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What are the differences between TEW 2005 and TEW 2010?

Guest Psymin1

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Guest Psymin1

Hey guys, I searched the forum and couldn't really find any answers to this. So, I am hoping you can help out. The last TEW game I bought was TEW 2005 back in 06. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but haven't played it in years. Now that TEW 2010 is out and getting very strong reviews, I was wondering if it is really worth the update? Can you point out any major differences (for better of for worse) between TEW 2005 and TEW 2010? Is there a different version between TEW 05 and TEW 10 that is better than the newest one in your opinion? I have just downloaded the demo and am getting ready to try it out, but it has been so long since I have played 05 that I wouldn't be able to notice the differences too much. Anyway, hopefully someone is willing to help, maybe even Adam Ryland himself? Thanks for your time!



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You cannot compare TEW2010 to TEW05. It's like comparing the Model A to a Quattroporte. You might be better served trying the demos for TEW07 and TEW08 before jumping into 2010. I've had a friend describe the difference like this:


TEW05 is Etch-A-Sketch while TEW2010 is 3dsMAX. It's not far from the truth. Coming from 05, you have no idea what 'promotion product' really means, outside of general categories. Everything is significantly more difficult due to increased depth and breadth. That's not something you're likely to pick up on immediately. But, one piece of advice I URGE you to take:


READ THE HELP FILE. Then read it again. Then load up the game......and read it again. You're going to have a million questions from your first month playthrough. I can almost guarantee 999,992 of those questions are answered in the help file. Right now, you know next to nothing about TEW (and that's not an insult, the game has changed and expanded THAT MUCH since 05). The help file will help alleviate that problem. Running through a few games will further help out.

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Enhanced advanced booking.


As of 07 you can select an advance booked match and add it to your card from the booking screen. You don't have to type in/scroll to the wrestler/team names like in 05.


Everything else that's been added since '05, frankly, I could take or leave, but that one change made a good game great.


I would have bought 07 for that alone. Then there was a ton of extra stuff as well (Future workers! Hugh de Aske!). More stuff was added for 08 (B shows! Alter egos! Australia!). Yet more stuff was added for 10 (Masks! Massive user preference customisation! Dirt sheet! More Australia!).


If you're looking for a new game, and you enjoyed 05, then 10 is worth the money.

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I'm jumping in on the comparing something old and/or crappy to something new and great bandwagon!


It's like.... Styrofoam cup and string walkie talkies and one of those huge cell phones from the 80's! That is the comparison which I would make, ONLY because when TEW 2013 comes out I can then continue my comparison by comparing TEW10 (as the big blocky phone from the 80's) to the contemporary cell phone of the day (which will be TEW 13). Planning ahead... YES!

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There is nothing new about the game, nothing has been improved, the game was only released for poops and giggles and all of us on the board hate '10 and only play 05.


Seriously though, new areas, new workers, new storylines, new companies (some gone), the things that bug you in 05 have 99% been in fixed in 10, easier booking, better contracts, promotion wars, development, more alt worker pictures,

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I'm jumping in on the comparing something old and/or crappy to something new and great bandwagon!


It's like.... Styrofoam cup and string walkie talkies and one of those huge cell phones from the 80's! That is the comparison which I would make, ONLY because when TEW 2013 comes out I can then continue my comparison by comparing TEW10 (as the big blocky phone from the 80's) to the contemporary cell phone of the day (which will be TEW 13). Planning ahead... YES!


That's why I said PS2 and not PS3 ;)

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a feature by feature comparison would be far more helpful. I mean tew 05 has a huge featuer the '10 does not have. It's free. So a chart of direct improvements may help some one see why '10 should get their 35 dollars.


Just a thought, that what is being asked for really would be a great marketing service to Adam.

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I think it's funny everyone was jumping on the "can't compare band wagon"... considering the original poster didn't compare any of the games. He just wanted to get a personal opinion on the changes.


This was my useless post of the weekend! :p


And Gillberg is significantly more awesome than Goldberg, so the point stands.


Gillberg owns a squash victory over Matt Hardy. Beat Christian as well. Gotta love Vinnie Mac's booking when all he's trying to do is bury a character that didn't even work for him at the time.

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TEW05 is awesome dont get me wrong, i love the game, i chanted "goldberg" when it came out, it breathed fire, it speared half my undercard and stuned the world with matchs that lasted a whole 3mins of intense action...


And then William Regal came out sometime in febuary 08 and exposed it for everything it was :p


However TEW10 is the the version that shoots on Regal and makes him look weak :p


Protect : Goldberg

Burial : Regal

Decisive Victory: Goldberg

Domination : Goldberg

All Out Match :...................... oh wait that isnt what we all thougth it was for years ... Script Script Script !!!!!!

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ok, wait what is an all out match then?


Read the details of the road agent note when you pick it. And then read the help files. They don't have the answer to your question this time, but any excuse to pimp them out to people is a good enough excuse for me. :)

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Guest Psymin1
Wow, didn't expect such a big response. As weird as some of that was, it was helpful, so thanks everyone! I am trying out the demo now, and I can't imagine I won't be buying. Thanks again!
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