Christianson is improving in Technical skills. Sally Anne Christianson is improving in Performance skills. Melody is improving in Performance skills.


Going Maverick...

Rated: 67



You can call it insult to injury, you can call it sending a message, you can called it just plain under handed, but John Maverick took it upon himself to blatantly attack Dark Angel in the backstage area. Blindsiding Angel from behind, Maverick persisted to decimate Angel with anything he could find, whether it be a steel chair, a broom stick, or even the use of a pan of lasagna... Maverick found a way to use it to his advantage. Finally following the attack, a number of backstage hands were able to take Maverick away from the scene with the damage already being delivered. The match that was scheduled to take place between the two unfortunately due to the attack had to be postponed.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone

Rated: 76



Coming to the ring at this time...


Coming to us from Hampton, New Brunswick...


Weighing in tonight at 183 pounds...


He is a former NOTBPW Canadian Champion...


This is "The Submission Demon"


!Johnny Bloodstone!


--- --- --- --- ---





And his opponent...


Weighing in this evening at 185 pounds...


Born, and raised in Fredricton, New Brunswick...


A four time NOTBPW Canadian Champion...


A member of The Legendary Stone Siblings...


This is...


!Jeremy Stone!


--- --- --- --- ---


This match was everything it was touted to be, and a little bit more, and as much as the crowd was into it, it didn't seem to have that something that their first contest presented. the words wrestling classic are thrown around far too often in this business, but this match was a definite candidate for a true classic. These two athletes are so evenly matched, it wasn't clear at any point who had the upper hand. But it would be a Bloodstone Mutilation that would seal the deal for a second straight time that these two have met in the ring, having Jeremy Stone tap for a second time at 22:31 seconds into the contest.

Road Agent Notes

The match deserved better colour commentary. This match lifted the crowd. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills.


NOTBPW Canadian Championship

Sean McFly vs. Steve DeColt

Rated: 84


This match is scheduled for one fall, with a one hour time limit, and is for The NOTBPW Canadian Championship!




Coming to the ring at this time is the challenger...


Weighing in tonight at 185 pounds...


Coming to us tonight from Grand Rapids, Michigan...


The Master of The Delorian Driver...


This is...


!Sean McFly!


--- --- --- --- ---




And his opponent...


From Campbell River, British Columbia...


Weighing in tonight at 197 pounds...


He is the reigning, and defending NOTBPW Canadian Champion...


This is "The Outsider"...


!Steve DeColt!


--- --- --- --- ---


When you tell Steve DeColt, and Sean McFly to send the fans home happy, that's exactly what they do. The action in the ring was parallel to the crowd reaction outside of it, and it brought that special something to a match that just can't be described. At one point, you could hear over the deafening McFly cheers a smattering of DeColt one's. this match had everything, all the drama you'd expect from a top quality main event match-up. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and the build up to this one made it all the better. Looking like Mcfly would be victorious, and on his way to hitting his Delorian Driver, Steve DeColt somehow managed to reverse it into a DeColt Stampede for the pinfall victory at 27:46 seconds into a phenomenal match to end the show.

Road Agent Notes

Sean McFly and Steve DeColt have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. This match lifted the crowd. Steve DeColt is improving in Rumble skills. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills.


.:End of Show:.


Overall Rating: 75

Quick Results

D Stone Jr over Love

Natural over Westybrook

Haynes/Brown over Strong/Hernandez & Fighting Irish

Melody over Easter & Christianson

Bloodstone over J Stone

DeColt over McFly



Hyde Hill 3/6

Skywalker1976 4/6


Running Totals

BYU 14 5/6

Jaded 4/6

Skywalker1976 4/6

d_w_w 3/6

Hyde Hill 3/6

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally a chance to sit back, and relax. An opportunity to throw my feet up, and take in the sunshine. Shame it’s January, and freezing. And the sunshine is coming through the window, but I’ll take what I can get. The reviews of the show have been phenomenal in my favour, and for the first time since I’ve started my tenure in the company, I think I’m in the good books with Sr. He decided that because of the amount of work I’d been putting in recently, that I needed to take a day to myself.


But all I could think off was the next show. And how to further intensify the battle between Sean McFly, and Steve DeColt. Plus I wanted to see what else I could do with the other guys on the roster. So much for a personal day.


That’s when the phone rang…




“Joseph… I know I said to take a personal day today, but we need you to come in right now!”


“Sure thing sir… I mean Mr. Stone. I’ll be right there.”


I wasn’t sure what was going on, but it seemed to be a little serious by the sound of his voice. As fast as I’d thrown my feet up for a relaxing day, I was out the door, and shooting down the hall to my car. I was positive I didn’t want to miss what was about to go down.

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