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Okay, i hope you don't mind that the first Thing i do is to start a new Thread.


I just bought TEW10 about a week ago and started to cut Worker Pictures on "my" Background. As always i was annoyed by my Background 2 Days later and created a new one - starting from scratch since i didnt save the cuts without a Background.


To prevent my from doing the same mistake again i only cutted the Pictures als png's with a transparent background and came on here to make a Suggestion to Adam to include png support -which is not possible as i have read at the Suggestions Forum.

Since i'm a lazy person and don't want to put the background on my cuts by hand everytime i want another Background i created a PHP-based tool which does that for me automaticly.


I put a "demo" version of it here if anyone is interested.

Its really really poor programmed at the moment but you can:

- select the background

- put a few Promotion Logos between the Background and your Worker Cut

- put a (ugly) Hall of Immortals Badge above your Worker Cut


The cuts must be 150x150 px and the maximum size is 50 kb.

The Tool automaticly adds borders (i.e. the px black one on kyky) above your worker cuts.


ps: sorry 'bout my english!

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