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Owner Goals or Own The Company?

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I have tried both ways with several different companies.


I find with Performance based companies that having owner goals makes for a better game but with Popularity based companies that the owner goals can make the game very restricted.


I just wondered what most people did?

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in TEW 08 I used to become the owner just because I couldnt sign certain people who were awesome and wouldve improved the promotion.


This time around I've got 2 games going incase I want to switch to have a change from booking sports entertainment or something and I'm using the owner goals on both as it does make the game more interesting and not as easy so it's a good challenge

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for me it depends on the promotion and how it ties in with a realistic concept. In my game, I took over ownership of the TCW because with the financial problems they've had as a backdrop, its feasible that someone new could have purchased it from cornell. I'd be less inclined to takeover as owner with SWF as it doesnt fit the scene well.
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